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Who are we? For over 20 years, VisaJourney has been your one-stop immigration community for Work, Student and Family Visas (K1 & IR1 Visas), Green Cards, US Citizenship, DACA, the Diversity Lottery and all other topics. Share your experiences and relax -- you are not alone!
Trending Immigration DiscussionsTopic Popularity Poster #1 Received an RFE... Not sure where it went wrong. Any advice would be greatly appreiated. - LowSerotonin #2 Will I be eligible to apply for naturalization?
Citizenship Discussion- Nicolaszz #3 Does E2 visas holder get stroke and can't work and Employer didn't continue visa get Disability Benefit - WindyTaco #4 Will I-601 help my brother's case?
US Citizen Family Discussion- JPRoadRunner #5 Should I file K-1 with low income
K1 Visa Discussion- DavidNyx
Community SpotlightDV Lottery of K1 Visa - Can I file for both?
Petrisaint Mpaka posted a topic in K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedures,
I applied for the DV lottery 2025 and hope to be selected this year. My fiancé and I discovered that there is a fiancé visa for the USA. Do you think if we apply for the K1 visa but are selected for the DV lottery that we can stop the fiancé visa process? What are the timelines and options here :)?-
- 26 replies
Confused about steps after marriage
SP1988 posted a topic in Adjustment of Status (Green Card) from K1 and K3 Family Based Visas,
My fiancee arrived last month on K1 fiance visa and we got married yesterday. It seems from what I have seen online that I made a mistake by not getting SSN prior to marriage? I am going to the SSN office on Monday to gather more information... also worried about employment authorization and travel authorization(s). Thanks for any insights!-
- 59 replies
Tourist visa cancelled by CBP agent. Can we still get a CR1 or K1 Visa?
yotajeeper posted a topic in What Visa Do I Need - Family Based Immigration,
Upon my gf's most recent arrival, her tourist visa was cancelled at the airport due to her frequent visits last year and suspicion of working here. She was denied entry and sent back same day. Is a CR1 or K1 visa process an option still? I would appreciate any advice or tips you can provide!-
- 61 replies
Recent Immigration DiscussionsFiling moms N-400 9:01 am today
Read 33 Times
3 RepliesHi all I'm filling out my mom's n400 and got to this page but don't know what to put in. None of that applies to her and she doesn't support any of her kids. We rather support her. Please help
Casablanca Morocco VISA CR1 approved 7:10 am today
Read 45 Times
2 Replieshi guys,
approved visa for wife in casablanca.today was interview. she was told to pick up visa in 10 days. very easy peazy process. dont stress too much during interview for future peeps. make sure to have copy of tax transcript. long 2 year journey but mission accomplished. now time to book airline tickets ...
good luck to all of you
Should I file K-1 with low income 4:35 am today
Read 67 Times
3 RepliesNOTE: Accidentally posted this topic in the incorrect sub-forum. Apologies! I am new to the site and got mixed up.
Brevity has never been my strong suit, but I'll try to keep this as short as possible:
My fiance is from Turkiye. We are engaged, my family is coming to meet her. I am concerned with a few financial issues though:
1) I was on Medicaid during COVID-19. I don't know if this will be an issue going forward.
2) I was living and working in S. Korea for most of the past year, so my income does not meet the requirement in USD. I am unemployed and have been since October because I have been in Turkiye. I have plenty of money and assets in several accounts AND I have people who are willing to become a joint sponsor for my fiance. I sold assets last year and will report my Korean income, but I still don't think this will be enough in total to reach the poverty guidelines (assume I don't.)
3) I have medical debt which I will pay off when going to the U.S., but it did end up going to collections because I wasn't in the U.S. when the letters arrived and wasn't aware of it until recently (hidden costs.) This will be paid off when I get back to the United States.
I would like to file in January, but I was wondering if I should just hold off and try to marry my fiancee in Turkiye next May and then apply for a marriage visa instead if that would be a safer route. My understanding is that if a K-1 visa is denied, you must file another visa. Is this correct?
I am trying to file my K-1 visa before the change of administration on January 20th, because I suspect that the new administration will likely change immigration policies. However, would it be a safer, if longer route, to just marry my fiance and then apply for a IR-1 or CR-1. Thank you for any perspectives, opinions and information you can provide.
Should I file K-1 with low income 4:22 am today
Read 171 Times
8 RepliesBrevity has never been my strong suit, but I'll try to keep this short:
My fiance is from Turkiye. We are engaged, my family is coming to meet her. I am concerned with a few financial issues though:
1) I was on Medicaid during COVID-19. I don't know if this will be an issue going forward.
2) I was living and working in S. Korea for most of the past year, so my income does not meet the requirement in USD. I am unemployed and have been since October because I have been in Turkiye. I have plenty of money and assets in several accounts AND I have people who are willing to become a joint sponsor for my fiance. I sold assets last year and will report my Korean income, but I still don't think this will be enough in total to reach the poverty guidelines (assume I don't.)
3) I have medical debt which I will pay off when going to the U.S., but it did end up going to collections because I wasn't in the U.S. when the letters arrived and wasn't aware of it until recently (hidden costs.) This will be paid off when I get back to the United States.
I would like to file in January, but I was wondering if I should just hold off and try to marry my fiancee in Turkiye next May and then apply for a marriage visa instead if that would be a safer route. My understanding is that if a K-1 visa is denied, you must file another visa. Is this correct?
I am trying to file my K-1 visa before the change of administration on January 20th, because I suspect that the new administration will likely change immigration policies. However, would it be a safer, if longer route, to just marry my fiance and then apply for a IR-1 or CR-1. Thank you for any perspectives, opinions and information you can provide.
Address history dates 3:14 am today
Read 38 Times
1 RepliesHi - on the 129f it asks for a 5 year address history. If I have divided time between different houses-addresses during a year should I list the same start and end dates for both or simply list my official residential address in America?