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4 minutes ago, Kween said:

Thank you so much. This process it so hard,its driving me crazy,so crazy. I cant wait for it to be over. I want to have a real life. Am I the only one that feels thia way?

Absolutely not!!!  We are all in the same boat with the same frustrations.

PHILIPPINES ONLY!!!  CFO (Commission on Filipinos Overseas) INFO - Can't leave home without it!


PDOS (Pre-Departure Registration and Orientation Seminar) is for ages 20-59.  Peer Counseling is for 13-19 years of age.

It is required to have the visa in their passport for PDOS and Peer Counseling.


GCP (Guidance and Counseling Program) is for K-1 Fiancee and IR/CR-1 spouse ONLY. 




5 minutes ago, LabOz said:

Yes when kids are involved it changes everything. At least they can start a brand new school year here next fall.

Yes.  It is not perfect but it is reality.  Schools here end in June so I may be able to get them all set up for the next school year.  The important thing is that we will all be together...eventually!

PHILIPPINES ONLY!!!  CFO (Commission on Filipinos Overseas) INFO - Can't leave home without it!


PDOS (Pre-Departure Registration and Orientation Seminar) is for ages 20-59.  Peer Counseling is for 13-19 years of age.

It is required to have the visa in their passport for PDOS and Peer Counseling.


GCP (Guidance and Counseling Program) is for K-1 Fiancee and IR/CR-1 spouse ONLY. 




Just now, Kween said:

I start feeling so guilty when i feel like this because  im just so ready to be happy again

We will all someday look back at this journey and smile.  Just do not let your frustration impact your relationship.  Consider this a test to the strength of your love!

PHILIPPINES ONLY!!!  CFO (Commission on Filipinos Overseas) INFO - Can't leave home without it!


PDOS (Pre-Departure Registration and Orientation Seminar) is for ages 20-59.  Peer Counseling is for 13-19 years of age.

It is required to have the visa in their passport for PDOS and Peer Counseling.


GCP (Guidance and Counseling Program) is for K-1 Fiancee and IR/CR-1 spouse ONLY. 




Just now, Kween said:

Thank you so much for that

We are all just a big family here.  Outside of these types of forums no one can possibly understand the emotions we feel.  I still get the "what, you couldn't find a single woman in the US to fall in love with?" from friends.  They will never understand but there are so many here who do!


Sure, it would be easier if our soulmates lived next door but that is not our reality.  We have proven that the world is a small place and that different cultures can get along and thrive.  Looking back at my own personal story, it is so fitting that my one true love is 9000 miles away.  The lessons I am learning about life and love could not have happened any other way.

PHILIPPINES ONLY!!!  CFO (Commission on Filipinos Overseas) INFO - Can't leave home without it!


PDOS (Pre-Departure Registration and Orientation Seminar) is for ages 20-59.  Peer Counseling is for 13-19 years of age.

It is required to have the visa in their passport for PDOS and Peer Counseling.


GCP (Guidance and Counseling Program) is for K-1 Fiancee and IR/CR-1 spouse ONLY. 




Filed: K-1 Visa Country: Haiti

That is so true,my family and friends dont understand,they think just because he isn't in USA means he dosent really love me,they think everyone just want to use people to come here amd it sucks that they think that way about people from diffrent counties. I was guilty of that long time ago.but it was wrong

I'm praying for us all 

Filed: K-1 Visa Country: Philippines
4 hours ago, John & Rose said:

Well, I anticipate that we will slip into November by the end of the day and a full two months delay by the end of the weekend.  We lost two months in three months.  At this rate we are looking at a mid to end of January 2018 NOA2.  So hopefully by April or May we will be together.  Not going to make it by Christmas this year!!!  

And you accused me of being negative! I realize that what they are doing to us now is very unusual; however, over 180 days has been EXTREMELY rare. 180 days would put almost all of us in December (a couple in November). I remember when starting I just hoped we would not be one of those REALLY long ones that took over 100 days! Now I just hope it doesn't go past 160 days.


But I do feel your pain. I have gotten a little down as April's stats seem bad with many taking more than 150 days and May has not started yet. I've been operating under a 152 day model with a likely deviation of +/- 6 days. We'll see if the May data does adjust that out (and it looks very likely that it will). So, clearly there is no way they can speed up before they get to us unless someone were to make a mandate that uniting families and lovers was more important that helping big business. 

Filed: K-1 Visa Country: Philippines
1 hour ago, John & Rose said:

We will all someday look back at this journey and smile.

Sorry John, can't agree with you here. The only thing about this journey that will make me smile is the end of it. And no other part will ever be looked upon fondly!


I had no idea how insane this was when I started and when people find out about it, they are simply baffled by it. No one in my fiancee's country understands. They have seen us together multiple times and seen the love, so they keep asking her why I have not brought her here yet. Even acquaintances of mine ask what my plan is since I seem to be ignoring my fiancee and leaving her far from me!

Filed: K-1 Visa Country: Philippines
2 hours ago, John & Rose said:

It is trending well past 5 months.  It was originally 3 months, now it is 5 months.  There are still 2 months to go for my estimate.  I believe the 180 day turnaround is a reasonable estimate considering we have lost 2 months in the last 3.5 months.  My three months was up a week ago and they are still looking at another 2.5 to 3 months (per the estimates).  

John, maybe I'm just optimistic (no one accuses me of that ever!), but I disagree the the assumptions that would make this true.


You are extrapolating from the trend line of the total processing time based upon VJ's inaccurate algorithm which does lead to your conclusion. For this to be the case, you have to assume an ever growing backlog so that the situation just gets progressively worst--i.e. they are not getting worked at roughly the same rate they are coming in. That does not seem to be the case. There was an abnormal even that put all of our cases on hold for awhile. The VJ algorithm does not seem to be able to handle that, so it just kept making overly optimistic estimates for us and moving it out The data from March and April seems to suggest that the impact was almost entirely from the hold. Now, if correlated with historical data, April filers do tend to wait the longest from what I have seen. So assuming the "resumed normal operations" we would expect May filers to be a bit faster. My concern is it has not yet shown that yet, but we'll know in 2 weeks.

34 minutes ago, DandY said:

So, clearly there is no way they can speed up before they get to us unless someone were to make a mandate that uniting families and lovers was more important that helping big business. 


28 minutes ago, DandY said:

Sorry John, can't agree with you here. The only thing about this journey that will make me smile is the end of it. And no other part will ever be looked upon fondly!


I had no idea how insane this was when I started and when people find out about it, they are simply baffled by it. No one in my fiancee's country understands. They have seen us together multiple times and seen the love, so they keep asking her why I have not brought her here yet. Even acquaintances of mine ask what my plan is since I seem to be ignoring my fiancee and leaving her far from me!

Big business wins.  I still think there will be a day when Rose is in my arms and I smile about the BS we went through.  I do agree with you.  That smile will be for the end of the journey, not the journey itself.


I get the same from Rose's sisters.  "When are you going to bring her to the US?"  "Why are you taking so long to be with her?"  We explain it but they can't comprehend that this is so far out of our hands.  There are many here that question our love and why am I looking for love so far away.  I was never "looking" for a long distance relationship.  I didn't honestly believe this was even possible before I met Rose.  Now it just feels natural and comfortable.  No stress, no pressure (outside of visa frustration).  I chat with Rose and her kids everyday.  It is almost the perfect relationship.  I give encouragement to her kids, I am there when they have questions.  I always answer honestly.  They are probably more open with me than they are with her!  I think that is because I am always asking them about their day and what is happening in their lives.


In the long run, the Government has solved one of my biggest dilemmas.  I was stuck between wanting them here as soon as possible and the possibility of waiting until they finish their school year.  That has been pretty much resolved...

PHILIPPINES ONLY!!!  CFO (Commission on Filipinos Overseas) INFO - Can't leave home without it!


PDOS (Pre-Departure Registration and Orientation Seminar) is for ages 20-59.  Peer Counseling is for 13-19 years of age.

It is required to have the visa in their passport for PDOS and Peer Counseling.


GCP (Guidance and Counseling Program) is for K-1 Fiancee and IR/CR-1 spouse ONLY. 




14 minutes ago, DandY said:

John, maybe I'm just optimistic (no one accuses me of that ever!), but I disagree the the assumptions that would make this true.


You are extrapolating from the trend line of the total processing time based upon VJ's inaccurate algorithm which does lead to your conclusion. For this to be the case, you have to assume an ever growing backlog so that the situation just gets progressively worst--i.e. they are not getting worked at roughly the same rate they are coming in. That does not seem to be the case. There was an abnormal even that put all of our cases on hold for awhile. The VJ algorithm does not seem to be able to handle that, so it just kept making overly optimistic estimates for us and moving it out The data from March and April seems to suggest that the impact was almost entirely from the hold. Now, if correlated with historical data, April filers do tend to wait the longest from what I have seen. So assuming the "resumed normal operations" we would expect May filers to be a bit faster. My concern is it has not yet shown that yet, but we'll know in 2 weeks.

I realize that the algorithm is based on a relatively small sample but looking at March and April, it seems like 50% are going past the timeline anticipated date.  I assume that trend will continue.  I do not take the estimate as reality.  I realize it is based upon historical data that really has no resemblance to what we are heading into now.  It reminds me of when I had my kids.  They gave estimated dates but they meant very little.  They were born when they were born and the estimates did not equate to reality.  It will happen when it happens.  I guess having the estimate does give some reassurance that things are moving, albeit very slowly!

PHILIPPINES ONLY!!!  CFO (Commission on Filipinos Overseas) INFO - Can't leave home without it!


PDOS (Pre-Departure Registration and Orientation Seminar) is for ages 20-59.  Peer Counseling is for 13-19 years of age.

It is required to have the visa in their passport for PDOS and Peer Counseling.


GCP (Guidance and Counseling Program) is for K-1 Fiancee and IR/CR-1 spouse ONLY. 




1 hour ago, Kween said:

That is so true,my family and friends dont understand,they think just because he isn't in USA means he dosent really love me,they think everyone just want to use people to come here amd it sucks that they think that way about people from diffrent counties. I was guilty of that long time ago.but it was wrong

I still get looks.  I know they talk behind my back.  They do not understand and they believe Rose is just with me so she can "escape" the Philippines and have a better life in America.  I suppose I can't blame them.  A few years ago I would have thought the same.  There are also those men and women out there who's motivation is to simply get to America.  Time will either prove them right or prove them wrong.  Ether way, I am following my heart and it leads to Rose, Aira and AJ.  I will have no regrets as I have never been so happy or comfortable in a relationship.

PHILIPPINES ONLY!!!  CFO (Commission on Filipinos Overseas) INFO - Can't leave home without it!


PDOS (Pre-Departure Registration and Orientation Seminar) is for ages 20-59.  Peer Counseling is for 13-19 years of age.

It is required to have the visa in their passport for PDOS and Peer Counseling.


GCP (Guidance and Counseling Program) is for K-1 Fiancee and IR/CR-1 spouse ONLY. 




Filed: K-1 Visa Country: Haiti

That's exactly what I've been telling everyone I'm taking a chance in a relationship rather they are in the United States or not so I'm going to take this chance because nothing in life is promised so I'm going to follow my heart as well however that is why we chose to have a very small wedding because I don't want to have a wedding that's big just for people to be there when in their hearts They Don't Really support it so we're going to have a very small intimate wedding and only the few people that we know fully support our relationship will be able to enjoy an experience that beautiful moment

I'm praying for us all 

1 minute ago, Kween said:

That's exactly what I've been telling everyone I'm taking a chance in a relationship rather they are in the United States or not so I'm going to take this chance because nothing in life is promised so I'm going to follow my heart as well however that is why we chose to have a very small wedding because I don't want to have a wedding that's big just for people to be there when in their hearts They Don't Really support it so we're going to have a very small intimate wedding and only the few people that we know fully support our relationship will be able to enjoy an experience that beautiful moment

Good call. This is your life and there is no need be celebrating with people who do not honestly support and believe in you!!!

PHILIPPINES ONLY!!!  CFO (Commission on Filipinos Overseas) INFO - Can't leave home without it!


PDOS (Pre-Departure Registration and Orientation Seminar) is for ages 20-59.  Peer Counseling is for 13-19 years of age.

It is required to have the visa in their passport for PDOS and Peer Counseling.


GCP (Guidance and Counseling Program) is for K-1 Fiancee and IR/CR-1 spouse ONLY. 




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