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So,got my medical tommorow and I shall be seeking a vaccine waiver (form i-601)

I know one couple already who were bullied into taking vaccines despite their objections. I don't know why they succumbed as there is legal provision against being medicated against your will for this process.I wondered if any else had gone through this process from a similar stand-point.

I am expecting hassle but I won't be drawn into debate as they send you for psychiatric evalution if you become agitated or angry. How Orwellian is that!?

So,I've done plenty of research.The Autorney General of the US has made legal provision for those apposed to vaccines on moral or religious grounds.This is the only way to avoid the vaccines.It does mean the need of filing an I-601 and the added cost of filing is stiff, $545 dollars as of writing but what price Health and peace of mind!?

Filing an I-601 will added an extra 3 months onto the whole process as well but I'm in no hurry so thats fine.I have been told that no one has ever been refused a Visa on religious grounds.I am interested in hearing about anyones experience on this issue.

Good information here:




Taken form another forum here:

Dr. G Buchwald MD has done stellar work in exposing the false link between the fall-off of disease on introduction of mass vaccine programmes. He in fact shows that due to better sanitation,nutrition and clean water supply disease was naturally lowering in incidence and in fact the introduction of vaccine programmes caused an upward spike in the incidence of disease.

My own brother in law is crippled now as a direct result of the polio vaccine and I know peronally 1 case of the menigitis vaccine causing deafness in the infant. The US, unlike the UK , has a slush fund for paying off cases of vaccine damage as the US at least recognises the inherent danger in vaccines.No such admittance is forthcoming in the UK. Japan recognised long ago that bombarding infant immune sytems with multiple vaccines was medical qaukery and no longer do it.

Employees of the Merck drug company are also on record admitting that many vaccines are loaded with dangerous virus's due to the vaccines being developed in cell cultures from wild animals caught in jungles,mostly monkeys. There is a famous radio interview with one such employee wherein the panel joke about how the Russian althetes at an up coming Olympic competetion will be loaded with tumours as a result of a Merck vaccine.

Here is the interview:


There is huge controverys in the US surrounding the largely untested HPV vaccine which has already been demonstrated detrimental side effects.Profit drives most of these vaccine programmes,not altruism.

Dr Buchwald' own son was vaccine damaged and this began his current research.

Here is a list of MDs who oppose vaccination


It's also worth noting that the US centre for disease control recenty conceded that vaccines have been linked to "autistic like symptoms"

News story here:


It's only a matter of time before multiple childhood immunisation is a thing of the dark past.

Here are some interesting quotes by MDs on the vaccine-autism debate.


Filed: Country: United Kingdom

There is NO proven link between Autism and MMR vaccine. A HUGE study was done in the UK a few years back (with recent studies added to it) and it pretty much debunked the mass hysteria caused a few years back.

Vaccines ARE good. They DO prevent diseases spreading. Yes, there are a few side effects in the odd person in a few thousand, but what is that compared to the millions affected by the disease that the vaccine is for?

Not being vaccinated is your choice, of course, but to debunk the effectiveness of vaccines in their entirety is a little OTT, imo.

Good luck with your waiver! :star:


I'm afraid the list of Medical Doctors who would disagree with you is ever expanding.Many of whom,incidentaly, worked in the vaccine field. DR G, Buchwald MD ,for example, worked in the small pox field for years and now exposes the dangers of said vaccine,not to mention that being immunised against the disease did not prevent developing the disease and to a great er degree than those not immunised.

For those interested in real study I can highy recommed Dr Buchwalds book, "Vaccination,a buisness based on Fear" and his Vaccine lectures which have been brought together into book format.

The UK government has already been exposed paying out sums of money to families in secret as a result of vaccine damage.Story here:


Here is a an archive of vaccine issues for those concered:


Filed: Country: Pakistan
There is NO proven link between Autism and MMR vaccine. A HUGE study was done in the UK a few years back (with recent studies added to it) and it pretty much debunked the mass hysteria caused a few years back.

Vaccines ARE good. They DO prevent diseases spreading. Yes, there are a few side effects in the odd person in a few thousand, but what is that compared to the millions affected by the disease that the vaccine is for?

Not being vaccinated is your choice, of course, but to debunk the effectiveness of vaccines in their entirety is a little OTT, imo.

Good luck with your waiver! :star:

Without immunizations, I believe we would be subjecting our society to epidemics of disease that no one could control.

Just my opinion.

"Tolerance implies no lack of commitment to one's own beliefs. Rather it condemns the oppression or persecution of others.

~John Fitzgerald Kennedy~

“Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing and rightdoing, there is a field. I will meet you there."

~Jalal ad-Din Rumi~


There is not a single medical paper that proves the efficacy of immunisation as a preventive against disease. I've looked. There are however may papers that show that,at best vaccines do nothing and at worst the can and do actually cause epidemics and and an increase in the diseas being immunised against. I'ts alrweady been demnonstrated that the rise of illness like TB etc is linked to either poor nutrition,over crowding and sanitation/and or the initiation fo vaccine programmes. I'd love for you to prove me worng but I already know you wont be able to.

You sugges that the MMR you have take hasn't had any ill effects. With all due respect ,this is an incredibly naieve view when one researches the fact that vaccines may not manifest problems for many decades Later down the line. The Polio vaccine has already been proven to cause cancer decades after the fact. I wish you well off course and one can go on various chelation and hydrogen peroxide treatments to deal with vaccine damage.



Im guessing you choose not to listen to the intervie with MERCK employee who descibes how their vaccines are loaded with cancer virus's?

Have you seen the youtube video that shows what vaccine preservative does to human brain cells? Here for your veiwing pleasure:


Increased Outbreak in UK - due to decline in vaccination

Increased Outbreak in US - of 64 diagnosed cases by May, only 1 had been vaccinated

Surprise Surprise, No Link Between MMR & Autism

No Evidence of Link

Some parents of children with autism believe that there is a link between measles, mumps, rubella (MMR) vaccine and autism. However, there is no sensible reason to believe that any vaccine can cause autism or any kind of behavioral disorder. Typically, symptoms of autism are first noted by parents as their child begins to have difficulty with delays in speaking after age one. MMR vaccine is first given to children at 12-15 months of age. Since this is also an age when autism commonly becomes apparent, it is not surprising that autism follows MMR immunization in some cases. However, by far the most logical explanation is coincidence, not cause-and-effect.

If measles vaccine or any other vaccine causes autism, it would have to be a very rare occurrence, because millions of children have received vaccines without ill health effects. The only "evidence" linking MMR vaccine and autism was published in the British journal Lancet in 1998 [5]. An editorial published in the same issue, however, discussed concerns about the validity of the study [6]. Based on data from 12 patients, Dr. Andrew Wakefield (a British gastroenterologist) and colleagues speculated that MMR vaccine may have been the possible cause of bowel problems which led to a decreased absorption of essential vitamins and nutrients which resulted in developmental disorders like autism. No scientific analyses were reported, however, to substantiate the theory. Whether this series of 12 cases represent an unusual or unique clinical syndrome is difficult to judge without knowing the size of the patient population and time period over which the cases were identified. If there happened to be selective referral of patients with autism to the researchers' practice, for example, the reported case series may simply reflect such referral bias. Moreover, the theory that autism may be caused by poor absorption of nutrients due to bowel inflammation is senseless and is not supported by the clinical data. In at least 4 of the 12 cases, behavioral problems appeared before the onset of symptoms of inflammatory bowel disease. Furthermore, since publication of their original report in February of 1998, Wakefield and colleagues have published another study in which highly specific laboratory assays in patients with inflammatory bowel disease, the posited mechanism for autism after MMR vaccination, were negative for measles virus [7,8].

Other recent investigations also do not support a causal association between MMR (or other measles-containing vaccines) and autism or inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) [9-13]. In one investigation, a Working Party on MMR Vaccine of the United Kingdom's Committee on Safety of Medicines (1999) was charged with the evaluation of several hundred reports, collected by a firm of lawyers, of autism, Crohn's disease, or similar disorders developing after receipt of MMR or MR vaccines. The Working Party conducted a systematic, standardized review of parental and physician information. Although acknowledging that it is impossible to prove or refute the suggested associations (because of variable data quality, biased selection of cases, and lack of a control group), the Working Party concluded that the information available "... did not support the suggested causal associations or give cause for concern about the safety of MMR or MR vaccines." [12] In March 2000, a Medical Research Council report concludes that between March 1998 and September 1999 no new evidence had suggested a causal link between MMR and autism or IBD [13]. The American Medical Association has reached the same conclusion.

A study by Taylor and colleagues provides population-based evidence that overcomes many of the limitations faced by the Working Party and by Wakefield and colleagues [14,15]. The authors identified all 498 known cases of autism spectrum disorders (ASD) in certain districts of London born in 1979 or later and linked them to an independent regional vaccination registry. ASD includes classical autism, atypical autism, and Asperger's syndrome, but the results were similar when cases of classical autism were analyzed separately. The authors noted:

`The known number of ASD cases has been increasing since 1979, but there was no jump after the introduction of MMR vaccine in 1988.

`Cases vaccinated before 18 months of age had similar ages at diagnosis as did cases who had been vaccinated after 18 months or not vaccinated, indicating that vaccination does not result in earlier expression of autistic characteristics.

`At age two years, the MMR vaccination coverage among the ASD cases was nearly identical to coverage in children in the same birth cohorts in the whole region, providing evidence of an overall lack of association with vaccination.

`The first diagnosis of autism or initial signs of behavioral regression were not more likely to occur within time periods following vaccination than during other time periods.

`A weak statistical association existed between MMR vaccination and initial parental concern, but this appears to have been due to parents' difficulty in recalling precise age at onset and a preference for approximating the age as 18 months.

A study of the population of children in two communities in Sweden also found no evidence of an association between MMR vaccination and autism [16]. That study found no difference in the prevalence of autism in children born after the introduction of MMR vaccination in Sweden compared with children born before.

In January 1990, an Institute of Medicine committee examining possible health effects associated with DPT vaccine concluded that there was no evidence to indicate a causal relation between DPT vaccine or the pertussis component of DPT vaccine and autism [17]. Also, data obtained from CDC's Monitoring System for Adverse Events Following Immunization (MASAEFI) system, showed no reports of autism occurring within 28 days of DPT immunization from 1978-1990, a period in which approximately 80.1 million doses of DPT vaccine were administered in the United States. From January 1990 through February 1998, only 15 cases of autism behavior disorder after immunization were reported to the Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS). Because of the small number of reports over an 8-year period, the cases reported are likely to represent unrelated chance occurrences that happened around the time of vaccination. The most frequent vaccines cited in the reports were diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis (DPT), oral polio vaccine (OPV), and MMR. Other vaccines reported as having a possible association with autism were Haemophilus influenzae type B and Hepatitis B.

In 2000, the American Academy of Pediatrics convened a multidisciplinary panel of experts ro review what is known about the development, epidemiology, and genetics of ASD and the hypothesized associations with IBD, measles, and MMR vaccine. The panel concluded:

Although the possible association with MMR vaccine has received much public and political attention and there are many who have derived their own conclusions based on personal experiences, the available evidence does not support the hypothesis that MMR vaccine causes autism or associated disorders or IBD. Separate administration of measles, mumps, and rubella vaccines to children provides no benefit over administration of the combination MMR vaccine and would result in delayed or missed immunizations. Pediatricians need to work with families to ensure that children are protected early in the second year of life from these preventable diseases. Continued scientific efforts need to be directed to the identification of the causes of ASD [18].

The fact that autism is diagnosed during the second or third year of life does not mean that it began at that age. Analyses of home movies made from birth onward have shown that most children who are diagnosed as autistic during the second or third year have abnormal signs during the first year—and some even show abnormalities at birth [19-26].

Recently, the National Childhood Encephalopathy Study (NCES) was examined to see if there was any link between measles vaccine and neurological events. Researchers in England found no indication that measles vaccine contributes to the development of educational and behavioral deficits or other possible signs of long-term neurological damage [27].

Most people have no adverse reaction after receiving a MMR vaccination. About 5%-15% of vaccines may develop a fever 5-12 days after MMR vaccination and 5% may develop a rash. Central nervous system conditions, including encephalitis and encephalopathy, have been reported with a frequency of less than one per million doses administered. In July 2002, after Wakefield testified before a U.S. Congressional committee chaired by a vaccine opponent, Dr. Michael Fitzpatrick (a British general physician and parenbt of an autistic child) charged that Wakefield "has opted out of medical science to join the world of pseudoscientific dogma, media celebrity and populist campaigning." [29] In a devastating review of the conduct of Wakefield and Paul Shattock, a pharmacist and vaccine opponent who runs the so-called Autism Research Unit at the University of Sunderland, Fitzpatrick stated:

There is now a flourishing network of private laboratories offering urine and blood tests of the sort carried out by Mr Shattock—all of no recognised diagnostic value. There is a substantial business sector selling dietary supplements, vitamins, minerals, enzymes and all manner of special dietary products —all of no proven therapeutic value. The common feature of both tests and supplements is their exorbitant cost, suggesting that high profits are being made from peddling interventions of no proven value, often to desperate parents, many on low incomes.

There are other beneficiaries of the anti-MMR campaign. Private GPs are now making profits of several hundred percent from selling separate vaccines. Lawyers are eagerly collecting legal aid fees by inflating the hopes of parents that they may gain substantial compensation for the alleged damages from MMR through the pursuit of litigation. It is not surprising that both are enthusiastic supporters of Dr Wakefield's crusade. It seems that Britain's investigative journalists are so smitten by Dr Wakefield's charisma and so credulous towards junk science, that they are reluctant to investigate the real abuses generated around the anti-MMR campaign [29].

As with the administration of any agent that can produce fever, some children may have a febrile seizure. Most that follow measles vaccination are simple febrile seizures and affect children without known risk factors. An increased risk of febrile convulsions may occur among children with a prior history of convulsions.

The Bottom Line

There are no proven data to suggest that measles vaccine will increase the risk of developing autism or any other behavioral disorder [28]. The known benefits vastly exceed any unknown risks. The CDC continues to recommend two doses of MMR vaccine for all children who do not have a known medical contraindication; the first dose is recommended at 12-15 months of age and the second dose is recommended at either 4-6 years of age or at 11-12 years of age [30,31].

To assure the safety of vaccines, the CDC, the FDA, the National Institutes of Health (NIH), and other federal agencies routinely examine any new evidence that would suggest possible problems with the safety of vaccines. Currently, CDC is conducting a study in the metropolitan Atlanta area to further evaluate any possible association between MMR vaccination and autism.

Immunization against measles has led to a dramatic decrease in the incidence of measles, which is sometimes fatal. I believe that the manner in which CNN covered this issue was extremely irresponsible and will result in the death of children whose parents are scared out of having their children receive it.

Due to the concern of thimerosal being used at the preservative and being a possible link, it was removed from all vaccines, with the exception of some flu vaccines. Thimerosal Exposure Declines, Autism Rates Increase

Autism Gene Search Turns Up Hope For Treatment

Wouldn't it be great to turn all the 'anti-immunization' energy to an actual promising way to prevent/treat autism?

"True love is falling in love with your best friend,

and only then, will you find the meaning of happiness."


Filed: Country: United Kingdom
Posted (edited)
There is not a single medical paper that proves the efficacy of immunisation as a preventive against disease. I've looked. There are however may papers that show that,at best vaccines do nothing and at worst the can and do actually cause epidemics and and an increase in the diseas being immunised against. I'ts alrweady been demnonstrated that the rise of illness like TB etc is linked to either poor nutrition,over crowding and sanitation/and or the initiation fo vaccine programmes. I'd love for you to prove me worng but I already know you wont be able to.

You sugges that the MMR you have take hasn't had any ill effects. With all due respect ,this is an incredibly naieve view when one researches the fact that vaccines may not manifest problems for many decades Later down the line. The Polio vaccine has already been proven to cause cancer decades after the fact. I wish you well off course and one can go on various chelation and hydrogen peroxide treatments to deal with vaccine damage.



Im guessing you choose not to listen to the intervie with MERCK employee who descibes how their vaccines are loaded with cancer virus's?

Have you seen the youtube video that shows what vaccine preservative does to human brain cells? Here for your veiwing pleasure:

I know I can never prove you wrong as you will always come back with another 'scientific study' or video to back up your 'evidence'. I use those terms loosely.

However, if you are so sure about problems arising in later life then why were the 'MMR / autism' studies done on young children? Oh yeah and I haven't seen evidence on the news of epidemics of measles, mumps, hep, diptheria, whooping cough etc.

What would be interesting is whether you were successful with your waiver.

Edited by LauraUK
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