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    DV Lottery of K1 Visa - Can I file for both?
    I applied for the DV lottery 2025 and hope to be selected this year. My fiancé and I discovered that there is a fiancé visa for the USA. Do you think if we apply for the K1 visa but are selected for the DV lottery that we can stop the fiancé visa process? What are the timelines and options here :)?
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    Confused about steps after marriage
    My fiancee arrived last month on K1 fiance visa and we got married yesterday. It seems from what I have seen online that I made a mistake by not getting SSN prior to marriage? I am going to the SSN office on Monday to gather more information... also worried about employment authorization and travel authorization(s). Thanks for any insights!
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    N-400 interview in TWO days. Last wise words?
    Hey everyone!! My N-400 interview is in 2 days. I am so nervous!!

    Any last words of advice?? Do's and don't? Anything you wished someone had told YOU? Thanks!
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    Divorce from non-immigrant (out of status) and financial responbsibility
    I go to court next month for another hearing... The judge previously said the "Plaintiff was financially obligated to support [my ex] while she resided in the United States." What does that mean?
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    Recently filed 129F - still so many questions - here's the first
    I am a USC, my partner is Burmese.  We met in Thailand in 2022 and are starting the K1 process but we have soo many questions... Please help! :)
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    Tourist visa cancelled by CBP agent.  Can we still get a CR1 or K1 Visa?
    Upon my gf's most recent arrival, her tourist visa was cancelled at the airport due to her frequent visits last year and suspicion of working here. She was denied entry and sent back same day. Is a CR1 or K1 visa process an option still? I would appreciate any advice or tips you can provide!
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  • Recent Immigration Discussions
    Did not marry on K1 Fiance Visa question
    12:07 pm today


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    Hello - I am the petitioner of my now ex-fiance a few years ago. I had brought her to the States around 2+ years ago on a K1 Fiance Visa, but we had broken up within the 90 days after she arrived to the States so we did not marry. I do not know if she is still in the States or not as I cut all communication with her (My guess is she is, there was a very unique, timely circumstance that allowed her to apply for permanent residency through another way. I do not know if she pursued this path or is legal or would work, nor do I care unless this personally impacts me now).

    I am now dating someone who has resided in the states for around 10 years, on a green card, and is eligible through US citizenship soon. All on her own. We are not married. She had moved in to my address and has filed the required change of residence (which is also the same address I lived at when I petitioned for the K1). My question is whether my partner would get asked any questions on my K1 during her citizenship interview, any potential complications, anything else we should be thinking about as she prepares her naturalization form.

    From my understanding and talking to legal counsel, I do not have any obligations from not marrying on the K1 a few years ago. I was told just let her K1 expire, no need to file anything, etc. and it's not my problem.

    Any experiences or other guidance from the community?

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    News from USCIS: medical records now must be sent with I-485
    10:15 am today


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    My Google alerts let me know of this change which applies to some petitioners but not others. Not sure exactly when this applies either.

    USCIS Now Requires Report of Immigration Medical Examination and Vaccination Record to be Submitted with Form I-485 for Certain Applicants

    Release Date

    We now require certain applicants filing Form I-485, Application to Register Permanent Residence or Adjust Status, to submit Form I-693, Report of Immigration Medical Examination and Vaccination Record, with their Form I-485 or the Form I-485 may otherwise be rejected.

    Applicants for adjustment of status generally must complete an immigration medical examination and all required vaccinations and submit a properly completed Form I-693 signed by a civil surgeon to show they are free from health conditions that would render them inadmissible under the health-related grounds.

    If you are required to submit Form I-693, or a partial Form I-693 (such as the Vaccination Record), you must submit it with your Form I-485. Otherwise, we may reject your Form I-485. We have revised the Form I-485 instructions to make filing the two forms together a requirement.

    We have made this change to reduce the number of Requests for Evidence we issue before adjudicating a Form I-485.

    Additional information on the immigration benefits that require an immigration medical examination and vaccinations, and whether a civil surgeon or panel physician should conduct the immigration medical examination is available in Vol. 8, Part B, Chapter 3 - Applicability of Medical Examination and Vaccination Requirement of the USCIS Policy Manual.

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    "Your passport is still with post"
    8:50 am today


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    Hello COMMUNITY!

    Background: My husband has his visa interivew approved. He is waiting to pick up his visa/passport at Casablanca Aramex.

    I am enquiring about the process and I am not sure what the response means?

    It says:

    "Your passport is still with post."

    Which of the two things does it mean?

    • It is still at the immigration officer's desk and not mailed?
      • OR
    • Is it AT Aramex

    Your response would be greatly appreciated.

    WhatsApp Image 2024-12-04 at 7.42.40 AM.jpeg

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    Applying for Spouse Visa after getting married on ESTA
    7:57 am today


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    I'm a US citizen and live abroad with my spouse who is a UK citizen. We got married in the US while he was there on an ESTA visa waiver, and then returned to where we live outside of the US. We are now considering a move to the US and applying for a CR-1 Spouse Visa for him. I'm wondering if anyone has experience with this, and if we should expect any issues with the visa being approved since we were married in the US while he was on an ESTA visa.

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    I-130,About 2×2 photo
    6:07 am today


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    How should I upload 2 2 photo when I file I-130?

    Front of photo as data and Back of photo scan as PDF with signed my name ?

    Or both need to be scan and file with PDF?

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    • Journeyvisa2016

      Hi all
      Got an email asking for me to update my status, which I did in 2021.
      I am a US citizen as of 2021.
      Anyone looking for answers to questions about similar situations that I experienced, please feel free to reach out.
      All the best to you all.
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    • Chelsea48  »  queensquibble

      It's really hard to find Czech people in the IR-1/CR-1  process so I am messaging anyone I can find with the hope to share information. 
      If you are interested in chatting or sharing info, let me know!
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    • Karimm

      Can anyone helps me plz?
      I came with K1 visa and entered the US then
      I applied for my adjustment of status forms and got a new receipt number and online account number in the mail. 
      I created an online account number 2 years ago on USCIS when I was tracking my case before coming to the US.
      My question is: Can I add a new case on my USCIS existing account that had been created 2 years ago with the new receipt number to track my current case and waiting for getting my green card? 
      thank you 

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    • mattu  »  g_canadian

      Did the consulate reactivate your case for the doctor's office to upload the medical? I am in the same boat now.  Wondering how long it takes them.
      Thank you 
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    • Gargalmon22

      I sent my I 485 adjustment of status(family based) on Nov 21. It is showing the package was delivered on Nov 24. The ticket to leave US is on Dec 4. What happens if the receipt is not done by Dec 4 do you have to leave the country or it’s okay to stay in US as I have already applied for the adjustment of status. I know you cannot leave the country but what happens if you don’t receive the receipt of notice. 
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