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Immigration Info

  • Immigration Status
    K-1 Visa
  • Place benefits filed at
    Chicago Lockbox
  • Local Office
    Columbus OH
  • Country
    Dominican Republic
  • Our Story
    i met Roberto via internet. we talked for many months. i went to Fla to visit family and flew to Dominicana Rep. to meet Roberto. if you understand the feeling it was butterflies. and he was nervous and such a gentleman, with a rose. we were like two peas on a spoon. i went back again in May 2012 and again in October, we developed a friendship relationship to get to know each other. alot of family interaction, which was blessing. each time i came and left it was difficult to leave. . so we decided that we need to be together permanently. so here we are jumping thru many hoops with the consulant. we talk everyday via celluar , email and text. we looking forward to our day to be married and spend our lives as mr. & mrs.. as you the consulant officers review people everyday of their job. they think before they interv that you are a fraud, so they bring alot of personal feelings to decided our futures. so i pray that i get one that not so contaminated from their jobs.

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