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I personally do not agree with abortion but I also see the points of those who say it's a womans decision. If I had total control and could set the rules I would allow it in the first trimester only unless the woman would die if something happened in the second or third trimester.

Gun Control:

The second amendment spells out our right to keep and bear arms. I firmly believe in that. That being said I also agree that convicted felons and those who have mental problems shouldn't have guns.

Stem Cell Research:

Stem cell research is a great thing. But embryonic stem cell research isn't.


I believe in God and Jesus. Enough said.


Illegals should all go home. No exceptions. Expand work visa programs to allow people to come here to work as long as they do it legally.

Governmental duties:

Limit the federal government to what is allowed in the constitution. Anything else is the territory of the states. Just follow the damn constitution!

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Filed: Citizen (apr) Country: Argentina
Abortion: I'm against aborting a fetus as a form of birth control, but I don't think the government should interfere or criminally charge a woman who chooses to do so.

Gun Control: I support the right to own a gun provided there is a background check and I think it's reasonable to ban certain weapons.

Stem Cell Research: Fully support it.

Religion/God: Roman Catholic. Big believer in separation of church and state, freedom of religion and freedom from religion.

Immigration: Offer temporary work visas to those illegals here who have been here 3 years or longer, with no criminal record and offer a pathway towards citizenship. Reform immigration to make it easier for companies to sponsor unskilled laborers.

Governmental duties: The Constitution of the United States of America (I believe the Constitution defines this nation)

We the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

Go Steven! :thumbs:



***Justin And Caro***
Happily married and enjoying our life together!

Filed: AOS (apr) Country: Japan
Posted (edited)

Abortion:Pro choice

Gun Control:

I own a gun and always will.

Stem Cell Research:

I strongly support


I do not believe Religion & Govt. should mix, I am spritual but do not suppor torganised religion as that is the root cause of most of the problems in todays world, extreme religious beliefs.


I believe it is our govts. duty to secure the borders and Enforce immigration laws.Illegals should all be rounded up & sent home! I strongly support Legal Immigration Strongly support harse punsihment & swift action agaisnt illegal immigration & Those that aide or support illegal immigration. I believe our govt. has a duty to prtoect its citizens take care of its current legal population of poor and protect our country against illegal immigration.

Governmental duties To support the rest of the nation as a whole and ensure everybodies safety security freedom and prosparity, The Constitution deifnes who we are and what we stand for but it was written in different times. The govt. should not limit local states abilities to carry out their own governements but provide support to meet the needs of the states ( example allow states to enforce immigration at the local state & municipal level)

Edited by Addie_Goodvibes



IMPORTANT NOTICE:Like you all, I am not an attorney ; I am a layperson (I have laid a lot of persons ) My advice is based on Experience obtained by filing ourselves

AOS met in Japan 1994 married 10/2004

DO:Los Angeles,Ca.

6/17/06 Forms Sent (I-130, I-485, and I-765)

6/19/06 RD I-130,I-485, I-765

6/26/06 NOA rcvd

7/15/06 Biometrics complete Day 22

8/4/06 Interview Notice Rcvd Day 42

9/9/06 EAD Card Received :)Day 78

9/13/06 SS Card Received :)Day 82

9/27/06 AOS Interview Los Angeles APPROVED LPR Day 96

12/04/06 Welcome To the United States Letter received

12/08/06 Green Card Received- expires 12/2016

Filed: Country: Canada
Posted (edited)


Pro Choice, but not late-term

Gun Control:

I'd be happy if guns were outlawed COMPLETELY

Stem Cell Research:

Strongly support


Raised Catholic but now kind of agnostic with some Buddhist leanings.....I also believe the Sermon on the Mount is a good blueprint for how to live your life. Kind of a mixed bag here.


No Social Service/ government funded welfare programs for illegals.

Governmental duties:

To ensure the health and saftey of our citizens.

Edited by KiKi

"We are the real countries,

Not the boundaries drawn on maps,

With the names of powerful men.

That's all I've wanted -

To walk in such a place with you,

On an earth without maps."


Kev (Canada/BC) & Kiki (USA/Oregon)


Married Nov. 27th, 2004

Done with USCIS until 2017!!





Pro Choice, no restrictions

Gun Control:

Guns and amuniction should be much more rigorously controlled. Guns kept at gun clubs, not on personal property and guns that have no place in domestic life banned completely (automatic rifles, I don't know, but the big stuff that armies use)

Stem Cell Research:

It should be allowed, but all research into controversial areas should be supervised to ensure the research is necessary or potentially useful.


Organised religion is the root of all evil. Spirituality is a good thing, ethics are essential if one wants to be part of a society. God may nor may not exist, probably not.


It's a great thing, if it wasn't for immigration, I wouldn't be living with my husband.

Governmental duties:

Duties? Goverment is essential though.

Refusing to use the spellchick!

I have put you on ignore. No really, I have, but you are still ruining my enjoyment of this site. .

Filed: Other Country: India


Pro-life, I don't believe a woman should be able to make the decision to end someone else's developing life even if it's inside her body. To end someone's life outside the womb is a crime, why do a few inches make a difference.

Gun Control:

I support the right to own a gun provided there is a background check and I think it's reasonable to ban certain weapons. (Stole Steven's answer on this one since it says what I wanted to)

Stem Cell Research:

I want to know where the stem cells are coming from before I can decide.


Christian, strongly believe in God


I am mixed on this one. I would support a temp work visa program. I think borders should be well protected.

Governmental duties:

Protect it's citizens, seek the well being of it's citizens, no big government, and yeah follow the constitution. :P There's more but I don't feel like writing out tons of stuff.

Married since 9-18-04(All K1 visa & GC details in timeline.)

Ishu tum he mere Prabhu:::Jesus you are my Lord

Filed: AOS (apr) Country: England

I am the SO, and a UK citizen....... I assume your areas are to be commented on are with respect to people living inside the US.


I think a woman has the right to choose to terminate a pregnancy.

Gun Control:

This is a hard one for me, as I am not used to pretty much anyone having the right to own a gun. I think at least that more scrutiny should be used in determining who should be allowed to own a gun.

Stem Cell Research:

Just another field of research as far as I'm concerned.


As this is a poll on political leanings, I don't think you want to know what religion I am - but how religion should be treated in the political landscape. One of the most forward thinking aspects to the foundation of this country was it's philosophy on religious tolerance. As long as one's religious practices do not interfere with the liberties of others then it is no buisness of the states.


I think the philosophy behind US immigration policy seems to be reasonable, I have had one favour to ask the US government and here I am. We live about a 5 minute drive from the Pentagon and are therefore very aware of the outcome of letting the wrong people into this country - I will back anything reasonable the government does to protect it's borders and vet whom it lets into the US.

Governmental duties:

I think Thomas Jefferson was a great man and this quote pretty sums up the foundation for the US government - "A wise and frugal government, which shall leave men free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor and bread it has earned - this is the sum of good government.".

"What is done out of love always takes place beyond good and evil."

In Brazil we learn that there are 3 things never to be discussed, and they are: religion, politics and futebol (soccer as you americans call)

Like that movie 'Sleepers' :thumbs:


United States & Republic of the Philippines

"Life is hard; it's harder if you're stupid." John Wayne

Filed: K-1 Visa Country: Russia

Abortion: Personally, I could only do it in the case of rape. If my fiancée was sexually assaulted and became pregnant there is NO WAY I am willing to support that life even for 9 months. To know a child with my fiancée's and that sicko's DNA is out there is way more that I (her too) could ever handle. Other situations, I don't think I could, but I support a family's right to have one safety and legally. I have no right to decide what is proper for them.

Gun Control: You can murder someone with or without a gun. If someone wants to harm someone else, they will find a way. There is no knife control. There is no fist control. There is no hit them over the head with a brick control. Gun control is not needed either.

Stem Cell Research: Support it 100%

Religion/God: I believe in God, Always have. I feel a higher presence that is there.

Immigration: We are children of this WORLD not just a country. More freedom of movement, less fence building. This goes for all nations. We need to be a more open world. Maybe we could actually all start to like each other some day.

Governmental duties: Worry about yourself first. Stop trying to raise your neighbour's children in your belief system.

Jeffery AND Alla.

0 kilometers physically separates us!

K-1 Visa Granted... Wednesday, 21 May 2008

Alla ARRIVED to America... Wednesday, 12 November 2008

russia_a.gif Алла и Джеффри USA_a.gif




Grudgingly pro-choice. I believe abortion is in most cases morally wrong, but in keeping with my general beliefs about the government's role in legislating morality, I think it should be legal with no restrictions. Ending abortion is more important than criminalizing it, so I generally support prevention.

Gun Control:

I am for relatively limited gun control, mostly the need for a safety & responsible owner permit, but I'm flexible as to whether that requirement needs to come before or after ownership. I also think the Founders needed to take a mulligan on the wording of the second Amendment because it's one seriously messed up sentence.

Stem Cell Research:

No strong opinion on this.


Nonpracticing Catholic. Would love to practice, but unfortunately church & religion generally has been run over by morons conflating material wealth and war and torture with what God wanted. Since I don't pray to the flag, I'm out until they get some sense. I think religion should get the hell out of politics as it's practically moneychangers in the Temple as it is.


In a world where there was enough funding, I'd be for swift deportation, as I think there's nothing inhumane about deporting someone two weeks after they get here but something ethically questionable about uprooting someone who has been here 20 years. Given that I don't think the former is possible, I'm generally against 'enforcement-only' solutions on pragmatic grounds. Birthright citizenship needs to stay because why mess with a system that's worked for 200 years Felons need to be deported; some sort of guest worker program needs to be implemented; would be nice if we encouraged policies favorable to Mexico so there wasn't as much of a need or desire to immigrate.

Governmental duties:

Let's sum it up by saying I'd be thrilled if we had an actual fiscally conservative party, but our options now are big government starting dumb wars or big government starting slightly fewer dumb wars and maybe thinking about health care.



Filed: 8/1/07


Biometrics: 9/28/07

EAD/AP: 10/17/07

EAD card ordered again (who knows, maybe we got the two-fer deal): 10/23/-7

Transferred to CSC: 10/26/07

Approved: 11/21/07

Filed: Timeline
Abortion: Personally, I could only do it in the case of rape. If my fiancée was sexually assaulted and became pregnant there is NO WAY I am willing to support that life even for 9 months. To know a child with my fiancée's and that sicko's DNA is out there is way more that I (her too) could ever handle. Other situations, I don't think I could, but I support a family's right to have one safety and legally. I have no right to decide what is proper for them.

You are a man, you can never do it. And ultimately, it's not really your decision.

Abortion: Personally, I could only do it in the case of rape. If my fiancée was sexually assaulted and became pregnant there is NO WAY I am willing to support that life even for 9 months. To know a child with my fiancée's and that sicko's DNA is out there is way more that I (her too) could ever handle. Other situations, I don't think I could, but I support a family's right to have one safety and legally. I have no right to decide what is proper for them.

You are a man, you can never do it. And ultimately, it's not really your decision.


1) Only post 1x with your viewpoints on listed topics

2) Do not make comments on other people's posts or view points. See rule #1

Filed: Timeline
Posted (edited)
Abortion: Personally, I could only do it in the case of rape. If my fiancée was sexually assaulted and became pregnant there is NO WAY I am willing to support that life even for 9 months. To know a child with my fiancée's and that sicko's DNA is out there is way more that I (her too) could ever handle. Other situations, I don't think I could, but I support a family's right to have one safety and legally. I have no right to decide what is proper for them.

You are a man, you can never do it. And ultimately, it's not really your decision.


1) Only post 1x with your viewpoints on listed topics

2) Do not make comments on other people's posts or view points. See rule #1


Edited by devilette
Filed: Timeline


Pro Choice. Not happy about it but at the end of the day it's just not my decision to make.

Gun Control:

I don't get the warm and fuzzy with the gun proliferation in the US and certainly don't understand resistance to making illegal the acquisition and ownership of assault weapons. Hunting is fine, a handgun for personal protection on your personal property is fine. In public, only licensed and contracted individuals (read: police) should bear arms. I'd feel much safer that way and have a feeling that the shooting headlines in the morning news would decrease dramatically. That's just me.

Stem Cell Research:

Go for it. It's better to do the research to find cures than to flush these stem cells down the toilet: those are, after all, the alternatives to choose from. To pretend that the millions of "embryos" will ever grow to live is just kidding yourself.


You got yours, I got mine. Let's keep it that way and let's keep that private. Do not ever mix state and church. Ever!


Enforce the laws on the books - amend as needed. No amnesties. Take a hard look at the birthright citizenship.

Governmental duties:

Carefully balance the inequities a completely free market creates (Manchester) for the benefit and well-being of the country. Do promote personal responsibility and do so in a socially and fiscally responsible way. Act in concert with the international community outside of our borders.

Filed: Other Country: Canada


I am definitely Pro-Choice. I believe it is the parents choice. Notice I emphasized the word "parents." That's because I say, if both the mother and father are around and together as a couple (being married today seems to be optional), it should be their choice together to terminate the pregnancy. If, however, only the mother is there for whatever reason, then obviously the choice comes down to her and her alone.

Gun Control:

I think that there should be very limited gun control. In the U.S. there are already enough laws on the books for this. The problem is they just aren't enforced well enough. Regardless, if someone has had no criminal convictions, has taken a firearms safety course and is willing to undergo a psychological examination, then I see no reason why they cannot own a gun.

I don't see much point in a "concealed handgun license" (CHL), since there are relatively few places you can bring the gun into legally. What's the point of having a CHL if you can't carry the firearm at all times? It won't do you much good sitting in your car.

Stem Cell Research:

I am very supportive of this type of research. I believe it could potentially hold many treatments and cures down the road. There's a lot of work and experimentation to be done with it, but the sooner we get at it, the sooner we might have those treatments and cures too.


I'm technically a Reform Jew, although I rarely practice my religion. I may uphold certain traditions and even celebrate the Jewish holidays, but I don't do a whole lot more than that. I'm not a huge believer in organized religion to begin with.

As far as "believing in God," I'm not sure what to think or say there. While I have difficulty believing there's some sort of mystical "higher power" watching over us (I tend to be very scientifically oriented) and ruling our actions, there's also a lot science can't currently explain. I really like and enjoy science, but I don't think science will ever be able to fully explain everything, since our knowledge base keeps expanding and changing -- what we knew was "fact" a century ago is much different from what we know is "fact" today. I'm sure it'll continue to change as well.


When it comes to this topic, I am of two minds: Legal and illegal.

The illegal immigrants should get no assistance or rights whatsoever. They should be caught and deported immediately. They don't deserve any rights. If I had my way, I'd enforce a "three strike" law on all illegals. The first two times they're caught, they would be deported and the third time, they would be executed. No trial -- no jury, no judge, and no attorney. Some might say this would be "cruel and inhuman" but we'd give them two previous chances to either figure out DON'T COME IN HERE or a way to "blend in with the populace" without getting caught. I'm sure some with still slip through, regardless of whatever measures were implimented.

The legal immigrants, however, I'd make it easier for them to attain permanent resident and citizen status. For one, I'd reduce the ridiculously high requirements placed upon Work Visas. Yes, we'd still want highly qualified people, but we wouldn't demand they be certified geniuses or celebrities. Second, I'd make it so significant others in Family-based Visas could live with their partners in the U.S. while the visa was processing and be able to obtain temporary work legally. Third, I'd reduce the cost of all visas to some degree (I wouldn't do it dramatically, but enough to make a difference).

Perhaps if all of the above was done to legal immigration methods, the U.S. would see less overall illegal immigration.

Governmental Duties:

I think we should cease assisting other nations. Seriously. We get yelled at (sometimes even shot at) for aiding them and other countries and groups hate us whether or not the U.S. helps out, so we may as well not help if we're going to be hated anyway. It's a much cheaper alternative. Besides, if we stop handing out assistance to foreign lands, maybe then we could begin assisting ourselves at home!

There might also be the fun opportunity to see other countries actually want our aid after we refuse to send it. Make them beg a little. Then they'll see just how much they really do need the good 'ol USA.


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