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London Medical - Knightsbridge Doctors


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Filed: K-1 Visa Country: United Kingdom

I had my medical at Bentinck Mansions on Thursday, catching the tube from Paddington to Baker Street and doing the ten minute walk from there with the map you can print out from the medical link the Embassy give you, and it went pretty much as I expected. I took my two children with me (aged 15 and 12) and only my fifteen year old had the bloods and xray done. I gave them my police certificate, passports, and photos (one for each of us, mine was US size, the childrens was UK size) BOTH had the gender check which involved just literaly a quick peek down into their undergarments. The doctor was a very friendly German (I think) lady who told me they specifically with the lads gender check they are also looking for rashes, or for undescended testicles. ALL of us were required to pull our trousers down to just below the knees (possibly for checking for no signs of self harming on the thighs) and asked if we'd ever had any knee trouble. Muscle tone up the length of the arms was felt for and the standard 'lie back and let me feel your tummy' routine and breast check for us girls. Amazingly all of our blood pressure results were fine despite our nerves/excitement at this almost final leg of the journey!). There WAS a bit of waiting involved. We were the first afternoon slot and we were shown into a large waiting room to the left of the main office and given medical forms which pretty much mirrored the first ones we're required to take in. We first were called in after about ten minutes to see the vaccination nurse, who told us that we weren't up to date on all of our vaccinations....despite checking with our GP who assured us we were....so watch out for that! She said BOTH children needed the flu shots and I needed my MMR (GP had only given rubella to me last month apparently) and both children needed Hep B and A, they've had one but not the other. She added these weren't needed for K1 but would be for AOS so might as well get them done. Their prices were a bit steep so I opted to get them done after the medical. She confirmed that this wouldn't cost me any time as they are not a specific requirement to travel on.We were returned back into the big waiting room with letters to give to our GP about which vaccinations are missing. There we sat for about twenty minutes before being called into another smaller waiting room further down the corridor to have our xrays done. My daughter and I were one by one called in and given a navy hospital gown to wear instead of our tops and bras and after the xray sent back in this state of undress to sit in the little room again and await the doctor. At least we got to keep the gowns on FOR the xray, which my daughter, in her modesty, was very pleased about! We waited again about another twenty minutes and I was called first into the doctors room with my son....there the medical for him took about twenty minutes. Then he was returned by me to the waiting room and his sister was brought in. When she was done she returned to the waiting area and I had my own medical...another twenty minutes with a gender check which literally involved a one second glimpse afforded by lifting my knickers almost imperceptibly.....not as harrowing as I thought it'd be. I DID manage to forget my glasses...epic fail on that count, but was simply reminded to bring them for any other medicals in future :/

Questions asked to the children were routine, ie: How is school, do you have any extra help? Have you ever had TB? Have you ever been hospitalised? etc

My daughter has a pronounced scar on her arm from an accident when she was eight and the doc asked about that to make sure I guess that it wasn't resultant of self harming.

My questions included 'Have you ever been hospitalised? Have you ever suffered with anxiety/depression? Have you ever undergone surgical procedures? (I mentioned my cesarian but se didn't care about that and I'd already been told by their office not to bother including that on the initial questionnaire). Are you suffering with a long term illness? Are you on any medication? etc Again, nothing left of the field and all pretty normal and expected.

After the interview the doc asked us about our plans once in the States and what we were up to next (a trip to Tussauds- which is only a twenty minute walk away). We paid the fee (520 for all three of us) and left. All in all we were there about two hours of just under.

Edited by qwerty1974
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  • 1 month later...
Filed: AOS (apr) Country: Wales

I had the medical on Dec 2.

Won't go into huge detail, as it was very straightforward, and very much like described in previous posts.

I was amazed at how quick it was though! Hardly any gaps between the 3 stages. All over within about 45 mins. The doctor, who I didn't catch the name of, wish I had, as she was excellent. Very down to earth, friendly, and professional. She did mention that THE big thing the American embassy are interested in is depression, self harming etc, that's what they are very keen to find out about.

All I'll say is - don't be too worried about the medical. I was, as I generally hate doctors (who likes them eh?!), so I was dreading it. But it was so much less stressful than I could have imagined.

Results must have got delivered pretty quick to, as I got the letter from the Embasssy today with interview date.

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  • 4 weeks later...
Filed: K-1 Visa Country: United Kingdom

I have a question about the physical. My fiance has chronic asthma, and occasional flareups in eczema. He doesn't seem to concerned about this affecting the results of the physical, and I worry. Does anyone have an experience about this that might ease my mind? (of course.. we don't have the NOA2 yet.. but still, I worry) :whistle:

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Filed: Citizen (apr) Country: Scotland

I have a question about the physical. My fiance has chronic asthma, and occasional flareups in eczema. He doesn't seem to concerned about this affecting the results of the physical, and I worry. Does anyone have an experience about this that might ease my mind? (of course.. we don't have the NOA2 yet.. but still, I worry) :whistle:

That shouldn't be any kind of issue. They're mostly looking for communicable diseases.

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With regards to the medical, do they get your medical records from your GP beforehand? or do they solely rely on the answers given in the questionnaire you complete?

They rely on the questionnaire however if you do not have documentation from your GP indicating you are current on your vaccines you will need to get the jabs again. I know you are not in UK but you could send a letter to the GP and ask for a letter to be drawn up. If you need to get the vaccinations again be sure to do it before you go for the medical. It will save you a bundle.

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How are they about smokers? I believe it's a question on the questionnaire.

8/31/2011 I-129f sent... Come on...no whammies

9/8/11 NOA1

1/5/12 NOA2 whammies averted Just follow the guides people, it isn't rocket science

2/27/12 Medical

3/6/12 Packet 3 sent

3/17/12 Packet 4 received

4/17/12 Interview ------- Approved

5/9/12 POE Atlanta... then off to Austin

5/26/12 Married

6/5/12 applied SS# 6/11/12 received SS#

7/17/12 AOS filed I485 I131 I765

09/18/12 - EAD/AP approved

09/26/12 - EAD/AP Card delivered

03/07/13 - AOS Approved, No interview, No RFEs

03/15/13 - Greencard received

01/17/15 - filed for 10 year greencard

09/15/15 - 10 year green card recieved, no interview.........again

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Filed: AOS (apr) Country: Wales

There is a question asking if you have ever smoked. I don't believe it was a case of 'do you smoke', rather 'have you ever'. Because I ticked mine 'yes'.

At the medical the dr did ask, but being an ex-smoker it was just a case of saying that I had given up a little while back. Nothing else was asked. I'm sure others can give you more details! I wouldn't be concerned about it though.

Edited by Brando M
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Filed: Citizen (apr) Country: Scotland

I think they are only really interested in the chest x-ray, the blood test and your vaccination record. The rest of it is just going through the motions to make you feel like you got something for your money! Asking about smoking is the kind of thing they would ask if it was a real medical so they ask that.

It's like when I got a medical for my job here. They were only interested in the drug test result. The doctor asked me to put my arms out in front of me, squat down and stand back up. I did that and he said that told him everything he needed to know and that I passed! He'd already got my pee sample so the rest didn't matter.


"Boston is the only major city that if you f*** with them, they will shut down the whole city, stop everything, an find you". Adam Sandler

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Filed: K-1 Visa Country: England

Had my exam at Bentinck Mansions today and it went well :) Got there 15 minutes early despite my train from Yorkshire breaking down and making me an hour late getting into London, filled in the questionnaire, waited for 5 minutes and got sent to the doctor. I had Dr Fong and she was really nice. She went over my meds, asked if I had been arrested in another country, and about any surgeries I had in the past. I had an eye test, she checked my eyes, mouth and ears, took a blood sample and thats about it.

Had my chest x-ray done, then the nurse went over my vaccination records. Apparently there is a new vaccination they want for my age group. I am 21, so I'm guessing it's like the 18-49 year old age gap. She says it's not even on the website yet, But they are wanting all applicants to have had the Influenza vaccine. I have had it done this year but it wasn't on my records. She said I don't need it right now, and cleared me, But you will need to have had the influenza vaccine, and proof of it, for AOS. Needless to say, I will be going to the Pharmacy tomorrow and ask for a copy of my flu jab paperwork. So apart from that, everything went smoothly and I hope the embassy gives me an interview date soon!

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Filed: Citizen (apr) Country: Scotland

Had my medical on the 13th. Was scheduled for 10am. My bus from Glasgow got in at 6am so had 4 hours to kill. London was freezing that day so I decided to walk around for about and grab a coffee to kill time. Got bored though and went to the medical centre at9 and they took me right away. Filled out the questionnaire they provided then was taken to a room where I got a chest X-ray. All they do is tell you to take deep breaths against the machine with your top off. Once done I was told everything seemed fine and sat back in the waiting room. After 5-10 minutes a second woman took me into a different room. She went over my vaccination records. I need a second mmr jag and a tetanus shot. She said she assumes I got that shot at 15 from

School so if I tell my gp he should update the record. Need a glue shot to but she said not to worry as my aos will likely be outwith flu season. She said as it was a k1 that I can get these shots anytime before my aos and signed me off.

After another 5 minute wait I was taken into a third room. Here the woman sits you down and asks if you've had any operations, alcoholism, depression etc to which I didn't. She then took me height, weight and eye sight test. Once done I sat on the bed where she checks your breathing, eyes, eats and glands. I was then made to lie on a bed where she checks your stomach and hernia. She also asked if I'd been circumcised and wanted to check down below to check. The last part of the medical was my blood pressure and blood test. I am absolutely terrified of drawing blood, a fact I told her when she noticed my Blood pressure was slightly high. I also made the mistake of drinking strong coffee. She tried to relax me and instead tried to take the blood from me. As I was still cold from walking about my gains had collapsed and after the second attempt I had to go back to the waiting room to heat up and get circulation back whilst she heated the room up. After 15 minutes I was called back in and they managed to get it. Of course the wait in the hall madee

Even more Anxious and she waited a couple of minutes after the blood drawing for me to relax before he took

My pressure again. She managed to Get a reading within the limit and that was me. Lesson of the day: don't drink coffee before hand and if it's cold wrap up warm before it. She said everything Seemed fine and if there was any issues they'd call me by the Tuesday with the results to the embassy by the Thursday 6 days later. Not had any phone calls so I assume all is well and now just waiting eagerly for my interview date!!!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey all! I had my Medical today (6th Feb 2012) so i thought i would share my experience with you all!

My appointment was at 2.50 but we got there at 2.10 (despite a few issues in finding the place!), and at first sight of the building i have to admit i felt a little intimidated!

We rang the buzzer and went through the door on the right hand side and was greeted by a friendly woman at reception who took all my documents and gave me another form to fill in (like previously stated it was pretty much the same as the original form they ask you to bring) She asked us to wait in the waiting room and we were there for maybe about 10 mins before the nurse called me to her office.

She was a very friendly lady and explained to me that it is now a requirement for every applicant to receive the influenza shot and i could either have it there on the day or get it elsewhere and send the results back to her, since i was there i decided i might as well get it done (even though it would cost a little more)! I have a huge phobia of needles (which I’m sure she could tell from my face as soon as she told me i needed the jab) so she said instead of doing it there and then she would do it while i was with the doctor. She asked me a few basic medical questions (have i ever had chicken pox, etc) and asked me to follow her into the room just next door.

I was told to undress and put on a robe and then he x-rayed my chest, it wasn't a very comfortable experience but it wasn’t unpleasant (make sure to bring a hairband ladies!) and it was also pretty cool to see my x-ray on the screen after! After that he asked me to wait in the ladies waiting room to be called in to see the doctor. I was in there maybe 5 minuets before the doctor came to collect me and took me into her office.

She asked me a few basic medical questions and we covered my past history with depression and asked me to sign my photo and a form for her. I was then weighed and measured and asked to sit on the bed. She checked my ears, mouth, glands and eyesight and then she took my blood pressure. It was now time for the blood test! (at which point i will admit i was close to tears!) She asked if i wanted the nurse in that saw me earlier to hold my hand but i polity declined. It was my first blood test and i am terrified of needles but my advice to anyone out there like me is do not worry! at all! It was virtually painless (the needle hurt less than the pressure she was putting on my arm after the test!) and she did everything she could to make me feel as comfortable as possible the whole time by asking me questions about my husband and where i was going to live when i moved to the states, and she did the same for the flu jab as well (which was completely painless!) She then asked me to undress down to my underwear and lie on the bed with the robe covering me and did a breast exam and checked my stomach and then my heart. She then tested my reflexes and checked my legs. And it was all over!

I got dressed again, she gave me back my documents and told me to go into the waiting room to get a drink and i would be called shortly. I was there for about 5 minuets until I was called to reception to pay. She told me I would only hear from them if there was an issue with my blood test or my x-ray but if I didn’t hear anything by Wednesday then I’m in the clear and my results will be at the embassy by Thursday.

All in all it wasn’t a bad experience, i was extremely nervous about the whole thing but it really wasn’t as bad as i thought it was going to be! The staff were extremely friendly and very professional and i was in and out of there in under an hour even though i turned up early!

February 2010: Met online via social networking site

1st July 2010: Met for the first time in Lake Charles, LA [11 days]

9th August 2010: Got Engaged!

September 2010: Met for the second time in Lake Charles, LA [2 weeks]

December 2010: Met for the third time in Lake Charles, LA [3 months]

18th February 2011: Got Married!

May 2011: Met for the fourth time in London, UK [2 weeks]

CR-1 Visa


21st July 2011 - 14th December 2011

September 2012: Met for the fith time in Lake Charles, LA [3 months]


4th January 2012 - 23th January 2012


25th January 2012 - 23rd March 2012


5th April 2012: POE: Houston, TX, USA!!

7th May 2012: Greencard arrived in mail

Remove the Conditions on Residence Petition


April 1st - Present

1st April 2014: Filed I-751 (with divorce waiver)

4th April 2014: Received NOA (1 year extension)

April 20th 2014: Filed for divorce

12th May 2015: Received second biometric appointment letter due to rescheduling my first appointment

May 28th 2014: Biometrics taken in Louisville, KY

October 31 2014: Received RFE requesting final divorce judgment

22nd January 2015: Received final divorce judgment & submitted to VSC

25th January 2015: Called USCIS Military hotline to enquire on gaining an extension in order to enlist in United States Army & was advised to make infopass appointment at local office as processing will take longer than 6 months on my application.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I had my medical yesterday Friday the 17th. Like everyone else has said it was simple and straight forward.

I haven't been in London since I was last there almost 25 years ago but the surgery is easy enough to find with the map that they give you and I would also recommend either going back a few pages to where another member has posted a picture of the building or using Google Map Streetview. The surgery itself is a ground floor unit within Bentinck Mansions so don't expect to see a stand alone building. Just ring their buzzer to get into the building and its the first door on the right with their name plaque.

I went in about twenty minutes early and was asked to come to the second window by a blonde haired lady with a London accent. I said my name and the appointment time and was asked for my paperwork. I had mine pre-sorted into everything that they would need and she seemed to appreciate it rather than having to search for it all. She handed me an Embassy specific medical questionnaire to fill in while I waited. When I handed over my passport it was retained until after everything was done. If you're going expecting a lot of small talk like in your local GP's surgery when you're there just remember that this is likely the only time you will be there and they have no need to build up a professional relationship with you.

I should point out that the vaccination record that I had from my GP was just a print out from them. It was date stamped at the bottom by the computer but had no stamp nor signature from my GP and it was accepted with no questions.

I had a seat in the waiting room and there was a family of four, a family of two and a couple going through a spousal visa in ahead of me. Just an FYI but if you hear talk about paperwork or procedures not listed in the paperwork from the doctor or the Embassy's website don't panic, Knightsbridge also performs medicals for the Australian Embassy.

After a short while (no times sorry, my watch battery died and all phones must be switched off in the surgery) my name was called by a gentleman who lead me down a short corridor to the third room on the right for a chest x-ray. After I stripped from the waist up and removed my chain I stood at the machine. The stance that you have to assume for it doesn't exactly come naturally. You will press your chest and shoulders against a plate, your arms will be back with your wrists on your hips and palms facing back to hold a (lead?) protective plate. The operator will tell you to take a deep breath and hold it until he says breathe out. That's all there is to the x-ray. I put my t-shirt back on and had a quick look at my x-ray while he counted my ribs on screen. Then it was back to the waiting room again.

After a short sit and some chat with someone else going for a medical for a K1 visa (thank you for the tip about using wes.org for transcribing educational qualifications) a blonde female doctor called my name and I followed her to the second room on the right. She asked me a few questions that had been answered on both questionnaires - prior hospitalisations, any history of psychiatric, self-harm or substance abuse issues and whether I had ever been in any trouble with the law. I was asked whether I ever had chicken pox and she took my word that I had. I took the opportunity to explain the slight difference in the answers I had given in the questionnaires. When I phoned up to book my appointment I asked if I should mention my (now resolved) childhood asthma and was told that the surgery did not consider that a lung disease. The Embassy paperwork though specifically asks of there is any history of asthma. It might have been over share but I'd rather have pointed out the minor difference than have her ask about it. Then she and I signed the passport picture, ensuring that the signature started on the photo and ended on the Embassy paperwork it was attached to. The physical examination was pretty straightforward. It started off with a height, weight and eye sight check. For the eyesight test I wore my glasses, covered one eye and read the line indicated before covering the other eye and reading the same line back to from. I was then shown the examination bed where my eyes, ears and throat were checked, blood pressure taken and blood drawn. When this was done she stepped back, drew the curtain and asked me to disrobe to my underwear. When I was ready she came back in and used her stethoscope to listen to me breathe through my chest and back, she checked all my lymph-nodes and did a quick gender check by touching my genitals and asking me to cough. That was it. I dressed and went back to the waiting room.

Once the paperwork was completed at their end the blonde receptionist called me back into the reception. She told me that they would have the results by Tuesday and that they would not contact me unless there was an issue with the results and that the Embassy would have the results by Thursday. I got my paperwork with the vaccination record for when I'm in the States, my passport was returned and I paid the fee for the medical without any vaccinations. The lady also wished me good luck in the US :)

All in, including being so early it took about 80 minutes and more importantly got me another step closer towards being with Jessica :D

How are they about smokers? I believe it's a question on the questionnaire.

On the questionnaire I ticked the box that said I smoked and attached an addendum sheet that said how long I smoked for, how many a day I smoked, that I no longer smoke and that I did not stop because of health reasons. The doctor didn't even raise the subject with me during the medical so I assume what I had given as an explanation was sufficient.

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I booked my medical today for the 19th of March... reading these posts have really helped!!! Im quite nervous about it even though i havent got any particular health issues?! Other than i do smoke... :whistle:

Reading the tip of taking a hair band is good to know too! :D any other tips for females welcome....

Petition sent: 21.10.11

NOA1: 24.10.11

NOA2: 18.01.12

Package 3 arrived: 01.02.12

Medical: 16.03.12

Package 3 sent: 22.03.12

Package 4 arrived: 07.04.12

Interview date: 24.04.12

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