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She's black and was mouthy. 2 out of 3 is pretty good, I reckon.

And I don't have a hard time. I am the proud owner of white privilege, remember? Everything I have was handed to me on a silver platter. Best recognize!

funny, when an old white dude with a bit o money speaks loud, with irreverence - he's considered a real leader (F)


"hotdog/hallway" MOVE IN READY.

And I don't have a hard time. I am the proud owner of white privilege, remember? Everything I have was handed to me on a silver platter. Best recognize!

not what white privilege is, try again!


So you are ok with racism and discrimination. Interesting.

Val isn't okay with it. And please show me white folks being put to the back of the bus. Or does this video represent all black people. Sheesh! If I posted this in reverse, I'd be called a race baiter.

What happened to blacks before I was born wasn't fair, and some of it was horrible. But what is being portrayed in the video (which you refused to watch because it doesn't conform to your narrative) is every bit as terrible, but it's TODAY, not part of history. None of us can go back and change the past. And none of us should feel responsible for it. The same as I don't feel guilty for what happened to the Jews, even though I happen to share a skin tone with Hitler. What matters is what we are doing TODAY, our actions towards others.

That's rich. I get told here daily because of the black on black crime(no such thing) I'm responsible for police profiling and brutality. If it happens, I need to accept that because I share the same skin color as the perps.

“Hate is too great a burden to bear. It injures the hater more than it injures the hated.” – Coretta Scott King

"Oppressive language does more than represent violence; it is violence; does more than represent the limits of knowledge; it limits knowledge." -Toni Morrison

He who passively accepts evil is as much involved in it as he who helps to perpetrate it.

Martin Luther King, Jr.


Filed: K-1 Visa Country: Wales

Val isn't okay with it. And please show me white folks being put to the back of the bus. Or does this video represent all black people. Sheesh! If I posted this in reverse, I'd be called a race baiter.

That's rich. I get told here daily because of the black on black crime(no such thing) I'm responsible for police profiling and brutality. If it happens, I need to accept that because I share the same skin color as the perps.

If it was the other way around, a white activist telling black people to get to end of the queue.

What would you say then?

“If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat. If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle.”


She's black and was mouthy. 2 out of 3 is pretty good, I reckon.

And I don't have a hard time. I am the proud owner of white privilege, remember? Everything I have was handed to me on a silver platter. Best recognize!

So funny to see you say this. You really don't have a clue do you? I'll try and keep this KISS (Keep It Simple Stupid)

It's two things ultimately. The benefit of the doubt and the ability to be judged as a separate entity from the rest of the masses.

As a white person, you're going to be judged individually, meaning you're only responsible for you. You won't be pulled over by the cops and harassed(on the best day) for anything a white person does. You won't get put in jail for buying clothes or cashing a check because they will assume you have the money. They won't call security when you walk in the door no matter how you dress. You won't get asked if you're "ghetto" even if you're loud and ignorant. The assumption will ALWAYS be that you're in the clear based solely off the fact you're white.

I don't have that privilege. I have to prove everyday I'm not a ghetto thug. I have to wear khakis and button downs even outside of work just to put people at ease. At least in Hawaii it's not so bad, the locals and Hawaiians are laid back. Wearing workout clothes is a risk back on the mainland. I have to take precautions every time I get behind the wheel of a car, have my license and registration ready so if I get stopped, I'm prepared. I have to tell our daughters while white girls can have pink and green hair, they have to keep their hair one color, lest they be stereotyped. My wife has to push STEM in order to keep the teachers from having them sing, dance, or play sports, since they think that's all we're good for. I have to give my sons "The Talk" that all black parents give their kids and pray none of my kids become a # on Twitter, the worst fate for a parent.

If it was the other way around, a white activist telling black people to get to end of the queue.

What would you say then?

The same thing I'm saying now. Unless you want me to lump you all in with that idiot?

“Hate is too great a burden to bear. It injures the hater more than it injures the hated.” – Coretta Scott King

"Oppressive language does more than represent violence; it is violence; does more than represent the limits of knowledge; it limits knowledge." -Toni Morrison

He who passively accepts evil is as much involved in it as he who helps to perpetrate it.

Martin Luther King, Jr.


Filed: Timeline
Posted (edited)

It is what it is. BLM has terrible leadership that continues to hamper their message, like Melissa "I've never heard of the 1st Amendment" Click.

If BLM expects to accomplish anything, they need to develop leaders who understand how to work their message with the media and keep their members in line. Unfortunately they are heading more into an anarchist direction like Occupy which means the average American is going to turn them off and tune them out.

That being said, I think this train is heading for a serious wreck.

Edited by Sousuke



It is what it is. BLM has terrible leadership that continues to hamper their message, like Melissa "I've never heard of the 1st Amendment" Click.

If BLM expects to accomplish anything, they need to develop leaders who understand how to work their message with the media and keep their members in line. Unfortunately they are heading more into an anarchist direction like Occupy which means the average American is going to turn them off and tune them out.

That being said, I think this train is heading for a serious wreck.

Deray has been doing the best job he can. The biggest issue is too many factions with outliers that destroy the overall message.

“Hate is too great a burden to bear. It injures the hater more than it injures the hated.” – Coretta Scott King

"Oppressive language does more than represent violence; it is violence; does more than represent the limits of knowledge; it limits knowledge." -Toni Morrison

He who passively accepts evil is as much involved in it as he who helps to perpetrate it.

Martin Luther King, Jr.


Filed: Timeline
Posted (edited)

Wait, what? There's no such thing as black on black crime? Can you elaborate, please?

And no, I have never once alluded nor accused you of being guilty of anything remotely resembling a criminal because of your skin color.

That's rich. I get told here daily because of the black on black crime(no such thing) I'm responsible for police profiling and brutality. If it happens, I need to accept that because I share the same skin color as the perps.

Edited by ROYGBP
Filed: Timeline

You won't be pulled over by the cops and harassed(on the best day) for anything a white person does.

. When was the last time you were pulled over by a cop? Why, what was the infraction? Were you harassed? If so, how?

You won't get put in jail for buying clothes or cashing a check because they will assume you have the money.

How many times has you been put in jail for buying clothes or cashing a check? Honestly, now.

I don't have that privilege. Wearing workout clothes is a risk back on the mainland.

I call BS. Cuz I happen to know that you wore work out clothing 3-5 days a week for over 20 years, and I know you were never "at risk" for it. You fit in. You were "one of the boys". And you did just fine for yourself. (Minus the Articles, I mean.)

I have to take precautions every time I get behind the wheel of a car, have my license and registration ready so if I get stopped, I'm prepared.

As does every single American, regardless of skin color, gender, or religious belief. It's called obeying the law, or paying the price. You're not special in that aspect. We all do the same thing.

I have to tell our daughters while white girls can have pink and green hair, they have to keep their hair one color, lest they be stereotyped.

Does it have anything to do with lighter colors being difficult to obtain for folks with black hair? Seen it, and it's ugly. You are doing your daughters a favor for not letting them look like freaks. Wish more parents were like you!

My wife has to push STEM in order to keep the teachers from having them sing, dance, or play sports, since they think that's all we're good for.

. Isn't that the same thing ALL parents have to do? My parents did it to me. I did it to my kids. It's part of being an adult and wanting better for our children.

I have to give my sons "The Talk" that all black parents give their kids and pray none of my kids become a # on Twitter, the worst fate for a parent.

I have given my kids "the talk" many times over. Warning them of as many of the dangers of daily life as I can think of. Said talks varied based on the community or country in which we lived at the time, but all revolved around not getting themselves into a bad situation that could end in their harm or their untimely demise.

Wait, what? There's no such thing as black on black crime? Can you elaborate, please?

And no, I have never once alluded nor accused you of being guilty of anything remotely resembling a criminal because of your skin color.

If when white people commit crimes against other white people, it's not called white on white crime, why is the title only used for black people?

It's been said here more than once that because of the crime stats, blacks basically have to accept what happens to us.

. When was the last time you were pulled over by a cop? Why, what was the infraction? Were you harassed? If so, how?

How many times has you been put in jail for buying clothes or cashing a check? Honestly, now.

I call BS. Cuz I happen to know that you wore work out clothing 3-5 days a week for over 20 years, and I know you were never "at risk" for it. You fit in. You were "one of the boys". And you did just fine for yourself. (Minus the Articles, I mean.)

As does every single American, regardless of skin color, gender, or religious belief. It's called obeying the law, or paying the price. You're not special in that aspect. We all do the same thing.

Does it have anything to do with lighter colors being difficult to obtain for folks with black hair? Seen it, and it's ugly. You are doing your daughters a favor for not letting them look like freaks. Wish more parents were like you!

. Isn't that the same thing ALL parents have to do? My parents did it to me. I did it to my kids. It's part of being an adult and wanting better for our children.

I have given my kids "the talk" many times over. Warning them of as many of the dangers of daily life as I can think of. Said talks varied based on the community or country in which we lived at the time, but all revolved around not getting themselves into a bad situation that could end in their harm or their untimely demise.

Last time was for a broken license plate light. Got pulled over and grilled for 10 minutes as to why I was out at 3am(Ramadan and going to eat breakfast before the fast). Other times were passenger making eye contact with the cops, driving in an majority white neighborhood, having Belgium plates, even got stopped and searched just because. The time I has brutalized? Walking to the neighborhood store to get some candy.

At least 3 regular black folks, and unless you can post a link with it happening to someone who is white, you're going to have to let that go. Google shopping while black. I've gone through it, but luckily I wasn't arrested. Others not so lucky, and cashing a check? Yes that happened to a black person only. And this is a newer story, the one I was thinking about happened last year. http://fusion.net/story/286232/tweet-storm-coding-while-black/

You know why I wasn't a risk? Because my workout gear had one of two things on it. Army or Navy. And I only did it on base. Even when I got here, I ran with my Navy PT's in order to give my mother some peace of mind. Check out the article that Val posted a few weeks ago, the guy touches on this specifically.

Yeah, when was the last time you got your ### kicked for obeying the law? Because I did nothing wrong, and I almost lost my life. So unless you can tell me about the time you were beaten up by the police for just existing, give it a rest.

No, it has to do with black girls being perceived as ghetto or dumb if their hair is anything other than it's natural state. They've actually been in fights for it before, because the white girls would tease them.

Once again, no. Did your teachers try to push you AWAY from it and into sports or entertainment? That's what they do to our kids. They play classical instruments, they are taking AP courses for college, and they're still asked to sing or dance. It's insulting.

What you tell your kids is different than "The Talk". It's that we have to do everything better than you just to be considered almost equal. Black people face dangers that you don't fathom because even law biding citizens get victimized. Ask the dude who was shot while his hands were in the air and he was laying on the ground. They tried to kill the autistic boy with the toy truck, because you know, he was a threat. I have to warn them there will be no empathy if something happens to them. That no matter what, they're never going to be right, just have to settle for being the least amount of wrong.

“Hate is too great a burden to bear. It injures the hater more than it injures the hated.” – Coretta Scott King

"Oppressive language does more than represent violence; it is violence; does more than represent the limits of knowledge; it limits knowledge." -Toni Morrison

He who passively accepts evil is as much involved in it as he who helps to perpetrate it.

Martin Luther King, Jr.


Filed: K-1 Visa Country: China


As racist as they come .BLM = the new black version of the KKK

If more citizens were armed, criminals would think twice about attacking them, Detroit Police Chief James Craig

Florida currently has more concealed-carry permit holders than any other state, with 1,269,021 issued as of May 14, 2014

The liberal elite ... know that the people simply cannot be trusted; that they are incapable of just and fair self-government; that left to their own devices, their society will be racist, sexist, homophobic, and inequitable -- and the liberal elite know how to fix things. They are going to help us live the good and just life, even if they have to lie to us and force us to do it. And they detest those who stand in their way."
- A Nation Of Cowards, by Jeffrey R. Snyder

Tavis Smiley: 'Black People Will Have Lost Ground in Every Single Economic Indicator' Under Obama


Democrats>Socialists>Communists - Same goals, different speeds.




As racist as they come .BLM = the new black version of the KKK

let me know when blm starts killing white people at their rallies, you know like white fathers beaten and lynched as their families watch helpless, then maybe you'll have a valid comparison.
Filed: Timeline

I'm in a bit of a hurry, so I'll hit this first part, then try to come back and read/answer the rest.

It has been posted here many times that whites kill more whites every year than any other. And blacks kill more blacks. (I haven't examined it, but I would suspect that all colors hurt & kill each other more than any other color here in the US, minus the Indiand who lived here when the first whites showed up). That's a fact that we all have to live with, and in my opinion it's pretty simple why it happens that way... We all interact with our own colors more. We get involved with them more. We disagree with them more. We fight with them more. Spouses, then family, then friends, then acquaintances, then strangers, typically in that order.

It has been said here, several times, that when 13% of the population commits 75% of reported crimes, a disproportionate of them, then it becomes a factor in how they are viewed. The same way as when one or two Americans in Japan cause a big stink when they get a DUI or kill someone in Thailand or the Philippines. (just pulling numbers out of my butt here, I am sure both are off, but you get the idea). Yes, it means blacks are more likely to be suspects. Doesn't mean you have to "accept what happens to you". If you are treated unfairly/unjustly, then you should do something about. Within the confines of the law, of course. Fighting and arguing with the police, arguing your innocence while being arrested, is probably not the best way to go about that.

If when white people commit crimes against other white people, it's not called white on white crime, why is the title only used for black people?

It's been said here more than once that because of the crime stats, blacks basically have to accept what happens to us.

Filed: Timeline

How about let's NOT let it go that far, eh? That might be the way to equalize things in your mind, but I'd like to think that we all are more civilized than to want it to come to that. I'm sure there is a happy place between the two extremes, and I would like to see it happening.

let me know when blm starts killing white people at their rallies, you know like white fathers beaten and lynched as their families watch helpless, then maybe you'll have a valid comparison.


How about let's NOT let it go that far, eh?

talk to your boy lib, he made the comparison. blm is not the new kkk.

and i never said anything about wanting 'things to equalize" in such a manner.


I'm in a bit of a hurry, so I'll hit this first part, then try to come back and read/answer the rest.

It has been posted here many times that whites kill more whites every year than any other. And blacks kill more blacks. (I haven't examined it, but I would suspect that all colors hurt & kill each other more than any other color here in the US, minus the Indiand who lived here when the first whites showed up). That's a fact that we all have to live with, and in my opinion it's pretty simple why it happens that way... We all interact with our own colors more. We get involved with them more. We disagree with them more. We fight with them more. Spouses, then family, then friends, then acquaintances, then strangers, typically in that order.

It has been said here, several times, that when 13% of the population commits 75% of reported crimes, a disproportionate of them, then it becomes a factor in how they are viewed. The same way as when one or two Americans in Japan cause a big stink when they get a DUI or kill someone in Thailand or the Philippines. (just pulling numbers out of my butt here, I am sure both are off, but you get the idea). Yes, it means blacks are more likely to be suspects. Doesn't mean you have to "accept what happens to you". If you are treated unfairly/unjustly, then you should do something about. Within the confines of the law, of course. Fighting and arguing with the police, arguing your innocence while being arrested, is probably not the best way to go about that.

you really should give up the dance. why don't we speak of white on white crime if constant finger pointing at black on black crime is totally acceptable? since you wont answer the question directly, i can only assume you hold the view that black people are prone to criminality and since they are prone to it, it is there problem to deal with themselves. i won't say what category that particular view falls under, since you'll just report my comment.

but everyone with a brain who reads you try to defend such nonsense can totally see it.


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