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Profile Information

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  • Interests
    Bringing my family together, Yoga, rock climbing, snowboarding, surfing, apparently becoming an immigration lawyer (note sarcasm)...

Immigration Info

  • Immigration Status
    Removing Conditions (approved)
  • Place benefits filed at
    California Service Center
  • Local Office
    Reno NV
  • Country
    Costa Rica
  • Our Story
    We met in Tamarindo June of 2008 while I was on vacation. We kept in touch while I was back in the USA and 6 months later I returned to Tamarindo again and this time I stayed a month, at which time we decided that I would just going to stay in Costa Rica and extend my airline ticket out. We traveled around and lived in Quepos for a while before returning and settling down in Tamarindo. Our son was born in October 2009 and we applied for a tourist visa a couple of months later, to which we were denied due to what the embassy called a lack of ties to his country. In April of 2011 I moved back to the states so that I could begin working and be able to sponsor Ruben and we could be a family once again! He finally arrived in October 2012 and life is good!

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