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    DV Lottery of K1 Visa - Can I file for both?
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    Confused about steps after marriage
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    Recently filed 129F - still so many questions - here's the first
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    Tourist visa cancelled by CBP agent.  Can we still get a CR1 or K1 Visa?
    Upon my gf's most recent arrival, her tourist visa was cancelled at the airport due to her frequent visits last year and suspicion of working here. She was denied entry and sent back same day. Is a CR1 or K1 visa process an option still? I would appreciate any advice or tips you can provide!
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  • Recent Immigration Discussions
    Concerned about future wives status.
    8:23 pm today


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    Hello all,

    Hopefully this is the right forum to post this if not I apologize. My fianc is from Zambia. We met online through a dating app and I originally planned to visit her first in Zambia. She previous had a tourist visa to visit the US because she has a sister that lives here. She made a trip to visit her sister last year mostly to help her sister with her children. She decided to visit the USA again since her visa permitted it. We had no discussions about marriage or anything like that previous to her visiting the USA. Our relationship progressed and I asked her to marry me. We are getting married this weekend and are going to star filing forms I-130 and I-485. I thought everything was pretty straight forward. We have pictures to support our relationship and statements from friends/family. I was feeling good about it until I read this:

    Yes, if your spouse entered the US on a tourist visa with the intention of getting married and immigrating, and you are already married, it is strongly recommended that they return to their home country and have the I-130 petition filed from there to avoid potential issues with immigration authorities, including denial of a green card application, deportation, or a ban on future re-entry.

    She didn't enter the country with those intentions and it was never discussed in the supporting messages from whatsapp I'll be submitting with the forms.

    Can anyone shed some light on this for me?

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    [K1] Question regarding I-485, Ds3025
    7:43 pm today


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    I have read Visajourney forums regarding AOS. However, I need some confirmation regarding certain questions.

    If the marriage certificate has both our old names, is it okay, or should it have a new maiden name on it?
    Should I write a new maiden name in all forms: I485, I864, I765? I want to have my wife's surname next to mine as well since she is American and it is common to have two surnames. Should I also update the name I want to have on all of these documents as well? Because I read there will be some issues with SSC. Some people suggested in the forum that you can change your name during N-400.
    Regarding form I-485, Part 1 item 25 a) Should you write K1 Fiance, or how exactly should you write it?

    Regarding form I-485, Part 2 item 3 Receipt number of the underlying petition? Is it from the NOA1 or NOA2 from K1? Or is it the case number assigned by the NVC?
    Should you add a completed Ds3025+(CD and flash drive with X-rays) from the K1 medical exam to the I-485 form?

    Regarding form I-765, I-485, I-864 mailing address. Is it okay to write the same address as my wife since we have lived together since I arrived in the US with a K1 visa? Or do you still write an old address in Lithuania?

    Regarding form I-765 Part 2 Item 23 Place of your last arrival into the United States. Do you write the city and the state and the airport?

    Regarding form I-765 Part 2 Item 24 Immigration status at your last arrival. Since I arrived with K-1 visa, I wrote "K-1 Fiance" or should I phrase it differently?

    Regarding form I-765 Part 2 Item 25 Your current immigration status. If I file for AOS and marry within 90 days after I arrive, do you still write K-1 fiance? Or if you file AOS 90 days later, what do you write then?

    Regarding form I-765 Part 2 Item 27 Eligibility category. I wrote (c)(9) like in the image I attached to this post. If that is okay, the way I wrote it. Should
    Is it okay to send evidence of living together, such as a bill with both our names on it, or does it have to be a lease agreement or a driving license? What would it be better?
    Should I also list a new telephone number I got in the US or the old one I used for K1 visa?





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    Sent I129F packet 2 wks back, still no NOA
    7:35 pm today


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    I sent I-129F packet to Lewisville, TX address on 11/29, and Fedex tracking shows it was delivered on 12/2.
    I had included G-1450 form to charge my credit card for the fees. I had also included G-1145 to notify me electronically.
    I have still not received any notification and my credit card has not been charged. I am new to this process so I am worried if I made any mistakes

    What if I don't hear back for 2 more weeks? Is there a phone number I can call?

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    Mandamus Lawsuits: Effective for Scheduling Consulate Interviews?
    7:16 pm today


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    I ve come across several posts about mandamus lawsuits, especially for those stuck in administrative processing (AP).

    For those of us waiting for a consulate interview, is it common to file a mandamus to compel the consulate or Department of State (DoS) to schedule the interview?

    CR1/IR1 visa.

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    How long did it take for IL (interview letter)
    4:42 pm today


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    Just wanting to see how long it took everyone to receive a IL and what the embassy name

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    • Imili-Aksil

      Good news: 
      After once week, we went by ARAMEX on a hunch.  Lo and Behold, it is THERE. 
      What happened: 
      Interview on 29th of Nov. 
      Monday December 2nd, it said "ISSUED" 
      So we called Aramex.  They said, "NOT HERE" 
      We sent email daily to 
      passportstatus@ustraveldocs.com for updates.  Immediately response was, "Your passport is still with post". 
      Our intuition became so strong.  By December 5th, I told him to GO there anyway and check.  Husband travels from Ourazazate to Casablanca early that morning on the 6th of December. 
      As he was outside of Aramex, he called the number.  They all said same thing, "Not here yet".... But when he walked in the door and showed his ID, they promptly found his passport with ir-1 visa and gave it to him without any apologies or hassles.  Their reply was, "We get so many everyday, it's hard to track all of them".  
      Bottom line, he is COMING !
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    • Taim

      Hi everyone,
      I am banker by profession, working in trade department as trade finance officer from last 6 years and MS finance. Currently working in UAE bank and I am from Pakistan.
      Here I need your suggestions regarding EB2 NIW. Can anyone guide me whether should I process the case by myself or should I consult with consultant?
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    • Journeyvisa2016

      Hi all
      Got an email asking for me to update my status, which I did in 2021.
      I am a US citizen as of 2021.
      Anyone looking for answers to questions about similar situations that I experienced, please feel free to reach out.
      All the best to you all.
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    • Chelsea48  »  queensquibble

      It's really hard to find Czech people in the IR-1/CR-1  process so I am messaging anyone I can find with the hope to share information. 
      If you are interested in chatting or sharing info, let me know!
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    • Karimm

      Can anyone helps me plz?
      I came with K1 visa and entered the US then
      I applied for my adjustment of status forms and got a new receipt number and online account number in the mail. 
      I created an online account number 2 years ago on USCIS when I was tracking my case before coming to the US.
      My question is: Can I add a new case on my USCIS existing account that had been created 2 years ago with the new receipt number to track my current case and waiting for getting my green card? 
      thank you 

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