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Filed: Timeline

nu il inteleg...el zice ca are ganduri de despatire si sa anuleze tot procesul asta de viza. i-am trimis pachetul cu actele mele si a stat o saptamana la posta pentru ca nu a avut timp sa il ridice, in ultimele 2 zile ne tot certam cam rau si el ridica pachetul de la posta ieri...asta ar insemna ca de fapt el ar vrea sa mai continuam? inca nu am primit un raspuns de la el, nu stiu ce se intampla cu el, nu mi-a zis daca suntem ok sau nu. mi-e frica sa nu ne despartim. il inteleg ca ioi frica sa nu continue certurile asta dupa casatorie, mi-ar fi frica si mie dar stiu ca nu va fi asa. oare ce se intampla cu el? inca nu am reusit sa vorbim despre asta pt ca nu vreau sa il stresez acum, are un moment mai dificil si il las un pic in pace, dar a luat pachetul meu de la posta ieri..daca nu8 mai vroia putea sa il tot lase..nu stiu ce sa zic :huh:

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Da-i timp ...isi revine el....e greu la inceput ....are nevoie de sprijin...si tu de altfel ;)

"Daca voi nu ma vreti, io va vreau"

DCF Frankfurt Germany

01/12/2007 I-130 filed in person at the Consulate in Frankfurt

01/17/2007 Faxed the checklist to the Immigrant Visa Unit in Frankfurt

03/29/2007 Got letter from USCIS to provide evidence that our marriage is bona fide

04/02/2007 Sent to USCIS lots of evidence

05/03/2007 I have an unofficial "PETITION APPROVED" ...waiting for confirmation from Consulate

05/07/2007 Received email from USCIS ROME confirming that our petition was approved (why Rome? because we complained to the District Office Rome about the Sub-Office Frankfurt..it took too long for our petition to be approved)...now waiting for the interview letter from the Consulate

05/18/2007 E-mail from IV Frankfurt, our interview was scheduled for May 29th

05/19/2007 Packet 4 in the mail: ja ja ja interview letter

05/29/2007 Interview at 7.30 a.m. APPROVED Thank you, God!

06/01/2007 Visa arrived !

06/03/2007 Mayday on the plane POE Cincinnati

Living in Maryland

06/21/2007 Welcome Notice from USCIS

06/29/2007 Applied for SSN at the local Office

07/07/2007 Green Card arrived

07/09/2007 Another 2 Welcome Letters from USCIS...God, they really love me! :D

07/20/2007 Social Security Card arrived

Living@working in Maryland :)

01/18/2009 PCS-ing to Stuttgart Germany

Feb 2009 Received letter from VSC to start removing conditions.

Getting ready the packet for Removing Conditions I-751

03/12/2009 Mailed the I-751 packet to Vermont Service Center

Filed: Timeline
Da-i timp ...isi revine el....e greu la inceput ....are nevoie de sprijin...si tu de altfel ;)

poi nu pot sa ii acord sprijin din moment ce nu stiu ce se intampla cu el. il las sa ma sune el pentru ca nu vreau sa il stresez. eu vreau sa ii acord sprijin si sa ne impacam dar nu stiu intentiile lui

crezi ca ar fi o idee buna dac as aplica pt viza de turist intre timp? vreau sa fiu cu el pt un timp ca suntem amandoi f stresati..nu am loc de munca si nu sunt la scoala..oare nu o sa ma refuze?


si ce ai studiat in State?

"Daca voi nu ma vreti, io va vreau"

DCF Frankfurt Germany

01/12/2007 I-130 filed in person at the Consulate in Frankfurt

01/17/2007 Faxed the checklist to the Immigrant Visa Unit in Frankfurt

03/29/2007 Got letter from USCIS to provide evidence that our marriage is bona fide

04/02/2007 Sent to USCIS lots of evidence

05/03/2007 I have an unofficial "PETITION APPROVED" ...waiting for confirmation from Consulate

05/07/2007 Received email from USCIS ROME confirming that our petition was approved (why Rome? because we complained to the District Office Rome about the Sub-Office Frankfurt..it took too long for our petition to be approved)...now waiting for the interview letter from the Consulate

05/18/2007 E-mail from IV Frankfurt, our interview was scheduled for May 29th

05/19/2007 Packet 4 in the mail: ja ja ja interview letter

05/29/2007 Interview at 7.30 a.m. APPROVED Thank you, God!

06/01/2007 Visa arrived !

06/03/2007 Mayday on the plane POE Cincinnati

Living in Maryland

06/21/2007 Welcome Notice from USCIS

06/29/2007 Applied for SSN at the local Office

07/07/2007 Green Card arrived

07/09/2007 Another 2 Welcome Letters from USCIS...God, they really love me! :D

07/20/2007 Social Security Card arrived

Living@working in Maryland :)

01/18/2009 PCS-ing to Stuttgart Germany

Feb 2009 Received letter from VSC to start removing conditions.

Getting ready the packet for Removing Conditions I-751

03/12/2009 Mailed the I-751 packet to Vermont Service Center

Filed: Timeline

am fost cu o viza de schimb de experiente j1 ca au pair, nu am studiat. dupa ce am plecat de la familie m-am inscris la facultate dar nu am stat numai 2 luni pt ca era prea scump si nu faceam fata( nu aveam nici masina si il stresam pe puiu toata ziua sa ma duca si sa ma aduca de la scoala) si era stresant si nu am continuat...


si cum a fost viata in State? am fost in vizita acolo dar nu am locuit niciodata......

"Daca voi nu ma vreti, io va vreau"

DCF Frankfurt Germany

01/12/2007 I-130 filed in person at the Consulate in Frankfurt

01/17/2007 Faxed the checklist to the Immigrant Visa Unit in Frankfurt

03/29/2007 Got letter from USCIS to provide evidence that our marriage is bona fide

04/02/2007 Sent to USCIS lots of evidence

05/03/2007 I have an unofficial "PETITION APPROVED" ...waiting for confirmation from Consulate

05/07/2007 Received email from USCIS ROME confirming that our petition was approved (why Rome? because we complained to the District Office Rome about the Sub-Office Frankfurt..it took too long for our petition to be approved)...now waiting for the interview letter from the Consulate

05/18/2007 E-mail from IV Frankfurt, our interview was scheduled for May 29th

05/19/2007 Packet 4 in the mail: ja ja ja interview letter

05/29/2007 Interview at 7.30 a.m. APPROVED Thank you, God!

06/01/2007 Visa arrived !

06/03/2007 Mayday on the plane POE Cincinnati

Living in Maryland

06/21/2007 Welcome Notice from USCIS

06/29/2007 Applied for SSN at the local Office

07/07/2007 Green Card arrived

07/09/2007 Another 2 Welcome Letters from USCIS...God, they really love me! :D

07/20/2007 Social Security Card arrived

Living@working in Maryland :)

01/18/2009 PCS-ing to Stuttgart Germany

Feb 2009 Received letter from VSC to start removing conditions.

Getting ready the packet for Removing Conditions I-751

03/12/2009 Mailed the I-751 packet to Vermont Service Center

Filed: Timeline

a fost groaznic pana l-am cunoscut pe puioul meu...adica era groaznic pentru ca imi lipseau ai mei f mult, nu am mai fost plecata niciodata de ascasa pe o perioada asa de mare, dar m-am obisnuit cu timpul, in primele 2 luni a fost greu. dupa ce l-am cunsocut pe puiu totul a fost ok...pt mine el era toata lumea mea(si inca mai este), in rest a fost ok, nu am avut foarte multi prieteni, mai ieseam dar mai rar, m-am obisnuit cu timpul, il aveam pe puiu si nu imi trebuia nimic altceva

Filed: Timeline


N-am mai dat de multisor pe aici......vreoun an aproape...

Vad ca treci printr-o perioada stresanta doradavid, asa este asteptarea pt. viza...eu am asteptat vreo 2 ani pt ca am avut 2 avocati incopententi care ori nu trimiteau ce trebuie, ori intirziau tot procesul din alte motive, pur si simplu tineau hirtiile si nu le trimiteau...si o gramada de bani dati...dar pina la urma se rezolva...

Am impresia ca prietenul tau poate s-a razgindit? nu vreau sa te descurajez dar ia si varianta asta in considerare, pt ca daca este chiar dupa un divort si tu ai plecat si el s-a vazut singur din nou, poate a "gustat" simtul libertatii si vrea sa fie singur o perioada? sper sa nu fie asa, dar "de dinafara" parca asa se vede din ce scrii...

Tin minte ca si eu am avut destul de multe conflicte pe diferite teme pe perioada asteptarii vizei...este din cauza stresului si nesigurantei, intodeauna te gindesti ca e mai usor sa renunti decit sa continui sa trec peste obstacole;

Nu ai dreptul la viza de turist daca ai aplicat pt k1; vezi ca a fost aici pe forum un exemplu cu o rominca care a patit-o rau de tot cu viza de turist in timp ce avea k1 aplicat, nu-i mai stiu id-ul da un search si gasesti

Oricum eu va doresc la toti multa bafta si rabdare muuuuullltaaaaaaaaa


N-am mai dat de multisor pe aici......vreoun an aproape...

Vad ca treci printr-o perioada stresanta doradavid, asa este asteptarea pt. viza...eu am asteptat vreo 2 ani pt ca am avut 2 avocati incopententi care ori nu trimiteau ce trebuie, ori intirziau tot procesul din alte motive, pur si simplu tineau hirtiile si nu le trimiteau...si o gramada de bani dati...dar pina la urma se rezolva...

Am impresia ca prietenul tau poate s-a razgindit? nu vreau sa te descurajez dar ia si varianta asta in considerare, pt ca daca este chiar dupa un divort si tu ai plecat si el s-a vazut singur din nou, poate a "gustat" simtul libertatii si vrea sa fie singur o perioada? sper sa nu fie asa, dar "de dinafara" parca asa se vede din ce scrii...

Tin minte ca si eu am avut destul de multe conflicte pe diferite teme pe perioada asteptarii vizei...este din cauza stresului si nesigurantei, intodeauna te gindesti ca e mai usor sa renunti decit sa continui sa trec peste obstacole;

Nu ai dreptul la viza de turist daca ai aplicat pt k1; vezi ca a fost aici pe forum un exemplu cu o rominca care a patit-o rau de tot cu viza de turist in timp ce avea k1 aplicat, nu-i mai stiu id-ul da un search si gasesti

Oricum eu va doresc la toti multa bafta si rabdare muuuuullltaaaaaaaaa

Buna, bine ai revenit pe site..........sper ca totul este bine acum la tine!

"Daca voi nu ma vreti, io va vreau"

DCF Frankfurt Germany

01/12/2007 I-130 filed in person at the Consulate in Frankfurt

01/17/2007 Faxed the checklist to the Immigrant Visa Unit in Frankfurt

03/29/2007 Got letter from USCIS to provide evidence that our marriage is bona fide

04/02/2007 Sent to USCIS lots of evidence

05/03/2007 I have an unofficial "PETITION APPROVED" ...waiting for confirmation from Consulate

05/07/2007 Received email from USCIS ROME confirming that our petition was approved (why Rome? because we complained to the District Office Rome about the Sub-Office Frankfurt..it took too long for our petition to be approved)...now waiting for the interview letter from the Consulate

05/18/2007 E-mail from IV Frankfurt, our interview was scheduled for May 29th

05/19/2007 Packet 4 in the mail: ja ja ja interview letter

05/29/2007 Interview at 7.30 a.m. APPROVED Thank you, God!

06/01/2007 Visa arrived !

06/03/2007 Mayday on the plane POE Cincinnati

Living in Maryland

06/21/2007 Welcome Notice from USCIS

06/29/2007 Applied for SSN at the local Office

07/07/2007 Green Card arrived

07/09/2007 Another 2 Welcome Letters from USCIS...God, they really love me! :D

07/20/2007 Social Security Card arrived

Living@working in Maryland :)

01/18/2009 PCS-ing to Stuttgart Germany

Feb 2009 Received letter from VSC to start removing conditions.

Getting ready the packet for Removing Conditions I-751

03/12/2009 Mailed the I-751 packet to Vermont Service Center

Filed: Timeline

noi inca nu am trimis dosarul la USCIS deci pot sa zic ca nu am aplicat inca. acum sunt disperata, el nu m-a sunat de 2 zile, nu stiu ce e in mintea lui acum. stiu ca daca ne vedem o sa fie bine, eu nu vreau sa il pierd si ma gandeam daca as putea aplica pt viza de turist sau o0 viza de student, chiar daca nu ne casatorim acum pe moment, il inteleg ca e stresat dar nu vreau sa il pierd. vreau sa fac cumva sa ma intorc inapoi in state si sa ne continuam relatia chiar daca nu ne casatorim acuma. as avea sanse sa aplic pt viza de student sau de turist din moment ce am avut un overstay de 2 luni? nu stiu ce sa fac, sunt disperata. vreau sa ma intorc la el. am nevoie de niste sfaturi..va multumesc


inainte sa aplici pt orice fel de viza trebuie sa clarifici overstay-ul cu ambasada.....cred ca trebuie sa initiezi un waiver. altfel nu ai nici o sansa.....du-te la "waiver' section si citeste mai mult....daca gasesc ceva te anunt ;)

"Daca voi nu ma vreti, io va vreau"

DCF Frankfurt Germany

01/12/2007 I-130 filed in person at the Consulate in Frankfurt

01/17/2007 Faxed the checklist to the Immigrant Visa Unit in Frankfurt

03/29/2007 Got letter from USCIS to provide evidence that our marriage is bona fide

04/02/2007 Sent to USCIS lots of evidence

05/03/2007 I have an unofficial "PETITION APPROVED" ...waiting for confirmation from Consulate

05/07/2007 Received email from USCIS ROME confirming that our petition was approved (why Rome? because we complained to the District Office Rome about the Sub-Office Frankfurt..it took too long for our petition to be approved)...now waiting for the interview letter from the Consulate

05/18/2007 E-mail from IV Frankfurt, our interview was scheduled for May 29th

05/19/2007 Packet 4 in the mail: ja ja ja interview letter

05/29/2007 Interview at 7.30 a.m. APPROVED Thank you, God!

06/01/2007 Visa arrived !

06/03/2007 Mayday on the plane POE Cincinnati

Living in Maryland

06/21/2007 Welcome Notice from USCIS

06/29/2007 Applied for SSN at the local Office

07/07/2007 Green Card arrived

07/09/2007 Another 2 Welcome Letters from USCIS...God, they really love me! :D

07/20/2007 Social Security Card arrived

Living@working in Maryland :)

01/18/2009 PCS-ing to Stuttgart Germany

Feb 2009 Received letter from VSC to start removing conditions.

Getting ready the packet for Removing Conditions I-751

03/12/2009 Mailed the I-751 packet to Vermont Service Center

Filed: Timeline

Daca ai stat peste viza se complica situatia....din cite imi amintesc depinde cite zile ai stat peste, daca ai stat pina la 180 de zile mi se pare ca trebuie sa petreci urmatorii 2 ani in rominia.....a fost un caz asa aici pe forum mi se pare, iar nu mai stiu id-ul, dar daca dai un search sigur gasesti...daca nu au fost sterse intre timp, din pacate eu nu am mai tinut legatura cu persoana respectiva;

la mine toate bine si frumoase acum s-ar zice; urmeaza interviul pt green card de 10 ani;

este cineva printre romini de pe forum care a aplicat pt green cardul de 10 ani?

Daca ai stat peste viza se complica situatia....din cite imi amintesc depinde cite zile ai stat peste, daca ai stat pina la 180 de zile mi se pare ca trebuie sa petreci urmatorii 2 ani in rominia.....a fost un caz asa aici pe forum mi se pare, iar nu mai stiu id-ul, dar daca dai un search sigur gasesti...daca nu au fost sterse intre timp, din pacate eu nu am mai tinut legatura cu persoana respectiva;

la mine toate bine si frumoase acum s-ar zice; urmeaza interviul pt green card de 10 ani;

este cineva printre romini de pe forum care a aplicat pt green cardul de 10 ani?

Lala14, cauta membrul "selena2003", chiar a depus actele pentru cardul pe 10 ani. Multa bafta si sa auzim numai de bine. :thumbs:

By the way, pe unde esti in State?

"Daca voi nu ma vreti, io va vreau"

DCF Frankfurt Germany

01/12/2007 I-130 filed in person at the Consulate in Frankfurt

01/17/2007 Faxed the checklist to the Immigrant Visa Unit in Frankfurt

03/29/2007 Got letter from USCIS to provide evidence that our marriage is bona fide

04/02/2007 Sent to USCIS lots of evidence

05/03/2007 I have an unofficial "PETITION APPROVED" ...waiting for confirmation from Consulate

05/07/2007 Received email from USCIS ROME confirming that our petition was approved (why Rome? because we complained to the District Office Rome about the Sub-Office Frankfurt..it took too long for our petition to be approved)...now waiting for the interview letter from the Consulate

05/18/2007 E-mail from IV Frankfurt, our interview was scheduled for May 29th

05/19/2007 Packet 4 in the mail: ja ja ja interview letter

05/29/2007 Interview at 7.30 a.m. APPROVED Thank you, God!

06/01/2007 Visa arrived !

06/03/2007 Mayday on the plane POE Cincinnati

Living in Maryland

06/21/2007 Welcome Notice from USCIS

06/29/2007 Applied for SSN at the local Office

07/07/2007 Green Card arrived

07/09/2007 Another 2 Welcome Letters from USCIS...God, they really love me! :D

07/20/2007 Social Security Card arrived

Living@working in Maryland :)

01/18/2009 PCS-ing to Stuttgart Germany

Feb 2009 Received letter from VSC to start removing conditions.

Getting ready the packet for Removing Conditions I-751

03/12/2009 Mailed the I-751 packet to Vermont Service Center


Alooooo, alooooooo, nici un roman pe aici azi?

"Daca voi nu ma vreti, io va vreau"

DCF Frankfurt Germany

01/12/2007 I-130 filed in person at the Consulate in Frankfurt

01/17/2007 Faxed the checklist to the Immigrant Visa Unit in Frankfurt

03/29/2007 Got letter from USCIS to provide evidence that our marriage is bona fide

04/02/2007 Sent to USCIS lots of evidence

05/03/2007 I have an unofficial "PETITION APPROVED" ...waiting for confirmation from Consulate

05/07/2007 Received email from USCIS ROME confirming that our petition was approved (why Rome? because we complained to the District Office Rome about the Sub-Office Frankfurt..it took too long for our petition to be approved)...now waiting for the interview letter from the Consulate

05/18/2007 E-mail from IV Frankfurt, our interview was scheduled for May 29th

05/19/2007 Packet 4 in the mail: ja ja ja interview letter

05/29/2007 Interview at 7.30 a.m. APPROVED Thank you, God!

06/01/2007 Visa arrived !

06/03/2007 Mayday on the plane POE Cincinnati

Living in Maryland

06/21/2007 Welcome Notice from USCIS

06/29/2007 Applied for SSN at the local Office

07/07/2007 Green Card arrived

07/09/2007 Another 2 Welcome Letters from USCIS...God, they really love me! :D

07/20/2007 Social Security Card arrived

Living@working in Maryland :)

01/18/2009 PCS-ing to Stuttgart Germany

Feb 2009 Received letter from VSC to start removing conditions.

Getting ready the packet for Removing Conditions I-751

03/12/2009 Mailed the I-751 packet to Vermont Service Center

Filed: Citizen (pnd) Country: Romania

salut, fac un mic test sa vad daca pot posta...vede cineva ce am scris??:)

09/13/05 : AOS papers sent to Chicago

10/05/05 : checks cashed

10/05/05 : NOA 1 in the mail yehawwww !!!!!

11/29/05 : AP approoooooved !!!!!

03/06/06 : biometrics appointment

03/07/06 : touched

01/03/07 : interview letter in the mail

02/26/07 : interview finalllllllllllllyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!!!!!!!!



01/27/09 : I-751 package mailed to Vermont

02/05/09 : check cashed

02/09/09 : NOA received

02/21/09 : biometrics letter received

03/07/09 : biometrics appointment

03/09/09 : touched

03/10/09 : touched

06/16/09 : APROVVVVVEEEEEEEED!!!!!!!! letter from USCIS received

06/30/09 : Greencard received!!! NO MISTAKES!!!

04/12/2010 : N-400 package sent...fingers crossed for a fast approval.....

06/07/2010 : Biometrics in Orlando

08/09/2010: Citizenship interview - PASSED!!!!

08/13/2010 : OATH Ceremony - Finally a US citizen and DONE with USCIS!!!!

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