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ALL Nebraska I-130 Filers - 2


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Filed: IR-1/CR-1 Visa Country: Ghana
1 hour ago, acidrain said:

I will try to keep everyone updated on the cases being approved. Today with it being Veterans Day I don't think any of the USCIS offices are open.

Okay, thank you. Much appreciated. Nope they are closed today so Monday they better get at it hard

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Filed: IR-1/CR-1 Visa Country: Ghana
1 hour ago, Dianalorena said:

If you're still waiting: you're not alone. We are here for you. 

I know, that doesn't help but I know how easy it is to feel like you're alone and left behind while other people get their approvals. 


It is incredibly stressful to see people that have been waiting half of what you have been waiting complain, but it is a difficult scenario for all of us nonetheless and I get it. Waiting longer puts things in perspective, you realize that you can't really plan ahead and you start to feel anxious, desperate. We miss our husbands and wives, and we start to feel hopeless.  But it also has some weird silver linings, you also get to be independent and appreciate your relationship more. You figure out new hobbies, you enjoy time with your family and friends. If you don't let it dominate you completely, you can see the good along with the bad. 

Some of us get the short end of the stick and we have to wait longer without any reason but that Nebraska is a nightmare center that has done nothing to reduce the backlog and continues to be a horrible center all around. It is easy to feel wronged by the government, but we also have to take care of our emotional and physical health.

Things will get even rougher before they get better, you know how they say it's always darker before the dawn. With the Holidays around the corner, it's easy to feel defeated and depressed, but try to fight against it. We will survive this and become stronger, thanks to it. We will ultimately be with our loved ones and this will all be a distant memory. 

Big hug to everyone <3 



Very well said. 

In the end is our silver lining. Our Spouse 😀👍👍

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1 hour ago, acidrain said:

You are so eloquent and correct. I feel like I am so up and down with emotions. One minute I feel like "I got this" and then another minute "how will I get through another 3-4 months". I honestly had no idea when I started how long it would be. Perhaps I was naive to think at most we would be looking at 12 months apart. I don't mean to take away from people from other service centers but Nebraska is a hell on it's own. The way the adjudicators just ignore expedite requests and other inquiries. To think someone with a NOA1 date of Feb 21 got approved and there are still people from Nov, Dec and Jan still waiting. While I don't wish people to be apart from their spouses it's the most unfair process I've ever seen. But then I guess the system is not built for fairness.


Yes, I regained a sense of independence that I did not have at the start of this process. I never would imagine being a single parent dealing with a 4-5 yr old for a whole year. If you would've asked me 9 months ago whether I could handle doing this I would've said no way. I know I appreciate my spouse for all that he does and vice versa. You get set in your ways you don't always recognize what the other person does. I think one of the hardest parts of this process is not being able to plan for a future. I thought the Christmas holidays would be our last trip before being able to finalize our green card. But the goal posts keep moving further and further away. At this point I have no idea when the finish line will come.


It's tough this time of year as where I am Canadian winters are long and cold. I swear it does something to you mentally. I do agree in a few years most of us will have moved on. Which could very well be why nothing ever gets done to fix the problems. I hope to speak out more if I ever get the chance to immigrate. It's brought a new perspective to what immigrants go through. The separation families endure and the hardship they face when doing things legally. It feels like those of us who chose the route of integrity got rewarded with more time apart from our spouse. So much needs to change with immigration but I am digressing. My thoughts go out to my fellow Nebraska filers who are stuck in this black hole.

It is a crazy rollercoaster. Some days are better than others, and there are times when I feel completely defeated, as you know. I also thought 12-14 months at most, and 14 sounded like way too much. Considering we've already spent over a year apart, it doesn't feel like such a long time, but the NVC/embassy process is going to be so slow for me that I have to stay afloat one way or another, if I let it sink me, this would have been for nothing. 

That's when I think: hey, this is my husband, I love him. We will figure it out no matter what, waiting sucks but we have no other choice! let's try to make the most of it.

I love talking to you and hearing how you've felt throughout the process and what you've gained from it, you're ultimately stronger, but you have been all along. I know you have it in you and what this process does is just reveal how amazing and resilient you are. 


I've heard about your winters! Does tanning salons help? Certain vitamins? The lack of sun does affect our hormones/health that's definitely a fact. I have no problem with that since I'm from the Caribbean, hah, if anything I have too much sun and crave a bit of winter! 


Fixating on how wrong immigration is, just gives me a headache at this point. They have to change, but we are stuck in such a sensitive and complex time that like we've talked before, it is just not a priority. And yes, if you want people to follow a legal path to migrate, make it a logical process that doesn't take 6 months for some and 1.5 -2 years for others, without mentioning the thousands of dollars. (I'm not saying we should do it illegally , of course not)  but I fully understand why some people just AOS or even sneak in. 


🇲🇽  & 🇺🇸

➺ 01/07/17 Got married in Cozumel

➺ 02/04/17 Petition mailed 

➺ 02/08/17 Case Assigned to USCIS Nebraska, sigh. 

➺ 02/13/17 We got our NOA1! PD: February 8th 

➺ 12/15/17 NOA2 finally! after 10 1/2 months. 

➺ 12/21/17 NVC confirmed they received our file 

➺ 01/22/18 Documents sent to Rapidvisa 

➺ 02/05/18  NVC received our package 

03/15/18 Case complete! 

06/27/18  We got our Interview date! August 28th 

08/30/18 The package arrived (waited at Juarez)

08/31/18 Entered the U.S with my husband 

➺ 02/13/19 Husband confesses he cheated, leaves

➺ 02/16/19 Husband decides to abandon the marriage

➺ 05/13/19  I am officially divorced. 

 ➺ 07/03/20  I file to remove conditions on my own     

 ➺ 08/13/21 I finally get my biometrics appointment 

➺ 02/26/22 I got my interview assigned: March 31st. 



💜Owner of Miss Lore Tattoos 💜

www.missloretattoos.com   Instagram.com/missloretattoos 


Tough times never last, but tough people do. 


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Filed: IR-1/CR-1 Visa Country: Canada



If it weren't for this support group and for people like you I would've lost my mind long ago. Being apart for the past 9 months has taught me how to be independent. I used to be before I met my spouse over 12 years ago. That aspect has been positive. I hadn't prepared myself for being apart more than 10-12 months. I probably should have as right now I feel really down. I can't believe after more than 278 days I have no approval. What frustrates me the most is how unfair the different processing centers are. I looked up processing times and saw the Vermont center is processing cases from Sept 15, 2017. If this is true this suggests they are processing cases as they come in and people aren't having to wait more than a few days instead of almost a year.


What my spouse and I are the most down is the fact my son's 5th birthday is this weekend. My son is young and they are not this age for very long. He has missed his preschool graduation, Canadian Thanksgiving, his first day at Kindergarten, his 5th birthday and everything in between. I try to plan out my trips so he doesn't have to miss everything. But it's tough and I think why is my spouse missing these moments with him? My son gets to claim citizenship so this exercise feels even more pointless. I am sure a lot of people would say if I want a green card then we have to sacrifice for it. I was totally and completely naive to think being Canadian would've helped this process. In many ways I actually think it hinders it. I've noticed the bulk share of Canadians get sent to Nebraska.


I take a number of vitamins and try to stay positive. I think the worst is when you see other people with a date later than your own get their approval first. I guess what surprises me is how nobody cares about the applicants at Nebraska. It doesn't matter what your situation is the people at USCIS don't care. I thought after I sent those letters to the higher ups at USCIS they would disperse the workload to other centers. They have said and done nothing. I can't believe I paid $1,070 for 2 i130's for such a crappy level of service. They just ignore everybody. All we can do is sit around and wait. Hope that at some point someone will care enough to put my application through. At this point I am starting to wonder if we will get to spend our 10 year wedding anniversary together.

Edited by acidrain
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Sooooo today we got our NOA2 and we got approved which is super exciting we have being waiting 10 months and it's been pretty stressful :) . My husband got a letter to his home in the USA . I am in England and waiting on the next part to be completed and moving forward ... can anyone give me any advice as to what happens now ... they said in the letter they will contact my husband in 30 days ... I know it's down to me to complete certain aspects of my visa now ... so I just kind of wondered what happens now .. do I need to call for my case number etc ... or is is best to wait to be contacted via letter myself ... it's all so confusing I have read the guides on here I just wanna make sure I'm doing the right thing . Soooo happy to be approved though 😊😊😊😊😊

Edited by LouH2017
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Filed: IR-1/CR-1 Visa Country: Ghana
4 hours ago, acidrain said:



If it weren't for this support group and for people like you I would've lost my mind long ago. Being apart for the past 9 months has taught me how to be independent. I used to be before I met my spouse over 12 years ago. That aspect has been positive. I hadn't prepared myself for being apart more than 10-12 months. I probably should have as right now I feel really down. I can't believe after more than 278 days I have no approval. What frustrates me the most is how unfair the different processing centers are. I looked up processing times and saw the Vermont center is processing cases from Sept 15, 2017. If this is true this suggests they are processing cases as they come in and people aren't having to wait more than a few days instead of almost a year.


What my spouse and I are the most down is the fact my son's 5th birthday is this weekend. My son is young and they are not this age for very long. He has missed his preschool graduation, Canadian Thanksgiving, his first day at Kindergarten, his 5th birthday and everything in between. I try to plan out my trips so he doesn't have to miss everything. But it's tough and I think why is my spouse missing these moments with him? My son gets to claim citizenship so this exercise feels even more pointless. I am sure a lot of people would say if I want a green card then we have to sacrifice for it. I was totally and completely naive to think being Canadian would've helped this process. In many ways I actually think it hinders it. I've noticed the bulk share of Canadians get sent to Nebraska.


I take a number of vitamins and try to stay positive. I think the worst is when you see other people with a date later than your own get their approval first. I guess what surprises me is how nobody cares about the applicants at Nebraska. It doesn't matter what your situation is the people at USCIS don't care. I thought after I sent those letters to the higher ups at USCIS they would disperse the workload to other centers. They have said and done nothing. I can't believe I paid $1,070 for 2 i130's for such a crappy level of service. They just ignore everybody. All we can do is sit around and wait. Hope that at some point someone will care enough to put my application through. At this point I am starting to wonder if we will get to spend our 10 year wedding anniversary together.

Yes and I’ve sent so many emails to the heads of uscis and to Osbudsman and no response, no changes and no one cares. 

We paid out all the money and got bad service and continue to get bad service. I can’t believe that I’m almost at 1 yr and still sitting with my dusty file in Nebraska😡

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Filed: IR-5 Country: United Kingdom
18 minutes ago, LouH2017 said:

Sooooo today we got our NOA2 and we got approved which is super exciting we have being waiting 10 months and it's been pretty stressful :) . My husband got a letter to his home in the USA . I am in England and waiting on the next part to be completed and moving forward ... can anyone give me any advice as to what happens now ... they said in the letter they will contact my husband in 30 days ... I know it's down to me to complete certain aspects of my visa now ... so I just kind of wondered what happens now .. do I need to call for my case number etc ... or is is best to wait to be contacted via letter myself ... it's all so confusing I have read the guides on here I just wanna make sure I'm doing the right thing . Soooo happy to be approved though 😊😊😊😊😊


Plz update your timeline 

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Filed: IR-1/CR-1 Visa Country: Nigeria
2 hours ago, LouH2017 said:

Sooooo today we got our NOA2 and we got approved which is super exciting we have being waiting 10 months and it's been pretty stressful :) . My husband got a letter to his home in the USA . I am in England and waiting on the next part to be completed and moving forward ... can anyone give me any advice as to what happens now ... they said in the letter they will contact my husband in 30 days ... I know it's down to me to complete certain aspects of my visa now ... so I just kind of wondered what happens now .. do I need to call for my case number etc ... or is is best to wait to be contacted via letter myself ... it's all so confusing I have read the guides on here I just wanna make sure I'm doing the right thing . Soooo happy to be approved though 😊😊😊😊😊


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Filed: IR-1/CR-1 Visa Country: India

Well not that idk how much slow Nebraska can get still lol but , holiday season coming up for USA , ppl gonna be taking days off , office gonna be closed few days etc ....


So let's see  😯😯😯😣😣😣

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Filed: IR-1/CR-1 Visa Country: Ghana
21 minutes ago, harsh2010 said:

Well not that idk how much slow Nebraska can get still lol but , holiday season coming up for USA , ppl gonna be taking days off , office gonna be closed few days etc ....


So let's see  😯😯😯😣😣😣

Hope and pray they get mine approved before they go off 

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Filed: IR-1/CR-1 Visa Country: Haiti
On ‎11‎/‎7‎/‎2017 at 10:36 AM, manseca said:

So, as an American citizen with an American daughter, I'm not meant to make plans in my home country, because my wife of 5 years is from another country; yet we have store-bought spouses left and right in certain countries where old fecks are cherry-picking partners? If we would concentrate resources on actually taking care of the real family members of actual American citizens, the process wouldn't be so bogged down.

Your wife is from Ireland and USCIS has not yet determined whether she deserves the privilege of getting a green card. You seem to think that your case is unique but almost everyone petitioning for a foreign spouse is an American citizen.


Also, it is precisely of the "cherry-picking" that you referred to that makes this process a little longer. Given the environment that we are living in, the US must completely screen everyone who wishes to enter the country.



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Filed: IR-1/CR-1 Visa Country: Haiti
8 hours ago, Sundee said:

Yes and I’ve sent so many emails to the heads of uscis and to Osbudsman and no response, no changes and no one cares. 

We paid out all the money and got bad service and continue to get bad service. I can’t believe that I’m almost at 1 yr and still sitting with my dusty file in Nebraska😡

Maybe it's time to get your Congress person or Senator involved.

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