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DCF se zice ca e mai rapid dar sunt niste reguli: sa fiti casatoriti, sa fi locuit in Romania o perioada de timp cu sotul.

"Daca voi nu ma vreti, io va vreau"

DCF Frankfurt Germany

01/12/2007 I-130 filed in person at the Consulate in Frankfurt

01/17/2007 Faxed the checklist to the Immigrant Visa Unit in Frankfurt

03/29/2007 Got letter from USCIS to provide evidence that our marriage is bona fide

04/02/2007 Sent to USCIS lots of evidence

05/03/2007 I have an unofficial "PETITION APPROVED" ...waiting for confirmation from Consulate

05/07/2007 Received email from USCIS ROME confirming that our petition was approved (why Rome? because we complained to the District Office Rome about the Sub-Office Frankfurt..it took too long for our petition to be approved)...now waiting for the interview letter from the Consulate

05/18/2007 E-mail from IV Frankfurt, our interview was scheduled for May 29th

05/19/2007 Packet 4 in the mail: ja ja ja interview letter

05/29/2007 Interview at 7.30 a.m. APPROVED Thank you, God!

06/01/2007 Visa arrived !

06/03/2007 Mayday on the plane POE Cincinnati

Living in Maryland

06/21/2007 Welcome Notice from USCIS

06/29/2007 Applied for SSN at the local Office

07/07/2007 Green Card arrived

07/09/2007 Another 2 Welcome Letters from USCIS...God, they really love me! :D

07/20/2007 Social Security Card arrived

Living@working in Maryland :)

01/18/2009 PCS-ing to Stuttgart Germany

Feb 2009 Received letter from VSC to start removing conditions.

Getting ready the packet for Removing Conditions I-751

03/12/2009 Mailed the I-751 packet to Vermont Service Center


poti urmari traseul unui membru de pe VJ "josefine" ;)

"Daca voi nu ma vreti, io va vreau"

DCF Frankfurt Germany

01/12/2007 I-130 filed in person at the Consulate in Frankfurt

01/17/2007 Faxed the checklist to the Immigrant Visa Unit in Frankfurt

03/29/2007 Got letter from USCIS to provide evidence that our marriage is bona fide

04/02/2007 Sent to USCIS lots of evidence

05/03/2007 I have an unofficial "PETITION APPROVED" ...waiting for confirmation from Consulate

05/07/2007 Received email from USCIS ROME confirming that our petition was approved (why Rome? because we complained to the District Office Rome about the Sub-Office Frankfurt..it took too long for our petition to be approved)...now waiting for the interview letter from the Consulate

05/18/2007 E-mail from IV Frankfurt, our interview was scheduled for May 29th

05/19/2007 Packet 4 in the mail: ja ja ja interview letter

05/29/2007 Interview at 7.30 a.m. APPROVED Thank you, God!

06/01/2007 Visa arrived !

06/03/2007 Mayday on the plane POE Cincinnati

Living in Maryland

06/21/2007 Welcome Notice from USCIS

06/29/2007 Applied for SSN at the local Office

07/07/2007 Green Card arrived

07/09/2007 Another 2 Welcome Letters from USCIS...God, they really love me! :D

07/20/2007 Social Security Card arrived

Living@working in Maryland :)

01/18/2009 PCS-ing to Stuttgart Germany

Feb 2009 Received letter from VSC to start removing conditions.

Getting ready the packet for Removing Conditions I-751

03/12/2009 Mailed the I-751 packet to Vermont Service Center

Filed: Timeline
DCF se zice ca e mai rapid dar sunt niste reguli: sa fiti casatoriti, sa fi locuit in Romania o perioada de timp cu sotul.

ohhh..poi nu suntem...si inainte sa incepem am intrebat avocatul pt ce fel de viza sa aplicam k1 sau k3 si a zis ca e mai bine k1 pt ca ne casatorim in US. a zis ca daca ne casatorim in Romania am putea avea probleme in caz de divort..toate sunt date peste cap daca se ajunge la asa ceva, si inca alte motive pe care nu le mai retin...si a zis ca e mai bine sa ne casatorim in US. De aceea aplicam pt k1, deci nu putem cu DCF pt ca nu suntem casatoriti aici si nici nu o sa ne casatorim aici


Pai, ce divort? Va casatoriti pt totdeauna :yes: . K1 e cea mai indicata cale in situatia voastra ....ai gasit membrii din romania care merg pe K1?

"Daca voi nu ma vreti, io va vreau"

DCF Frankfurt Germany

01/12/2007 I-130 filed in person at the Consulate in Frankfurt

01/17/2007 Faxed the checklist to the Immigrant Visa Unit in Frankfurt

03/29/2007 Got letter from USCIS to provide evidence that our marriage is bona fide

04/02/2007 Sent to USCIS lots of evidence

05/03/2007 I have an unofficial "PETITION APPROVED" ...waiting for confirmation from Consulate

05/07/2007 Received email from USCIS ROME confirming that our petition was approved (why Rome? because we complained to the District Office Rome about the Sub-Office Frankfurt..it took too long for our petition to be approved)...now waiting for the interview letter from the Consulate

05/18/2007 E-mail from IV Frankfurt, our interview was scheduled for May 29th

05/19/2007 Packet 4 in the mail: ja ja ja interview letter

05/29/2007 Interview at 7.30 a.m. APPROVED Thank you, God!

06/01/2007 Visa arrived !

06/03/2007 Mayday on the plane POE Cincinnati

Living in Maryland

06/21/2007 Welcome Notice from USCIS

06/29/2007 Applied for SSN at the local Office

07/07/2007 Green Card arrived

07/09/2007 Another 2 Welcome Letters from USCIS...God, they really love me! :D

07/20/2007 Social Security Card arrived

Living@working in Maryland :)

01/18/2009 PCS-ing to Stuttgart Germany

Feb 2009 Received letter from VSC to start removing conditions.

Getting ready the packet for Removing Conditions I-751

03/12/2009 Mailed the I-751 packet to Vermont Service Center

Filed: Timeline

poi ce divort...asta ii ziceam si eu lui...dar el trebuie sa asculte tot ce zice avocatul..daca el nu a recomandat el nu face...ce sa zic...asta e..oricum dureaza mai mult pt k3 din cate am inteles... pe site nu am mai gasit romance care trec prin k3, mi-am facut o porietena din germania care a aplicat tot pt k1 si mai vorbesc si cu ea..tu de cat timp astepti? si cat mai ai de asteptat? :)


Aoleu sa nu imi zici ca folositi un avocat pentru procesul asta? Daca da parerea mea e ca e pierdere de bani :whistle: . Am auzit atatea cazuri in care avocatul mai mult a incurcat...dar si cazuri in care a ajutat. Traiasca VJ ca ne ajuta cu tot ce avem nevoie sa nu apelam la avocati :thumbs: .

Noi am inceput DCF in Frankfurt, Germania in ianuarie. In martie am primit un RFE sa trimit dovezi ca avem un marriage bona fide...acum astept cu sufletul la gura sa imi fie aprobata petitia sa trec de interviu si sa ma duc la sotiorul meu care e plecat in State.


"Daca voi nu ma vreti, io va vreau"

DCF Frankfurt Germany

01/12/2007 I-130 filed in person at the Consulate in Frankfurt

01/17/2007 Faxed the checklist to the Immigrant Visa Unit in Frankfurt

03/29/2007 Got letter from USCIS to provide evidence that our marriage is bona fide

04/02/2007 Sent to USCIS lots of evidence

05/03/2007 I have an unofficial "PETITION APPROVED" ...waiting for confirmation from Consulate

05/07/2007 Received email from USCIS ROME confirming that our petition was approved (why Rome? because we complained to the District Office Rome about the Sub-Office Frankfurt..it took too long for our petition to be approved)...now waiting for the interview letter from the Consulate

05/18/2007 E-mail from IV Frankfurt, our interview was scheduled for May 29th

05/19/2007 Packet 4 in the mail: ja ja ja interview letter

05/29/2007 Interview at 7.30 a.m. APPROVED Thank you, God!

06/01/2007 Visa arrived !

06/03/2007 Mayday on the plane POE Cincinnati

Living in Maryland

06/21/2007 Welcome Notice from USCIS

06/29/2007 Applied for SSN at the local Office

07/07/2007 Green Card arrived

07/09/2007 Another 2 Welcome Letters from USCIS...God, they really love me! :D

07/20/2007 Social Security Card arrived

Living@working in Maryland :)

01/18/2009 PCS-ing to Stuttgart Germany

Feb 2009 Received letter from VSC to start removing conditions.

Getting ready the packet for Removing Conditions I-751

03/12/2009 Mailed the I-751 packet to Vermont Service Center

Filed: Timeline

avem un avocat pentru ca avem nevoie...am stat peste o viza anterioara...am fost in US cu o viza j1 si am depasit cu 2 luni pentru ca noi vroiam sa ne casatorim acolo dar inca nu avea divortul finalizat si vroiam sa asteptam pana e gata...nu mi-a placut deloc gandul ca am stat peste viza si eram foarte stresata si imi era f dor de familia mea si m-am hotarat sa vin acasa si sa facem procesul de aici..cateodata ma gandesc ca am facut o greseala pentru ca mi-e foarte greu fara el dar e mai bine asa ca nu am stat mai mult de 180 zile peste viza..era f complicat daca era asa, si de aceea am angajat avocat in cazul in care o sa avem probleme...acum sunt foarte deprimata pentru ca lucrurile merg greu inte mine si logodnicul meu, amandoi suntem foarte stresati si nu mai suportam sa fim despariti si ne cam certam...sper sa vorbesc azi cu el si sa rezolvam tot...nu mais tiu ce sa fac...cred ca o sa innebunesc :wacko:


Ai facut foarte bine ca ai venit in tara, ai primit ceva in pasaport ca ai depasit termenul? nu-i bai se rezolva asta, mai ales ca ai un avocat. Deci e prima oara cand stati departe unul de altul? E foarte greu, mai ales daca esti la inceputul relatiei, dar voi trebuie sa va incurajati unul pe altul, cand e unul stresat celalalt sa fie umarul pe care se plange......numai asa veti reusi. suferinta mare cateva luni dar aveti toata viata inainte, asa trebuie gandit....si trebuie sa va luati gandul de la tot ce tine de viza, sa acordati mult timp voua, lucrurilor marunte de zi cu zi... un zambet pe fetele voastre de fiecare data cand incheiati o conversatie...

intre timp sa incepi sa strangi dovezi ale relatiei voastre, o sa ai nevoie in procesul de viza: scrisori, emailuri, poze, bilete de avion etc etc, tot ce poate fi legat de voi doi...

hai fruntea sus si alunga stresul,


"Daca voi nu ma vreti, io va vreau"

DCF Frankfurt Germany

01/12/2007 I-130 filed in person at the Consulate in Frankfurt

01/17/2007 Faxed the checklist to the Immigrant Visa Unit in Frankfurt

03/29/2007 Got letter from USCIS to provide evidence that our marriage is bona fide

04/02/2007 Sent to USCIS lots of evidence

05/03/2007 I have an unofficial "PETITION APPROVED" ...waiting for confirmation from Consulate

05/07/2007 Received email from USCIS ROME confirming that our petition was approved (why Rome? because we complained to the District Office Rome about the Sub-Office Frankfurt..it took too long for our petition to be approved)...now waiting for the interview letter from the Consulate

05/18/2007 E-mail from IV Frankfurt, our interview was scheduled for May 29th

05/19/2007 Packet 4 in the mail: ja ja ja interview letter

05/29/2007 Interview at 7.30 a.m. APPROVED Thank you, God!

06/01/2007 Visa arrived !

06/03/2007 Mayday on the plane POE Cincinnati

Living in Maryland

06/21/2007 Welcome Notice from USCIS

06/29/2007 Applied for SSN at the local Office

07/07/2007 Green Card arrived

07/09/2007 Another 2 Welcome Letters from USCIS...God, they really love me! :D

07/20/2007 Social Security Card arrived

Living@working in Maryland :)

01/18/2009 PCS-ing to Stuttgart Germany

Feb 2009 Received letter from VSC to start removing conditions.

Getting ready the packet for Removing Conditions I-751

03/12/2009 Mailed the I-751 packet to Vermont Service Center


Toata lumea e speriata la inceput...hang in there.....sunt alaturi de tine ...totul va fi bine

"Daca voi nu ma vreti, io va vreau"

DCF Frankfurt Germany

01/12/2007 I-130 filed in person at the Consulate in Frankfurt

01/17/2007 Faxed the checklist to the Immigrant Visa Unit in Frankfurt

03/29/2007 Got letter from USCIS to provide evidence that our marriage is bona fide

04/02/2007 Sent to USCIS lots of evidence

05/03/2007 I have an unofficial "PETITION APPROVED" ...waiting for confirmation from Consulate

05/07/2007 Received email from USCIS ROME confirming that our petition was approved (why Rome? because we complained to the District Office Rome about the Sub-Office Frankfurt..it took too long for our petition to be approved)...now waiting for the interview letter from the Consulate

05/18/2007 E-mail from IV Frankfurt, our interview was scheduled for May 29th

05/19/2007 Packet 4 in the mail: ja ja ja interview letter

05/29/2007 Interview at 7.30 a.m. APPROVED Thank you, God!

06/01/2007 Visa arrived !

06/03/2007 Mayday on the plane POE Cincinnati

Living in Maryland

06/21/2007 Welcome Notice from USCIS

06/29/2007 Applied for SSN at the local Office

07/07/2007 Green Card arrived

07/09/2007 Another 2 Welcome Letters from USCIS...God, they really love me! :D

07/20/2007 Social Security Card arrived

Living@working in Maryland :)

01/18/2009 PCS-ing to Stuttgart Germany

Feb 2009 Received letter from VSC to start removing conditions.

Getting ready the packet for Removing Conditions I-751

03/12/2009 Mailed the I-751 packet to Vermont Service Center

Filed: Timeline
Toata lumea e speriata la inceput...hang in there.....sunt alaturi de tine ...totul va fi bine

iubitul meu acum se gandeste daca mai vrea sa continue relatia sau nu..e groaznic..adevarule ca in ultimul timp ne-am certat cam mult din cauza stresului, certuri minore dar au fost multe, si azi mi-a zis ca nu e sigur daca mai vrea sa continue asa, ca ii frica sa nu fim asa si dupa casatorie. nu stiu ce sa fac, eu mor daca ne despartim, il iubesc foarte mult, el inseamna viata pentruy mine. stiu ca nu o sa fie asa dupa casatorie pentru ca certurile astea sunt din cauza ca suntem departe si nu ne-am vazut de mult timp, dar stiu ca nu o sa fim asa cand vom fi impreuna pentru ca niciodata nu ne certam asa, am si locuit un an de zile impreuna si stiu ca nu era asa. acum imi e foarte frica ca daca il pierd nu mai am cum sa il castig inapoi pentru ca nu ne vedem si e prea departe nu mai am ce face..nu mai stiu ce sa fac :cry:


Cred ca el ar trebui sa discute mult cu persoane ce se afla in aceeasi situatie...ar fi fost bine daca ar fi membru JV...inveti atatea din povestile altora.....

"Daca voi nu ma vreti, io va vreau"

DCF Frankfurt Germany

01/12/2007 I-130 filed in person at the Consulate in Frankfurt

01/17/2007 Faxed the checklist to the Immigrant Visa Unit in Frankfurt

03/29/2007 Got letter from USCIS to provide evidence that our marriage is bona fide

04/02/2007 Sent to USCIS lots of evidence

05/03/2007 I have an unofficial "PETITION APPROVED" ...waiting for confirmation from Consulate

05/07/2007 Received email from USCIS ROME confirming that our petition was approved (why Rome? because we complained to the District Office Rome about the Sub-Office Frankfurt..it took too long for our petition to be approved)...now waiting for the interview letter from the Consulate

05/18/2007 E-mail from IV Frankfurt, our interview was scheduled for May 29th

05/19/2007 Packet 4 in the mail: ja ja ja interview letter

05/29/2007 Interview at 7.30 a.m. APPROVED Thank you, God!

06/01/2007 Visa arrived !

06/03/2007 Mayday on the plane POE Cincinnati

Living in Maryland

06/21/2007 Welcome Notice from USCIS

06/29/2007 Applied for SSN at the local Office

07/07/2007 Green Card arrived

07/09/2007 Another 2 Welcome Letters from USCIS...God, they really love me! :D

07/20/2007 Social Security Card arrived

Living@working in Maryland :)

01/18/2009 PCS-ing to Stuttgart Germany

Feb 2009 Received letter from VSC to start removing conditions.

Getting ready the packet for Removing Conditions I-751

03/12/2009 Mailed the I-751 packet to Vermont Service Center


uf e greu...... cred ca ar trebui sa-i dai putin timp, sa treaca peste stres..... ma rog pentru voi sa lasati deoparte obstacolele si sa realizati ca , mii de oameni fac asta in toata lumea, ca atunci cand ti-ai gasit perechea faci orice si suferi oricat pana veti fi impreuna...pentru totdeauna

"Daca voi nu ma vreti, io va vreau"

DCF Frankfurt Germany

01/12/2007 I-130 filed in person at the Consulate in Frankfurt

01/17/2007 Faxed the checklist to the Immigrant Visa Unit in Frankfurt

03/29/2007 Got letter from USCIS to provide evidence that our marriage is bona fide

04/02/2007 Sent to USCIS lots of evidence

05/03/2007 I have an unofficial "PETITION APPROVED" ...waiting for confirmation from Consulate

05/07/2007 Received email from USCIS ROME confirming that our petition was approved (why Rome? because we complained to the District Office Rome about the Sub-Office Frankfurt..it took too long for our petition to be approved)...now waiting for the interview letter from the Consulate

05/18/2007 E-mail from IV Frankfurt, our interview was scheduled for May 29th

05/19/2007 Packet 4 in the mail: ja ja ja interview letter

05/29/2007 Interview at 7.30 a.m. APPROVED Thank you, God!

06/01/2007 Visa arrived !

06/03/2007 Mayday on the plane POE Cincinnati

Living in Maryland

06/21/2007 Welcome Notice from USCIS

06/29/2007 Applied for SSN at the local Office

07/07/2007 Green Card arrived

07/09/2007 Another 2 Welcome Letters from USCIS...God, they really love me! :D

07/20/2007 Social Security Card arrived

Living@working in Maryland :)

01/18/2009 PCS-ing to Stuttgart Germany

Feb 2009 Received letter from VSC to start removing conditions.

Getting ready the packet for Removing Conditions I-751

03/12/2009 Mailed the I-751 packet to Vermont Service Center

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