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nadam se da ste mi svi dobro.. da ne razvlacim ovo mozete pogledat moju timeline za punu info glavnom K1 visa je u pitanju.. Ja sam petitioner...Moj zarucnik treba da zakaze interview u sarajevu pa tako smo NERVOZNIIIII ,UZBUDJENI (ko je ovo proso zna osjecaj) toliko zivaca ,cekanjaa jaooo .....DALI OBARAJU NAROD CESTO.?strahh me samo DA ON MOJ ZARUCNIK NE BUDE PREVISE IZGUBLJEN DA SE NE ZBUNI NA ODG KAKAV ..ON JE JAKO STIDAN TOGA SE PLASIM..SVE ZNA O MENI AMA SVE AL... I OVO ISTO IMAM PITAT...KAD SE TICE DOKAZA STA MISLITE DALI JE DOVOLJNO 22 PAPIRA FB,SKYPE,POZIVA TEL ITD....OSTALO IMAM SLIKE PASOS KOPIJU KAD SAM ISLA TAMO ( 1 SAMO :( MOZDA I TOBUDE PROB )...toliko sam JA izgubljena neznam ni sta pisem visee jaoooo.... ko je proso PISI TE MOLIMMMMMMM VASSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!



Not necessary as it is in the Regional forums. OP can continue to post in Bosnian.

OP, trying checking this topic for answers: http://www.visajourney.com/forums/topic/519864-bosnia-and-herzegovina-part-ii/

ROC 2009
Naturalization 2010

Filed: K-1 Visa Country: Mexico

sorry am still lost on VJ i use my cell mostly hard to navugate this thing...i wanted to ask a Question for BOSNIA and HERCEGOVINA members

on the front page of VJ in mobile mode check at the bottom of the screen for a link that says "Full Version". click it and then the interface will show as if you were on a PC.

K1 Visa Event Date Service Center : Texas Service Center Transferred? No Consulate : Juarez, Mexico

I-129F: Sent 9/5/2014

I-129F: Arrived at Lewisville 9/8/2014

I-129F: NOA1 Text message/mail 9/11/2014

I-129F: Alien Registration Number Changed 9/16/2014

I-129F: Request to correct on document or notice assigned to an officer for response 10/25/2014

I-129F: Name Change request made 10/31/2014

I-129F: Crickets as of today


Sally, nista se ne brini, ako je vasa veza iskrena, ne bi trebalo biti problema, Meni i jos dvjema djevojkama koje znam da su prosle intervju za k1 vizu u Sarajevu je sve proslo bez problema, gdja koja uzima otiske prstiju prije razgovora sa konzulom trazila je samo par dokaza, ja sam dala ispis mailova, 2-3 stranice sms poruka i 3 slike, a ponijela sam punu fasciklu svega. Nisu mi vise nista trazili. Uzeli su samo moje papire, a od papira mog tadasnjeg zarucnika (sadasnjeg muza) nisu nista trazili ni pogledali, cak ni I-134. Uglavnom, ponudice mu prevodioca, ako mu treba. Moj razgovor je trajao sve skupa manje od 10 minuta.

Samo opusteno :)


My AOS journey

Date Filed : 2014-11-26

NOA Date : 2014-12-06

RFE: 2014-12-26 (Translation of my international BC)

Bio. Appt. : 2014-12-31

RFE response received by USCIS: 2015-01-06

EAD/AP approved: 2015-02-18

NPIW letter: 2015-03-17

Service request: 2015-09-17

Response to service request: None

Service request 2: 2015-10-23

Service request 2 response: 2015-11-03 - USCIS anticipates a delay

EAD/AP renewal forms sent: 2015-11-04

Letter to Congressman sent: 2015-11-06

EAD/AP renewal electronic NOA1: 2015-11-10 (saying USCIS received and accepted my applications on 2015-11-06)

Email from Congressman's office - reviewing my case, will contact me with info: 2015-11-13

Received No Biometrics Required letter: 2015-11-20

Received letter of continuance asking for another translation of my BC (long story): 2015-11-20 (online status never changed)

Responded to letter of continuance: 2015-11-30

USCIS/DHS in Sacramento received my response (delivery confirmation): 2015-12.01

Received interview letter from Chatsworth office, CA: 2016-01-30

Received response from my congressman: 2016-02.02

AOS interview: 2016-02-10 Result:: RFE for medical

Medical done: 02/20/2016 - 03/03/2016

Medical Received By USCIS (UPS delivery confirmation): 2016-03-08

AOS approval date/Resident since: 2016-03-12

Card received: 2016-03-18

AOS took 15 months, 2 weeks and one day.



Petition sent: 2018 - 02 - 22

Petition received by USCIS Laguna Niguel: 2018 - 02 - 23




Jao perdita mnogoonogooooo ti HVALA vako .. On NE PRICA eng sad Neznam hocel trebat prevoditlj vam ako je konzul amerikanac .. Nas dvoje smo dugoooo U VEZI ali STRAHHHH me njega ONO ja njega interview ns skype haha on sve Znaaaaa al stidan Puno Nekako brzo Se igubi I uplasi kad SAM bila dole policija nas zaustavila on Se uplasio JOJ Reko ti za sve panicis kaže pa nevolim s njima imat posla .. Tako jedijo me Strah njega da ne zamucaa haha NEZNAM moZda pretjerujeem ONO 99% SAM sigurna da će proc nisam jos VIDJELA Nigdje ovdje na vj da je U sarajevu IKO pao il da SAM Cula za k1 vizu da je pao .. Ipak ti znasss Ovaj osjecaj jeer Prosla SI to posle kazes SEBI JOJ ONO je nista haha a sad ja Se trudim da nemislim o TOM al jace od mene 22 lista dokaza Skype Fb viber SAM mu Poslala 16 slika I ONO kad SAM bila dole auto to sam Uzela karticom U Belgrade al Samo 1 SAM isla Nezam JEL to pRob .. Jojjjj ja tebi bukvar napisala haha ... Imas Li I kakvih predlog il savjeta Lutko ? On ceka MOJ packet 3 da zakaze interview juce ambasada dobila of Nvc so imamo vremena Haj PII mo vjerujjjjjj bogu da SI mi olaksaa I Svako to tako pise OPET tu hvalaaaaa

Posted (edited)

Dok cekate da se jave iz ambasade da su im stigli dokumenti, on vec moze polako prikupljati sta mu treba. Evo ti lista, ne znam jel se sta mijenjalo, ali ovo su meni trazili:

1. Ispunite formular DS-160 na sljedecoj web stranici - https://ceac.state.gov/genniv/

Vrsta vize za koju aplicirate je K – Fiancee Visa. Nakon sto popunite formular, isprintajte potvrdu sa bar kodom, koju cete donijeti na razgovor sa konzulom.

2. Pribavite slijedeće dokumente:

a) Važeći pasoš.

b) 1 fotografija na kojima se jasno vidi lice, bez šešira kape ili marame, na svijetloj podlozi.

c) U prilogu se nalaze informacije o ljekarima kod kojih trebate uraditi medicinski pregled. Pregled plaćate sami. Pregled je potreban i za svako maloljetno neoženjeno/neudato dijete koje će putovati sa Vama u SAD.

d) Original Vašeg rodnog lista, ne stariji od 12 mjeseci.

e) Original vjenčanog lista (ako ste prije bili oženjeni), kao i ovjerenu kopiju razvoda braka ili osmrtnice, da biste mogli dokazati da niste sada u zakonskom braku. Ako do sada niste bili vjencani potvrdu da niste u braku. Dokumenti ne smiju biti stariji od 6 mjeseci.

f) Originalnu potvrdu o nekažnjavanju iz svake zemlje gdje ste živjeli duže od 6 mjeseci nakon navršene 16. godine.

² Za Bosnu i Hercegovinu su potrebne dvije potvrde koje izdaju:

1) Ministarstvo unutrasnjih poslova

2) Sud

g) Potvrdu o sluzenju vojnog roka (ako niste sluzili vojsku, potvrdu da niste sluzili vojni rok)

h) Ako ste bili osuđivani u bilo kojoj zemlji, nabavite o tome ovjerenu potvrdu

i) Ako imate maloljetnu djecu koju vodite sa sobom u SAD, morate za njih nabaviti ovjerenu kopiju rodnog lista, kao i potvrdu o nekažnjavanju ako su starija od 16 godina. Ako ste rastavljeni potrebno je priložiti i sudsku presudu kojom su djeca zakonski povjerena Vama.

j) Potrebno Vam je garantno pismo (formular Affidavit of Support I-134) od zaručnika/zaručnice iz SAD.

k) Donesite sva dokumenta kojima ćete pružiti dokaze o postojanju veze sa vašim supružnikom (npr. zajedničke slike, slike sa vjenčanja, pisma, listinge telefonskih računa itd).

l) Za svaki zahtjev za vizu treba uplatiti iznos od 265 dolara na blagajni ambasade na datum razgovora.

Kada sakupite sve potrebne dokumente, nazovite Ambasadu da bi Vam se odredio tačan termin razgovora na koji morate doći lično (ako vodite djecu sa sobom, moraju i ona doći) na broj telefona 033 704 072 svakim radnim danom od 15:00 – 16:00.

Medicinski pregled mozete obaviti kod sljedećih doktora:

Polyclinic “Eurofarm” Doc. Dr. Bakir Kapetanović

Dr. Eldina Cengic 71000 Sarajevo

Butmirska cesta 14 tel. 061 190 530

71000 Sarajevo or 221 987 after 14:00

033 773 020 or 033 773 032

Edited by PerditaD

My AOS journey

Date Filed : 2014-11-26

NOA Date : 2014-12-06

RFE: 2014-12-26 (Translation of my international BC)

Bio. Appt. : 2014-12-31

RFE response received by USCIS: 2015-01-06

EAD/AP approved: 2015-02-18

NPIW letter: 2015-03-17

Service request: 2015-09-17

Response to service request: None

Service request 2: 2015-10-23

Service request 2 response: 2015-11-03 - USCIS anticipates a delay

EAD/AP renewal forms sent: 2015-11-04

Letter to Congressman sent: 2015-11-06

EAD/AP renewal electronic NOA1: 2015-11-10 (saying USCIS received and accepted my applications on 2015-11-06)

Email from Congressman's office - reviewing my case, will contact me with info: 2015-11-13

Received No Biometrics Required letter: 2015-11-20

Received letter of continuance asking for another translation of my BC (long story): 2015-11-20 (online status never changed)

Responded to letter of continuance: 2015-11-30

USCIS/DHS in Sacramento received my response (delivery confirmation): 2015-12.01

Received interview letter from Chatsworth office, CA: 2016-01-30

Received response from my congressman: 2016-02.02

AOS interview: 2016-02-10 Result:: RFE for medical

Medical done: 02/20/2016 - 03/03/2016

Medical Received By USCIS (UPS delivery confirmation): 2016-03-08

AOS approval date/Resident since: 2016-03-12

Card received: 2016-03-18

AOS took 15 months, 2 weeks and one day.



Petition sent: 2018 - 02 - 22

Petition received by USCIS Laguna Niguel: 2018 - 02 - 23




Ako se sekiras da nemate dovoljno dokaza, neka par prijatelja ili clanova porodice napise izjave o tome da znaju za vasu vezu, da znaju da je veza prava, iz ljubavi, itd Pa neka on i to ponese. Dalje, ako oboje imate Facebook account, mozes otici na njegov profil i vidjeces 3 tacke sa desne strane i pisace view friendship, ako to kliknes prikazace ti svaku vasu interakciju u smislu sve sto si ti njemu pisala na zid ili on tebi, sve slike u kojima ste oboje tagovani... Onda mozes napravii print screen svega toga i isprintati, tj on moze pa nek ponese i to. Ako se sjetim jos cega, pisacu ti :)


My AOS journey

Date Filed : 2014-11-26

NOA Date : 2014-12-06

RFE: 2014-12-26 (Translation of my international BC)

Bio. Appt. : 2014-12-31

RFE response received by USCIS: 2015-01-06

EAD/AP approved: 2015-02-18

NPIW letter: 2015-03-17

Service request: 2015-09-17

Response to service request: None

Service request 2: 2015-10-23

Service request 2 response: 2015-11-03 - USCIS anticipates a delay

EAD/AP renewal forms sent: 2015-11-04

Letter to Congressman sent: 2015-11-06

EAD/AP renewal electronic NOA1: 2015-11-10 (saying USCIS received and accepted my applications on 2015-11-06)

Email from Congressman's office - reviewing my case, will contact me with info: 2015-11-13

Received No Biometrics Required letter: 2015-11-20

Received letter of continuance asking for another translation of my BC (long story): 2015-11-20 (online status never changed)

Responded to letter of continuance: 2015-11-30

USCIS/DHS in Sacramento received my response (delivery confirmation): 2015-12.01

Received interview letter from Chatsworth office, CA: 2016-01-30

Received response from my congressman: 2016-02.02

AOS interview: 2016-02-10 Result:: RFE for medical

Medical done: 02/20/2016 - 03/03/2016

Medical Received By USCIS (UPS delivery confirmation): 2016-03-08

AOS approval date/Resident since: 2016-03-12

Card received: 2016-03-18

AOS took 15 months, 2 weeks and one day.



Petition sent: 2018 - 02 - 22

Petition received by USCIS Laguna Niguel: 2018 - 02 - 23




Sve je on izvadio Samo inekcijaa Nikako nema izgorile U ratu ambasada je Dobila PAPIRE a nisu ga jos Zvali zakazao je medical .. Sve too Isti to traze ko I tebi to su imam listu Samo Ovo da PITAM te DALI JE KONZUL AMERIKANAC?


Ma ima SLIKA ima ️️sve to od fb sam Et njegova Trema a Pitam dal je KONZUL American jer Ovaj MOJ Nezna engleski pa mozda I LAKSE ako bude da KORISTI prevodioca .. Jao I ja SAM tako nervous ?


I moje su injekcije u ratu izgorile :D Ja sam ovamo preko osiguranja to zavrsila. Jest da sam cekala, ali eto. Tamo mozda moze naci vakcinu za gripu i TDaP, ostalo sumnjam da mi imamo. Meni su trebale samo 4 - TDaP ili DTaP, MMR, Varicella i Flu, ne znam je li njemu sta drugacije jer je musko, ne znam koliko to ima veze. Sve ostalo je not age appropriate.

Konzul jeste Amerikanac tako da nek trazi prevodioca, nije njima to nista novo, dosta ljudi sto dolaze po vize ne znaju engleski i traze prevodioca, to nije nikakav problem. Bio bi da si ti rodjena Amerikanka i da ne znas bosanski, pitali bi se kako komunicirate ako nemate nijedan language in common :)

Facebook sam predlagala (screen shot) jer se vide i komentari onda, kontam sta ja znam mozda pomogne :D


My AOS journey

Date Filed : 2014-11-26

NOA Date : 2014-12-06

RFE: 2014-12-26 (Translation of my international BC)

Bio. Appt. : 2014-12-31

RFE response received by USCIS: 2015-01-06

EAD/AP approved: 2015-02-18

NPIW letter: 2015-03-17

Service request: 2015-09-17

Response to service request: None

Service request 2: 2015-10-23

Service request 2 response: 2015-11-03 - USCIS anticipates a delay

EAD/AP renewal forms sent: 2015-11-04

Letter to Congressman sent: 2015-11-06

EAD/AP renewal electronic NOA1: 2015-11-10 (saying USCIS received and accepted my applications on 2015-11-06)

Email from Congressman's office - reviewing my case, will contact me with info: 2015-11-13

Received No Biometrics Required letter: 2015-11-20

Received letter of continuance asking for another translation of my BC (long story): 2015-11-20 (online status never changed)

Responded to letter of continuance: 2015-11-30

USCIS/DHS in Sacramento received my response (delivery confirmation): 2015-12.01

Received interview letter from Chatsworth office, CA: 2016-01-30

Received response from my congressman: 2016-02.02

AOS interview: 2016-02-10 Result:: RFE for medical

Medical done: 02/20/2016 - 03/03/2016

Medical Received By USCIS (UPS delivery confirmation): 2016-03-08

AOS approval date/Resident since: 2016-03-12

Card received: 2016-03-18

AOS took 15 months, 2 weeks and one day.



Petition sent: 2018 - 02 - 22

Petition received by USCIS Laguna Niguel: 2018 - 02 - 23




Ma ja sam u glavi razvila 1001 scenarij, sta ce me sve pitati i zbog cega bi me mogli odbiti. Ali konzul je bio bas divan, vise je izgledalo ko da pricam prijatelju kojeg dugo nisam vidjela, nego konzulu :) Samo nek se opusti i polako, Zbunila se nisam, ali vjeruj pitanja koja ce mu postavljati su bas najosnovnija i nema se oko cega zbuniti. Bitno je da zna o tebi sve i onda nece biti problema.


My AOS journey

Date Filed : 2014-11-26

NOA Date : 2014-12-06

RFE: 2014-12-26 (Translation of my international BC)

Bio. Appt. : 2014-12-31

RFE response received by USCIS: 2015-01-06

EAD/AP approved: 2015-02-18

NPIW letter: 2015-03-17

Service request: 2015-09-17

Response to service request: None

Service request 2: 2015-10-23

Service request 2 response: 2015-11-03 - USCIS anticipates a delay

EAD/AP renewal forms sent: 2015-11-04

Letter to Congressman sent: 2015-11-06

EAD/AP renewal electronic NOA1: 2015-11-10 (saying USCIS received and accepted my applications on 2015-11-06)

Email from Congressman's office - reviewing my case, will contact me with info: 2015-11-13

Received No Biometrics Required letter: 2015-11-20

Received letter of continuance asking for another translation of my BC (long story): 2015-11-20 (online status never changed)

Responded to letter of continuance: 2015-11-30

USCIS/DHS in Sacramento received my response (delivery confirmation): 2015-12.01

Received interview letter from Chatsworth office, CA: 2016-01-30

Received response from my congressman: 2016-02.02

AOS interview: 2016-02-10 Result:: RFE for medical

Medical done: 02/20/2016 - 03/03/2016

Medical Received By USCIS (UPS delivery confirmation): 2016-03-08

AOS approval date/Resident since: 2016-03-12

Card received: 2016-03-18

AOS took 15 months, 2 weeks and one day.



Petition sent: 2018 - 02 - 22

Petition received by USCIS Laguna Niguel: 2018 - 02 - 23



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