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Who are we? For over 20 years, VisaJourney has been your one-stop immigration community for Work, Student and Family Visas (K1 & IR1 Visas), Green Cards, US Citizenship, DACA, the Diversity Lottery and all other topics. Share your experiences and relax -- you are not alone!
Trending Immigration DiscussionsTopic Popularity Poster #1 Not guilty 19 years ago
K1 Visa Discussion- Traciusa #2 Crba Birth Certificate American Parent Nationality - waqascho #3 EB2 VISA APPOINTMENT DATE - ESLAA #4 K1 has been a positive experience so far.
K1 Visa Discussion- Mixel96 #5 when do I put NA? Filing I-130A, I-485, I-864...etc. - Saif Sobih
Community SpotlightDV Lottery of K1 Visa - Can I file for both?
Petrisaint Mpaka posted a topic in K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedures,
I applied for the DV lottery 2025 and hope to be selected this year. My fiancé and I discovered that there is a fiancé visa for the USA. Do you think if we apply for the K1 visa but are selected for the DV lottery that we can stop the fiancé visa process? What are the timelines and options here :)?-
- 25 replies
Confused about steps after marriage
SP1988 posted a topic in Adjustment of Status (Green Card) from K1 and K3 Family Based Visas,
My fiancee arrived last month on K1 fiance visa and we got married yesterday. It seems from what I have seen online that I made a mistake by not getting SSN prior to marriage? I am going to the SSN office on Monday to gather more information... also worried about employment authorization and travel authorization(s). Thanks for any insights!-
- 59 replies
Tourist visa cancelled by CBP agent. Can we still get a CR1 or K1 Visa?
yotajeeper posted a topic in What Visa Do I Need - Family Based Immigration,
Upon my gf's most recent arrival, her tourist visa was cancelled at the airport due to her frequent visits last year and suspicion of working here. She was denied entry and sent back same day. Is a CR1 or K1 visa process an option still? I would appreciate any advice or tips you can provide!-
- 61 replies
Recent Immigration DiscussionsInterview wait time for immigrant visa in Prague 5:49 pm today
Read 35 Times
1 RepliesWe just DQ'd at NVC for a CR-I visa, I wondering if anyone has recently gotten an immigrant interview letter or had an interview at the Prague Embassy.
Any information would be really helpful as we need to start making plans to move! Thank you
I-864 RFE Questions 4:02 pm today
Read 56 Times
2 RepliesHi,
Received this RFIE a day ago for my I-485. For context, my spouse has insufficient income so we've used a joint sponsor. We made sure to file I-864s for each, and provide sufficient supporting documentation (except joint sponsors proof of citizenship as you can see).
From what I can gather, they're asking for joint sponsors proof of citizenship and my spouse's tax exemption letter, am I missing anything else?
I'm slightly confused because of the block at the start talking about how my spouse has insufficient income (which is why we have the joint sponsor, so why is this even being mentioned), I'm also confused because we attached a written tax exemption notice for my spouse with the original application, so I'm not sure why it's being asked for again.
Hopefully I'm right in that all I need to provide are those two things, but let me know if I'm wrong!
Department of State and National Visa Center 1:27 pm today
Read 69 Times
2 RepliesIf our case has been transferred to the DOS, does that mean it has been transferred to NVC? It's a bit confusing..
Crba Birth Certificate American Parent Nationality 10:31 am today
Read 180 Times
9 RepliesHello, I'm usa citizen, my wife in pakistan, recently gave birth. I traveled to pakistan for crba. I filed crba online, and they asked for baby birth certificate by union council on nadra paper. We got birth certificate made by union council but I saw that under father(me) nationality it's listed as Pakistani, I was born in pakistan, but I got usa neutralized 3 years after birth and became usa citizen 9 years after birth in pakistan. So am I both usa and pakistani nationality?
The union council didn't put American as father(me) nationality on baby birth certificate, even though when I filled paper I listed I'm not from pakistan, I'm from outside usa, I called the union council and they said it doesn't matter because I have both nationality.
My question is should I remake the birth certificate to make sure it says father(me) nationality on it as american and not pakistan. Remaking it takes time, they won't just fix it, so I have to restart the process.
I can't get appointment for crba untill I have birth certificate, should I upload this birth certificate or wait and get american written as nationality for father(me) on baby certificate for crba.
Read 117 Times
9 RepliesDocumentarily qualified in March 2024. Expecting an Interview date.