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Michael J

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About Michael J

  • Birthday 03/03/1978

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Immigration Info

  • Immigration Status
    K-1 Visa
  • Place benefits filed at
    Texas Service Center
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  • Our Story
    Cecilia and I met while playing a Facebook game. Out of the blue, I received a friend request from a woman that seemed too good to be true. After finding out it wasn't spam, I accepted.

    In the beginning, we posted randomly on one another's statuses and sent a few flirty messages. Within a couple of months, we began chatting in real time every few days and swapped MSN screen names. Our "twice per week" turned into video chats once we were on MSN.

    After awhile I noticed that I would race home to get to my computer when I knew she was usually there. I later learned that she was doing the exact same thing. We were now talking every night and learned what the other wanted out of life, and what the other wanted out of a relationship. We became the other's "safe place," where we could go after the worst of days and still go to sleep smiling.

    Cecilia told me that she would be out of touch for a couple of weeks while she was on vacation in Canada. She gave me her itinerary and I saw a chance. I decided that I would take the chance and meet her for a weekend in Vancouver. I bought my tickets, booked my hotel, and got my passport. I was finally leaving the US after 32 years.

    Our meeting in Vancouver was right out of a fairy tale. We were incredibly close, never letting the other be long without a loving touch. That weekend ended up changed both of our lives. The words "I adore you" became "I love you." We have been chasing each other around the world ever since.

    Now that we are engaged to be married, I couldn't be happier. I will never forget the sacrifice she is about to make, giving up the life she has known to take a chance on love. We will never forget the pain we are going through being apart. I think it will make us stronger. I have no doubts in my mind that I will spend the rest of my life with the woman that I thought was too good to be true.

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