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Filed: Citizen (apr) Country: Russia

From Piers Morgan. I generally do not agree with him politically, but he sums up Hillary pretty well here. I only included the top ten here, but 11-20 are just as interesting especially 20.

Hillary Clinton is now red-hot favourite to become the first female President of the United States.

Virtually every poll has her with a commanding lead over Donald Trump.

Of course, its not over yet.

The polls might be as hopelessly wrong as they were about Trumps chances of winning the Republican nomination.

(The worlds No1 electoral prediction expert Nate Silver gave the tycoon a 2% chance of achieving that target..)

There might well be a large number of people in the bowels of Middle America preparing to vote for him whilst pretending not to when asked.

We saw this phenomenon recently with the EU Referendum in Britain where nobody thought we would actually BREXIT from Europe until we woke up on June 24 and discovered we had.

This has been a highly erratic and unpredictable race and with 18 days left to go, anything could still happen to change the dynamic and result.

As the former British Prime Minister Harold Macmillan once said when asked what he feared most in politics: Events, dear boy, events.

So yes, Trump could still pull off one of the biggest shocks in American political history. He has, after all, spent the past 16 months confounding all logic about US presidential elections.

But lets assume for a moment that Hillary is going to win.

Ive made it clear that whilst Trumps a friend of mine, I wouldnt vote for, or endorse him even if I could, which I cant. I simply dont agree with him about too many issues from guns and Muslim bans to climate change.

However, I wouldnt vote for, or endorse Hillary either.

I think shes a dreadful candidate, a sentiment clearly shared by many others as she has attracted the worst approval ratings of any major-party presidential nominee in history rivalled only by Trump.

Here are 20 reasons why I think Hillary Rodham Clinton would make a terrible President.

1) I dont trust her. The email scandal just about summed up her complete inability to tell the truth. An expert lawyer who became Secretary of State with multiple BlackBerries but didnt have a clue how emails or servers work or what constitutes classified material? Oh pur-lease, Madam Pinocchio, do you think were all completely stupid?

2) Shes greedy. I mean properly, outrageously, snout-in-the-trough avaricious. A woman who for decades has exploited her political status to fill her boots with tens of millions of dollars, fuelled by $200k-a-pop speeches from her Wall Street chums like Goldman Sachs.

3) Hillarys a rank hypocrite. She bangs on ad nauseam about womens rights but sucks up to and solicits cash for the Clinton Foundation from draconian regimes like Saudi Arabia that stone women to death and refuse to let them even drive cars.

4) Shes a dangerous war-mongerer. The Iraq War was an unmitigated fiasco that led to turmoil throughout the Middle East and spurred the rise of ISIS. It was the biggest foreign policy disaster since Vietnam and Hillary voted for it. She was also heavily responsible for the dismal Libya invasion. When people say they dont trust Trump with his finger on the nuclear trigger, I suggest Hillary the Hawk is far more likely to press it.

5) Shes a flip-flopper extraordinaire. On endless issues from Iraq to gay marriage, Israel to TPP and the Keystone Pipeline, Hillary will say one thing but think nothing of saying the complete opposite later if its politically expedient.

6) She has a chronic superiority complex. Never was this more vividly exposed than with her disgraceful comment that half of Trumps supporters were a basket of deplorables. Thats tens of millions of fellow Americans she was insulting, many of them honest, hard-working people.

7) Shes an embellisher of stories to make herself look better. We all remember her heroic tale of having to flee sniper fire in Bosnia with her daughter Chelsea in 1996. There was just one problem she didnt.

8) Shes held lots of jobs but performed none of them particularly well. As Secretary of State she was widely considered inefficient, ineffectual and complacent - sometimes to lethal consequence as we saw with the Benghazi fiasco that cost the lives of Ambassador Stevens and three other Americans. Hillarys undeniably very experienced, but how valuable is all that experience if youve never excelled at anything youve done?

9) Shes oddly charmless. Ive watched her speaking at the debates and various rallies, and indeed at last nights Al Smith dinner, and she exudes the warmth and wit of a sour-faced Pit Bull terrier. As for that perpetual creepy Jack Nicholson Shining smirk she does.. UGH.

10)Her health remains a major concern. That video of her keeling over after leaving a 9/11 memorial service was deeply troubling. Particularly when we know she had a serious head injury after passing out in 2012. Hillary is 69 next week and doesnt exude good health, fitness or vitality, which are fairly essential components of being a modern day President. Trumps 70 but has extraordinarily impressive energy.

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3860740/Hillary-looks-unstoppable-20-reasons-dread-day-walks-White-House-free-sex-Madonna-just-one-Piers-Morgan.html#ixzz4No27vlVi

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Visa Received : 2014-04-04 (K1 - see timeline for details)

US Entry : 2014-09-12

POE: Detroit

Marriage : 2014-09-27

I-765 Approved: 2015-01-09

I-485 Interview: 2015-03-11

I-485 Approved: 2015-03-13

Green Card Received: 2015-03-24 Yeah!!!

I-751 ROC Submitted: 2016-12-20

I-751 NOA Received:  2016-12-29

I-751 Biometrics Appt.:  2017-01-26

I-751 Interview:  2018-04-10

I-751 Approved:  2018-05-04

N400 Filed:  2018-01-13

N400 Biometrics:  2018-02-22

N400 Interview:  2018-04-10

N400 Approved:  2018-04-10

Oath Ceremony:  2018-06-11 - DONE!!!!!!!

Filed: K-1 Visa Country: United Kingdom

Ha ha. Scumbag Piers. The guy who claimed HRC "took his advice" during the first debate with Trump!!!!

Must be dreaming of a position in the White House. America- you're welcome to the misogynistic idiot.

I must say his 20th reason might persuade many to vote for HRC!!!! Did Madge turn down Piers for an interview???

Ridiculous piece, just like the man himself, Piers!!!!

Filed: Citizen (apr) Country: Russia

Ha ha. Scumbag Piers. The guy who claimed HRC "took his advice" during the first debate with Trump!!!!

Must be dreaming of a position in the White House. America- you're welcome to the misogynistic idiot.

I must say his 20th reason might persuade many to vote for HRC!!!! Did Madge turn down Piers for an interview???

Ridiculous piece, just like the man himself, Piers!!!!

Yes, Piers is not my favorite person either, but I noticed you didn't refute any of his reasons. Heck, the first five are enough for me to be a Never Hillary fan, and the other fourteen just confirm that position.

Visa Received : 2014-04-04 (K1 - see timeline for details)

US Entry : 2014-09-12

POE: Detroit

Marriage : 2014-09-27

I-765 Approved: 2015-01-09

I-485 Interview: 2015-03-11

I-485 Approved: 2015-03-13

Green Card Received: 2015-03-24 Yeah!!!

I-751 ROC Submitted: 2016-12-20

I-751 NOA Received:  2016-12-29

I-751 Biometrics Appt.:  2017-01-26

I-751 Interview:  2018-04-10

I-751 Approved:  2018-05-04

N400 Filed:  2018-01-13

N400 Biometrics:  2018-02-22

N400 Interview:  2018-04-10

N400 Approved:  2018-04-10

Oath Ceremony:  2018-06-11 - DONE!!!!!!!

Filed: K-1 Visa Country: United Kingdom

Yes, Piers is not my favorite person either, but I noticed you didn't refute any of his reasons. Heck, the first five are enough for me to be a Never Hillary fan, and the other fourteen just confirm that position.


Why would I bother refuting anything piers writes? I have better things to do.

HRC deals with evil foreign powers? That's politics. Who gets the last laugh, though?

What about Trump and China? Too bad American banks won't give him anymore loans!


Oh and #20 still sounds a great deal. She has a wonderful art collection!!!!

Filed: IR-1/CR-1 Visa Country: Canada
Posted (edited)

Yes, Piers is not my favorite person either, but I noticed you didn't refute any of his reasons. Heck, the first five are enough for me to be a Never Hillary fan, and the other fourteen just confirm that position.

Piers is not a serious journalist or political analyst. This is a laundry list of opinions, some based in fact, others not, but purely his subjective preference. Ditto what Jake said AND If you told me you preferred chocolate ice cream and that vanilla sucked, should I go gather scientific evidence showing you where you are wrong? At the end of the day you like chocolate, thats who you are.

Edited by Rob L

The content available on a site dedicated to bringing folks to America should not be promoting racial discord, euro-supremacy, discrimination based on religion , exclusion of groups from immigration based on where they were born, disenfranchisement of voters rights based on how they might vote.


Filed: Citizen (apr) Country: Russia

Number 8 and number 10 for me seem to be the most legit. I think she'll manage a 4 year presidency with all the help of modern meds, but 8 years?

Her lack of charm just stems from the other points on the list. Some of the other points on the list are just "typical career politician," sorry to say.

The Saudi Arabia support is extremely hypocritical, but that's not just Hillary so I wouldn't call her out on that individually. The whole government has an uncomfortably cushy relationship with SA. Yes, she does seem oddly buddy-buddy with them, but the fact that SA is so tolerated and Russia (for example) is bashed ad nauseam for its human rights abuses is really disgusting to me. Of course I think Russia should be called out on whatever it is they are doing wrong, but the fact that SA gets a free pass is something that has always been hypocritical, Hillary or no Hillary.

I'm shocked the House voted to allow the 9/11 victims to sue SA, but I believe the House is our least-corrupt/self-serving branch of government so there's that.

🇷🇺 CR-1 via DCF (Dec 2016-Jun 2017) & I-751 ROC (Apr 2019-Oct 2019)🌹


Info about my DCF Moscow* experience here and here

26-Jul-2016: Married abroad in Russia 👩‍❤️‍👨 See guide here
21-Dec-2016: I-130 filed at Moscow USCIS field office*
29-Dec-2016: I-130 approved! Yay! 🎊 

17-Jan-2017: Case number received

21-Mar-2017: Medical Exam completed

24-Mar-2017: Interview at Embassy - approved! 🎉

29-Mar-2017: CR-1 Visa received (via mail)

02-Apr-2017: USCIS Immigrant (GC) Fee paid

28-Jun-2017: Port of Entry @ PDX 🛩️

21-Jul-2017: No SSN after three weeks; applied in person at the SSA

22-Jul-2017: GC arrived in the mail 📬

31-Jul-2017: SSN arrived via mail, hurrah!


*NOTE: The USCIS Field Office in Moscow is now CLOSED as of February 28th, 2019.


Removal of Conditions - MSC Service Center

 28-Jun-2019: Conditional GC expires

30-Mar-2019: Eligible to apply for ROC

01-Apr-2019: ROC in the mail to Phoenix AZ lockbox! 📫

03-Apr-2019: ROC packet delivered to lockbox

09-Apr-2019: USCIS cashed check

09-Apr-2019: Case number received via text - MSC 📲

12-Apr-2019: Extension letter arrives via mail

19-Apr-2019: Biometrics letter arrives via mail

30-Apr-2019: Biometrics appointment at local office

26-Jun-2019: Case ready to be scheduled for interview 

04-Sep-2019: Interview was scheduled - letter to arrive in mail

09-Sep-2019: Interview letter arrived in the mail! ✉️

17-Oct-2019: Interview scheduled @ local USCIS  

18-Oct-2019: Interview cancelled & notice ordered*

18-Oct-2019: Case was approved! 🎉

22-Oct-2019: Card was mailed to me 📨

23-Oct-2019: Card was picked by USPS 

25-Oct-2019: 10 year GC Card received in mail 📬


*I don't understand this status because we DID have an interview!


🇺🇸 N-400 Application for Naturalization (Apr 2020-Jun 2021) 🛂


Filed during Covid-19 & moved states 1 month after filing

30-Mar-2020: N-400 early filing window opens!

01-Apr-2020: Filed N-400 online 💻 

02-Apr-2020: NOA 1 - Receipt No. received online 📃

07-Apr-2020: NOA 1 - Receipt No. received via mail

05-May-2020: Moved to another state, filed AR-11 online

05-May-2020: Application transferred to another USCIS field office for review ➡️

15-May-2020: AR-11 request to change address completed

16-Jul-2020: Filed non-receipt inquiry due to never getting confirmation that case was transferred to new field office

15-Oct-2020: Received generic response to non-receipt inquiry, see full response here

10-Feb-2021: Contacted senator's office for help with USCIS

12-Feb-2021: Received canned response from senator's office that case is within processing time 😡

16-Feb-2021: Contacted other senator's office for help with USCIS - still no biometrics

19-Feb-2021: Biometrics reuse notice - canned response from other senator's office 🌐

23-Feb-2021: Interview scheduled - notice to come in the mail

25-Feb-2021: Biometrics reuse notice arrives via mail

01-Mar-2021: Interview notice letter arrives via mail  ✉️ 

29-Mar-2021: Passed interview at local office! Oath Ceremony to be scheduled

13-Apr-2021: Oath Ceremony notice was mailed

04-May-2021: Oath Ceremony scheduled 🎆 Unable to attend due to illness

04-May-2021: Mailed request to reschedule Oath to local office

05-May-2021: "You did not attend your Oath Ceremony" - notice to come in the mail

06-May-2021: Oath Ceremony will be scheduled, date TBA

12-May-2021: Oath Ceremony re-scheduled for June 3rd, then de-scheduled same day 😡 

25-May-2021: New Oath Ceremony notice was mailed

16-Jun-2021: Oath Ceremony scheduled 🎆 - DONE!!

17-Jun-2021: Certificate of Naturalization issued


🎆 Members new and old: don't forget to fill in your VJ timeline! 🎇 https://www.visajourney.com/timeline/


Ah Piers, paid shills got to shill somehow.

Our Journey Timeline  - Immigration and the Health Exchange Price of Love in the UK Thinking of Returning to UK?


First met: 12/31/04 - Engaged: 9/24/09
Filed I-129F: 10/4/14 - Packet received: 10/7/14
NOA 1 email + ARN assigned: 10/10/14 (hard copy 10/17/14)
Touched on website (fixed?): 12/9/14 - Poked USCIS: 4/1/15
NOA 2 email: 5/4/15 (hard copy 5/11/15)
Sent to NVC: 5/8/15 - NVC received + #'s assigned: 5/15/15 (estimated)
NVC sent: 5/19/15 - London received/ready: 5/26/15
Packet 3: 5/28/15 - Medical: 6/16/15
Poked London 7/1/15 - Packet 4: 7/2/15
Interview: 7/30/15 - Approved!
AP + Issued 8/3/15 - Visa in hand (depot): 8/6/15
POE: 8/27/15

Wedding: 9/30/15

Filed I-485, I-131, I-765: 11/7/15

Packet received: 11/9/15

NOA 1 txt/email: 11/15/15 - NOA 1 hardcopy: 11/19/15

Bio: 12/9/15

EAD + AP approved: 1/25/16 - EAD received: 2/1/16

RFE for USCIS inability to read vax instructions: 5/21/16 (no e-notification & not sent from local office!)

RFE response sent: 6/7/16 - RFE response received 6/9/16

AOS approved/card in production: 6/13/16  

NOA 2 hardcopy + card sent 6/17/16

Green Card received: 6/18/16

USCIS 120 day reminder notice: 2/22/18

Filed I-751: 5/2/18 - Packet received: 5/4/18

NOA 1:  5/29/18 (12 mo ext) 8/13/18 (18 mo ext)  - Bio: 6/27/18

Transferred: Potomac Service Center 3/26/19

Approved/New Card Produced status: 4/25/19 - NOA2 hardcopy 4/29/19

10yr Green Card Received: 5/2/19 with error >_<

N400 : 7/16/23 - Oath : 10/19/23




Filed: IR-1/CR-1 Visa Country: Canada

Ah Piers, paid shills got to shill somehow.

Hopefully the Piers virus and Trump virus never cross

The content available on a site dedicated to bringing folks to America should not be promoting racial discord, euro-supremacy, discrimination based on religion , exclusion of groups from immigration based on where they were born, disenfranchisement of voters rights based on how they might vote.



Hopefully the Piers virus and Trump virus never cross

Gives me the heebie jeebies, but doesn't the virus produce Farage-like individuals? :P

Our Journey Timeline  - Immigration and the Health Exchange Price of Love in the UK Thinking of Returning to UK?


First met: 12/31/04 - Engaged: 9/24/09
Filed I-129F: 10/4/14 - Packet received: 10/7/14
NOA 1 email + ARN assigned: 10/10/14 (hard copy 10/17/14)
Touched on website (fixed?): 12/9/14 - Poked USCIS: 4/1/15
NOA 2 email: 5/4/15 (hard copy 5/11/15)
Sent to NVC: 5/8/15 - NVC received + #'s assigned: 5/15/15 (estimated)
NVC sent: 5/19/15 - London received/ready: 5/26/15
Packet 3: 5/28/15 - Medical: 6/16/15
Poked London 7/1/15 - Packet 4: 7/2/15
Interview: 7/30/15 - Approved!
AP + Issued 8/3/15 - Visa in hand (depot): 8/6/15
POE: 8/27/15

Wedding: 9/30/15

Filed I-485, I-131, I-765: 11/7/15

Packet received: 11/9/15

NOA 1 txt/email: 11/15/15 - NOA 1 hardcopy: 11/19/15

Bio: 12/9/15

EAD + AP approved: 1/25/16 - EAD received: 2/1/16

RFE for USCIS inability to read vax instructions: 5/21/16 (no e-notification & not sent from local office!)

RFE response sent: 6/7/16 - RFE response received 6/9/16

AOS approved/card in production: 6/13/16  

NOA 2 hardcopy + card sent 6/17/16

Green Card received: 6/18/16

USCIS 120 day reminder notice: 2/22/18

Filed I-751: 5/2/18 - Packet received: 5/4/18

NOA 1:  5/29/18 (12 mo ext) 8/13/18 (18 mo ext)  - Bio: 6/27/18

Transferred: Potomac Service Center 3/26/19

Approved/New Card Produced status: 4/25/19 - NOA2 hardcopy 4/29/19

10yr Green Card Received: 5/2/19 with error >_<

N400 : 7/16/23 - Oath : 10/19/23




Filed: Citizen (apr) Country: Russia

Number 8 and number 10 for me seem to be the most legit. I think she'll manage a 4 year presidency with all the help of modern meds, but 8 years?

Her lack of charm just stems from the other points on the list. Some of the other points on the list are just "typical career politician," sorry to say.

The Saudi Arabia support is extremely hypocritical, but that's not just Hillary so I wouldn't call her out on that individually. The whole government has an uncomfortably cushy relationship with SA. Yes, she does seem oddly buddy-buddy with them, but the fact that SA is so tolerated and Russia (for example) is bashed ad nauseam for its human rights abuses is really disgusting to me. Of course I think Russia should be called out on whatever it is they are doing wrong, but the fact that SA gets a free pass is something that has always been hypocritical, Hillary or no Hillary.

I'm shocked the House voted to allow the 9/11 victims to sue SA, but I believe the House is our least-corrupt/self-serving branch of government so there's that.

I agree, 8 and 10 are troubling. Also based on her stance with the possible "No Fly Zone" in Syria which you already discussed in another thread leaves me wondering about number 4.

Visa Received : 2014-04-04 (K1 - see timeline for details)

US Entry : 2014-09-12

POE: Detroit

Marriage : 2014-09-27

I-765 Approved: 2015-01-09

I-485 Interview: 2015-03-11

I-485 Approved: 2015-03-13

Green Card Received: 2015-03-24 Yeah!!!

I-751 ROC Submitted: 2016-12-20

I-751 NOA Received:  2016-12-29

I-751 Biometrics Appt.:  2017-01-26

I-751 Interview:  2018-04-10

I-751 Approved:  2018-05-04

N400 Filed:  2018-01-13

N400 Biometrics:  2018-02-22

N400 Interview:  2018-04-10

N400 Approved:  2018-04-10

Oath Ceremony:  2018-06-11 - DONE!!!!!!!

Filed: Citizen (apr) Country: Russia

I agree, 8 and 10 are troubling. Also based on her stance with the possible "No Fly Zone" in Syria which you already discussed in another thread leaves me wondering about number 4.

Yes, that too. I see some people are giving her the benefit of the doubt on that one, but even so it's worrisome.

Just checked the rest of the list. Number 11 ("She carries with her a dripping sense of entitlement based on her gender....") and Number 13 ("She’s not Bill...") are good points as well. Whatever people want to say about Bill, I get his popularity as a politican. However, it's not like having Hillary at the helm is automatically going to revert everything back to the peachy keen 1990s. Oh, and the Madonna thing he mentions is just gross, lol. I guess it's a tribute to Bill? :D

🇷🇺 CR-1 via DCF (Dec 2016-Jun 2017) & I-751 ROC (Apr 2019-Oct 2019)🌹


Info about my DCF Moscow* experience here and here

26-Jul-2016: Married abroad in Russia 👩‍❤️‍👨 See guide here
21-Dec-2016: I-130 filed at Moscow USCIS field office*
29-Dec-2016: I-130 approved! Yay! 🎊 

17-Jan-2017: Case number received

21-Mar-2017: Medical Exam completed

24-Mar-2017: Interview at Embassy - approved! 🎉

29-Mar-2017: CR-1 Visa received (via mail)

02-Apr-2017: USCIS Immigrant (GC) Fee paid

28-Jun-2017: Port of Entry @ PDX 🛩️

21-Jul-2017: No SSN after three weeks; applied in person at the SSA

22-Jul-2017: GC arrived in the mail 📬

31-Jul-2017: SSN arrived via mail, hurrah!


*NOTE: The USCIS Field Office in Moscow is now CLOSED as of February 28th, 2019.


Removal of Conditions - MSC Service Center

 28-Jun-2019: Conditional GC expires

30-Mar-2019: Eligible to apply for ROC

01-Apr-2019: ROC in the mail to Phoenix AZ lockbox! 📫

03-Apr-2019: ROC packet delivered to lockbox

09-Apr-2019: USCIS cashed check

09-Apr-2019: Case number received via text - MSC 📲

12-Apr-2019: Extension letter arrives via mail

19-Apr-2019: Biometrics letter arrives via mail

30-Apr-2019: Biometrics appointment at local office

26-Jun-2019: Case ready to be scheduled for interview 

04-Sep-2019: Interview was scheduled - letter to arrive in mail

09-Sep-2019: Interview letter arrived in the mail! ✉️

17-Oct-2019: Interview scheduled @ local USCIS  

18-Oct-2019: Interview cancelled & notice ordered*

18-Oct-2019: Case was approved! 🎉

22-Oct-2019: Card was mailed to me 📨

23-Oct-2019: Card was picked by USPS 

25-Oct-2019: 10 year GC Card received in mail 📬


*I don't understand this status because we DID have an interview!


🇺🇸 N-400 Application for Naturalization (Apr 2020-Jun 2021) 🛂


Filed during Covid-19 & moved states 1 month after filing

30-Mar-2020: N-400 early filing window opens!

01-Apr-2020: Filed N-400 online 💻 

02-Apr-2020: NOA 1 - Receipt No. received online 📃

07-Apr-2020: NOA 1 - Receipt No. received via mail

05-May-2020: Moved to another state, filed AR-11 online

05-May-2020: Application transferred to another USCIS field office for review ➡️

15-May-2020: AR-11 request to change address completed

16-Jul-2020: Filed non-receipt inquiry due to never getting confirmation that case was transferred to new field office

15-Oct-2020: Received generic response to non-receipt inquiry, see full response here

10-Feb-2021: Contacted senator's office for help with USCIS

12-Feb-2021: Received canned response from senator's office that case is within processing time 😡

16-Feb-2021: Contacted other senator's office for help with USCIS - still no biometrics

19-Feb-2021: Biometrics reuse notice - canned response from other senator's office 🌐

23-Feb-2021: Interview scheduled - notice to come in the mail

25-Feb-2021: Biometrics reuse notice arrives via mail

01-Mar-2021: Interview notice letter arrives via mail  ✉️ 

29-Mar-2021: Passed interview at local office! Oath Ceremony to be scheduled

13-Apr-2021: Oath Ceremony notice was mailed

04-May-2021: Oath Ceremony scheduled 🎆 Unable to attend due to illness

04-May-2021: Mailed request to reschedule Oath to local office

05-May-2021: "You did not attend your Oath Ceremony" - notice to come in the mail

06-May-2021: Oath Ceremony will be scheduled, date TBA

12-May-2021: Oath Ceremony re-scheduled for June 3rd, then de-scheduled same day 😡 

25-May-2021: New Oath Ceremony notice was mailed

16-Jun-2021: Oath Ceremony scheduled 🎆 - DONE!!

17-Jun-2021: Certificate of Naturalization issued


🎆 Members new and old: don't forget to fill in your VJ timeline! 🎇 https://www.visajourney.com/timeline/

Filed: Citizen (apr) Country: Russia

Yes, that too. I see some people are giving her the benefit of the doubt on that one, but even so it's worrisome.

Just checked the rest of the list. Number 11 ("She carries with her a dripping sense of entitlement based on her gender....") and Number 13 ("Shes not Bill...") are good points as well. Whatever people want to say about Bill, I get his popularity as a politican. However, it's not like having Hillary at the helm is automatically going to revert everything back to the peachy keen 1990s. Oh, and the Madonna thing he mentions is just gross, lol. I guess it's a tribute to Bill? :D

A lot can be said about Bill and his antics over the years, but he was definitely well liked. I am not sure you can say the same thing about Hillary.

Visa Received : 2014-04-04 (K1 - see timeline for details)

US Entry : 2014-09-12

POE: Detroit

Marriage : 2014-09-27

I-765 Approved: 2015-01-09

I-485 Interview: 2015-03-11

I-485 Approved: 2015-03-13

Green Card Received: 2015-03-24 Yeah!!!

I-751 ROC Submitted: 2016-12-20

I-751 NOA Received:  2016-12-29

I-751 Biometrics Appt.:  2017-01-26

I-751 Interview:  2018-04-10

I-751 Approved:  2018-05-04

N400 Filed:  2018-01-13

N400 Biometrics:  2018-02-22

N400 Interview:  2018-04-10

N400 Approved:  2018-04-10

Oath Ceremony:  2018-06-11 - DONE!!!!!!!


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