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    Who are we? For over 20 years, VisaJourney has been your one-stop immigration community for Work, Student and Family Visas (K1 & IR1 Visas), Green Cards, US Citizenship, DACA, the Diversity Lottery and all other topics. Share your experiences and relax -- you are not alone!

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    #3 Post CR-1/ CR-2 Border Entry Question
    - popularity rating: 536 blank avatar SeRaFort
    #4 Transfer from DS-3025 to I-693
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    #5 Japan Police Certificate
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    DV Lottery of K1 Visa - Can I file for both?
    I applied for the DV lottery 2025 and hope to be selected this year. My fiancé and I discovered that there is a fiancé visa for the USA. Do you think if we apply for the K1 visa but are selected for the DV lottery that we can stop the fiancé visa process? What are the timelines and options here :)?
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    Confused about steps after marriage
    My fiancee arrived last month on K1 fiance visa and we got married yesterday. It seems from what I have seen online that I made a mistake by not getting SSN prior to marriage? I am going to the SSN office on Monday to gather more information... also worried about employment authorization and travel authorization(s). Thanks for any insights!
    • 59 replies
    N-400 interview in TWO days. Last wise words?
    Hey everyone!! My N-400 interview is in 2 days. I am so nervous!!

    Any last words of advice?? Do's and don't? Anything you wished someone had told YOU? Thanks!
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    Divorce from non-immigrant (out of status) and financial responbsibility
    I go to court next month for another hearing... The judge previously said the "Plaintiff was financially obligated to support [my ex] while she resided in the United States." What does that mean?
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    Recently filed 129F - still so many questions - here's the first
    I am a USC, my partner is Burmese.  We met in Thailand in 2022 and are starting the K1 process but we have soo many questions... Please help! :)
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    Tourist visa cancelled by CBP agent.  Can we still get a CR1 or K1 Visa?
    Upon my gf's most recent arrival, her tourist visa was cancelled at the airport due to her frequent visits last year and suspicion of working here. She was denied entry and sent back same day. Is a CR1 or K1 visa process an option still? I would appreciate any advice or tips you can provide!
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  • Recent Immigration Discussions
    Japan Police Certificate
    7:33 pm yesterday


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    NVC just received our case from USCIS. My spouse is currently in the US on a 90-day tourist visa, and we forgot to get her police certificate before coming. I understand we need this to submit our documents to NVC, and it takes 2-3 months from the embassy here, but only a week or two in Japan. So, we plan to wait until she returns to Japan to get it, which will delay our NVC review by about a month. Is this correct? Can we proceed without the police certificate, or is there any way to get it faster while in the US?

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    Experience Filing Report of Marriage (ROM) With the Philippine Consulate in San Francisco, CA - December 2024
    5:32 pm yesterday

    Edward and Jaycel

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    Hi Everyone - I just wanted to share our experience filing our ROM with the Philippine Consulate in San Francisco. Timeline and a Screen Grab of our cover letter are below. We followed the information on the consulate's website exactly. This includes the "ROM Checklist" PDF that is downloadable from the site.


    ROM Package completed and mailed via Priority Mail on 12/5/2024

    USPS Attempted Delivery - 12/7/2024 Consulate Closed on Saturday

    USPS Delivered to Front Desk / Mail Room - 12/9/2024

    Return package with Signed & Sealed ROM and Receipt delivered back to us - 12/20/2024

    Total time for processing and return delivery from date of receipt by consulate - 11 days

    Screen Grab of our cover letter with itemized contents of package (Personal Information Removed):


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    N400 December 2024
    5:20 pm yesterday


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    I just want to share my experience with everyone

    I'm applying for N400 under 3 years rule based on marriage and i have i751 pending i applied 90 days before 3 years I'm in san Antonio Texas i applied December 16th 2024 got my receipt notice same day and reuse biometric also same day and now I'm waiting

    If anyone here wants to share their experiences you are most welcome

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    Transfer from DS-3025 to I-693
    5:00 pm yesterday


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    Hey everybody,

    after a joyful wedding we are now preparing our aos packet. As we all know the marvelous decision has been made to require all i-485 forms to have an I-693. Woohoo

    Anyhow. I am trying to find a civil surgeon who a) does not try to scam me into a full medical and b) doesn t ask for 300-500 dollars for a bit of paperwork.

    My question to everyone is: is this amount of money normal for this bit of paperwork? And: if it isn t, does anybody know a civil surgeon in the Orlando area who doesn t try to get you to do a full medical exam and/or make you pay full price?

    don t get me wrong, if this is a normal price I m a-ok with it. I just want to make sure I m not getting conned :)

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    Post CR-1/ CR-2 Border Entry Question
    12:47 pm yesterday


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    Wife and stepdaughter both successfully entered into the US. with CR-1 and CR-2 respectively. The visas were appropriately stamped and we already received 1 SS card. Is there a way to track the status of the physical green card? Thanks in advance for any information or help provided.

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    • David Laf

      The chest Xray did not go well for our CR-1. The doctor informed us that we can still go to our Visa interview at Manila Embassy while waiting for the sputum test, is this true? We are still not sure that we have an appointment, we scheduled it on ustraveldocs, but still haven't received a confirmation and have tried their help phone line & email - to no avail. 
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    • RAaKA  »  Katie Afana

      is your timeline correct? can you verify. thanks
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    • Imili-Aksil

      Good news: 
      After once week, we went by ARAMEX on a hunch.  Lo and Behold, it is THERE. 
      What happened: 
      Interview on 29th of Nov. 
      Monday December 2nd, it said "ISSUED" 
      So we called Aramex.  They said, "NOT HERE" 
      We sent email daily to 
      passportstatus@ustraveldocs.com for updates.  Immediately response was, "Your passport is still with post". 
      Our intuition became so strong.  By December 5th, I told him to GO there anyway and check.  Husband travels from Ourazazate to Casablanca early that morning on the 6th of December. 
      As he was outside of Aramex, he called the number.  They all said same thing, "Not here yet".... But when he walked in the door and showed his ID, they promptly found his passport with ir-1 visa and gave it to him without any apologies or hassles.  Their reply was, "We get so many everyday, it's hard to track all of them".  
      Bottom line, he is COMING !
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    • Taim

      Hi everyone,
      I am banker by profession, working in trade department as trade finance officer from last 6 years and MS finance. Currently working in UAE bank and I am from Pakistan.
      Here I need your suggestions regarding EB2 NIW. Can anyone guide me whether should I process the case by myself or should I consult with consultant?
      · 1 reply
    • Journeyvisa2016

      Hi all
      Got an email asking for me to update my status, which I did in 2021.
      I am a US citizen as of 2021.
      Anyone looking for answers to questions about similar situations that I experienced, please feel free to reach out.
      All the best to you all.
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