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NYT’s Charles Blow: Discussing ‘Assimilation’ & ‘American Culture’ ‘Really Problematic for Me’


New York Times columnist Charles Blow said this week that discussing “assimilation” and “American culture” is “really problematic” for him.

While discussing President Donald Trump’s immigration plan that gives more points to those who speak English, CNN pundit Jeffrey Lord spoke about the importance of “assimilation” as opposed to the “self-segregating” that goes on in society and increasingly on college campuses. Blow was bewildered by Lord’s focus on assimilation.




“My mother is Irish on her side of the family. So, you know what, on St. Patrick’s Day, I have corn beef and cabbage and maybe a green beer,” Lord explained. “Trust me, I’m not Irish. I’m an American. That’s the point.”

As Breitbart News has explained, in the 2016 election, Trump galvanized “voters who wanted to send a loud and clear message about the importance of melting-pot Americanism (instead of salad-bowl separatism).” And by voting for Trump, many of his voters, as Breitbart News noted, “were loudly–or silently–voting for E Pluribus Unum (‘Out of many, one’) instead of Al Gore’s Ex Uno Plures (‘Out of one, many’).”




I gotta say, this pundit sure has a fitting last name.


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Filed: K-1 Visa Country: Wales

For those not familiar Owen is a classic example of the Regressive left hear being torn a new one about Venezuela. His articles about the Glories of Venezuela are embarrassing to say the least.



“If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat. If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle.”

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Filed: Citizen (apr) Country: Russia
10 hours ago, Boiler said:

For those not familiar Owen is a classic example of the Regressive left hear being torn a new one about Venezuela. His articles about the Glories of Venezuela are embarrassing to say the least.



David Sirota who contributes to Salon is in the same boat.  I am sure he wants everyone to forget the glowing piece he wrote about the economy of Venezuela (see other thread).

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Bombshell: Fake news gonna fake.





NYT’s ‘Leaked’ Bombshell Climate Report Was Actually Public For Months

A draft government climate assessment The New York Times “obtained” and claims is not yet public has actually been available online since December, according to scientists who worked on the report.

TheNYT reportedly obtained a draft copy of the upcoming National Climate Assessment (NCA), quoting unnamed scientists who feared “the Trump administration could change or suppress the report.” TheNYT also reported that global warming skeptics were “equally worried that the draft report, as well as the larger NCA, will be publicly released.”

However, the draft NCA has been online since January. A couple of the scientists who worked on the NCA took to Twitter to let people know the draft has been online for months, despite TheNYT’s reporting.




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CNN Spreads Fake News About Google Viewpoint Diversity Manifesto


CNN has been spreading fake news about the viral Google viewpoint diversity manifesto by James Damore, claiming that the now former employee argued “women aren’t suited for tech jobs.”

The news network claimed Damore “argues women aren’t suited for tech jobs for ‘biological’ reasons,'” and called the ten-page document which explained why there aren’t more women in tech jobs as an “anti-diversity manifesto.”


Google execs respond to a manifesto by one of its male engineers that argues women aren't suited for tech jobs https://t.co/oPMfK8v1YB pic.twitter.com/slQVeL7F84

— CNN (@CNN) August 8, 2017






Users on Twitter were quick to correct CNN, and note that both their headline and reporting were factually incorrect.

Not what he argued. Be factual please.

— Margo Kingston (@margokingston1) August 8, 2017


This is not what happened.

— neontaster (@neontaster) August 8, 2017


That's not what he says.

— Lonnie Kragel (@kralon20) August 8, 2017


Horrible headline. Misrepresentation of what was said.

— Bethany King (@BethanyPlissken) August 8, 2017






Just fake news being fake as usual. :lol:

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‘Never Trump’ Wall Street Journal Rushes to Protect McMaster from President’s America-First Base





The Wall Street Journal, which has opposed Trump’s moves away from establishment Republican orthodoxy, came out swinging in defense of embattled national security adviser H.R. McMaster Wednesday — downplaying opposition from Trump’s base as drummed up by Chief Strategist Steve Bannon.

McMaster has come under heavy fire since he initiated a purge of conservatives from the National Security Council. Last week he fired conservative Ezra Cohen-Watnick, the senior director of intelligence on the National Security Council, the latest in a number of such firings. The Jerusalem Post called it a “sweep of Iran hard-liners.”

McMaster also has reportedly concluded that former Obama national security adviser Susan Rice did nothing wrong by unmasking Trump campaign officials during the transition — a belief firmly at odds with past statements by Trump, and a move that infuriated Trump’s base, for whom Susan Rice is high on the list of enemies.

McMaster replaced Gen. Michael Flynn after Flynn resigned in February, buthe has faced accusations he is anti-Israel due both to his support of the Iran nuclear deal and reportsthat he refers to Israel as “the occupying power.” He has also raised eyebrows for allegedly telling his staff not to use the phrase “radical Islamic terrorism” — allegedly telling staff that terrorists are “un-Islamic.”

This week Breitbart News reported that The International Institute for Strategic Studies (IISS), where White House National Security Adviser H.R. McMaster is listed as being a member for eleven years, added George Soros’s Open Society Foundations and another Soros-financed group to the list of donors on its website.

Yet the Wall Street Journal, an outlet that has repeatedly proven out of step with Trump and his base with its outdated stances on immigration and support for establishment Republicans, dismisses such criticisms in its editorial — instead choosing to point the finger at Bannon.

Chief of Staff John Kelly is by all accounts imposing more discipline in the Trump White House, but a mini-drama of the last week shows there’s still more clean-up duty to be done. To wit, notice the alt-right brigades who seem to rise up as if on call to smite some White House policy opponent of aide Steve Bannon.




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The Media Lied About The Leaked Google Memo


If all you do is get your news from the establishment media, you’d be under the impression that former Google engineer James Damore is a dangerous bigot who hates women and minorities. As reports of the so-called “anti-diversity” leaked memo from Google surfaced on the Internet, journalists exposed their preconceptions and bias with misleading headlines and equally biased stories.

Gizmodo, which first published the article with all the sources redacted, set the narrative tone by calling it an “anti-diversity screed.” Other publications soon followed.

The Guardian called it a “sexist memo” that “provided the alt-right with a new martyr.” CNN Money falsely presented it to say that the engineer who wrote it “argues women aren’t suited for tech jobs.” Fast Company attempted to “debunk” the “gender myths” in “that Google anti-diversity rant.” With hot takes from Slate, Salon, Engadget, Time and many others, the list of websites that made false representations of the memo is long.

Anger against the memo was further cemented by articles by former Google employees Yonatan Zunger and Kelly Ellis, whose articles and Twitter threads condemning Damore went viral. There were unironic calls to create industry blacklists.


The sentiment was heavily driven through social media, where social progressives responding to the initial Gizmodo article added their two cents. “Anti-diversity” became “sexist,” which became “misogynist,” “racist,” (because the memo brought up science relating to biological differences in humans), all the way to the “alt-right” and “Donald Trump.” Words like “violence” were used to describe the memo, from people who refused to read it.

Like a game of Chinese whispers, an innocuous memo with proposals on improving Google as a diverse-friendly workplace without sacrificing merit became as radioactive as Adolf Hitler’s “Mein Kampf.”




Just hate that bigoted science. Must create narrative and blacklist people for giving opinions on things I disagree with.

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North Korea Nuclear Tension: Media Opt for Anti-Trump Hysteria over Sober Analysis (Again)


President Trump’s warning that North Korean threats would be met with “fire and fury like the world has never seen” this week triggered paroxysms of nuclear war anxiety among many in the mainstream media.

Instead of sober analyses of the military situation with North Korea, we got “OMG TRUMP IS GOING TO BLOW UP THE WORLD” hysteria. While we wait for the networks to commence 24-hour marathons of The Day After, here are a few of the more absurd reactions:

The New Yorker, crabby that Trump cut into their vacation time by making significant statements on pressing issues instead of spending his summer biking in Martha’s Vineyard like Barack Obama, quoted possibly the dumbest response in the world, from Democrat strategist Paul Begala: “Look on the bright side: compared to the coming thermonuclear inferno, global warming will seem quite pleasant.”

More importantly, in a convoluted narrative that strives mightily to avoid admitting Trump might be justified in speaking as he did, the New Yorker mentions a fact that eluded many of the hysterics: North Korea’s much-ballyhooed threat to launch a missile attack on Guam was not a response to Trump’s comments. It was boilerplate threatening language from the Kim regime, prompted (to the degree Pyongyang needs any prompting) by American B-1B bomber overflights – the kind of overflights that happened all the timeunder debonair internationalist peacemaker Barack Obama.

New York magazine worried about Trump “stumbling into nuclear war,” followed by a few hundred words explaining that Kim Jong-un really is a paranoid maniac who might not be deterred by the Cold War model of deterrence. It is funny how all the snide dismissal of Trump starts fading away once people start researching North Korea’s rhetoric and behavior.





Kim Jong Un talking about wiping the US off the planet for years and the lefty media is worried about Trump. :rofl:

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CNN Accidentally Makes The Case For Limiting Immigration


CNN joined the ranks Thursday of The Washington Post, The New York Times and other national media outlets in warning about the supposedly harmful economic effects of the RAISE Act, a Trump administration-backed bill to reduce legal immigration levels by half over a decade.

In a report titled “Trump immigration plan to cost 4.6 million jobs, Ivy League study finds,” CNN highlighted an analysis of the bill by the University of Pennsylvania’s Wharton School of Business. The Wharton study projects that by 2040, the American economy would lose more than 4 million jobs and be 2 percent smaller under the RAISE Act than it would be under current immigration levels.

Even assuming Wharton’s predictive model is accurate, CNN unquestioningly relies on the study’s jobs and GDP figures, and then misreads what they actually portend for the U.S. economy.

Steve Camarota, the director of research at the Center For Immigration Studies (CIS), says CNN is ignoring the fact that there will be 4.6 million fewer workers in the U.S. under the RAISE Act precisely because there will be roughly 10 million fewer immigrants. In other words, a smaller population will have fewer workers than a larger population, but that fact illustrates nothing about the the bill’s effect on the native population.


“It looks like what they’re arguing is that that the U.S. population will be somewhat smaller, and the overall GDP will be somewhat less, but all of that is absorbed by the people that don’t come,” Camarota told The Daily Caller News Foundation. “There’s nothing in there that says the existing population of native-born and legal immigrants will in any way be harmed.”


“In fact, it all looks like good news because it states that the employment rate — that is the share of people with a job — is going to go up,” Camarota added. “They inadvertently make the case for the RAISE Act.”




tfw fake news accidentally does something useful.

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CNN Normalizes Antifa: Leftists ‘Seek Peace Through Violence’CNN Normalizes Antifa: Leftists ‘Seek Peace Through Violence’


In a feature story on Antifa protesters who physically assault those they disagree with, CNN lays out the narrative that the leftist protesters are driven to violence in an effort to achieve peace.

“On the morning of Donald Trump’s inauguration, Keval Bhatt hunted through a closet in his parents’ Virginia home for the darkest clothes he could find,” CNN reports. “The 19-year-old didn’t own much in black, the color he knew his fellow protesters would wear head to toe on the streets of Washington that day.”

“I thought, there’s a very good chance that I might get arrested, that my whole life could be radically altered in a negative way if I kept driving, and I was really close to turning around,” Bhatt told CNN. “But I think the rationale is that even if it did negatively affect my life, I had still contributed to this movement that was necessary. I was still making an effort to make other people’s lives better, even if it made my life worse, and once I realized that, I had no regrets.”

Bhatt, who was arrested, is used as an introduction to the people who identify as the Antifa movement, which CNN reports is not the same at the Democrats or other liberals who support them.

Antifa, according to CNN, “has come to represent what experts who track these organizations call the ‘hard left’ — an ideology that runs afield of the Democratic Party platform and supports oppressed populations as it protests the amassing of wealth by corporations and elites.”




Terrorism is bad, except when it caters to leftist ideology. Then it's good!

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Filed: Citizen (apr) Country: Brazil

CNN lays out the narrative that the leftist protesters are driven to violence in an effort to achieve peace.

gandhi must be rolling over in his grave.

* ~ * Charles * ~ *

I carry a gun because a cop is too heavy.



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1 hour ago, Ban Hammer said:

gandhi must be rolling over in his grave.

I guess on the positive side, at least the left don't often cite Gandhi anymore. Guess he's not as good of a tool for their narrative as he used to be.

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Just now, IAMX said:

I guess on the positive side, at least the left don't often cite Gandhi anymore. Guess he's not a good tool to use for the narrative anymore.

   If you get a chance to visit India, you still hear people say that Gandhi is the moral conscience of the country. I'm not sure how applicable he is to American politics. I've rarely heard him mentioned, except when the dialogue goes off on a tangent, as was the case here.




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Trump is an idiot.

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