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On-line tracking system of I-601's submitted in London


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Lol, Vicky :lol:

Hope tomorrow will be a better day for you :thumbs:


January 27 2006: submitted and approved I-130 in Copenhagen, Denmark

March 23 2006: Interview, submitted I-601 waiver

May 2 2006: London recieves waiver

August 21 2006: waiver approved woo hoo

October 3 2006: arrived in the US


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Filed: K-1 Visa Country: United Kingdom

Vicky, I hear you! It seems like those impatient days just hit you out of the blue, don't they? Nothing to be done for it, except Monday is a new week, last week of June! Amazing. I just realized that it's been exactly a year since they first received our paperwork at Nebraska!!! Is that really cause for celebration? It took us 102 days to get shut of the Nebraska service center. This whole process, may I say, SUCKS! Hoping we're on the tail end of it. You guys are awesome, but wouldn't we all just like to leave this little forum and move our big butts on over to the AOS forum? :lol: I know I would.

Beetee, I'd loooveee to send you some of our hot weather. It has cooled down somewhat from the 90s to the 80s, at least bearable -- no humidity at all.

Well, everyone, have a good weekend.


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Hi Ladies,

sorry to hear you are all sounding a little frustrated, especially Vicky and Tiff.

Myself and Courtney are still keeping our fingers crossed and hoping so bad that you hear something very soon.

I too look forward to the day when we can all joke about in the AOS forum, and look back on these days and can joke about how stressed we were back then. :yes:

be strong ladies, I know it's difficult but your time is very very near.

you are all in our thoughts


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Aww I'm fine. I'm the last person in the group that should be whinning. I've waited the least amount of time of all of us. I just get so dang aggrivated watching the list and waiting all week then getting nothing, nada, zilch. I don't even care if I see our case approved yet, I just want to see someone's on the move. I think this HEAT is making me grouchy. :yes: And yes beetee we would all gladly send you this heat and humidity. It's cooled off a bit for a few days but it won't be long I'll be complaining about that again. :lol:

Ok I think I'm going to take my grouchy hinney home from work and have our Friday pizza and movie night. I suppose there won't be a good dvd to watch either. :D

See you guys when I'm in a better mood. I'm not fit for human contact right now

;) Vicky

SHA ZAM!!! I-601 WAIVER APPROVED......10/13/06

11/18/06 Arrived

12/21/06 Filed for Social Security number

12/22/06 Married

01/03/2007 Social Security number arrived

01/10/07 Filed AOS

01/19/07 NOA1

02/05/07 Biometrics

2/6/07 Touch on EAD

02/07 Received RFE and returned information within 2 days

2/24/07 Transferred to California

2/26/07 Received letter (Transfer to California)

3/1/07 AOS email confirmation that case was received in California

3/2/07 AOS Touched again today but no update.

3/5/07 AOS another touch but no update.

4/5/07 EAD Touched again

4/9/07 EAD Touched.

4/10/07 EAD card ordered.

Removal of Conditions

6/8/2009 Sent I-751.

6/12/2009 Check Cashed

6/15/2009 NOA1 Received

6/25/2009 Received biometrics letter

7/13/2009 Biometrics appointment at Indianapolis Indiana

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Okay guys and gals, I think we need to put on our GO LONDON cheerleading uniforms and cheer ourselves up a bit :luv:

Vicky, I hope you rent a comedy :P it's the best remedy for a bad mood, that and comedy shows or shopping therapy :D I remember that you said you bought some nice stuff on sale, there's lots of Summersales going on over here too :star: ...I want to buy...yeeees, but I have to restrain myself because I'm afraid there's no room left in the suitcases ;)

Awww Paul, it's so sweet of you to check in on us. Has it started to hit the 114F yet - let us know how tanned you have become from these past days :D

I hope it starts to cool down overthere, sounds like you guys are getting too much sunshine. I remember that it was so hot that you'd kinda stick to everything :P has it gotten to that point yet?

Have a great weekend everyone :luv:


January 27 2006: submitted and approved I-130 in Copenhagen, Denmark

March 23 2006: Interview, submitted I-601 waiver

May 2 2006: London recieves waiver

August 21 2006: waiver approved woo hoo

October 3 2006: arrived in the US


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Hey Beetee,

Yeah it's getting there!! today was hot: 104 F, 40 deg cel., and this weekend is gonna be hotter.... B)

Vicky, I'm really sorry that you feel a little "grouchy"! I wish we could make you guys feel a little better, but I know how frustrating it is to watch that pdf doc and see NOTHING happen.

Do whatever you can to make time pass and for yo uto get through this

we're here for you remember



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Filed: K-1 Visa Country: United Kingdom

Just an update from me here although most of those who were posting while I was active in this forum are gone... happily reunited with their loved ones. I was very happy to see Wendybob and PaulC approved.

As you can see by the timeline in our signature I returned to the states about 6 weeks ago. Ripped apart once again, after living together for six months first in Brixton and then in the Gravesend house that we moved to after the denial. Most days I have been too depressed to accomplish much. I have just wanted to crawl through the computer back to Tom. He has been off work the whole time with a broken toe. He had an accident on his way home from work shortly before I left. We are fortunate it wasnt worse but it has been so difficult to not be able to share that time together. We had just suffered through three weeks of extreme overtime at his work and were planning to take a weeks holiday time before my departure. A driver running a red light changed all that. Tom had to brake so hard he lost control of the scooter and it fell on him breaking his toe. We still can't figure out why there was not another mark on him. Very lucky.

Last night he went back to work. He had to take a ride in with someone in the evening even though he didnt have to start work until 5am. He was going to try to grab some sleep there at the hospital where he works. The toe is still not 100%. I hope he's doing ok. He will be home in a couple of hours.

Thursday I mailed my fiancee petition to the British embassy in Chicago. It was a bit like preparing everything for the I-129 plus everything for the interview. It was very stressful. It feels like we are starting all over again at square one after 14 months, only this time with all our energy depleted. I just wish now we had gotten married during one of his visits here last year.

If all goes well this will all be done by mail and I will not have to go to Chicago for an interview. We will see. Once again our entire lives rest in the hands of strangers. Now that the other door has slammed shut, this is our last hope.

If they grant the visa I will try to get back there as quickly as I can but I am very overwhelmed by the task of having to liquidate everything in this 2000 square foot house that I have lived in for 30 years. It could take months. So far I haven't been able to find anyone who will come and just haul it all away for an auction. So much stuff..... I wish I had nothing. I am so tempted to just walk away. Fly away actually. I have been sick twice from the heat and from stress.

Fortunately the weather has cooled down for the moment. I will not miss the summers here... sometimes it gets past 90 F in my house.. no air conditioning. The humidity can be oppressive. Tom could hardly believe it when he stepped off the plane here last June. He had never experienced humidity like that. While I was in England this winter I really missed the Michigan winter!!! We had no snow in Brixton. I was so disappointed.. it never did feel like Christmas. I kept waiting for winter and then suddenly it was spring. I am a cold weather girl. Cold energizes me and heat just drains me.

Tom is really upset that he cannot come here and help me with this. If only they could have at least allowed us that.


Tom (London)   Mary (Michigan)

Sept. 2003 - meet online, become friends

May 2004 - we have grown close

Nov. 2004 - Tom books a flight to Michigan for Jan. 2005

Jan. 17, 2005 - first meeting at the Detroit Airport, 16 days together!

Feb. 2. 2005 - Tom returns to London. We start investigating our options

April 7, 2005 - Tom arrives for another visit.

April 8, 2005 - engaged.

April 26, 2005 - K1 sent to Nebrasksa. Tom flies back to London :(

May 6, 2005 - NOA1

June 14, 2005 - Tom returns to the USA:)

July 5, 2005 - Tom goes back to London :(

July 25, 2005 - NOA2 email- waited 3 months

Aug. 22, 2005 - Tom receives Packet 3

Sept. 6, 2005 - Packet 3 sent to Embassy

Oct. 20, 2005 - medical in London -booked 7 weeks earlier!

Nov. 9, 2005 - email embassy - have we have been forgotten?

Nov. 15, 2005 - Mary flies to London (Brixton) for 12 weeks

Nov. 18, 2005 - embassy replies to email, date assigned

Nov. 22, 2005 - Packet 4 received

Nov. 25, 2005 - interview in London - DENIED :(

Nov. 30, 2005 - mailed waiver

Feb. 6, 2006 - still waiting for decision. Mary extends stay from Feb. 7 to March 21

March 3, 2006 - WAIVER DENIED :(

March 2006 - Mary extends UK stay again. We rent a house near London (Gravesend) and move.

May 10th - Mary returns to USA - torn apart again

June 27, 2006 - Mary receives UK fiance visa

July 31,2006 - Mary sells house in USA

Sept. 1, 2006 - Mary moves to UK

Oct. 9, 2006 - wedding

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Hi Mary,

Sorry to hear your still having a hard time of it. I'm sure everything is so overwhelming for you. Have to pack up and get rid of things you have had your whole life. Hopefully somehow, somewhere you can dig deep and find a way to think of it as a positive adventure. I know, I know I have no idea how devistating all this is but I do know that it can't be good for you and your health. Hopefully you can figure out a way to think of this in a positive way and everything won't be so depressing, difficult and agrivating to you.

So sorry you have to go through this and I hope things will get better for you.

Best wishes,


SHA ZAM!!! I-601 WAIVER APPROVED......10/13/06

11/18/06 Arrived

12/21/06 Filed for Social Security number

12/22/06 Married

01/03/2007 Social Security number arrived

01/10/07 Filed AOS

01/19/07 NOA1

02/05/07 Biometrics

2/6/07 Touch on EAD

02/07 Received RFE and returned information within 2 days

2/24/07 Transferred to California

2/26/07 Received letter (Transfer to California)

3/1/07 AOS email confirmation that case was received in California

3/2/07 AOS Touched again today but no update.

3/5/07 AOS another touch but no update.

4/5/07 EAD Touched again

4/9/07 EAD Touched.

4/10/07 EAD card ordered.

Removal of Conditions

6/8/2009 Sent I-751.

6/12/2009 Check Cashed

6/15/2009 NOA1 Received

6/25/2009 Received biometrics letter

7/13/2009 Biometrics appointment at Indianapolis Indiana

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No updates today. Can't believe that's it's been so long ........bummer :(

Just wanted to rant a bit..he he :P Hope everyone is doing well.

Have a great day everyone :luv:


January 27 2006: submitted and approved I-130 in Copenhagen, Denmark

March 23 2006: Interview, submitted I-601 waiver

May 2 2006: London recieves waiver

August 21 2006: waiver approved woo hoo

October 3 2006: arrived in the US


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Filed: K-1 Visa Country: United Kingdom
Hi Mary,

Sorry to hear your still having a hard time of it. I'm sure everything is so overwhelming for you. Have to pack up and get rid of things you have had your whole life. Hopefully somehow, somewhere you can dig deep and find a way to think of it as a positive adventure. I know, I know I have no idea how devistating all this is but I do know that it can't be good for you and your health. Hopefully you can figure out a way to think of this in a positive way and everything won't be so depressing, difficult and agrivating to you.

So sorry you have to go through this and I hope things will get better for you.

Best wishes,


Once all this is behind me and I am in the Uk and we can have our lives together, I know I will be ok. Part of this time here alone, while appearing to be wasted as I didn't get many of the things accomplished that I had hoped, has not been wasted. There has been alot going on in my head. I am more than ready to have a life with Tom in the Uk... we already started that while I was there for the six months. It will be a positive adventure. Just as him coming here would have been a positive adventure for him. I do believe he is more adventurous than I am though.. and braver.

What is upsetting me is the sheer amount of work that I have to do alone here to make it happen. Selling the house is the least of my worries. That can be done after I go. It is on the market but it it doesnt sell immediately that will not keep me from leaving.

Its the stuff. The fact that somehow this place has to be emptied out. I do want to ship certain things and I don't know if its realistic. I have yet to have a shipping company give me an estimate. One was supposed to come but they never showed up. I would like to keep most of my 4000 cd collection, the cd shelves i built and stained, all of my dvds, my exercise equipment, our computer desks and chairs, clothing and shoes of course, kitchen things.. especially my tupperware. I also have to figure out what to do about all the computer stuff. And of course tom wants the telescope he bought when he was here last june. It's a shame we didn't know then that the police report would say what it did.. that this would be so messed up. He bought alot of things here that now we wish he hadn't.. like the expensive USA software for his GPS unit. That is useless to us now.

After I make a decision about what will stay and what will go, I have to find a way to get eveerything else cleared out. One of my sons and my ex still have loads of stuff here.. nearly the entire basement is full of their things. Everyone just thought this big old house was a permanent storage area. I myself have cupboards to open that havent been looked into in years! Ones up near the ceiling in the dining room. There is so much built-in storage space in this house.. that has encouraged my packrat tendencies. Its not a good thing for a packrat to live in one place for 30 years!!! Tom and I moving from the Brixton flat where he had lived for almost 6 years to the Gravesend house was bad enough. We moved alot of things that still need to be sorted. I can't really do that here.. don't want to ship anything across the ocean just to throw it away later.

I just hope the British Embassy approves my fiance visa. I am almost afraid to answer the phone now when it rings... I have heard they often call to clarify or varify the information.


Tom (London)   Mary (Michigan)

Sept. 2003 - meet online, become friends

May 2004 - we have grown close

Nov. 2004 - Tom books a flight to Michigan for Jan. 2005

Jan. 17, 2005 - first meeting at the Detroit Airport, 16 days together!

Feb. 2. 2005 - Tom returns to London. We start investigating our options

April 7, 2005 - Tom arrives for another visit.

April 8, 2005 - engaged.

April 26, 2005 - K1 sent to Nebrasksa. Tom flies back to London :(

May 6, 2005 - NOA1

June 14, 2005 - Tom returns to the USA:)

July 5, 2005 - Tom goes back to London :(

July 25, 2005 - NOA2 email- waited 3 months

Aug. 22, 2005 - Tom receives Packet 3

Sept. 6, 2005 - Packet 3 sent to Embassy

Oct. 20, 2005 - medical in London -booked 7 weeks earlier!

Nov. 9, 2005 - email embassy - have we have been forgotten?

Nov. 15, 2005 - Mary flies to London (Brixton) for 12 weeks

Nov. 18, 2005 - embassy replies to email, date assigned

Nov. 22, 2005 - Packet 4 received

Nov. 25, 2005 - interview in London - DENIED :(

Nov. 30, 2005 - mailed waiver

Feb. 6, 2006 - still waiting for decision. Mary extends stay from Feb. 7 to March 21

March 3, 2006 - WAIVER DENIED :(

March 2006 - Mary extends UK stay again. We rent a house near London (Gravesend) and move.

May 10th - Mary returns to USA - torn apart again

June 27, 2006 - Mary receives UK fiance visa

July 31,2006 - Mary sells house in USA

Sept. 1, 2006 - Mary moves to UK

Oct. 9, 2006 - wedding

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Hey guys,

Hey Mary I posted a reply on the other thread. I think we keep bouncing back and forth. lol

Yeah beetee I'm starting to hate that stupid list. I would say that I'm not going to look at it any more but I have NO will power so I won't even go there. I wish they would not have even started the stupid thing. I think it only adds to the aggravation Maybe they should have just put our case numbers on it and nothing else. Or maybe remove the case numbers as they are decided. At least we would know they had the case but we wouldn't have to see the "pending, under review and completed". Oh well what do i know.......lol

Oh another note....... I'm being optimistic. I've purchased some wedding bands and I bid on a dress on ebay. It's nothing fancy and it's not white. I'm way too old and beyond the white stage. :lol: Actually I really didn't want to wear white anyway. I'm just doing a nice type evening dress so at least I might be able to wear it for another occasion. Seems my theme to my wedding will be CHEAP. :yes: It's fine with me though. I can think of a million other things I would rather spend the money on. Oooh maybe a honeymoon. :lol:

Well I'll see you guys soon. I'm sure sometime this week we will get an update. Surely it will be a good one since they didn't do much last week.


SHA ZAM!!! I-601 WAIVER APPROVED......10/13/06

11/18/06 Arrived

12/21/06 Filed for Social Security number

12/22/06 Married

01/03/2007 Social Security number arrived

01/10/07 Filed AOS

01/19/07 NOA1

02/05/07 Biometrics

2/6/07 Touch on EAD

02/07 Received RFE and returned information within 2 days

2/24/07 Transferred to California

2/26/07 Received letter (Transfer to California)

3/1/07 AOS email confirmation that case was received in California

3/2/07 AOS Touched again today but no update.

3/5/07 AOS another touch but no update.

4/5/07 EAD Touched again

4/9/07 EAD Touched.

4/10/07 EAD card ordered.

Removal of Conditions

6/8/2009 Sent I-751.

6/12/2009 Check Cashed

6/15/2009 NOA1 Received

6/25/2009 Received biometrics letter

7/13/2009 Biometrics appointment at Indianapolis Indiana

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Filed: K-1 Visa Country: United Kingdom

Well, guys, we've come up with a new theory on the list: their quota for the month is five cases complete, no more, no less. So I guess no new cases complete until next week. Beetee, you should be up for completion here pretty soon, shouldn't you? How many weeks are you at?

Vicky, that's so exciting! Where did you get the bands? We've been looking for bands. He likes titanium and I like gold. My engagement ring is his grandmother's, so I'd like something that sort of matches the antique style of it. I also already have my dress -- went the white route. :D I like the idea of just getting a really beautiful dress for your wedding, almost did that myself, then got sucked into tradition! We're going pretty inexpensive on our wedding too. I just can't understand these brides who go overboard on all the small stuff, get all worked up over one day, when it's the rest of your life together that should be the focus. It's just a day, for heaven sake! So we're not getting carried away. Having reception in my parents' backyard, brother being the videographer, other brother the DJ, friends helping with food. Hoping for just a fun party, you know? I guess the only thing we're sort of splurging on is the photographer because we want really good pictures of our day.

Well, ladies, I guess I better get on with some work. Have a fabulous day!!


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Hi everyone.

Tiff, 5 cases per month only...........bummer :( 13th weeks for me, in a couple of days it'll be my 14th week ha ha I'm counting it day by day - every day counts :lol:

I'm having my fingers and toes crossed for all of us, I hope that they update it soon... and that they'll up the case number to more than 5 per month, otherwise it'll take forever :(

Sounds like everyone is doing well, having lots of fun planning your upcoming weddings I can tell. I only have a gold band for a wedding ring, because we had to save money to spend on immigration fees and the travel back and forth. I asked hubby if I'm going to get a big rock soon, and his reply was: "sure honey, let me go pick up a rock in the garden" :lol: j/k. He still owes me a big ### rock, so I'm going to collect once this is all over muuuaaaaahhhhh ;)

Have a great day all :luv:


January 27 2006: submitted and approved I-130 in Copenhagen, Denmark

March 23 2006: Interview, submitted I-601 waiver

May 2 2006: London recieves waiver

August 21 2006: waiver approved woo hoo

October 3 2006: arrived in the US


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Hey beetee that's pretty funny. Your significant other sounds like he has a sense of humor. :lol: Hope you do get that BIG rock. We are also going the less expensive way due to all the expense of this process. I figure once this is over and done with the USCIS and the US government will owe me a honeymood. :whistle: I wonder if all this is tax deductable? I was thinking maybe as a business expense since this is toooooooooo much like work. :P Yeah I'm just kidding but you can't blame me for thinking about it. :D

Well I'm heading for bed soon so I can wake up tomorrow all refreshed and ready to check the list a million more times. For crying out loud....................it's addictive. I can't help myself from looking at least 50 times a day.

Ok lets all dance. :dance::dance::dance::dance::dance: work off some of this tension. :lol:

The mental one!!!


SHA ZAM!!! I-601 WAIVER APPROVED......10/13/06

11/18/06 Arrived

12/21/06 Filed for Social Security number

12/22/06 Married

01/03/2007 Social Security number arrived

01/10/07 Filed AOS

01/19/07 NOA1

02/05/07 Biometrics

2/6/07 Touch on EAD

02/07 Received RFE and returned information within 2 days

2/24/07 Transferred to California

2/26/07 Received letter (Transfer to California)

3/1/07 AOS email confirmation that case was received in California

3/2/07 AOS Touched again today but no update.

3/5/07 AOS another touch but no update.

4/5/07 EAD Touched again

4/9/07 EAD Touched.

4/10/07 EAD card ordered.

Removal of Conditions

6/8/2009 Sent I-751.

6/12/2009 Check Cashed

6/15/2009 NOA1 Received

6/25/2009 Received biometrics letter

7/13/2009 Biometrics appointment at Indianapolis Indiana

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Hi everyone, hope everyone is doing well :luv:

Vicky, are we looking at the same list??? I've been staring at it for the last couple of days and nothing has changed :huh: How does it look on your list :P he he. Lol, sounds like we have started to get too sarcastic with this whole thing - I'm actually glad there's a list to look at, otherwise we'd be emailing them constantly asking for updates ;) This way we can see that there's no updates......

Oh well, there's still tomorrow - let's hope tomorrow brings happy news.

Have a great day everyone :)


January 27 2006: submitted and approved I-130 in Copenhagen, Denmark

March 23 2006: Interview, submitted I-601 waiver

May 2 2006: London recieves waiver

August 21 2006: waiver approved woo hoo

October 3 2006: arrived in the US


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