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I-751 ROC--- Questions on presentation/content details


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Filed: Other Country: Saudi Arabia
36 minutes ago, InhaleExhale said:

That sounds terrifying. What is your suggestion in this case? If I start divorce proceedings now I may only get the decree in 7 months from now - at the earliest that is...possibly much much later. USCIS will want the decree within 87 days after they send their RFE. I will definitely not have it by then. They may deny the case and send me a NTA. 

Setting the emotional part aside, how would it still make sense to start the divorce now, at this point in time? 

Correct.  When does your GC expire exactly, what is your latest filing date?


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Filed: Other Country: Saudi Arabia
30 minutes ago, InhaleExhale said:

I literally have a month left. I need to send the package off within the next couple weeks. 

Have you received your attachment letter from him?  Has he signed off on everything?

Edited by Nitas_man
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57 minutes ago, InhaleExhale said:

I literally have a month left. I need to send the package off within the next couple weeks. 

Correct if filing jointly, yes.

However, iff you are filing with a divorce waiver you can file at any time - it does not have to be within the 90 day window. It can be before, or after that window.

See the instructions:




You can also update a joint filing to a divorce waiver at a later date when divorce is final.

This gives you a few more options to consider. 



Edited by mindthegap

CR1 / DCF (London): 2012 / 2013 (4 months from I-130 petition to visa in hand)

I-751 #1- April 2015 [Denied]


April 2015 : I-751 Joint filing package sent fedex next day 09:00am from UK ($lots - thanks). 
Jan 2017: Notification that an interview has been scheduled at a local office. Bizarrely still no RFE... 
Jan 2017: 2hr wait, then interview terminated before it began, due to moving my ID to another state 2 wks prior. New interview 'in a few months...maybe.'   Informed them that divorce proceedings are underway, but not finalised at this time. 
March 2017: An Interview was scheduled - marked as no-show as they didn't actually send out a notification of interview. FML 
April  2017: Filed an official complaint with the ombudsman, and have requested Senator & Congressman assistance
August 2017: Interview - switched to a (finalised) divorce waiver. Told that decision will be made that afternoon, but no problems foreseen with my case. 
October 2017: Letter of Denial received - reason given as 'I-751 petition was not properly filed'. Discovered ex-spouse made false allegations to USCIS in 2015. No opportunity given to review & refute allegations  - contrary to USCIS policy.

I-751 #2 - Oct 2017 - Mar 2021[Denied] 


October 2017: Within 72hrs of receiving denial notice, a new waiver I-751, divorce decree & $680 cheque, sent to Vermont via FedEx overnight 9am priority.  
Dec 2019: Filed FOIA request for full A# file
Feb 2020: FOIA request completed - entire A# file received as a .PDF; 197 pages fully redacted, and 80 partially redacted. Don't waste your time!
March 2021: I-751 #2 denied for lack of evidence. No RFE, no interview, and evidence in previous I-751 not reviewed - contrary to policy. Huge errors in adjudication.

N-400 - Feb 2018 - Apr 2021 [Denied]


February 2018: N-400 filed online.  $725 paid to the USCIS paperwork wastage fund

February  2019: Interview - cancelled after a four hour wait due to 'missing paperwork' on their end. Promised Expedited reschedule.

March 2021: Interview letter received, strangely dated after I-751 denial. No I-751 interview conducted. N-400 interview and test passed, given 'cannot make a decision at this time' paper due to the ongoing I-751 nightmare...

April 2021: N-400 denial received citing recent I-751 denial as basis for ineligibility, even though it should have been a combo interview 🤯


Service Motion - March 2021 [Sent via FedEx & COMPLETELY IGNORED by USCIS]


March 2021: Service Motion request sent overnight addressed direectly to field office director, requesting urgent review and re-opening, based on errors in adjudication - citing USCIS policy, AFM and memorandums as basis for errors. This was completely ignored by USCIS.

 I-751 #3 - June 2021 - Jan 2024 [Denied]



June 2021: I-751 #3 (30+lbs/5000 pages of paperwork) & another $680 sent to USCIS via FedEx ($300+..thanks) .... 

June 2021: Receipt issued, card charged, biometrics waived, infopass scheduled for I-551 stamp number ten.....

Feb 2022: RFIE (no, not an RFE, a Request For Initial Evidence) received, for copies of the divorce paperwork that they already have 😑

July 2022: Infopass for I-551 stamp number eleven.....

August 2023: Infopass for I-551 stamp number twelve....

January 2024: Denial received, ignoring the overwhelming majority of the filing, abundance of evidence, and refutation of a provably false allegation. The denial also contradicts itself in multiple places, as if it was written by someone with an IQ <50.



2024: FML. Seriously. I'm done. 


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Filed: Other Country: Saudi Arabia
48 minutes ago, InhaleExhale said:

I have received the letter but he has not signed it yet as I still have to print it. 

Ok I’m adding to what has already been said.  Wish I’d seen this a year ago.


It is never, ever advised to bring in a potentially hurt spouse or former spouse or future former spouse into an ROC case. This?  Already looks like something’s up.  This package is 2 weeks from being due.  It’s unsigned and incomplete.  It’s a joint filing package you put together that he does not have to cooperate at all with.  If I were planning to sabotage an ROC?  I’d do it exactly like this, get in the room with you, smoke your case in front of an IO, and at a minimum make you start over.  He has no say, none, in a waiver but wow what an opportunity to tornado you where it really can hurt.


It’s a short marriage, looks like problems started in the first year, he can say anything he likes about how things went south, including accusing you of deliberately sabotaging it, because you opened the door to it and invited him to step in.  He can make it LOOK like anything he wants.  You have no idea what HE may carry in and that’s risky.

You are advised not to do it like this.  As hard as it may seem, you’re a year or so late in moving on with your lives, filing divorce, and filing your own ROC.  They’re not going to throw you out over a marriage that didn’t work out but if he manages to pull off an argument that makes it look like you stuck around for a few months then moved out on your own you’re in a gray area.


Just my two cents.  I wouldn’t want a former spouse who I have on the hook with a support affidavit anywhere near that interview room and there is no, zero way this one isn’t going to interview.  

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:) Villanelle :) !

I cannot put into words to express my gratitude for you taking the time to share such detailed information ❤️ I so appreciate it, thank you so much!!!


I did also re-read your comments in my thread of last summer.


I did understand your info that I can expect (if I do file with a divorce waiver now OR switch to it later on):

They will RFE me for the decree, if I can't send it back with the 87 days, they will schedule me for an interview. If I don't have the decree by the time of interview then provide an additional time for me to send it to them. 


I guess that older memo of 2009 has since changed OR I am misreading it... ( https://www.uscis.gov/sites/default/files/document/memos/i-751_Filed_ Prior_Termination_3apr09.pdf )?

Because what's interesting is that it includes different protocols for JOINT vs. WAIVER petitions on what to do after RFE for decree was issued but no decree was produced.

Where is allows for an interview with a jointly filed petition while the couple is not l


It states regarding WAIVER REQUEST petitions:




--> here it defines 'establishing eligibility for a waiver' = sending a copy of the divorce decree.

It the states "If the CPR's response does not establish eligibility for the waiver, the ISO DENIES"...= if the CPR doesn't send the decree the petition will be denied.




Now opposed to that it states regarding JOINTLY FILED petitions:





--> here it is indeed giving the option of an interview.



You did, however mention this:

On 4/19/2021 at 10:14 AM, Villanelle said:

But please understand they are not going to send you the RFE asking for the decree and then a NTA when you dont. The process is described in the memo which is very wordy and can be confusing to read. Its basically RFE-interview-court.

Is that a different memo than the one above?


On 4/19/2021 at 10:14 AM, Villanelle said:

It just seems you are reluctant to file as a waiver because you are scared you wont have the decree in time. This is not a valid concern

That is very good to hear, thank you :)

Though I am only familiar with the memo I quoted above and it reads as if only the jointly filed petition (but in divorce proceedings) give the interview option in this case...

I would love to understand - if THAT memo is the memo you are referring to - where did I not see the interview option for the Waiver petitions?


Other than that I did read the older referenced memo of 2005 ( https://www.uscis.gov/sites/default/files/document/memos/crintwaivr062405.pdf ) though I don't find it applicable to the topic of what happens when decree is not sent by due date of RFE in a waiver petition. 




Now, as far as I understand the newer memo of 2018 ( https://www.uscis.gov/sites/default/files/document/memos/2018-11-30-PM-602-0168-revised-interview-waiver-guidance-for-form-I-751.pdf ), it states that any I-751 petition (joint or waiver) can be approved without interview if:



Since you said that if I filed jointly there would be almost 100% chance for an interview...is this based on your experience on 'jointly filed, married but separated couples-cases' BEFORE the issuance of that specific memo or also AFTER?

If also AFTER, what could cause an interview in a case with sufficient evidence for the couple entering into marriage in good faith..(like sharing of financials, taxes, purchasing a house, living together, travelling to meet the CPR's family etc.. and marriage therapy...)?




On 4/19/2021 at 10:14 AM, Villanelle said:

Im not sure though if your reluctance to file a divorce is 100% because of the fear of not having the decree in time. I suspect you are using that as an excuse to not file for divorce and I understand filing for divorce is hard.

Yes, a big part here is indeed me being reluctant bc of just fear of the pain. I remember your words from last summer to "rip off the band aid" and I cannot argue against that, of course you are correct in saying this. I'm usually not such a coward lol




On 4/19/2021 at 10:14 AM, Villanelle said:

Filing joint is a good option when a couple breaks up amicably. They are 100% on the same page. They are still on good terms. They have a deep friendship still and respect each other. The spouse is fully prepared to attend an interview and support the 751 petition. They are prepared to answer tough questions and have no desire to 'throw you under the bus'. They are firm in their belief that the relationship was legitimate and will not be baited by the Officer to say otherwise. 


From what youve posted none of that seems to be the case. You have described an incident/incidents of verbal abuse. His statement does not exactly line up with yours. You are living separately and both seem to be moving forward in your lives independently.  You are unsure if he would even appear at the interview and if he does you do not have 100% confidence in what he would say in it. All of these are huge reasons on their own to NOT file jointly with him. 

Well, not all but some of that is the case...


This: "They are firm in their belief that the relationship was legitimate and will not be baited by the Officer to say otherwise".

My husband even stated so in his attestation of our marriage that we did plan a life together and he has no doubt I felt the same about establishing a future together with him.


The statement that doesn't line up with mine is that I stated that he was open to pursuing a reconciliation up until summer/fall last year, whereas he states that he was done in Feb when he broke up.

Other than that everything else lines up (apart from the 1 verbal abuse incident which he would deny if I would bring it up).


Everything else, like will he appear for an interview no one can say for 100% (I would guess he would to 97% but who knows :/) , I would definitely stress about that since it takes him several days to even reply to a text/email and I constantly have to follow up with him..on the other hand, I doubt he wants to be confronted with me after not attending the interview which he knows how important that would be.


But yeah, you make some good points and we definitely do NOT have a friendship and I don't trust him like a good friend.





On 4/19/2021 at 10:14 AM, Villanelle said:

I also wonder why he is not moving forward with a divorce? Sometimes people will try to delay a divorce attempting to cause problems for the spouse who needs to file for ROC. Other times its more malicious where they pretend to be on board just to appear in the interview to sabotage you. Now you may say oh no thats not him but are you sure? He clearly is not the person you thought he was or else you wouldnt be separated...Time also changes things. What happens if in the 1-2 years you most likely will be waiting for your ROC to process he gets a new girlfriend? What if you get a new boyfriend? Will your relationship with him still be the same? Will he still be supportive? Because if things do change and you need to switch from joint to a waiver you most likely wont have the decree and will end up in court. Are you prepared to gamble on him? Just from what you said about things I wouldnt. You said you believed you guys were working on the relationship up until fall of 2020 where he is saying he checked out Feb 2020. So that means between Feb and the fall you were on one page and he was on another. You had no idea right? So what makes you so sure he is on the same page with you again? Clearly you guys can be on two different pages and he is either not being honest about it or you are in denial. 


Such good points. So true that he turned out to not be the man I thought I married.

Your points are so good that I want to take some time and ponder them ❤️ 


On 4/19/2021 at 10:14 AM, Villanelle said:

Now if you submit a statement from him in your waiver package then you are opening the door for them to speak to him to confirm what he wrote. He can send a supportive letter in your package and then later recant it.

- Can he recant it even if he signs his own statement under penalty of perjury?

- Would any email from him that I add also open the door for USCIS to possibly contact him?


Thank you for the linking to the affidavit thread!!!





On 4/19/2021 at 10:14 AM, Villanelle said:

30 pages of bank statements are useless if its not clear what they are showing...


I don't understand - do the transactions need to be annotated to explain what they all were for? (we have shared bank account statements for the span of 2.75 years)




Again, THANK YOU for taking so much of your time and your last reply.

This is so valuable!


(this reply took me 4 hours. lol, bc mostly of reading through the policies :D) 




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On 4/19/2021 at 10:02 AM, mindthegap said:

Correct if filing jointly, yes.

However, iff you are filing with a divorce waiver you can file at any time - it does not have to be within the 90 day window. It can be before, or after that window.

See the instructions:




You can also update a joint filing to a divorce waiver at a later date when divorce is final.

This gives you a few more options to consider. 



 At any time with divorce waiver?

It doesn't say this in your screenshot.

It does say you can file without the spouse if you are divorced (=you are only divorced if you are not legally married, so to be precise this doesn't even apply to anyone who is still in divorce proceedings or who is merely separated and hasn't even started filing for divorce yet). And it does not say you can file after the 90 days, granted it also doesn't say you have to file within the 90 days.

Maybe just bad wording on whoever wrote the instructions...




Edited by InhaleExhale
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On 4/19/2021 at 10:38 AM, Nitas_man said:

Ok I’m adding to what has already been said.  Wish I’d seen this a year ago.


It is never, ever advised to bring in a potentially hurt spouse or former spouse or future former spouse into an ROC case. This?  Already looks like something’s up.  This package is 2 weeks from being due.  It’s unsigned and incomplete.  It’s a joint filing package you put together that he does not have to cooperate at all with.  If I were planning to sabotage an ROC?  I’d do it exactly like this, get in the room with you, smoke your case in front of an IO, and at a minimum make you start over.  He has no say, none, in a waiver but wow what an opportunity to tornado you where it really can hurt.


It’s a short marriage, looks like problems started in the first year, he can say anything he likes about how things went south, including accusing you of deliberately sabotaging it, because you opened the door to it and invited him to step in.  He can make it LOOK like anything he wants.  You have no idea what HE may carry in and that’s risky.

You are advised not to do it like this.  As hard as it may seem, you’re a year or so late in moving on with your lives, filing divorce, and filing your own ROC.  They’re not going to throw you out over a marriage that didn’t work out but if he manages to pull off an argument that makes it look like you stuck around for a few months then moved out on your own you’re in a gray area.


Just my two cents.  I wouldn’t want a former spouse who I have on the hook with a support affidavit anywhere near that interview room and there is no, zero way this one isn’t going to interview.  

Thank you for your input. You have good points there.

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30 minutes ago, InhaleExhale said:

 At any time with divorce waiver?

It doesn't say this in your screenshot.

It does say you can file without the spouse if you are divorced (=you are only divorced if you are not legally married, so to be precise this doesn't even apply to anyone who is still in divorce proceedings or who is merely separated and hasn't even started filing for divorce yet).

That’s what a divorce waiver is. If you file under that basis with that box checked and without the divorce decree you get an RFE for it, as stated previously. It can’t be approved without the divorce being final, but it can be filed before it is. 


30 minutes ago, InhaleExhale said:

  And it does not say you can file after the 90 days, granted it also doesn't say you have to file within the 90 days.

It says it can be filed at any time from gaining permanent residence - ie, the date your 2yr GC is approved - to when you are removed from the United States - ie, a final order of removal by an immigration judge, which is the point you are no longer a permanent resident. 
So yeah, it’s fairly explicit that it can be filed before, during or after the 90 day period at ANY time, which is what I was saying - you don’t necessarily have to rush to meet the 90 day window which is what you were alluding to, as you have the option available to you to file for divorce and file it  then. 



But hey man, I’m only trying to help you. I’ve only filed three of these f***ing things spanning over half a decade so what the hell do I know? 


30 minutes ago, InhaleExhale said:

Can he recant it even if he signs his own statement under penalty of perjury?

 Would any email from him that I add also open the door for USCIS to possibly contact him?


Yes, and yes.
 @Villanelle has been here a long time and knows an incredible amount of stuff,  as do I at this point. 
Have you read my timeline for what can go very very wrong when a spouse tries to screw you over with a simple false allegation? 
Ours was filed jointly. False allegation made after we separated , switched it to a divorce waiver but they denied it solely on the basis of that allegation without telling me or offering the opportunity to refute it as per policy (which I have the evidence to do so). 

Things can and do go wrong, and some people are just a**holes. 


Edited by mindthegap

CR1 / DCF (London): 2012 / 2013 (4 months from I-130 petition to visa in hand)

I-751 #1- April 2015 [Denied]


April 2015 : I-751 Joint filing package sent fedex next day 09:00am from UK ($lots - thanks). 
Jan 2017: Notification that an interview has been scheduled at a local office. Bizarrely still no RFE... 
Jan 2017: 2hr wait, then interview terminated before it began, due to moving my ID to another state 2 wks prior. New interview 'in a few months...maybe.'   Informed them that divorce proceedings are underway, but not finalised at this time. 
March 2017: An Interview was scheduled - marked as no-show as they didn't actually send out a notification of interview. FML 
April  2017: Filed an official complaint with the ombudsman, and have requested Senator & Congressman assistance
August 2017: Interview - switched to a (finalised) divorce waiver. Told that decision will be made that afternoon, but no problems foreseen with my case. 
October 2017: Letter of Denial received - reason given as 'I-751 petition was not properly filed'. Discovered ex-spouse made false allegations to USCIS in 2015. No opportunity given to review & refute allegations  - contrary to USCIS policy.

I-751 #2 - Oct 2017 - Mar 2021[Denied] 


October 2017: Within 72hrs of receiving denial notice, a new waiver I-751, divorce decree & $680 cheque, sent to Vermont via FedEx overnight 9am priority.  
Dec 2019: Filed FOIA request for full A# file
Feb 2020: FOIA request completed - entire A# file received as a .PDF; 197 pages fully redacted, and 80 partially redacted. Don't waste your time!
March 2021: I-751 #2 denied for lack of evidence. No RFE, no interview, and evidence in previous I-751 not reviewed - contrary to policy. Huge errors in adjudication.

N-400 - Feb 2018 - Apr 2021 [Denied]


February 2018: N-400 filed online.  $725 paid to the USCIS paperwork wastage fund

February  2019: Interview - cancelled after a four hour wait due to 'missing paperwork' on their end. Promised Expedited reschedule.

March 2021: Interview letter received, strangely dated after I-751 denial. No I-751 interview conducted. N-400 interview and test passed, given 'cannot make a decision at this time' paper due to the ongoing I-751 nightmare...

April 2021: N-400 denial received citing recent I-751 denial as basis for ineligibility, even though it should have been a combo interview 🤯


Service Motion - March 2021 [Sent via FedEx & COMPLETELY IGNORED by USCIS]


March 2021: Service Motion request sent overnight addressed direectly to field office director, requesting urgent review and re-opening, based on errors in adjudication - citing USCIS policy, AFM and memorandums as basis for errors. This was completely ignored by USCIS.

 I-751 #3 - June 2021 - Jan 2024 [Denied]



June 2021: I-751 #3 (30+lbs/5000 pages of paperwork) & another $680 sent to USCIS via FedEx ($300+..thanks) .... 

June 2021: Receipt issued, card charged, biometrics waived, infopass scheduled for I-551 stamp number ten.....

Feb 2022: RFIE (no, not an RFE, a Request For Initial Evidence) received, for copies of the divorce paperwork that they already have 😑

July 2022: Infopass for I-551 stamp number eleven.....

August 2023: Infopass for I-551 stamp number twelve....

January 2024: Denial received, ignoring the overwhelming majority of the filing, abundance of evidence, and refutation of a provably false allegation. The denial also contradicts itself in multiple places, as if it was written by someone with an IQ <50.



2024: FML. Seriously. I'm done. 


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2 minutes ago, mindthegap said:

It says it can be filed at any time from gaining permanent residence - ie, the date your 2yr GC is approved - to when you are removed from the United States - ie, a final order of removal by an immigration judge, which is the point you are no longer a permanent resident. 


Yes, I just commented on precisely what the wording in the instructions says. It says you can file without the spouse if you are divorced. And you are only divorced if you are not legally married anymore, so since one is not divorced until the decree was issued this specific section would theoretically not apply to folks that aren't divorced yet (=which are separated e.g.).

That's all I'm saying.

That's why I included that it may just be poor wording on whoever the instructions wrote because the wording does not specify that it is also possible to file with a divorce waiver when you are not divorced yet.


I do see that the wording does imply one could wait until the divorce decree is issued and file then - now actually being divorced - even after the 90 day period expired.


13 minutes ago, mindthegap said:

But hey man, I’m only trying to help you. I’ve only filed three of these f***ing things spanning over half a decade so what the hell do I know? 

I think you know a lot, I appreciate your commenting and I also think you misinterpreted this and took it personal ;) . I was not personal. I was analyizing the wording of the instructions and what it says as well as what it doesn't say :) .



17 minutes ago, mindthegap said:
47 minutes ago, InhaleExhale said:


Can he recant it even if he signs his own statement under penalty of perjury?

 Would any email from him that I add also open the door for USCIS to possibly contact him?


Yes, and yes.

Ok. I would have thought if he signs under penalty of perjury and then revokes, he would obviously discredit himself and hence discredit everything he says after...

Good to know.


19 minutes ago, mindthegap said:

Have you read my timeline for what can go very very wrong when a spouse tries to screw you over with a simple false allegation? 
Ours was filed jointly. False allegation made after we separated , switched it to a divorce waiver but they denied it solely on the basis of that allegation without telling me or offering the opportunity to refute it as per policy (which I have the evidence to do so). 

Things can and do go wrong, and some people are just a**holes 

Yes, I have. I commented before in this thread (1st page) as I was wondering about any help you received by your state rep's bc it says you contacted them...

Such a nightmare and I am sorry you have been having to go through that. I can relate only in the tiny fraction of how it feels when you realize that the one you married isn't actually that one human being you thought they are. It's such a shock once you realize that. And then it makes ya wonder - why the hell have I not seen that or sensed that before...

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48 minutes ago, InhaleExhale said:


I think you know a lot, I appreciate your commenting and I also think you misinterpreted this and took it personal ;) . I was not personal. I was analyizing the wording of the instructions and what it says as well as what it doesn't say :) .

Yeah sorry. I’m stressed to hell right now with this and have genuinely thousands of pages of USCIS stuff around me - it’s a sea of paperwork and photos here and I am utterly sick of it.  

Short fuse and was snappy.

CR1 / DCF (London): 2012 / 2013 (4 months from I-130 petition to visa in hand)

I-751 #1- April 2015 [Denied]


April 2015 : I-751 Joint filing package sent fedex next day 09:00am from UK ($lots - thanks). 
Jan 2017: Notification that an interview has been scheduled at a local office. Bizarrely still no RFE... 
Jan 2017: 2hr wait, then interview terminated before it began, due to moving my ID to another state 2 wks prior. New interview 'in a few months...maybe.'   Informed them that divorce proceedings are underway, but not finalised at this time. 
March 2017: An Interview was scheduled - marked as no-show as they didn't actually send out a notification of interview. FML 
April  2017: Filed an official complaint with the ombudsman, and have requested Senator & Congressman assistance
August 2017: Interview - switched to a (finalised) divorce waiver. Told that decision will be made that afternoon, but no problems foreseen with my case. 
October 2017: Letter of Denial received - reason given as 'I-751 petition was not properly filed'. Discovered ex-spouse made false allegations to USCIS in 2015. No opportunity given to review & refute allegations  - contrary to USCIS policy.

I-751 #2 - Oct 2017 - Mar 2021[Denied] 


October 2017: Within 72hrs of receiving denial notice, a new waiver I-751, divorce decree & $680 cheque, sent to Vermont via FedEx overnight 9am priority.  
Dec 2019: Filed FOIA request for full A# file
Feb 2020: FOIA request completed - entire A# file received as a .PDF; 197 pages fully redacted, and 80 partially redacted. Don't waste your time!
March 2021: I-751 #2 denied for lack of evidence. No RFE, no interview, and evidence in previous I-751 not reviewed - contrary to policy. Huge errors in adjudication.

N-400 - Feb 2018 - Apr 2021 [Denied]


February 2018: N-400 filed online.  $725 paid to the USCIS paperwork wastage fund

February  2019: Interview - cancelled after a four hour wait due to 'missing paperwork' on their end. Promised Expedited reschedule.

March 2021: Interview letter received, strangely dated after I-751 denial. No I-751 interview conducted. N-400 interview and test passed, given 'cannot make a decision at this time' paper due to the ongoing I-751 nightmare...

April 2021: N-400 denial received citing recent I-751 denial as basis for ineligibility, even though it should have been a combo interview 🤯


Service Motion - March 2021 [Sent via FedEx & COMPLETELY IGNORED by USCIS]


March 2021: Service Motion request sent overnight addressed direectly to field office director, requesting urgent review and re-opening, based on errors in adjudication - citing USCIS policy, AFM and memorandums as basis for errors. This was completely ignored by USCIS.

 I-751 #3 - June 2021 - Jan 2024 [Denied]



June 2021: I-751 #3 (30+lbs/5000 pages of paperwork) & another $680 sent to USCIS via FedEx ($300+..thanks) .... 

June 2021: Receipt issued, card charged, biometrics waived, infopass scheduled for I-551 stamp number ten.....

Feb 2022: RFIE (no, not an RFE, a Request For Initial Evidence) received, for copies of the divorce paperwork that they already have 😑

July 2022: Infopass for I-551 stamp number eleven.....

August 2023: Infopass for I-551 stamp number twelve....

January 2024: Denial received, ignoring the overwhelming majority of the filing, abundance of evidence, and refutation of a provably false allegation. The denial also contradicts itself in multiple places, as if it was written by someone with an IQ <50.



2024: FML. Seriously. I'm done. 


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3 hours ago, mindthegap said:

Yeah sorry. I’m stressed to hell right now with this and have genuinely thousands of pages of USCIS stuff around me - it’s a sea of paperwork and photos here and I am utterly sick of it.  

Short fuse and was snappy.

No worries at all. Been there, done that 🙃

I wish I had the knowledge to help you with your case.

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Filed: Other Country: Saudi Arabia
On 4/21/2021 at 6:06 PM, mindthegap said:

That’s what a divorce waiver is. If you file under that basis with that box checked and without the divorce decree you get an RFE for it, as stated previously. It can’t be approved without the divorce being final, but it can be filed before it is. 


It says it can be filed at any time from gaining permanent residence - ie, the date your 2yr GC is approved - to when you are removed from the United States - ie, a final order of removal by an immigration judge, which is the point you are no longer a permanent resident. 
So yeah, it’s fairly explicit that it can be filed before, during or after the 90 day period at ANY time, which is what I was saying - you don’t necessarily have to rush to meet the 90 day window which is what you were alluding to, as you have the option available to you to file for divorce and file it  then. 



But hey man, I’m only trying to help you. I’ve only filed three of these f***ing things spanning over half a decade so what the hell do I know? 


Yes, and yes.
 @Villanelle has been here a long time and knows an incredible amount of stuff,  as do I at this point. 
Have you read my timeline for what can go very very wrong when a spouse tries to screw you over with a simple false allegation? 
Ours was filed jointly. False allegation made after we separated , switched it to a divorce waiver but they denied it solely on the basis of that allegation without telling me or offering the opportunity to refute it as per policy (which I have the evidence to do so). 

Things can and do go wrong, and some people are just a**holes. 


What I’m trying to tell her.  She’s playing high stakes with this joint filing plan.

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