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    DV Lottery of K1 Visa - Can I file for both?
    I applied for the DV lottery 2025 and hope to be selected this year. My fiancé and I discovered that there is a fiancé visa for the USA. Do you think if we apply for the K1 visa but are selected for the DV lottery that we can stop the fiancé visa process? What are the timelines and options here :)?
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    Confused about steps after marriage
    My fiancee arrived last month on K1 fiance visa and we got married yesterday. It seems from what I have seen online that I made a mistake by not getting SSN prior to marriage? I am going to the SSN office on Monday to gather more information... also worried about employment authorization and travel authorization(s). Thanks for any insights!
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    N-400 interview in TWO days. Last wise words?
    Hey everyone!! My N-400 interview is in 2 days. I am so nervous!!

    Any last words of advice?? Do's and don't? Anything you wished someone had told YOU? Thanks!
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    Divorce from non-immigrant (out of status) and financial responbsibility
    I go to court next month for another hearing... The judge previously said the "Plaintiff was financially obligated to support [my ex] while she resided in the United States." What does that mean?
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    Recently filed 129F - still so many questions - here's the first
    I am a USC, my partner is Burmese.  We met in Thailand in 2022 and are starting the K1 process but we have soo many questions... Please help! :)
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    Tourist visa cancelled by CBP agent.  Can we still get a CR1 or K1 Visa?
    Upon my gf's most recent arrival, her tourist visa was cancelled at the airport due to her frequent visits last year and suspicion of working here. She was denied entry and sent back same day. Is a CR1 or K1 visa process an option still? I would appreciate any advice or tips you can provide!
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  • Recent Immigration Discussions
    Name change - avoiding RFE for K1/I-129F
    5:32 pm today


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    My foreign fiance has a Spanish birth certificate (Palma de Mallorca) with an anglican middle and surname from 2001. Her most recent Czech BC was issued with a Czech transliteration of her middle name, and her stepfather's surname. However, we have no documents indicating that an official name change happened, and it seems like this is because in Czech, name changes are made as an update to the birth certificate. Supposedly two other names were used between her birth name and her current, passport name, but the names only existed during elementary school and likely were not used in any official documentation other than grade reports. Would it be wisest to list these names in "other names used," and then use an Affidavit of One and the Same Person to attest that these names refer to her? Surely we can't use a statutory declaration in her current country (UK) to declare the previous names as valid, right?

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    I-131 Travel Permit for green card holder - RFE
    5:20 pm today


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    My mom is a green card holder and had applied for I-131, she had to travel overseas due to death in the family. She recently came back to the US after 10 months without any issues at entry.

    We just received an RFE related to the I-131 application saying the following


    Please check the appropriate box regarding if there is a new G-28. Notice of Entry of Appearance as Attorney or Accredited Representative, additional fees, additional forms etc.

    Yes there is:

    A New G-28

    Additional Forms

    Additional Fees



    We are very confused since we are not using any sort of lawyer and did not have a G-28. I am not sure what to select in the above options and how to respond to this RFE. Any help is greatly appreciated

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    Would remarrying someone from the same country cause issues when I apply for citizenship?
    1:23 pm today


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    Hi everyone,

    I have a 10 year green card that I got in 2023, from being married to my ex spouse (we were married for 5 years). We finalized the divorce this April and I started dating someone long distance from the same country I immigrated from (Canada) a few months later.

    I was wondering, would there be a problem when I apply for citizenship based on physical presence if I were to hypothetically marry this person from the same country before I apply?


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    Submitted I-130 online, do I still attach marriage certificate with I-485?
    12:53 pm today


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    Hi all,

    I recently got married to a USC and currently preparing my AOS application (from F-1 OPT to LPR).

    I submitted my I-130 application (online) couple weeks ago and now wrapping up my I-485 (paper), but wanted to make sure whether I need my marriage certificate with the packet.


    (Page 12 of I-485 instruction)

    The instruction for I-485 says to submit the marriage certificate if I'm filing as the derivative applicant spouse (which I am not, I'm the principal applicant & immediate relative of USC). My understanding is that I don't need to include my marriage certificate since the I-485 doesn't require it and I already submitted all of it in my I-130 application.

    Is my understanding correct, or should I still attach my marriage certificate?

    Thanks for your help in advance!

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    Immigrant visa stuck
    12:53 pm today


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    My immigrant visa application is undergoing administrative process while in 6 months.
    when do you recommend to file mandamus lawsuit, also can I file myself lawsuit if I am outside The US?

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    • Chelsea48  »  queensquibble

      It's really hard to find Czech people in the IR-1/CR-1  process so I am messaging anyone I can find with the hope to share information. 
      If you are interested in chatting or sharing info, let me know!
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    • Karimm

      Can anyone helps me plz?
      I came with K1 visa and entered the US then
      I applied for my adjustment of status forms and got a new receipt number and online account number in the mail. 
      I created an online account number 2 years ago on USCIS when I was tracking my case before coming to the US.
      My question is: Can I add a new case on my USCIS existing account that had been created 2 years ago with the new receipt number to track my current case and waiting for getting my green card? 
      thank you 

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    • mattu  »  g_canadian

      Did the consulate reactivate your case for the doctor's office to upload the medical? I am in the same boat now.  Wondering how long it takes them.
      Thank you 
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    • Gargalmon22

      I sent my I 485 adjustment of status(family based) on Nov 21. It is showing the package was delivered on Nov 24. The ticket to leave US is on Dec 4. What happens if the receipt is not done by Dec 4 do you have to leave the country or it’s okay to stay in US as I have already applied for the adjustment of status. I know you cannot leave the country but what happens if you don’t receive the receipt of notice. 
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    • mariyam

      I am having issues with uploading documents on ceac and I try different ways but it just doesn’t work, is there anyone having dame issues? How did you solve it?
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