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Waiting for a NOA2 from CSC for your I-129F?


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Filed: K-1 Visa Country: Philippines
I got touched yesterday and today . SOmeone at least knows I am there

Good Luck with your approval. Seems like we are in the same boat. I called Mar 13 and was told it was moving - but no touch. Then I called April 7 and was told it was still sitting in the file room and shouldn't be. Got touched that day and the next day. Called again April 14 and was told it was out waiting for Security Approval with FBI. Anybody know anything about that? I have heard there was a backlog at the FBI. Damn where to find the patience when they seem to have passed you by! Moved from 43 to 44 on Igor's list in the last week. Very encouraging - urrrrghhhh!

lol yup is a good thing and with ur time line who knows u might get ur noa2 soon at least i hope for u that is what it means

mine was touched too many times 3 weeks ago and until now its still pending.

All I can say do is to make a >>BIG SIGH!! (oh that makes me feel better :dance:

NOV 12, 2007 SENT 129F K1 FEDEX TO CSC

Nov 14, 2007 Rec'd by CSC

Nov 21, 2007 NOA1

Dec 19, 2007 Touched

March 13, 2008 Called CSC was told that file had been given to AO on Mar 13th and should be approved probably within 10 days

April 7, 2008 Called CSC Was told file had not been removed from file room and he would walk over and get it to an AO since they had been working on those vintage files for a while. TOUCHED

April 8, 2008 TOUCHED

April 14 Contacted Senator McCain's office for assistance

April 14 Called CSC, was told the file had been sent to FBI for security check and this could take weeks or months. TOUCHED

April 17, applied for B1-B2 appointment date - only 3 weeks away.

April 17 TOUCHED

April 18 TOUCHED, EMBRACED AND KISSED. Notified by email and on site that 129F was approved, 160 days

APril 23 TOUCHED AGAIN? Hopefully the touch is just the CSC boot kicking our butt out the door

May 2 Left NVC

May 5 Received US Embassy, Manila

May 11 B1/B2 interview- approved

May 15- June 21 She came to visit in US

June 22 returned to PI

June 23 K1 Interview, doc verification not complete (VERIFY THIS ACTUALLY HAPPENS!)

Cancelled flight plans for her first 4th of July in US

July 3 Approved document verification back to Embassy

July 11 VISA ready, picked up at Embassy

July 12 Flew to US and entered K1 at Miinneapolis - painless.

July 29 Married in US

October 8 Paperwork for AOS and submitted

Nov 13 - Biometrics

Patiently waiting for AOS, EAD and AP - easy to be patient while happily being married and living together!

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Filed: K-1 Visa Country: England

Yuppers told the boy the other day to expect us def getting over the 100 day mark as told him about the couples on here that have sadly reached the 200 day mark :( SIGH sooooo not fair! I get so angry with the CSC vs. VSC thing, it is soooo true that they should split the load up a bit more so it truly goes in chronological order; but guess that would be too easy of a system aye? "Hey Vermont you do do December filers throughout while us here at CSC get caught up on all the older ones that way we can start out 2008 afresh!"


~Steph n' Gareth n' Fam

Successful Fiance' Visa recipents Class of October 2008 ;)

(filed January 2008 married November 18th 2008)

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Filed: K-1 Visa Country: Philippines

Has anybody seen any scientific studies done on the hibernation habits of CSC Adjudication Officers? Seems they seem to spend most of their life in a Koala like eucalyptus induced trance but enter serious hibernation typical of the larger bears during late March and early April. Do they hibernate in jello or foam baths? Be good to get some money allocated out of the new high fees for hibernation research, could help with overall planning. Maybe if we sent them extra special eucalyptus leaves we could bypass the large bear hibernation habits.........

NOV 12, 2007 SENT 129F K1 FEDEX TO CSC

Nov 14, 2007 Rec'd by CSC

Nov 21, 2007 NOA1

Dec 19, 2007 Touched

March 13, 2008 Called CSC was told that file had been given to AO on Mar 13th and should be approved probably within 10 days

April 7, 2008 Called CSC Was told file had not been removed from file room and he would walk over and get it to an AO since they had been working on those vintage files for a while. TOUCHED

April 8, 2008 TOUCHED

April 14 Contacted Senator McCain's office for assistance

April 14 Called CSC, was told the file had been sent to FBI for security check and this could take weeks or months. TOUCHED

April 17, applied for B1-B2 appointment date - only 3 weeks away.

April 17 TOUCHED

April 18 TOUCHED, EMBRACED AND KISSED. Notified by email and on site that 129F was approved, 160 days

APril 23 TOUCHED AGAIN? Hopefully the touch is just the CSC boot kicking our butt out the door

May 2 Left NVC

May 5 Received US Embassy, Manila

May 11 B1/B2 interview- approved

May 15- June 21 She came to visit in US

June 22 returned to PI

June 23 K1 Interview, doc verification not complete (VERIFY THIS ACTUALLY HAPPENS!)

Cancelled flight plans for her first 4th of July in US

July 3 Approved document verification back to Embassy

July 11 VISA ready, picked up at Embassy

July 12 Flew to US and entered K1 at Miinneapolis - painless.

July 29 Married in US

October 8 Paperwork for AOS and submitted

Nov 13 - Biometrics

Patiently waiting for AOS, EAD and AP - easy to be patient while happily being married and living together!

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Filed: Citizen (apr) Country: Singapore
Has anybody seen any scientific studies done on the hibernation habits of CSC Adjudication Officers? Seems they seem to spend most of their life in a Koala like eucalyptus induced trance but enter serious hibernation typical of the larger bears during late March and early April. Do they hibernate in jello or foam baths? Be good to get some money allocated out of the new high fees for hibernation research, could help with overall planning. Maybe if we sent them extra special eucalyptus leaves we could bypass the large bear hibernation habits.........

I can tell you're not very happy with the CSC. ;)

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Filed: K-1 Visa Country: Turkey

I do not know what to say about CSC anymore because they are sucks and I just stop checking case status now till at the end of this month because I am sick of tired seeing the same thing all time and I wanna throw my laptop aout my window sometimes ...there is no huge diffrence applications filers between VSC but even the february filers at VSC got their aproval which is not fair at all ..move some cases from CSC to VSC and at least cacth up litle bit but I do not think that they would ever do that ..

anyways goodluck

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well we have bee checking Igor's' s list . we went to 96 than back to 100. we keep bouncing a bit because of not updated time lines. without Igor's list we would not know anything. i have called the USCIS several times and never received a valid answer. i guess thats why it is called the black hole. and i have contacted my congressman's office and asked why the big difference between the VSC and CSC processing times. they were told by the VSC they were working on Sept 17 app.so i faxed the congressman's office several of the time lines i have found here. hopefully that might peak his interest. and i just got off the phone with the USCIS and was told my file is still sitting i a box, how comforting to know it is in a box not behind a radiator.

June 2006 Met on Myspace
Sep 21 2007 Proposed and she accepted
Dec 9 2007 Arrived in Manila
Dec 15 2007 Returned home, very sad day
Dec 21 2007 Sent Form I-129F to CSC
Dec 24 2007 Packet received at CSC
Dec 31 2007 NOA 1 received
Jan 02 2008 Check cashed
May 05 2008 NOA2
May 12 2008 Received letter from NVC MNL2008xxxxxx
May 19 2008 Paid Delbros fee at Metrobank
May 20 2008 First day of medical
May 21 2008 Told to return for sputum test
May 21 2008 Delbros confirmed receiving payment
May 27 2008 Delbros sent proof of payment to USEM
May 27,28,29 2008 Sputum test done
June 6 2008 Delbros sent doc ver request to the NSO
June 27 2008 NSO doc ver completed, to be picked up by USEM
July 1, 2008 Called USEM, doc ver is at the embassy
July 30, 2008 Passed the sputum test and finished the physical
Aug 5, 2008 Interview, PASSED received PINK SLIP
Aug 12 2008 VISA IN HAND!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thank you God
Aug 16,2008 Flight to US. Manila to Narita, to Chicago
Sept 8, 2008 Civil wedding
Feb 14, 2009 Big fancy wedding

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Filed: K-1 Visa Country: Ukraine

In the annals of recorded history (at least as it is recorded in Igor's list and stats) the CSC has never performed more poorly for such a long time. We're going into our third week of abysmal approval levels and I'm getting pissed. They had a two week dip in productivity last year around this time, but not 3 weeks. I hate moving backwards on Igor's list for two weeks in a row. :angry:

And So It Begins......

My Timeline:

15 Sep 2007 Engaged!

25 Jan 2008 Sent I-129F to CSC

28 Jan 2008 I-129F receipted at CSC

29 Jan 2008 NOA1

30 Jan 2008 Touched - filing box here we come....

05 Feb 2008 Hard Copy NOA1 Received in Mail

03 Jun 2008 NOA2

10 Sep 2008 Interview 9:30

16 Jan 2009 Fly back to the USA

?? ??? 2009 Wedding Bells are Ringing

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Filed: AOS (pnd) Country: England

makes me scared that we're filing in May! :wacko:

That would put us in Novemberish time line for approval i think (best guess!)...but that actually works along side our plans....

Surely there's something we can do to bring this to someone's attention?

K1 Visa Process:

I-129F Sent : 2008-05-23

I-129F NOA1 : 2008-05-28

I-129F NOA2 : 2008-10-01

NVC Received : 2008-10-03

NVC Left : 2008-10-21

Consulate Received : 2008-10-24

Packet 3 Received : 2008-11-06

Packet 3 Sent : 2008-11-10

Packet 4 Received : 2008-12-04

Interview Date : 2009-01-13 APPROVED!!!!!!!!!!!

Visa Received : 2009-01-19

US Entry : 2009-02-11


Date Filed : 2009-04-14

NOA Date : 2009-04-20

Bio. Appt. : 2009-04-30

AOS Transfer: 2009-05-06

Approval / Denial Date : 2009-08-07 APPROVED!!!!!!!!!!

Greencard Received: 2009-08-21


CIS Office : California Service Center

Date Filed : 2011-07-22

NOA Date : 2011-07-25

Bio. Appt. : 2011-08-25

Approved : 2011-10-21 APPROVED!!!!!!!!!!

Green Card Received : 2011-10-26


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Filed: K-1 Visa Country: United Kingdom


:dance: My SO called CSC today...He spoke to a very nice lady who told him that we shoud get approval anytime now ....She said 1 or 2 days ......but to call back if we do not have anything by next Wednesday :whistle:



10/15/2007 NOA1

04/29/2008 RFE by email

05/03/2008 RFE hard copy received

Reply to RFE sent 05/05/2008

RFE received at CSC 05/06/2008

NOA2 05/15/2008

NOA2 hard copy 05/19/2008

Packet 3 received 06/09/2008

Packet 3 completed and sent 06/10/2008

Medical 06/11/2008

Packet 3 received @ Embassy 06/12/2008

Packet 4 07/03/2008

Interview 07/17/2008

POE 07/31/2008

Wedding 08/08/2008

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Filed: IR-1/CR-1 Visa Country: Egypt

:dance: My SO called CSC today...He spoke to a very nice lady who told him that we shoud get approval anytime now ....She said 1 or 2 days ......but to call back if we do not have anything by next Wednesday :whistle:


oh my gosh im so happy for u :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance:

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Filed: K-1 Visa Country: United Kingdom

:dance: My SO called CSC today...He spoke to a very nice lady who told him that we shoud get approval anytime now ....She said 1 or 2 days ......but to call back if we do not have anything by next Wednesday :whistle:


oh my gosh im so happy for u :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance:

Well i just hope he was told the truth and that it will come :star: When was the last time you called Sara ?


10/15/2007 NOA1

04/29/2008 RFE by email

05/03/2008 RFE hard copy received

Reply to RFE sent 05/05/2008

RFE received at CSC 05/06/2008

NOA2 05/15/2008

NOA2 hard copy 05/19/2008

Packet 3 received 06/09/2008

Packet 3 completed and sent 06/10/2008

Medical 06/11/2008

Packet 3 received @ Embassy 06/12/2008

Packet 4 07/03/2008

Interview 07/17/2008

POE 07/31/2008

Wedding 08/08/2008

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Filed: IR-1/CR-1 Visa Country: Egypt

:dance: My SO called CSC today...He spoke to a very nice lady who told him that we shoud get approval anytime now ....She said 1 or 2 days ......but to call back if we do not have anything by next Wednesday :whistle:


oh my gosh im so happy for u :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance:

Well i just hope he was told the truth and that it will come :star: When was the last time you called Sara ?

today they tole me to wait another month and see if anything happens

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I think it has something to do with people not getting emails anymore but only paper notices of their approvals, which are usually received about 2 weeks after their approvals.. and if u look at Igor's list, there are a few new approvals again, all updated recently but actually approved 2 weeks ago or more... I really think it 'looks' like it slowed down coz of them failing with electronic update notices.

N400 Timeline:

12/14/11 - Sending out N400 package

12/19/11 - Received by USCIS

12/21/11 - NOA date

12/22/11 - Check cashed

12/27/11 - Received NOA

02/06/12 - Received yellow letter (pre-interview case file review)

03/13/12 - Placed in line for interview scheduling (3 yr anniversary)

03/17/12 - Received interview letter

04/17/12 - Interview - No decision, application under further review

04/17/12 - Biometrics

04/25/12 - Placed in line for oath scheduling (so I'm approved yay!)

04/27/12 - Received oath ceremony date

05/09/12 - Oath ceremony!!

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Filed: K-1 Visa Country: United Kingdom
I think it has something to do with people not getting emails anymore but only paper notices of their approvals, which are usually received about 2 weeks after their approvals.. and if u look at Igor's list, there are a few new approvals again, all updated recently but actually approved 2 weeks ago or more... I really think it 'looks' like it slowed down coz of them failing with electronic update notices.

Hang on Sara !!!! I do not see why my file should be approved before yours as you filed before :star:

Well the update works for touches as our case was touched 1 hour after my SO called



10/15/2007 NOA1

04/29/2008 RFE by email

05/03/2008 RFE hard copy received

Reply to RFE sent 05/05/2008

RFE received at CSC 05/06/2008

NOA2 05/15/2008

NOA2 hard copy 05/19/2008

Packet 3 received 06/09/2008

Packet 3 completed and sent 06/10/2008

Medical 06/11/2008

Packet 3 received @ Embassy 06/12/2008

Packet 4 07/03/2008

Interview 07/17/2008

POE 07/31/2008

Wedding 08/08/2008

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