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Wife is in Jail w/ misdemeanor


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Well I am not here to take anyone´s sides. I read through this and really sorry to hear you are in this situation Mystery and hope u will stop hurting soon (F)

Wanted to share some thoughts of why some people might have reacted the way they did (means why some of them think your wife was just defending herself). I have read a lot of stories of people (the ones that have to go to live in USA cuz their fiance/spouse prefers to live there) that are quite sad too. They basically have to start a whole new life cuz they have to leave their current life behind. All their friends are gone (or lets say very far away). Now it might be pretty stressful/complicated for some people to adopt to a new country etc. I have read a lot of stories where people were complaining that after a year or two they still had no friends there (or no real friends), other people were having big difficulties with finding a job (some of them cuz of language problems)...etc. So it´s understandable that some people might feel like in prison when they have to be at home all day with noone to talk to. And some people might deal with this whole situation really bad while having noone close (or noone frome their original family - cuz now they are close with their spouse or at least they should be). So I can imagine some people get really stressed, depressed, lonely and/or sad or who knows what else. Some might get angry. And therefore they might bite (as to punish the person who brought them there - also they have noone else to bite maybe - joking). (Personally I can´t imagine ever biting anybody but people are different...some people get angry/sad so they cry, some shout, some don´t talk to anybody etc so I can imagine some people might bite). So it doesn´t even have to mean that the person who got physically hurt provoked the other one or did anything bad to them. It might just mean the person who is trying to start this new life doesn´t know what else to do to get noticed maybe? (I dunno just using this example from when some little kids start being difficult and sometimes it turns out they are just asking for attention or help and don´t know how to deal with something etc)

Well it´s a lot of psychology for me to have typed I think :P

So just another point of view. I think/hope you got to know your then fiance pretty well before you married her and I doubt it you would marry some violent or crazy person. So she might as well have some serious problems adjusting there or she was just hiding her nature from you before. I can´t judge I don´t know any of you. You sound like you gave her all possible you could. Does/did she love you as much as you love(d) her?

I think lotsa people when they are having troubles they tell their partner and they deal with it together. But some people keep to themselves. When you think about it there are lotsa couples that live together in their hometown, have no cultural differences, have their families and friends and still have big troubles with their relationship. So in some cases might be even harder to overcome all the obstacles in a new country. Wish all the couples were strong enough to overcome everything together.

I know you are hurting so maybe you haven´t looked into this from this perspective. Maybe you have and I am just talking nonsense here. Do you two still love each other? (I know you wanna get divorced so your answer might be no but you said you still loved her so how about her?) Of course if you don´t wanna answer it´s ok.

Wish you good luck and hope everything turns out well for you :)

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This is so sad. If she is dangerous and you really fear for your safety, then I guess behind bars is the only place for her....but between this and your other post I'm really seeing that you are more mad at her than scared of her...I don't know either one of you but she is alone in a strange country, now stuck in a strange jail and a system that she probably doesn't understand...I just can't imagine how scary that is and its soooo wrong if you are putting her through this and letting it continue just to win your argument or say f-u louder. I mean, you won. You got to document being the victim first. Ok, she'll have a hell of a time staying legal. She knows that if she tries to hold you to support you've prepared to fight that. By now she's been briefed on what happens to her if she touches you again. If you are really afraid of her hurting you, don't do anything, but if you are just making sure you"win", you gotta make this stop. Get her out. Divorce her if you are going to. Move on. Let her worry about her status. Maybe the 864 will come back at you, maybe it won't but you signed it. With your head on straight you said you loved her and you signed it. Might have been a mistake, but you knew what you were signing. You have to move on. I'm sure this isn't going to be a popular position to take, but I'm feeling bad for her (well, both of you, actually) Obvioulsly, you are both hurting, so start making the hurting stop. I hope you guys can find a way to stop hurting each other. Neither one of you really wins til you do.

Thank you for your comment.

I am both mad and somewhat scared. But not scared for my life. More like scared of the legal consequences I will have with her. I'm being honest here.

Here is how I feel. I did EVERYTHING for my wife. Dated her for 2 years, visited her every 2 - 3 months, spent thousands on phone calls, brought her here, married her and have done absolutley everything for her. Paid for English classes, bought furniture. etc....etc....etc.....

Now our marriage is practically finished because of her violent behavior and now I'm going to have to MAINTAIN HER and PAY FOR EVERYTHING else she decides to do here in the US, just because I signed an Affidavit of Support!!!????

In other words not only did I bring her here with my money and effort, but I"m going to have to maintain her economically after marriage (that she ruined) while she lives here comfortably as if NOTHING happened all with my hard earned money???? I"m sorry but NO.

Put yourself in my shoes and lets see how any of you would feel.

First of all i am very sorry for your situation , i feel for you cause i know what it feels like to be abused or being in a violent relationship , the comment above is totally out of line here how you can defend a violent woman ? my suggestion keep her away from you as far as possible and i hope she will get what she deserves , after all you have done for her , if she can not apriciate it , i am sorry but then she should go back to her country , maybe she will wake up and learn something out of that ! sorry but this is my opinion ! Good Luck to you ....

"Happiness only lives for those who cry, those who was hurt, those who have searched, those who loved and those who have tried..."

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Filed: Country: Philippines
Well I am not here to take anyone´s sides. I read through this and really sorry to hear you are in this situation Mystery and hope u will stop hurting soon (F)

Wanted to share some thoughts of why some people might have reacted the way they did (means why some of them think your wife was just defending herself). I have read a lot of stories of people (the ones that have to go to live in USA cuz their fiance/spouse prefers to live there) that are quite sad too. They basically have to start a whole new life cuz they have to leave their current life behind. All their friends are gone (or lets say very far away). Now it might be pretty stressful/complicated for some people to adopt to a new country etc. I have read a lot of stories where people were complaining that after a year or two they still had no friends there (or no real friends), other people were having big difficulties with finding a job (some of them cuz of language problems)...etc. So it´s understandable that some people might feel like in prison when they have to be at home all day with noone to talk to. And some people might deal with this whole situation really bad while having noone close (or noone frome their original family - cuz now they are close with their spouse or at least they should be). So I can imagine some people get really stressed, depressed, lonely and/or sad or who knows what else. Some might get angry. And therefore they might bite (as to punish the person who brought them there - also they have noone else to bite maybe - joking). (Personally I can´t imagine ever biting anybody but people are different...some people get angry/sad so they cry, some shout, some don´t talk to anybody etc so I can imagine some people might bite). So it doesn´t even have to mean that the person who got physically hurt provoked the other one or did anything bad to them. It might just mean the person who is trying to start this new life doesn´t know what else to do to get noticed maybe? (I dunno just using this example from when some little kids start being difficult and sometimes it turns out they are just asking for attention or help and don´t know how to deal with something etc)

Well it´s a lot of psychology for me to have typed I think :P

So just another point of view. I think/hope you got to know your then fiance pretty well before you married her and I doubt it you would marry some violent or crazy person. So she might as well have some serious problems adjusting there or she was just hiding her nature from you before. I can´t judge I don´t know any of you. You sound like you gave her all possible you could. Does/did she love you as much as you love(d) her?

I think lotsa people when they are having troubles they tell their partner and they deal with it together. But some people keep to themselves. When you think about it there are lotsa couples that live together in their hometown, have no cultural differences, have their families and friends and still have big troubles with their relationship. So in some cases might be even harder to overcome all the obstacles in a new country. Wish all the couples were strong enough to overcome everything together.

I know you are hurting so maybe you haven´t looked into this from this perspective. Maybe you have and I am just talking nonsense here. Do you two still love each other? (I know you wanna get divorced so your answer might be no but you said you still loved her so how about her?) Of course if you don´t wanna answer it´s ok.

Wish you good luck and hope everything turns out well for you :)

That was a very good point of view

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the comment above is totally out of line here how you can defend a violent woman ? my suggestion keep her away from you as far as possible and i hope she will get what she deserves , after all you have done for her , if she can not apriciate it , i am sorry but then she should go back to her country , maybe she will wake up and learn something out of that ! sorry but this is my opinion ! Good Luck to you ....

if you mean my comment is out of line then you are reading it wrong...i wasn´t defending anybody and i wasn´t taking anybody´s sides...i also understand you had some similar experience so you are speaking out of anger...its so simple for everyone to say she should go back to her country...i guess you guys can´t even imagine what it can feel like for someone to be taken away from where they grew up, put somewhere where they know nothing and then you just say send her back...after you want her to try start a new life with u there? how many more changes do you want from a person in a year? you ever tried quitting your life and starting a new life on the other side of the planet? and it doesn´t really help being in usa and hearing so many things on the radio against immigrants etc...then one doesn´t feel very welcome there...

anyways..what i wanted to say...i was suggesting that she should seek a psychologist´s help who could help her deal with her situation better and overcome some struggles or issues she might be having...wasn´t defending violent behaviour...just saying everything has it´s reasons or roots somewhere and can be dealt with some professional help

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Filed: Country: Philippines
the comment above is totally out of line here how you can defend a violent woman ? my suggestion keep her away from you as far as possible and i hope she will get what she deserves , after all you have done for her , if she can not apriciate it , i am sorry but then she should go back to her country , maybe she will wake up and learn something out of that ! sorry but this is my opinion ! Good Luck to you ....

if you mean my comment is out of line then you are reading it wrong...i wasn´t defending anybody and i wasn´t taking anybody´s sides...i also understand you had some similar experience so you are speaking out of anger...its so simple for everyone to say she should go back to her country...i guess you guys can´t even imagine what it can feel like for someone to be taken away from where they grew up, put somewhere where they know nothing and then you just say send her back...after you want her to try start a new life with u there? how many more changes do you want from a person in a year? you ever tried quitting your life and starting a new life on the other side of the planet? and it doesn´t really help being in usa and hearing so many things on the radio against immigrants etc...then one doesn´t feel very welcome there...

anyways..what i wanted to say...i was suggesting that she should seek a psychologist´s help who could help her deal with her situation better and overcome some struggles or issues she might be having...wasn´t defending violent behaviour...just saying everything has it´s reasons or roots somewhere and can be dealt with some professional help

Good luck on your interview

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Filed: K-1 Visa Country: Venezuela

First of all I'd like to thank all of you for your kind words of encouragement and understanding. I apreciate your comments and points of view. Some very good comments, thank you all.

For those of you suggesting I buy a plane ticket back for her, I already offered that and she does not want to go back.

Here's an update:

I had gotten a call from the State Attorney's office to see if I would agree for them to give her Pre Trial Diversion. Which would pretty much mean that she gets to go to Anger Mgt classes for 6 months and a few other conditions and they drop all charges. I have always felt that my wife would be coming back at me with a vengeance, making me out as the bad guy here and just try to make things miserable. So I refused and asked them to NOT give her that.....I want them to prosecute her. Sound harsh right??? I'm a bad guy??? It would seem so. I actually was 50/50 about it but decided to think about my future.

Well, I was right. I was served today with a Temporary Injunction (aka Stay Away Order) that my wife filed against me!! In it she accuses ME of being the one that hit her and abused her on the night she was arrested. Which it TOTALLY FALSE. I DID NOT lay a hand on her at all. She pretty much made up a huge lie that I was hitting her and that she bit me in self defense. And that when she was going to call the police on me I took her phone away and called the cops b4 she did. Just totally a ridiculous accusation. I now have to go to friggin court again next week to fight that. I honestly could not believe it. As of now there's a Stay Away Order against her becuase of the arrest and now she's filing one against me. She made one up back in Oct and it was dismissed when we went infront of the judge. I'm sure it'll happen again. But it's just the odacity she has to just lie through her teeth like that.

I am 99.9% sure she is being coached by someone telling her to do all this anyhow. And she's building all this thing up to present it to Immigration when she has to renew in June 2009. She'll use the Domestic Violence as an alibi or excuse to try and get her Permanent Residency.

I have a feeling that this is going to be one looong never ending ride...........

K-1 Timeline:

11/27/04 - First met

03/06/06 - Engaged

06/16/06 - New I-129f sent

06/19/06 - I-129f rec'vd by TSC

06/29/06 - NOA1

09/12/06 - NOA2

01/24/07 - Interview APPROVED!

01/30/07 - Returned to US with fiance

02/15/07 - Married

AOS Timeline:

04/24/07 - AOS/EAD mailed out

06/06/07 - Biometrics done

06/21/07 - I-485 APPROVED!!

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Filed: K-1 Visa Country: Ukraine

Man you do not deserve this. Contact ICE and make sure USCIS knows what she is doing, document, document, document it all and write it all down, dates, times and try to gather as much evidence as you can. That woman needs to be deported back to where she came and if you say her own relatives want nothing to do with her once she arrived her, that should have been a major red flag, she has issues that I am sure they knew about before you married her, sad for you, too bad you could not have done a more thorough background check on her in her home country before you married her. Be strong, seek legal counsel, and do the best you can, you are in for a long process and stress for a while, good luck in court next week. This is sad, no US citizen deserves this kind of treatment. She should be deported, amazes me how if you are so horrible and bad, and she has chance to end it all and go back home, then why she refuses to do that and wants to stay, I say work on doing all you can to help get her out of USA and deported, she has not right being here, sadly based on what you say I think she was using you and scamming you to get into USA for GC. Best of luck. You do not deserve this. :unsure:

First of all I'd like to thank all of you for your kind words of encouragement and understanding. I apreciate your comments and points of view. Some very good comments, thank you all.

For those of you suggesting I buy a plane ticket back for her, I already offered that and she does not want to go back.

Here's an update:

I had gotten a call from the State Attorney's office to see if I would agree for them to give her Pre Trial Diversion. Which would pretty much mean that she gets to go to Anger Mgt classes for 6 months and a few other conditions and they drop all charges. I have always felt that my wife would be coming back at me with a vengeance, making me out as the bad guy here and just try to make things miserable. So I refused and asked them to NOT give her that.....I want them to prosecute her. Sound harsh right??? I'm a bad guy??? It would seem so. I actually was 50/50 about it but decided to think about my future.

Well, I was right. I was served today with a Temporary Injunction (aka Stay Away Order) that my wife filed against me!! In it she accuses ME of being the one that hit her and abused her on the night she was arrested. Which it TOTALLY FALSE. I DID NOT lay a hand on her at all. She pretty much made up a huge lie that I was hitting her and that she bit me in self defense. And that when she was going to call the police on me I took her phone away and called the cops b4 she did. Just totally a ridiculous accusation. I now have to go to friggin court again next week to fight that. I honestly could not believe it. As of now there's a Stay Away Order against her becuase of the arrest and now she's filing one against me. She made one up back in Oct and it was dismissed when we went infront of the judge. I'm sure it'll happen again. But it's just the odacity she has to just lie through her teeth like that.

I am 99.9% sure she is being coached by someone telling her to do all this anyhow. And she's building all this thing up to present it to Immigration when she has to renew in June 2009. She'll use the Domestic Violence as an alibi or excuse to try and get her Permanent Residency.

I have a feeling that this is going to be one looong never ending ride...........

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Man you do not deserve this. Contact ICE and make sure USCIS knows what she is doing, document, document, document it all and write it all down, dates, times and try to gather as much evidence as you can. That woman needs to be deported back to where she came and if you say her own relatives want nothing to do with her once she arrived her, that should have been a major red flag, she has issues that I am sure they knew about before you married her, sad for you, too bad you could not have done a more thorough background check on her in her home country before you married her. Be strong, seek legal counsel, and do the best you can, you are in for a long process and stress for a while, good luck in court next week. This is sad, no US citizen deserves this kind of treatment. She should be deported, amazes me how if you are so horrible and bad, and she has chance to end it all and go back home, then why she refuses to do that and wants to stay, I say work on doing all you can to help get her out of USA and deported, she has not right being here, sadly based on what you say I think she was using you and scamming you to get into USA for GC. Best of luck. You do not deserve this. :unsure:

First of all I'd like to thank all of you for your kind words of encouragement and understanding. I apreciate your comments and points of view. Some very good comments, thank you all.

For those of you suggesting I buy a plane ticket back for her, I already offered that and she does not want to go back.

Here's an update:

I had gotten a call from the State Attorney's office to see if I would agree for them to give her Pre Trial Diversion. Which would pretty much mean that she gets to go to Anger Mgt classes for 6 months and a few other conditions and they drop all charges. I have always felt that my wife would be coming back at me with a vengeance, making me out as the bad guy here and just try to make things miserable. So I refused and asked them to NOT give her that.....I want them to prosecute her. Sound harsh right??? I'm a bad guy??? It would seem so. I actually was 50/50 about it but decided to think about my future.

Well, I was right. I was served today with a Temporary Injunction (aka Stay Away Order) that my wife filed against me!! In it she accuses ME of being the one that hit her and abused her on the night she was arrested. Which it TOTALLY FALSE. I DID NOT lay a hand on her at all. She pretty much made up a huge lie that I was hitting her and that she bit me in self defense. And that when she was going to call the police on me I took her phone away and called the cops b4 she did. Just totally a ridiculous accusation. I now have to go to friggin court again next week to fight that. I honestly could not believe it. As of now there's a Stay Away Order against her becuase of the arrest and now she's filing one against me. She made one up back in Oct and it was dismissed when we went infront of the judge. I'm sure it'll happen again. But it's just the odacity she has to just lie through her teeth like that.

I am 99.9% sure she is being coached by someone telling her to do all this anyhow. And she's building all this thing up to present it to Immigration when she has to renew in June 2009. She'll use the Domestic Violence as an alibi or excuse to try and get her Permanent Residency.

I have a feeling that this is going to be one looong never ending ride...........

Yes, I agree. It is terrible. Woman who wants green card plays this kind game and surely she is coached by someone. Don't worry, have a good lawyer with you and fight. Be strong!

I-130 Timeline with USCIS:

It took 92 days for I-130 to get approved from the filing date

NVC Process of I-130:

It took 78 days to complete the NVC process

Interview Process at The U.S. Embassy

Interview took 223 days from the I-130 filing date. Immigrant Visa was issued right after the interview

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Filed: K-3 Visa Country: Jamaica

agreed, I would start fighting this from now, because this could go on your personal record. I have a friend who can't a job in his field because of something that happened 30 years. Document everything and fight it hard


Me turn professional panhandler!!! but mi look good, don't??

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the comment above is totally out of line here how you can defend a violent woman ? my suggestion keep her away from you as far as possible and i hope she will get what she deserves , after all you have done for her , if she can not apriciate it , i am sorry but then she should go back to her country , maybe she will wake up and learn something out of that ! sorry but this is my opinion ! Good Luck to you ....

if you mean my comment is out of line then you are reading it wrong...i wasn´t defending anybody and i wasn´t taking anybody´s sides...i also understand you had some similar experience so you are speaking out of anger...its so simple for everyone to say she should go back to her country...i guess you guys can´t even imagine what it can feel like for someone to be taken away from where they grew up, put somewhere where they know nothing and then you just say send her back...after you want her to try start a new life with u there? how many more changes do you want from a person in a year? you ever tried quitting your life and starting a new life on the other side of the planet? and it doesn´t really help being in usa and hearing so many things on the radio against immigrants etc...then one doesn´t feel very welcome there...

anyways..what i wanted to say...i was suggesting that she should seek a psychologist´s help who could help her deal with her situation better and overcome some struggles or issues she might be having...wasn´t defending violent behaviour...just saying everything has it´s reasons or roots somewhere and can be dealt with some professional help

Just wanted to let you know i am an Immigrant too , i left everything for my Husband back in Germany and yes you right it is not easy i was often Homesick at the beginning and my husband wasn't that much help for me either , but i would never ever attack him for that or hurt him in such kinda way , and no i am not speaking out of anger i am long time over that , the Relationship i was Talking about is 13 years ago , I just think it is Wrong to find excuses for such behaviour , and talk everything nice when it isn't , i think if you would be in such situation you would understand better what the people here are talking about , somebody who never experienced a violent partner have no Idea how humiliating it can be ...

"Happiness only lives for those who cry, those who was hurt, those who have searched, those who loved and those who have tried..."

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the comment above is totally out of line here how you can defend a violent woman ? my suggestion keep her away from you as far as possible and i hope she will get what she deserves , after all you have done for her , if she can not apriciate it , i am sorry but then she should go back to her country , maybe she will wake up and learn something out of that ! sorry but this is my opinion ! Good Luck to you ....

if you mean my comment is out of line then you are reading it wrong...i wasn´t defending anybody and i wasn´t taking anybody´s sides...i also understand you had some similar experience so you are speaking out of anger...its so simple for everyone to say she should go back to her country...i guess you guys can´t even imagine what it can feel like for someone to be taken away from where they grew up, put somewhere where they know nothing and then you just say send her back...after you want her to try start a new life with u there? how many more changes do you want from a person in a year? you ever tried quitting your life and starting a new life on the other side of the planet? and it doesn´t really help being in usa and hearing so many things on the radio against immigrants etc...then one doesn´t feel very welcome there...

anyways..what i wanted to say...i was suggesting that she should seek a psychologist´s help who could help her deal with her situation better and overcome some struggles or issues she might be having...wasn´t defending violent behaviour...just saying everything has it´s reasons or roots somewhere and can be dealt with some professional help

Just wanted to let you know i am an Immigrant too , i left everything for my Husband back in Germany and yes you right it is not easy i was often Homesick at the beginning and my husband wasn't that much help for me either , but i would never ever attack him for that or hurt him in such kinda way , and no i am not speaking out of anger i am long time over that , the Relationship i was Talking about is 13 years ago , I just think it is Wrong to find excuses for such behaviour , and talk everything nice when it isn't , i think if you would be in such situation you would understand better what the people here are talking about , somebody who never experienced a violent partner have no Idea how humiliating it can be ...

Side bar here, be prepared to present your argument clear and precise at the motion of hearing. In my line of work, working with men to fight these DV (domestic violence issues) can be tough. Women dont take me wrong here, but there is a common practice going on right now, and putting aside what she is really trying to do and YES I HAVE SEEN THAT DONE ALSO, its a revenge act at its finest.

A DV issue is not a felony or misdemenor unless violated. But first the Judge must approve the motion that yes this is probably what happened, and in most cases they do for they want to err on the side of caution. BUT have your police report ready, and all supporting documents. Hopefully the Judge is good and sees through this farce. I am not defending your other half by any means here, just have seen it too much in the last five years and your case smells of falling into the same guidelines. Keep your arguments short and precise.

One item I may say to you that some people do not do. During a Civil dispute as this, as I assume you are to show up in Family Court, could be wrong, but they do not provide Court Reporters to record this issue, just the Judges notes are obtained. In order to file an appeal or to present the case to USCIS at a later date, you may want to have a Court Reporter there for the full hearing review. JUST A HUGE FYI - I had one person who did not and the Judge ruled in favor of the woman's complaint even though the husband presented facts of not even being there at the time of the incident. And he had two witnesses to attest to this. At that point of the hearing, the Judge was not even paying attention. MOTION GRANTED - Restraining Order placed into effect for indefinite time period. He could not appeal, no court reporter.

Good Luck to you but saw this one coming, she means to stay mate, and she is being coached. Also PLEASE NO CONTACT PLEASE PLEASE not even through a friend, only through a lawyer can this be done. HEED THIS WARNING PLEASE!!!



p.s every state is different in how these cases are handled but again in the four states that I have worked with for clients, they are in the Family Courts division. sigh for you.

When something goes wrong remember this saying "WHEN MAN PLANS, GOD LAUGHS"


I-130 JOURNEY BEGINSSent August 28, 2007 to TSC for receipting in CSCReceived NOA1 from VSC December 21, 2007

Notes - earned USCIS skymiles for sure - postmarked from Chicago Lockbox

online finally 2/24/08

touchy feely 2/25/08

touched 2/27/2008 - great RFE requested - just wonderful news to see in your inbox early in the am

3/13 - RFE letter FINALLY received - and document that we sent NOW resent back to VSC grrrrowling

3/19 case resumed processing

3/20 touched

3./21 touched

3/23 Easter bunny touched again

4/01 - APPROVED I-130

4/02 - touched

4/07 - received hard copy approval


4/07 NV Case number assigned

4/08 AOS, DS and all fees paid online

6/09 tax transcript for 2007 just became available -whoot

6/20 NVC receives everything nothing more to give them now just close eyes and pray

6/23 NVC enters into system

6/26 NVC - RFE uggh - wants all three years of Federal tax return listed and they lost originals or so they say - DING DING ROUND TWO

7/25 NVC Case completed whooottttttttt


Embassy - case out for delivery to embassy via DHL sneaky us lol


08/19 Medical Exam completed - healthy oh yeah!!!!!!!!

9/26 @8am -Interview - approved VISA IN HAND OMG WHOOT!!! HELLO AMERICA MY LUV

POE- Atlanta then MCO - October 15th with the cat "GIT" on board lol - POE SUPER SWEET

Husband home finally - god what a journey....but after 400+ days we made it

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Filed: IR-1/CR-1 Visa Country: Canada
First of all I'd like to thank all of you for your kind words of encouragement and understanding. I apreciate your comments and points of view. Some very good comments, thank you all.

For those of you suggesting I buy a plane ticket back for her, I already offered that and she does not want to go back.

Here's an update:

I had gotten a call from the State Attorney's office to see if I would agree for them to give her Pre Trial Diversion. Which would pretty much mean that she gets to go to Anger Mgt classes for 6 months and a few other conditions and they drop all charges. I have always felt that my wife would be coming back at me with a vengeance, making me out as the bad guy here and just try to make things miserable. So I refused and asked them to NOT give her that.....I want them to prosecute her. Sound harsh right??? I'm a bad guy??? It would seem so. I actually was 50/50 about it but decided to think about my future.

Well, I was right. I was served today with a Temporary Injunction (aka Stay Away Order) that my wife filed against me!! In it she accuses ME of being the one that hit her and abused her on the night she was arrested. Which it TOTALLY FALSE. I DID NOT lay a hand on her at all. She pretty much made up a huge lie that I was hitting her and that she bit me in self defense. And that when she was going to call the police on me I took her phone away and called the cops b4 she did. Just totally a ridiculous accusation. I now have to go to friggin court again next week to fight that. I honestly could not believe it. As of now there's a Stay Away Order against her becuase of the arrest and now she's filing one against me. She made one up back in Oct and it was dismissed when we went infront of the judge. I'm sure it'll happen again. But it's just the odacity she has to just lie through her teeth like that.

I am 99.9% sure she is being coached by someone telling her to do all this anyhow. And she's building all this thing up to present it to Immigration when she has to renew in June 2009. She'll use the Domestic Violence as an alibi or excuse to try and get her Permanent Residency.

I have a feeling that this is going to be one looong never ending ride...........

If the country of where she comes is the one in your profile, we can easily know now that those types of countries function with fraud and corruption; thus,her actions of irrational behaviour she is showing of what you say, has deep roots...she needs counselling...this is what i would ask at the next hearing, or file something like of harrasment that she stops right away to project her mental state with the law on you...Best of wishes!

CR-1, VT- Canada


25 Aug 06 - Sent I-130 (a Friday)

28 Aug 06 - NOA1 & Certif. receipt returned ( a Monday) Day 1

29 Aug 06 - USCIS cashes check

30 Aug 06 - check cleared & 1ST TOUCH.

01 Sept 06 - NOA1 recvd by Mail

09 Sept 06 - 2ND TOUCH (a Saturday)

09 Mai 07 - NOA2 (2 e-mails)

Note: were told the long delay due to huge backlog and internal changes in VT


04-June-07 - NVC generates DS-3032 & AOS bill

12-June-07 - AOS Bill payment sent/ alien receives DS-3032 form (by mail, dated 4th June)

13-June-07 - Alien sends back completed DS-3032 (by mail)/ rcvd 19th of June approx.

To mid July-07 - I-864 form sent completed and IV fee bill

19-July-07 NVC rcv I-864 form; mail signature rcvd.

22-Aug-07 Ds-230 with documents sent to NVC.

20-Sep - 07 Alien sends NVC Missing document. NVC receives it the 25th.

05-Oct - 07 NVC completed.

16-Jan - 08 Interview, 3 questions asked, visa approved same day, received 1week later approx.

Note: delay due to internal delay, missing document (not rfe) and self procrastination of understanding some abstract terms. C Post not at all reliable (delivery duration, delivery with signature (did not deliver personnaly), and delivery of interview letter rcvd after the interview).


01-03-08 POE Entry in USA

...-03-08 2 Welcome in America letters and green card received.

"What I know is that I know nothing"

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Filed: Citizen (pnd) Country: Thailand
If the country of where she comes is the one in your profile, we can easily know now that those types of countries function with fraud and corruption; thus,her actions of irrational behaviour she is showing of what you say, has deep roots...she needs counselling...this is what i would ask at the next hearing, or file something like of harrasment that she stops right away to project her mental state with the law on you...Best of wishes!

How do we "easily" know this? And what do you mean by "those types of countries"?

This is one couple's situation - give me a break, stop drawing baseless conclusions about an entire country.

Edited by smgx4000
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