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Roll Call of Fallen Commrades


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Filed: Citizen (apr) Country: Thailand

Speaking of prenups, there's a former VJ member that married a Thai and had a prenup. He ended up divorcing her because she turned into a nut (Seems pretty common with girls from Thailand) She went to court and ran through about 5 lawyers and I don't know how many tens of thousands of dollars trying to get the prenup declared invalid and lost. Last I talked to her, she's borrowing money from family in Thailand to appeal the lower court ruling. She'll lose again of course, and some lawyer will make a nice bit of coin.

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True Spook would probably be good, I can see him using the "hey dude cut it out" approach a lot.

I think in this debate, some are missing is the real problem is the inconsistent moderation. Something is ok for a year, then you get banned because complains. Or you post a video of a well known cleric, speaking on TV about it being OK to beat your wife. Heck it's news just as much as posting an aritcle about the westboro church. How can one get you suspended and the other be cool.

I think short of posting copyrighted material, porn , etc let it roll. In the event of a personal attack or perceived personal attack, it should be on the person being attacked to report, no one else.

Example-Marvin rags on me a good bit about my grammar, being a redneck, threatens to kill me. Well to me it's all in fun and part of the game. I really like the guy. Why should some passer by get to decide they don't like the way we talk to each other. Same thing with *** and myself. Yes we went at it sometimes, but he gave as good as he took and neither of us took any of it personally.

Why should Danno get banned because he feels that Black culture is responsible for many of the ills plaguing blacks today, and not racism. Not a popular view among some here, but he was never rude about it and never made it racist. Same thing for his gay stance. He did not agree with it. HE is wrong, but so what.

Penny could be Penny and she attacked me on several occasions. I still liked her and did not take offense to it. Heck it made me laugh and I would turn up the hillbilly sexist act even more when she did .Point is, why is it someone elses job to decide when I am attacked or not.

I think that there has been inconsistency in the enforcement of the rules, but I think that's the case most everywhere in life. I've been given a verbal warning for speeding many times in my life, sometimes for 10mph over the limit. Drive through one of the two horse town out here in suburbia and there will be no warning, they write tickets for 10mph over and for a roll stop if your vehicle moves an inch. Same rules, different enforcement. Some cops let you go, others write you up. It's a judgement call. Ask the cop," Don't you have real criminals to catch" and see if he lets you go.

As far as the bannings go, I know that in the past plenty of warnings were given. I know, I was there myself a few years ago. It wasn't like you posted one thing and got banned. It was a progressive process. You were warned repeatedly with each suspension that harsher action was coming. I'm going to bring up and example soley because it just came to mind. Penny was suspended a while back. She came back with a sock puppet account, and got an extra suspension tacked on for that. She got suspended this last time, and came back with a sock puppet account so obvious that it wasn't even an attempt at a disguise. She got banned. Why did she do the same thing again and think there would be no consequences? And for the record, I'm not picking on her, I'd like to see her back here too, she was a lot of fun. But if you are suspended multiple times and threatened with being banned, why continue to do what you know will trigger it?

I have no idea how many time Penny or Danno were suspended, but it had to be multiple times. When Kip and Rob got banned, they knew they were on the one more strike and you're gone list. They swung and missed. Again, two members who made this place interesting. In my state, if you get three speeding tickets in a year, you lose your license for 30 days. If I get two tickets in a month, how smart would I be to keep driving 20mph over the speed limit everyday? Should I be surprised if I'm doing 50 in a 30 and get a ticket? Why do people keep doing things like this when they know the consequences?

I'm just throwing this out there for thought.

Speaking of prenups, there's a former VJ member that married a Thai and had a prenup. He ended up divorcing her because she turned into a nut (Seems pretty common with girls from Thailand) She went to court and ran through about 5 lawyers and I don't know how many tens of thousands of dollars trying to get the prenup declared invalid and lost. Last I talked to her, she's borrowing money from family in Thailand to appeal the lower court ruling. She'll lose again of course, and some lawyer will make a nice bit of coin.

You meant to say it is pretty much every woman turns into a nut once you marry them.

R.I.P Spooky 2004-2015

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The point is, that if you did it right you would need very little Moderation here..

Example I posted a Video of a well known cleric talking about it being ok to hit your wife. I did not slam all of Islam. It was a fairly well circulated news story and current event.

It got deleted, and I think I got suspended or at least a warning, because someone complained which is absurd. Why is that a big no no, but a slam article on the Westboro church ok? ( Not condoning those idiots)

Well then what happens is people expect consistent moderation and report articles or posts are similar about other religious people and it just builds.

We had a forum a few years back with no moderation. Ask any of the old timers here how that worked out. No rules, no moderation. Anything goes.

R.I.P Spooky 2004-2015

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Filed: Other Country: Russia

You tell me if I got scammed. She flew to Anchorage for her US citizenship test, got her US citizenship that afternoon, drove to the bank and cleaned it out, dropped off the rental car at the Anchorage airport, flew to Dillingham and had people she worked with waiting for her at the airport and an hour later was moved out our apt. Then two weeks later she filed for divorce while claiming domestic violence in order to get sole possession of our car (I had already sold my truck thinking we would be moving to Wasilla soon), and her "free lawyer" ...yes she got a free divorce lawyer seeing how anyone who claims they were abused gets a free lawyer compliments of the state of Alaska, is also on her Facebook friends list and flew to Las Vegas with her. I spent time in jail because of her on an alleged No Contact Order violation when my 8 year old nephew sent her a FB friends request logged into my FB account seeing how he doesn't have FB and he uses mine to play some stupid FB war game on there. I beat that rap but I have spent $10,000 in lawyer fees for my divorce and fighting to stay out of jail.

There is more to this and I mean much more. She had been lying to me from the beginning, she lied to my family and screwed them out of a few grand, and there has been some drama back in Minsk, Kyiv and even Frankfurt now because of all this... we took this one step further and made it global. She scammed the wrong guy and she is learning it now. It looks like she's going to eventually be deported back to that Slavic paradise where she can live out her life with the rest of those scamming Cigony (Gypsies).

I was (and so was she) under the assumption that once someone gets US citizenship they can't ever be deported...well think again.

Filing for divorce on the day she got citizenship proves nothing.

If you have proof that all this was preconceived, then good luck to you man. Looks like a messy and ugly situation and obviously she tried to stick it to you. But given everything you have posted here, you can't really be surprised by that.

And yeah she can be deported after naturalizing if there was fraud. First they take away the fraudulently gained citizenship, then deport back to country of origin. All that requires an extensive burden of proof.


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Filed: Country: Monaco

In immigration terms, what is being proposed here is that the USCIS invite to return to the US, illegal immigrants that were deported for breaking US laws.

This is so far left of liberalism that I believe there isn't a name for it yet! :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:



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You tell me if I got scammed. She flew to Anchorage for her US citizenship test, got her US citizenship that afternoon, drove to the bank and cleaned it out, dropped off the rental car at the Anchorage airport, flew to Dillingham and had people she worked with waiting for her at the airport and an hour later was moved out our apt. Then two weeks later she filed for divorce while claiming domestic violence in order to get sole possession of our car (I had already sold my truck thinking we would be moving to Wasilla soon), and her "free lawyer" ...yes she got a free divorce lawyer seeing how anyone who claims they were abused gets a free lawyer compliments of the state of Alaska, is also on her Facebook friends list and flew to Las Vegas with her. I spent time in jail because of her on an alleged No Contact Order violation when my 8 year old nephew sent her a FB friends request logged into my FB account seeing how he doesn't have FB and he uses mine to play some stupid FB war game on there. I beat that rap but I have spent $10,000 in lawyer fees for my divorce and fighting to stay out of jail.

There is more to this and I mean much more. She had been lying to me from the beginning, she lied to my family and screwed them out of a few grand, and there has been some drama back in Minsk, Kyiv and even Frankfurt now because of all this... we took this one step further and made it global. She scammed the wrong guy and she is learning it now. It looks like she's going to eventually be deported back to that Slavic paradise where she can live out her life with the rest of those scamming Cigony (Gypsies).

I was (and so was she) under the assumption that once someone gets US citizenship they can't ever be deported...well think again.

Yep, citizenship obtained under false pretenses is revocable.

R.I.P Spooky 2004-2015

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Filed: Other Country: Russia

Watch out for what? It's called pre nup and cover your #######. It's what I didn't do this last time but I won't make that mistake again. It's all on the rental plan.

She's a lucky gal.


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I think that there has been inconsistency in the enforcement of the rules, but I think that's the case most everywhere in life. I've been given a verbal warning for speeding many times in my life, sometimes for 10mph over the limit. Drive through one of the two horse town out here in suburbia and there will be no warning, they write tickets for 10mph over and for a roll stop if your vehicle moves an inch. Same rules, different enforcement. Some cops let you go, others write you up. It's a judgement call. Ask the cop," Don't you have real criminals to catch" and see if he lets you go.

As far as the bannings go, I know that in the past plenty of warnings were given. I know, I was there myself a few years ago. It wasn't like you posted one thing and got banned. It was a progressive process. You were warned repeatedly with each suspension that harsher action was coming. I'm going to bring up and example soley because it just came to mind. Penny was suspended a while back. She came back with a sock puppet account, and got an extra suspension tacked on for that. She got suspended this last time, and came back with a sock puppet account so obvious that it wasn't even an attempt at a disguise. She got banned. Why did she do the same thing again and think there would be no consequences? And for the record, I'm not picking on her, I'd like to see her back here too, she was a lot of fun. But if you are suspended multiple times and threatened with being banned, why continue to do what you know will trigger it?

I have no idea how many time Penny or Danno were suspended, but it had to be multiple times. When Kip and Rob got banned, they knew they were on the one more strike and you're gone list. They swung and missed. Again, two members who made this place interesting. In my state, if you get three speeding tickets in a year, you lose your license for 30 days. If I get two tickets in a month, how smart would I be to keep driving 20mph over the speed limit everyday? Should I be surprised if I'm doing 50 in a 30 and get a ticket? Why do people keep doing things like this when they know the consequences?

I'm just throwing this out there for thought.

You meant to say it is pretty much every woman turns into a nut once you marry them.

Spooks but what we are talking about in the last few months, is off the wall suspensions and mod actions. I am fine if someone has been warned repeatedly, Penny knew coming back as a sock puppet was a big no no, and I can understand for many reasons why an Admin can not tolerate that on a message board.

I am talking about stuff like a 3 day suspension for the letter responses with no warning, and actions being taken with no TOS violations.

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As I've mentioned before, I post on a Thai Visa forum at times. If you even mention moderation, your post is immediately deleted and you are suspended.

I've seen that too. No mention of moderation is tolerated. Some forums have zero tolerance policies.

R.I.P Spooky 2004-2015

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Filed: Country: Philippines

Yes it does cause it's gonna get this one shut down

Yeap, how much longer can it go?

Hey, c'mon man, post that story about Mark Cuban's comments before the racially angry Marvin you to it. We need him to show up hot under the collar.

"The Marines I have seen around the world have the cleanest bodies, the filthiest minds, the highest morale, and the lowest morals of any group of animals I have ever seen. Thank God for the United States Marine Corps!" - Eleanor Roosevelt, First Lady of the United States, 1945.

"Retreat hell! We just got here!"


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Filed: IR-1/CR-1 Visa Country: Ukraine

Filing for divorce on the day she got citizenship proves nothing.

If you have proof that all this was preconceived, then good luck to you man. Looks like a messy and ugly situation and obviously she tried to stick it to you. But given everything you have posted here, you can't really be surprised by that.

And yeah she can be deported after naturalizing if there was fraud. First they take away the fraudulently gained citizenship, then deport back to country of origin. All that requires an extensive burden of proof.

The moving out the day she got her US citizenship and then filing for divorce doesn't help her case, as does the fact that she lied to the USCIS.. See when they have their interviews, one of the first questions asked is there any violence in the relationship.... and she of course said "no". She had her last interview in November and got her US citizenship in February and then proceeded to claim I beat her just about every other day. The USCIS isn't as stupid as some think. It gets even better though. She had two social media profiles...both Russian... Classmates and VK..Veronke or whatever it's called. There were things on there posted that incriminates her big time. She didn't think I would find out about those sites but I was linked to them thanks to some friends of mine in Ukraine and Belarus. I already talked to the USCIS and gave them some 105 pages of documents, emails, chats, etc... along with a few testimonies from people here and in Minsk. She's screwed and she knows it. The USCIS has a hard on for these Slavics seeing how so many of them are scam artist.

Edited by IB6UB9

Slava Ukraini !


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Filed: Citizen (apr) Country: Thailand

You meant to say it is pretty much every woman turns into a nut once you marry them.

Multiply that by 100 when you try to divorce them.

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Yeap, how much longer can it go?

Hey, c'mon man, post that story about Mark Cuban's comments before the racially angry Marvin you to it. We need him to show up hot under the collar.

I am pretty sure it got posted here already

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Spooks but what we are talking about in the last few months, is off the wall suspensions and mod actions. I am fine if someone has been warned repeatedly, Penny knew coming back as a sock puppet was a big no no, and I can understand for many reasons why an Admin can not tolerate that on a message board.

I am talking about stuff like a 3 day suspension for the letter responses with no warning, and actions being taken with no TOS violations.

I agree with that. The letter response suspension made no sense at all. Ditto for the no TOS violations. IMO, it was due to an inexperienced moderator who hadn't learned the ropes yet.

R.I.P Spooky 2004-2015

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Country: Vietnam

She a big B**ch!

You tell me if I got scammed. She flew to Anchorage for her US citizenship test, got her US citizenship that afternoon, drove to the bank and cleaned it out, dropped off the rental car at the Anchorage airport, flew to Dillingham and had people she worked with waiting for her at the airport and an hour later was moved out our apt. Then two weeks later she filed for divorce while claiming domestic violence in order to get sole possession of our car (I had already sold my truck thinking we would be moving to Wasilla soon), and her "free lawyer" ...yes she got a free divorce lawyer seeing how anyone who claims they were abused gets a free lawyer compliments of the state of Alaska, is also on her Facebook friends list and flew to Las Vegas with her. I spent time in jail because of her on an alleged No Contact Order violation when my 8 year old nephew sent her a FB friends request logged into my FB account seeing how he doesn't have FB and he uses mine to play some stupid FB war game on there. I beat that rap but I have spent $10,000 in lawyer fees for my divorce and fighting to stay out of jail.

There is more to this and I mean much more. She had been lying to me from the beginning, she lied to my family and screwed them out of a few grand, and there has been some drama back in Minsk, Kyiv and even Frankfurt now because of all this... we took this one step further and made it global. She scammed the wrong guy and she is learning it now. It looks like she's going to eventually be deported back to that Slavic paradise where she can live out her life with the rest of those scamming Cigony (Gypsies).

I was (and so was she) under the assumption that once someone gets US citizenship they can't ever be deported...well think again.

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