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    Who are we? For over 20 years, VisaJourney has been your one-stop immigration community for Work, Student and Family Visas (K1 & IR1 Visas), Green Cards, US Citizenship, DACA, the Diversity Lottery and all other topics. Share your experiences and relax -- you are not alone!

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  • Community Spotlight
    Fiance or Marriage Visa in 2025 ? Pros and cons?
    I'm 23F 🇨🇿, my partner is 29M 🇺🇲
    We want to get our visa going sometime this year and want to be together as soon as possible but we are still unsure which visa would serve us better. I'd like to get married in my home country but on the other side i wouldn't mind getting married paperwise in the US and waiting for my work permit and etc if it would allow us to be together faster and then save up for and have our dream wedding in my home country. 

    What do you think ? All of this is so overwhelming and confusing and we just want to do the right thing. 

    I asked the same question on reddit, so many people recommended me to go with fiance visa, two suggested marriage visa. I need more input and advice  from experienced people. Thank you
    Ps: is it possible to have dual citizenship so i don't lose one from my home country? How does that work ? 
    • 15 replies
    Supporting evidence for AOS following K1 marriage?
    I entered the US on my K1 last week and we'll be planning to get married over the next few weeks. Throughout the whole K1 process I had in my head that we will need further supporting evidence of our relationship/marriage for the AOS process, such as co-mingling finances, opening joint accounts, health insurance, etc. However, now that I'm revisiting guidance on our next steps, there isn't any mention of this.
    I am wondering if I misread something early on and it just stuck in my mind, and that we actually don't need to provide anything like this. VJs AOS guide doesn't make any mention of it, and nor does any other immigration-based sites. Is this something needed for the potential interview (from what I understand not all people get called for AOS interview)?
    Can anyone confirm or clarify what we need? A run down of the docs you provided, when filing and/or for interview, would be really helpful.
    Thank you  
    • 33 replies
    Tourist visa denied.. worried this will impact future family visa
    Hi, I’ve been thinking about this for a few days and feeling a bit worried. I wanted to have my husband visit me while we await our I-130 as I’ve heard some people have been approved while waiting. However he applied for a tourist visa in Jan 2024 and was denied as he said he was planning on visiting with his brother and had no family members here (true we were just snapping/texting).

    We got married in July 2024 and he went in Sept 2024 at his 2nd attempt at a tourist visa - this time mentioning our marriage. The embassy worker didn’t give him a chance to speak and just said he’s “lying” because he mentioned last time he didnt have any family members in US (which he didnt). I’m worried this was written down as fraud and he will never get any visa. I’m not sure what the embassy would have written down for his denial?
    • 7 replies
    Wife was denied entry into her interview due to Copy vs Original Doc
    My wife was denied entry into her interview on Dec 20th 2024 because she had a copy of my divorce papers and not the original.  Our lawyer tried to argue that the original was not required.  But the embassy sent us a link that clearly showed the rule has been in place since 2022.  Her new interview date is now Jan 23, 2025
    • 7 replies
    Can I Travel to the USA with a Pending I-130 Petition?
    I have been invited to speak at a conference in the USA. My partner, who is a U.S. citizen, has filed an I-130 petition for me as we plan to move there eventually. I also have a job offer, and the employer is in the process of sponsoring an O-1 visa for me.
    1. Can I apply for an ESTA to attend the conference, and am I likely to be admitted?
    2. Will traveling to the USA on an ESTA impact my I-130 petition or future O-1 visa application?
    Thank you!
    • 35 replies
    DV Lottery of K1 Visa - Can I file for both?
    I applied for the DV lottery 2025 and hope to be selected this year. My fiancé and I discovered that there is a fiancé visa for the USA. Do you think if we apply for the K1 visa but are selected for the DV lottery that we can stop the fiancé visa process? What are the timelines and options here :)?
    • 26 replies
  • Recent Immigration Discussions
    Joint sponsor on i-134 form?
    6:59 pm today


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    Hello, everyone. I'm working on completing the new from I-134 affidavit of support so my fianc can hand it to the embassy in Jakarta, Indonesia.
    Now, my projected annual income for this year exceeds the 100% poverty guidelines they recommend, but my tax returns for the past three years leave room to be desired, 15k, 16k, and 12k, respectively.
    While that shows steady employment throughout the years up to now, I don't want to take any chances...I was looking into adding my mother as a co-sponsor but I am unsure how to go about doing this on the i-134 form.
    Does my mother and I need to fill out two forms (one each), or does she attach a written statement of her intentions to help support?
    On the I-864 form at least there is a box to check if someone is a joint sponsor, but on the I-134 form, I'm not seeing anything, and seems to only want ME (the petitioner) and my fianc (the beneficiary) financial information.

    Thank you for taking the time to read this.

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    I need help.
    6:49 pm today


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    Hello everyone. I just started processing my K1 Visa. I am guessing we are all aware now how slow the VAC website is. So long story short, I was able to secure an appointment for VAC for biometrics and photo but the website crashed before I could make an appointment for my interview at the embassy. Now the customer service said that I have to close my application and start a new one. I did that but when I reached the payment option there is no option where I could put the receipt number since we already paid. CS said I have to wait 24 hours but its been 3 days and its still the same. I don't know what to do anymore.

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    Enumeration Beyond Entry (EBE) for K1?
    6:30 pm today


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    Hi all,

    I came across some info on the Enumeration Beyond Entry (EBE) process, which sounds like an SSN can be provided through USCIS and the AOS process, removing the requirement for a K1 to visit an SSA office pre or post marriage. Has anyone heard of this and knows if it is advisable? Info is:

    You may not need to visit a Social Security office or Social Security Card center if you apply using the Form I-765 (Application for Employment Authorization), I-485 (Application to Register Permanent Residence or Adjust Status), if you are approved for any of these applications through USCIS, and elected to apply for an SSN. USCIS will collect information on behalf of SSA to process the SSN card. [https://www.ssa.gov/ssnumber/ss5doc.htm]

    Under the Enumeration at Entry (EAE) program, any lawful permanent resident can apply for both an immigrant visa and a Social Security number (SSN) by filing an immigrant visa application (Form DS-230 or DS-260) at a Department of State (DoS) office in their home country. If the visa is granted, DoS transmits the identifying information from the person's visa application to the Department of Homeland Security (DHS). [https://www.ssa.gov/faqs/en/questions/KA-10040.html#:~:text=Under the Enumeration at Entry,arrive in the United States.]

    Thoughts would be appreciated! :D

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    CBP shows me as IR1
    5:57 pm today


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    Hello! I had accidentally received a 10 year card when I should have received a 2. I filed the i90 and was sent the correct 2 year CR1 card however when I come back to US the officer always sees me as IR1 even though I m CR1 and have received the new 2 year card.

    I m applying for my i751 next month, will this cause a rejection? Do I need to check with USCIS to see if I ve been updated in their system?

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    Did anyone get a 221g letter (recently)? How long for approval after sending the requested document?
    4:18 pm today


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    Hi, we're just wondering if anyone has gone through this in the past 6 months or so via the Manila US Embassy?

    We stupidly forgot to bring the original divorce decree. Because of holidays (interview was on 12/23), we were able to submit the original on 1/3.


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    • sagatarius twings  »  LaloyLola

      afternoon, hope everyone is well. does anyone know how the recent stoppage of visas being processed through the Colombian embassy will affect my Colombian Wifes I-130 application that is still waiting for approval? any info would be appreciated thanks
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    • narayan333

      Hello, I submitted my wife work permit application I-765 on the Dec 30th. I haven’t gotten any letter saying they have received it, and I don’t have my receipt number to track it. Can anyone help me? I want to know if they got it or not. How do I check other than receipt number? 
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    • Terri Sellay

      Be careful when marrying an immigrant most of them just want a visa and a Green card and almost all end in divorce 
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    • Co Jo

      Good day guys, so I want placed on 221g since Nov 25 2024 due to medical result delay, and just this week my my case has updated 3 different days continuously but it still says REFUSED, can someone please explain to me what could be the reason. Is that a good sign? Thanks 
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    • mart simon

      I am from North Africa, specifically Algeria. The consul gave me a blank paper with an administrative procedure.
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