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(copied from Archived Forums. Credit to: Aussielad)

Ok...here it is, after speaking on the phone for MANY long hours to a consulate official in Sydney, i was given ALL the information needed for the DCF process in Australia.

In turn, i have compiled ALL this information together in a Q & A style to help everyone out and to CLEAR UP ANY confusion or discreptancies that might come up or be debated about. ALL information gathered is straight from the U.S. CONSULATE OFFICIALS mouth who i was on the phone to for a few hours!( and im now bloody broke for the month paying for the call but well worth it! lol) -VERY VALUABLE information.....so here it all is...ready it and enjoy!

Q:Is there any residency requirement for a U.S.C to file DCF in Australia?

A:None, one of very few where the U.S.C. can just fly into Australia and file DCF HOWEVER...it is strongly suggested that as soon as the USC arrives in Australia or even before they arrive by sending in your DS 230 part 1 &2 to open up your case and get a case number (which is explained more below) which you send in with your DS-2001(which is the letter stating you are ready for an interview) or walk in on a thursday( They do walk-ins on Thursdays only) because you never know how long the U.S.C. will be admitted into Australia for. The sooner the better to have enough time to accomplish everything for the DCF process.

Q:Do we HAVE to be married in Australia in order to file DCF?

A:NO...you dont have to be married in Australia to be able to file DCF. You can be married in the U.S. or U.S. territories, Australia or ANYWHERE in the world...even Japan if ya want to!. so long as you bring your MARRIAGE LICENCE/MARRIAGE CERTIFICATE with you. The Australian will have to prove Residency in Australia by citizenship(passport) or if they are an immigrant to Australia,an Australian residency card.

Q:Walk-ins on Thursdays???

A: Yes, they do walk-ins on THURSDAYS ONLY or, if you want to sumbit EVERYTING in 1 day AND have the interview, submit the DS-2001 before-hand and they'll work out a date for you,so you can arrive and file everything in one day and have the interview if they dont have a date for the one you want, they'll get the next closet for you.

Q: What is the disadvantage of doing it on a Thursday for the "walk-in"

A: Doing this, you will only be able to file the I-130 and G-325A x2 on the day which will BOTH be adjudicated on the spot. if they are approved, you will get a case number which will open up your case, and enable you to go get your medical done, If you ARENT from Sydney and your from other states, the disadvantage is hanging around the Sydney area for the next 3-5 weeks getting everything done (unless you have alot of money to be able to do it or know someone you can stay with) which is why it is better to file everything all at once on the day.

Q: How long will i have to wait until i get an interview???

A: Between 3-5 weeks.

Q:How can i begin to apply early/ open up my case before the U.S.C. arrives to start the DCF process because we dont want to do a "walk-in" on a Thursday?

A: Call the U.S. consulate 1902-941641 and you will be put onto a consulate official. Ask that you would like the I-130 Packets sent along with Packet 3 sent to your house.....this is what it will contain and what it ENABLES you to do to start it all off and get a case number which they in turn, will be able to refer to.

-I-130 Petition

-G-325-A x2 copies

-I-864 x1 (you will get another one if you need a joint sponsor)

-DS-230 part 1 and part 2

IMPORTANT!!!: To have your case opened up early before your U.S. spouse gets to Australia, you will need to send back the DS-230 part 1 AND part 2 with the DS-230 part 1 you are to SIGN AND DATE it. HOWEVER DO NOT sign and date the DS-230 part 2 (you will do that at the interview sworn under oath in front of the u.s. consulate official.

Doing this ENABLES you do OPEN up your case, so you can get a CASE NUMBER to be able to go get your MEDICAL done because you WONT be allowed to get your medical done without a case number, THIS is if you wish to do EVERYTHING in one day instead of the "walk-in" on a Thursday, you can go get your medical done and the doctor will send it back to the consulate so it is already there in your "file" with your "case number" send your DS-2001 ( letter stating you are ready for your interview) and you will get an interview date set.

Q: How long is the medical results/police certificate good for after i get them???

A: They are both good for 12 months from the day they are issued to you (there should be a date on them stating when they were issued to you)

Q: What type of Police certificate do i need?? with or without fingerprints???

A: You will need one WITH fingerprints. Depending on what state you live in...some will mail them to your house while others will send them direct to the consulate.

Q: Well what is the address to send in the DS-2001/DS-230 part 1 and 2 to?

A: Send your packet back here to this address.....

U.S. Consulate Sydney-IV Immigrant Visas

Level 59 19-29 Martin Place

Sydney, NSW


If you are filing EVERYTHING on the one day,...they will send you a letter with an interview date where they will already have the police certificate/medical and you will be required to bring all other documents as mentioned below. upon arrival you wil go through the security checks, take a ticket and line up, you will then be called up for an interview where they will go through your I-130,G-325A x2 and the I-864 along with letters,emails,phone bills,photos etc, etc etc and adjudicate it on the spot.

Q: What will i need to bring to the interview???

A: They will send a letter with the required documents that you will need to bring with you, but here is what usually is required. You will need to bring the following to the interview.......

I-130 petition

G-325-A x2

I-864 x1 (or 2 if you are having a joint sponsor) AND notorized!!!

Police record (if it already wasnt sent there by the police in your area)


Passport photos adit style FRONT face adit style.

Phone bills,letters,emails,photos of you and the U.S.C together,marriage certificate/licence (where you were married) divorce certificates/death certificates, police records (if you have any prior convictions)

Q: Bank statements??,..tax returns what happens if the U.S.C. only has 1-2 tax returns?

A: If the U.S.C only has 1-2 years worth of tax returns the U.S.C will have to write a stat declaration stating WHY there is only 1-2 years and not 3 (maybe they were in school, or decided not to work that year etc etc) IF you are having a joint sponsor it will be the same deal if you have the 3 years but the sponsor only has 1-2. visa-versa situation.

Bank statements.....that is at the consulates discretion if they decide they do/dont look at that, depends on who you get. but the U.S.C. is still required to bring it. The consulate officials are more interested to see the tax returns from the U.S.C. and your sponsor (IF you are using a sponsor) to make sure you dont become a public charge and become welfare-dependant.

Q: What documents have to be notorized??

A: The I-864 has to be notorized and other adjoining documents such as tax returns etc, etc (only the front of the I-864 needs to be notorized)

Q:What about photcopies what use will they be in the DCF process???

A: None, why? because your filing DCF so your filing ALL ORIGINALS with them...henceforth why its called "DCF".Direct-Consulate-Filing. HOWEVER make another entire packet up of photocopies for yourself because you never know what can happen, bring it along with you to your interview aswell.

Q: How much is the DCF process going to cost me after all is said and done?

A: Around $1,500 U.S. Dollars for all the paperwork, visa,medical,vaccinations etc,etc etc. (that is to be on the SAFE SIDE why??? because at ANY given time, the prices can go up with very little or NO notice.)

eg story: "John doe and Jane doe go to file DCF at sydney consulate, John goes to pay $$$ amount of dollars for the immigrant visa...the consulate official turns and ses "sir you dont have enough, the price of immigrant visas have gone up, you are $$$$ short....we CAN NOT issue you your visa until the amount is paid in full.

.........dont get caught out bring enough.

(personal expenses whilst down there in hotels etc, etc will of course be more) they accept U.S. Currency (Avoid $100 Bills if possible, why...i dont know, thats just what the consulate official told me) and they also accept credit cards/debit cards.

Q: What happens if we are denied the visa???

A: Very rarely is anyone denied an immigrant visa in Australia by way of marriage to a U.S.C. hardly never at all (as the consulate offical told me) what usually happens is they are missing documents such as divorce certificates, birth certificates, or other documents. What will happen is that they will "approve" you for the visa....HOWEVER will NOT be able to issue it to you until you send in the necessary documents they require, then you can walk-in to pick up your visa or if you live out of state, they will mail it to you.

Remember...."failing to plan is planning to fail" so dont procastinate, be well prepared.

I think thats about all i can think of for now...i hope this helps everyone out in the DCF process....good luck to everyone.

Aussiewench: Any confirmed changes to the above procedures please let me know so I can update.

Edited by aussiewench

You can find me on FBI

An overview of Security Name Checks And Administrative Review at Service Center, NVC & Consulate levels.

Detailed Review USCIS Alien Security Checks



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I am but a wench not a lawyer. My advice and opinion is just that. I read, I research, I learn.

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Filed: K-3 Visa Country: Russia


The pay number 1902-941641 is no longer used to get a document package.

Instead you should write a request by e-mail to SydneyIV@state.gov and they will mail it to you.

Whissh is better, because does not cost you anything.

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Filed: K-3 Visa Country: Russia

Another important change for people who do not live in NSW:

You now need to send not only DS-2001/DS-230 part 1 and 2 tbut also full I-864 package in order to get an interview.

Signature on I-864 Affidavit of Support sould be notarized in official Notary Public office but noyhing else need to be notirized. Also i was adviced that letter from employer to verify employment may be faxed directly to the Consulate instead of submitted with your application.

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  • 2 months later...
Filed: Country: Australia

Anybody want to change this post? So that anybody new that comes along, doesn't get thrown off?

04 January 2004 : Met Stephanie in Las Vegas.

15 May 2006 : Joined visajourney

16 September 2006: Got married in Las Vegas.

03 October 2006 : Stephanie applies for certificate of name change.

12 October 2006 : Stephanie recieved certificate of name change.

16 October 2006 : Stephanie applies for NPC, recieves a couple weeks later.

29 November 2006 : Arrived in Sydney, stayed in 4Points Sheraton Darling Harbor.

30 November 2006 : DCF. Submitted I-130 Sydney US Consulate "walk-in Thursday". Packet 3 in hand.

11 December 2006 : Final Medical Appointment with Dr Miller and immunizations. Approved.

11 December 2006 : Sent off DS-230 Parts I and II, and DS-2001 overnight priority.

27 December 2006 : Received RFE in the mail, returned RFE same day.

24 January 2007 : New Legislation preventing approvals of I-130s at Consulate.

30 January 2007 : Final Visa Interview in Sydney.

22 February 2007: Sydney called for my wife to send her passport to issue the visa.

04 March 2007: Stephanie flies back to Australia to post her passport.

14 March 2007: Stephanie Recieves passport and visa.

18 March 2007: Stephanie is in Florida. Journey is over.

30 March 2007: Stephanie gets Social Security Card.

02 April 2007: Stephanie gets Green Card.

"what happens in Vegas, doesn't always stay in Vegas" - david

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Anybody want to change this post? So that anybody new that comes along, doesn't get thrown off?

If someone doing DCF can write me up a new one and PM it to me.......I can edit the first post.

You can find me on FBI

An overview of Security Name Checks And Administrative Review at Service Center, NVC & Consulate levels.

Detailed Review USCIS Alien Security Checks



View Timeline HERE

I am but a wench not a lawyer. My advice and opinion is just that. I read, I research, I learn.

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  • 1 month later...
Filed: Country: Australia

Hi guys,

I am going through the process now and a LOT of things have changed, I currently live in Brisbane with my Aussie hubbie and we just sent in the DS 2001 last week so I plan on making a final checklist after we get through the interview.

If anyone has any direct questions in the meantime, email directly which you are able to do through the site.



Anybody want to change this post? So that anybody new that comes along, doesn't get thrown off?
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Here’s the run-down on the new DCF process in Australia.

The main difference is that now, you can’t start the DCF process until AFTER you’re married. There are also a few other minor changes which I’ll outline below. You can also find most of this information here: http://sydney.usconsulate.gov/consular/Pet...nstructions.pdf

1) Filing the petition

Once you’re married, the US citizen spouse can file the I-130 petition in Australia. The list of forms and documents you need can be found in the above pdf file. In short, this is what you need:

• Application fee

• I-130

• Original certificate of marriage and one photocopy (note this is a big change to the past – the unofficial marriage certificate you receive on the wedding day is no longer sufficient)

• Evidence of name changes and termination of prior marriages, if applicable (plus one photocopy)

• Sponsor’s US passport and one photocopy

• 2 x form G-325A

• Passport photos

• Evidence of relationship

There’s one thing I’m not sure of. In the past, I understand that if the applicant was a resident of NSW or ACT, the I-864 affidavit of support had to be filed with the I-130. We’ve been told by the Consulate that we should not file the I-864 with the I-130, but must be brought by me to my final interview. I’m not sure if this is because I’m from Victoria, or whether this process now applies to all visa applicants. I think it’s the latter, but if anyone knows this, please let us know!

The requirements for filing the I-130 are different depending on what state you live in:

a) NSW, ACT, Qld

If you live in one of these states, the US petitioner must file I-130 at the US Consulate in Sydney, doing a walk-in on Thursdays between 8am and 12noon. It seems like you can’t set up an appointment – you have to do the walk-in.

B) Victoria, SA, NT, Tasmania

If you live in one of these states, the US petitioner must file the I-130 at the US Consulate in Melbourne. You can’t do a walk-in – you must make an appointment in advance. The email address to do so is: melbourneNIV@state.gov

Note that once the I-30 is filed, it is forwarded to Sydney, and the visa applicant still has to go to Sydney for the final interview.

c) WA

If you live in WA, the US petitioner must file the I-130 at the US Consulate in Perth, doing a walk-in Monday to Thursday, between 8.30am and 11.30am.

Like Melbourne, the I-130 is then forwarded to Sydney, and the visa applicant still has to go to Sydney for the interview.

2) Receiving “packet 3”

Unless you’re lucky enough to have already got packet 3 from Sydney before they implemented the new process, you now have to wait until after the I-130 is filed before they’ll send it to you.

So after the I-130 is filed in Sydney, or forwarded to Sydney by the other state consulates, Sydney will send automatically send packet 3 to the visa applicant. This should include the forms DS-230 Parts 1 and 2, forms to obtain your medical, information about the police check, and the DS-2001 to send in once you’re ready for interview.

Once you receive packet 3, you should immediately return forms DS-230 Parts 1 and 2 to Sydney.

Next, once you’ve had your medical and received your police check, you can then send in form DS-2001 to Sydney letting them know you’re ready for your interview. I understand you can expect an interview date about 4 weeks from sending in the DS-2001, but I can’t confirm this – perhaps we’ll find out as the first people go through the new system. I’ll let you know what happens to me when we send in our forms in October!

(Note: if you want to speed the process up, you could always obtain the police check before you receive packet 3, as they can sometimes take a while to receive).

3) The interview

When you go to Sydney for the interview, you will need:

• Police certificate

• Medical

• I-864 and accompanying documents (again, you should check this if you’re from NSW or ACT). Note, this no longer needs to be notarized.

• Birth certificate

• Evidence of relationship

Let me know if I’ve missed something!

4) Sidenote: if you’ve already received packet 3

This is the situation we’re in. The Sydney Consulate has told us that what we can go ahead and send in the DS-230 parts 1 and 2 now, and the DS-2001 once I’ve got my medical and sort out the police check. My partner will then file the I-130 after our wedding, and they’ll give us the first available interview date given they should have all our forms by that point. If anyone else is in this boat, let me know if you want any further information about this.

So that’s the process in a nutshell. If anyone wants to add more information from their own experience, please feel free!

30 June 2006 - received packet 3 from Sydney Consulate to do DCF

July 2006 - discover Sydney are changing their DCF process

8 September 2006 - have fingerprints taken, post police check form to AFP

12 September 2006 - medical

21 September 2006 - receive police check from AFP

23 September 2006 - wedding day!

12 October 2006 - hubby files I-130 in Sydney during Thursday walk-in (and I-864). I file DS-230 parts 1 and 2, and DS-2001.

31 October 2006 - interview date... and I'm approved!

1 November 2006 - pick-up visa from Sydney Consulate

14 November 2006 - arrive in the US!

22 November 2006 - greencard arrives in mail

24 November 2006 - social security card and welcome letter arrive

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Wouldn't you know it... as soon as I got around to posting the new information, we received some further information from the Consulate... (I can't figure out how to edit my old post, so I'm putting it here -- sorry for the confusion).

Basically, everyone now has the option of doing a walk-in on Thursdays in Sydney to file the I-130, not just those who live in NSW, ACT and QLD. So, if you live in Melbourne, you can either make an appointment to file through Melbourne, OR do a walk-in in Sydney.

I'm attaching the new document they sent us outlining these changes.

We also got some more information about filing in Melbourne. Apparently, they only set aside one day a month to file the I-130s. We wanted to file in early October, but they are only accepting petitions on 25 October. So looks like we'll be doing a Sydney walk-in instead!


30 June 2006 - received packet 3 from Sydney Consulate to do DCF

July 2006 - discover Sydney are changing their DCF process

8 September 2006 - have fingerprints taken, post police check form to AFP

12 September 2006 - medical

21 September 2006 - receive police check from AFP

23 September 2006 - wedding day!

12 October 2006 - hubby files I-130 in Sydney during Thursday walk-in (and I-864). I file DS-230 parts 1 and 2, and DS-2001.

31 October 2006 - interview date... and I'm approved!

1 November 2006 - pick-up visa from Sydney Consulate

14 November 2006 - arrive in the US!

22 November 2006 - greencard arrives in mail

24 November 2006 - social security card and welcome letter arrive

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  • 4 weeks later...

Here is a really good link for how to get started in Australia.


Hi there,

Did Sydney advise you that even though you live in Victoria ( I am assuming you do) you can do a walk in. Because, it says in their instructions -

"Visa applicants residing in the above-mentioned states come under the

consular jurisdiction of the U.S. Consulate General in Melbourne for filing

and approval of I-130 petitions. The petitioner must personally file the

petition with the Consulate at Melbourne. Please e-mail the Melbourne

Consulate at MelbourneNIV@state.gov for an appointment to lodge the

I-130 petition."

I am also considering DCF but want to know all my options here.

11-05-06 Sent I-130 to California

06-01-07 INTERVIEW

06-04-07 Received VISA in the mail. Silly Consulate issued me CR-1 instead of IR-1, no time to change it in Australia, will try to change it once in California.

06-10-07 POE SFO

06-21-07 Receive SSN#

07-12-07 Receive Green Card in the mail STILL HAD CR1 INSTEAD OF IR1

12-10-07 Finally sent I-90 asking for a new green card with correct info.

06-17-08 INFOPASS - Was told USCIS sent new green card to old address back in Jan. Will resend it but may not be able to correct error as it was made by Consulate not USCIS.

What to do now??

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Filed: Country: Australia
Here is a really good link for how to get started in Australia.


Hi there,

Did Sydney advise you that even though you live in Victoria ( I am assuming you do) you can do a walk in. Because, it says in their instructions -

"Visa applicants residing in the above-mentioned states come under the

consular jurisdiction of the U.S. Consulate General in Melbourne for filing

and approval of I-130 petitions. The petitioner must personally file the

petition with the Consulate at Melbourne. Please e-mail the Melbourne

Consulate at MelbourneNIV@state.gov for an appointment to lodge the

I-130 petition."

I am also considering DCF but want to know all my options here.

I'm glad you are on here... there have been many changes within the past 6 months and many of us DCF'ing in Australia are much aware of these new changes, thanks to everyone here! Have a look at these links...



04 January 2004 : Met Stephanie in Las Vegas.

15 May 2006 : Joined visajourney

16 September 2006: Got married in Las Vegas.

03 October 2006 : Stephanie applies for certificate of name change.

12 October 2006 : Stephanie recieved certificate of name change.

16 October 2006 : Stephanie applies for NPC, recieves a couple weeks later.

29 November 2006 : Arrived in Sydney, stayed in 4Points Sheraton Darling Harbor.

30 November 2006 : DCF. Submitted I-130 Sydney US Consulate "walk-in Thursday". Packet 3 in hand.

11 December 2006 : Final Medical Appointment with Dr Miller and immunizations. Approved.

11 December 2006 : Sent off DS-230 Parts I and II, and DS-2001 overnight priority.

27 December 2006 : Received RFE in the mail, returned RFE same day.

24 January 2007 : New Legislation preventing approvals of I-130s at Consulate.

30 January 2007 : Final Visa Interview in Sydney.

22 February 2007: Sydney called for my wife to send her passport to issue the visa.

04 March 2007: Stephanie flies back to Australia to post her passport.

14 March 2007: Stephanie Recieves passport and visa.

18 March 2007: Stephanie is in Florida. Journey is over.

30 March 2007: Stephanie gets Social Security Card.

02 April 2007: Stephanie gets Green Card.

"what happens in Vegas, doesn't always stay in Vegas" - david

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Here is a really good link for how to get started in Australia.


Hi there,

Did Sydney advise you that even though you live in Victoria ( I am assuming you do) you can do a walk in. Because, it says in their instructions -

"Visa applicants residing in the above-mentioned states come under the

consular jurisdiction of the U.S. Consulate General in Melbourne for filing

and approval of I-130 petitions. The petitioner must personally file the

petition with the Consulate at Melbourne. Please e-mail the Melbourne

Consulate at MelbourneNIV@state.gov for an appointment to lodge the

I-130 petition."

I am also considering DCF but want to know all my options here.

Hi hollywood79

There is a more recent version of the instructions that the Consulate mailed to me, that states that if you live in Melbourne, you can either file in Melbourne OR do a walk-in in Sydney. If you email the Consulate for the instructions, I'm sure they'll send them to you -- they're quite helpful (apart from changing their mind frequently about how things are now working!)

30 June 2006 - received packet 3 from Sydney Consulate to do DCF

July 2006 - discover Sydney are changing their DCF process

8 September 2006 - have fingerprints taken, post police check form to AFP

12 September 2006 - medical

21 September 2006 - receive police check from AFP

23 September 2006 - wedding day!

12 October 2006 - hubby files I-130 in Sydney during Thursday walk-in (and I-864). I file DS-230 parts 1 and 2, and DS-2001.

31 October 2006 - interview date... and I'm approved!

1 November 2006 - pick-up visa from Sydney Consulate

14 November 2006 - arrive in the US!

22 November 2006 - greencard arrives in mail

24 November 2006 - social security card and welcome letter arrive

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Filed: Country: United Kingdom

So who is going to write the new Australia DCF Guide??? :)

Now That You Are A Permanent Resident

How Do I Remove The Conditions On Permanent Residence Based On Marriage?

Welcome to the United States: A Guide For New Immigrants

Yes, even this last one.. stuff in there that not even your USC knows.....

Here are more links that I love:

Arriving in America, The POE Drill

Dual Citizenship FAQ

Other Fora I Post To:

alt.visa.us.marriage-based http://britishexpats.com/ and www.***removed***.com

censored link = *family based immigration* website

Inertia. Is that the Greek god of 'can't be bothered'?

Met, married, immigrated, naturalized.

I-130 filed Aug02

USC Jul06

No Deje Piedras Sobre El Pavimento!

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So who is going to write the new Australia DCF Guide??? :)

I wrote one which is in this thread above.

Postscript for hollywood 79 -- if you see post 8 above, I actually attached the amended instructions which you can download from there (I forgot I'd done this!)

30 June 2006 - received packet 3 from Sydney Consulate to do DCF

July 2006 - discover Sydney are changing their DCF process

8 September 2006 - have fingerprints taken, post police check form to AFP

12 September 2006 - medical

21 September 2006 - receive police check from AFP

23 September 2006 - wedding day!

12 October 2006 - hubby files I-130 in Sydney during Thursday walk-in (and I-864). I file DS-230 parts 1 and 2, and DS-2001.

31 October 2006 - interview date... and I'm approved!

1 November 2006 - pick-up visa from Sydney Consulate

14 November 2006 - arrive in the US!

22 November 2006 - greencard arrives in mail

24 November 2006 - social security card and welcome letter arrive

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  • 4 weeks later...
Filed: Country: United Kingdom
Hi All,

After being married and almost at our 2 yr date, can someone direct me to where i can go for the next step? i know we still need to file more paper work, but unsure where and what.


What's your current status & location?

Now That You Are A Permanent Resident

How Do I Remove The Conditions On Permanent Residence Based On Marriage?

Welcome to the United States: A Guide For New Immigrants

Yes, even this last one.. stuff in there that not even your USC knows.....

Here are more links that I love:

Arriving in America, The POE Drill

Dual Citizenship FAQ

Other Fora I Post To:

alt.visa.us.marriage-based http://britishexpats.com/ and www.***removed***.com

censored link = *family based immigration* website

Inertia. Is that the Greek god of 'can't be bothered'?

Met, married, immigrated, naturalized.

I-130 filed Aug02

USC Jul06

No Deje Piedras Sobre El Pavimento!

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