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Filed: Timeline
Posted (edited)

So not having a piece of paper yet, one that I have to get so my fiancé can stay in the US as is the terms of a K1 makes my relationship any less valid, any less bonafide? Marrying right before getting a visa would make it more valid? You do know we still have to prove a bonafide relationship after 2 years right? We all are suffering during separation, married or unmarried, a piece of paper doesn't really make it more. It makes more sense to criticize how long people have been together than if they are going for a spousal or fiancé visa. You could say people who have known each other for 6 months and marry then file for a spousal visa has a less bonafide relationship than fiancés who have been together for years. But putting people into a hierarchy based on marital status or relationship length (or even so far as quality) is useless fighting. Why don't they have an option for spouses like K1 process, you come over and wait for conditional green card (+waiting months to work) then 2 years later go through more work to get a regular green card? Something to make the wait apart similar and then the rest you do while both people are in the US. In the end, long waits keeping loved ones apart is unacceptable and everyone should get a quick process.

Edited by LoveinBrazil

Nope, after the NOA2 is issued it's pretty much the same (minus the fact that CR-1s need to file an AOS. Actually, I think it's shorter for K-1s after they get their NOA2 because they don't spend a lot of time at the NVC from what I've read, and also get to schedule their own interview date, which CR-1s aren't allowed to do. Someone please correct me if I'm wrong. The NOA2 part is the one that causes CR-1s to be so slow because right now it's taking anywhere from 12-16 months, whereas K-1s are getting their NOA2 in 2-3, it appears. Terrible is an understatement for the current state of I-130s.

Depends on what "a lot of time" means. I honestly have no frame of reference here because I haven't been involved in the CR1/IR1 process at all. For K-1s, my understanding was that NVC doesn't actually do much with the approved applications except forward them to the embassy. Despite this, it still took 1.5 months for us, which is about 3 times what the turnaround used to be.

But no, we don't get to schedule our interview date. If you call the embassy, they will say they can't help you and you need to complete an online inquiry. You do that, and a week or so later you just get a canned response that basically says "wait for your letter".

When I was in the NOA1-NOA2 phase, it was about 3-6 months for NOA2. We got ours in 4, which was nice, we were on track to make our wedding day at that point, so we started with the wedding planning, which ended up being a bit of a mistake. The instructions say that it goes really fast after you get your NOA2 but actually, for us it's been longer (or, rather, will have been longer once we complete this part) than the processing at USCIS. Because of the ever-shifting schedules and delays, we've had to keep scaling back our wedding plans to the point where we can basically get up and married with at most two week's notice, which means our venue is... not precisely traditional (I really don't know how other people manage to pull off these huge traditional weddings when going through the K-1 process). This is making me extremely nervous, though; I'm worried that a really basic wedding in an unusual venue will throw up red flags when my fiance goes to apply for his green card.

Question about dealing with the UKBA as you mentioned: You said your "marriage visit visa". Is this just to let the non-UK citizen into the country to get married, with the intent of returning to their home country? Or was that for immigration purposes, too (like a K-1 ultimately is)?

Met in person for the first time: April 23, 2011 in Docklands, London, UK
Engaged: October 29th, 2012 at the John Hancock Building in Chicago, US

Filed K-1 visa application: April 4, 2013
Received text/email notification: April 12, 2013
Received NOA1 in mail: April 17, 2013
Received NOA2 text/email: August 6th, 2013 (at 9:45pm!)

NVC received packet: August 30th, 2013

Beneficiary rcvd "Packet 3" instructions: September 13, 2013

Embassy rcvd completed "Packet 3": September 24, 2013

Police certificate rcvd: September 27, 2013

Medical Appointment: October 2, 2013

Medical Received at Embassy: October 17, 2013 (delay due to request for further info)

Embassy appointment/Visa Approved!!!: November 21st, 2013

VISA RECEIVED!!!: November 28th, 2013

Beneficiary Arrived!!!: December 5th, 2013

Married December 22nd, 2013

Filing to POE: 8 months, 1 day

Filed AoS application: April 5th, 2014

Received NOA1 in mail: April 11th, 2014 (no text/email)

Received NOA2 in mail: September 2nd, 2014 (still no text/email)

Separated: September 2015

Filed: Citizen (pnd) Country: Russia

Why don't they have an option for spouses like K1 process, you come over and wait for conditional green card (+waiting months to work) then 2 years later go through more work to get a regular green card? Something to make the wait apart similar and then the rest you do while both people are in the US. In the end, long waits keeping loved ones apart is unacceptable and everyone should get a quick process.

Well you might not be aware of it but the initial GC you get in the IR-1/CR-1 process is for 2 years (unless you've been married over 2 years). So in 2 years we also have to go through the process of lifting the conditions to get a 10 year one.

I'm the beneficiary.


Don't have a timeline? Don't know how to get started with it? Do it for the statistics sake: VJ video guide

Filing for a USC spouse visa (IR-1/CR-1) and not sure what comes next? Check out the VJ IR-1/CR-1 guide

Want to know what's happening with your case? Here's the USCIS tracking page (get an account and see if the case's been 'touched'!). Don't get your hopes up though, some cases never even appear there despite being successfully processed.

Filed: Timeline

Well you might not be aware of it but the initial GC you get in the IR-1/CR-1 process is for 2 years (unless you've been married over 2 years). So in 2 years we also have to go through the process of lifting the conditions to get a 10 year one.

But there is still some differences, spouses don't have to AOS, they get their GC immediately. How about an option spouses could go through AOS? Isn't K3 that they don't really do now supposed to be like that? That graph is crazy and it's incredible that the problem has been going on so long without resolution.


I realize the wait is frustrating. But its unfair to compare one type of Visa to another, or say that one type of relationship is more important.

I'm sure I'm not the only parent separated from their children who would disagree with you. In fact, I'd venture that you might even agree that where kids are involved it ought to be a priority to reunite families before fiancés...

Filed: K-1 Visa Country: China

Enough Said.

There's a big difference between saying one type of relationship is more important than another and fairness in the processing. Of course the time frames for both the I-129 and I-130 should be closer together in processing times, but not prioritized one over another.

Everyone's situation is different and everyone should be given a fair chance at happiness with their loved one.

Journey so far:

09/14/2012: Sent I-129F Packet

09/21/2012: NOA1 Received

04/22/2013: NOA2 Notice of approval
05/08/2013 NVC Received

06/01/2013 Packet 3 Received

06/04/2013 Packet 3 Sent

06/10/2013 Packet 4 email received

06/27/2013 First Scheduled interview-cancelled (didn't get notarized paperwork in time)

08/12/2013 K-1 interview passed!

08/28/2013 Lili Arrives in the U.S.!!!

10/04/2013 Marriage!!!

03/26/2014 AOS Approved!

04/02/2014 Received GC

Stop being afraid of what could go wrong, and think of what could go right!


I'm sure I'm not the only parent separated from their children who would disagree with you. In fact, I'd venture that you might even agree that where kids are involved it ought to be a priority to reunite families before fiancés...

I absolutely agree with you. It wouldn't be so hard if we didn't have kids.

3/25/2006 - Got Married

3/20/2013 - I130 Priority Date
11/6/2013 - Transferred to Nebraska
1/3/2014 - NOA2
1/6/2014 - Petition shipped to NVC
1/21/2014 - NVC Received
2/24/2014 - Case # & IIN
3/3/2014 - DS-261 Available and Submitted
3/4/2014 - AOS Fee Available and Submitted
3/5/2014 - AOS Fee Paid
3/6/2014 - Received AOS Coversheet and Payment Receipt
3/7/2014 - AOS Package Sent
3/10/2014 - NVC Receives AOS package
3/12/2014 - NVC Acknowledges receipt of AOS package
3/21/2014 - Triangle of Doom appears for IV package
3/24/2014 - IV Fee Available and Submitted
3/25/2014 - IV package overnighted to the NVC
3/26/2014 - IV Fee shows PAID
3/26/2014 - DS260 available & submitted
3/26/2014 - IV package delivered to NVC
3/26/2014 - False checklist for IV fee.
3/26/2014 - AOS documents accepted w/no checklists!
3/28/2014 - IV & DS260 logged into NVC System
4/10/2014 - Case Complete!

Interview Date: June 17, 2014

Approved at Interview!

POE Newark on 6/28/2014! He's finally home!

Got a pending I-130? Tired of waiting for something to happen? Let's make something happen: http://www.visajourn...ners-committee/

We need more Twitter followers:@USCI130Cmte

Join our Facebook Group! https://www.facebook.com/groups/USGreencardpetitionerscommittee/

Filed: Timeline

I'm sure I'm not the only parent separated from their children who would disagree with you. In fact, I'd venture that you might even agree that where kids are involved it ought to be a priority to reunite families before fiancés...

Or spouses with no kids.

So the hierarchy would go:

Spouses with biological kids together longer than 3 years

Spouses with biological kids less than 3 years together

Spouses together longer than 3 years

Fiancés together longer than 3 years

Spouses together less than 3 years

Fiancés together less than 3 years

We can argue how many years would make a relationship more deserving for processing but that general order makes sense to me.

Filed: IR-1/CR-1 Visa Country: Greece

I am not going to argue which visa should be given priority over the other. Regardless of the visa K1 or CR1/IR1, they are both filed by a USC, they should be treat and approved at an equal rate. Someone previously commented that CR1/IR1 visas should been given prioriry over K1 especially when children are involved. Just want to point out the a K1 filer can have children just as much as spousal couple.

And I agree that petitions involing children should be given priority over everyone else. I wouldn't mind waiting an extra month, for example, because a petition that includes children in adjusticated before me... whether its a K1 or CR1/IR1 filer.

How about we stop bashing each other, it is not a K1 filer's fault that their petitions are approved in such little time. The burden of the blame lays squarely on USCIS and their complete lack of organisation.

CR1 Visa

08/13/2013 -- I130 Sent
08/14/2013 -- I130 NOA1 (email)

02/20/2014 -- I130 NOA2 (189 days - email)


02-28-2014 -- NVC received
04-03-2014 -- NVC case number assigned

05-22-2014 -- Case completed!!!!!!!
05-30-2014 -- Interview scheduled for July 16th 2014 08:30am

05-31-2014 -- Interview Letter received
06-24-2014 -- Medical

07-16-2014 -- Interview Approved!!!!!
07-21-2014 -- Visa in hand
09-24-2014 -- POE


09-09-2016 -- I-751 sent
09-17-2016 -- NOA received

10-14-2016 -- Biometric appointment

08-07-2017 -- New card ordered
08-10-2017 -- New card mailed ( still no approval letter)


Or spouses with no kids.

So the hierarchy would go:

Spouses with biological kids together longer than 3 years

Spouses with biological kids less than 3 years together

Spouses together longer than 3 years

Fiancés together longer than 3 years

Spouses together less than 3 years

Fiancés together less than 3 years

We can argue how many years would make a relationship more deserving for processing but that general order makes sense to me.

I don't know where the 3 years would come into it. or where you came up with that figure...

Fiances LAST... and Of course I have no problem with Married w/children being before me.

Married one year or married 10 years..... STILL MARRIED. Fiance 1 year or Fiance 10 years. STILL NOT MARRIED...

You can have 3 kids with someone and marry them right after the last kid is born...

Marriage cert is proof of a commitment.

Married March 9, 2013
NOA1 I-130 April 12, 2013

Transferred to TSC Nov 27, 2013
APPROVED March 18, 2014 FINALLY ! ! ! !! 11 MONTHS & 6 LONG DAYS FOR MY NOA2
Case shipped from TSC to NVC March 21, 2014
Rec'd NOA2 hard copy March 22, 2014
Case rec'd & Case Number assigned April 1, 2014
PAID IV and AOS fees online April 5, 2014
Fees show paid/DS 260 avail. /DS260 submitted/AOS&IV pkg sent April 9, 2014
FEDEX delivered @ NVC April 11, 2014
Revised AOS pkg delivered April 15, 2014
AOS & IV rec'd& scanned in @ NVC April 15, 2014
Revised AOS scanned April 18, 2014
AOS checklist for income and IV pkg April 30, 2014 (checklist expected due to Lawyers mistakes)
DS260 accepted April 30, 2014
Checklist for Birth cert/police cert May 1, 2014
AOS accepted May 5, 2014

Birth cert scanned MAY 8, 2014

CASE COMPLETE JUNE 4, 2014 CC letter received via email June 11, 2014


Waiver finally FedEx'd to Phoenix Lockbox August 21, 2014

WAIVER APPROVED December 17, 2014

Received Instruction Letter via email December 23, 2014

Final Embassy Appointment January 5, 2015 YAY !

Visa ISSUED January 12, 2015




There's a big difference between saying one type of relationship is more important than another and fairness in the processing. Of course the time frames for both the I-129 and I-130 should be closer together in processing times, but not prioritized one over another.

Everyone's situation is different and everyone should be given a fair chance at happiness with their loved one.

It's comparing apples to oranges. K1's do their bits and pieces once they get here. CR1's, as they are getting the Green Card on approval have to do it first. These are two groups standing in entirely separate queues. The progress, or lack of it in one queue has nothing to do with how fast the other queue moves. Not all that long ago the shoe was on the other foot, k1's were dragging and CR1's were speedy.

K1's made the decision to go that route, same as those choosing the spousal visas. Some people chose to have children before starting the immigration paperwork, some did not, whatever the type of visa they wait on. Those are personal choices, and USCIS isn't bound in any way by choices petitioners make. While no one of any type enjoys the wait, bashing each other, and getting angry serves no useful purpose really. USCIS is the only game in town.

I can explain it to you. But I can't understand it for you.

Filed: Timeline

I don't know where the 3 years would come into it. or where you came up with that figure...

Fiances LAST... and Of course I have no problem with Married w/children being before me.

Married one year or married 10 years..... STILL MARRIED. Fiance 1 year or Fiance 10 years. STILL NOT MARRIED...

You can have 3 kids with someone and marry them right after the last kid is born...

Marriage cert is proof of a commitment.

I see this country really values the marriage commitment, is that why there is a 50% divorce rate? If you really want to get into who deserves to get processed more, a piece of paper shouldn't dictate it. Time together, kids, and quality of the relationship all matter more than a piece of paper. We could all go to a government sanctioned relationship evaluator and let them order us up over who deserves the shorter separation. SMH

Filed: IR-1/CR-1 Visa Country: Poland

I am not going to argue which visa should be given priority over the other. Regardless of the visa K1 or CR1/IR1, they are both filed by a USC, they should be treat and approved at an equal rate. Someone previously commented that CR1/IR1 visas should been given prioriry over K1 especially when children are involved. Just want to point out the a K1 filer can have children just as much as spousal couple.

And I agree that petitions involing children should be given priority over everyone else. I wouldn't mind waiting an extra month, for example, because a petition that includes children in adjusticated before me... whether its a K1 or CR1/IR1 filer.

How about we stop bashing each other, it is not a K1 filer's fault that their petitions are approved in such little time. The burden of the blame lays squarely on USCIS and their complete lack of organisation.

100% agree.


When two people are meant for each other, no time is too long, no distance is too far, no one can ever tear them apart.


6/21/2013 -Married in Stockholm, Sweden 4/16/2014- Case received at NVC

9/6/2013 -Priority Date 5/13 /2014- Case number and IIN assigned

2/25/2014 -Transferred to NSC 5/20/2014- DS-261 completed

3/31/2014 -Approved 5/21/2014- AOS fee invoiced and paid

5/22/2014- AOS package overnighted to NVC

5/28/2014- AOS scanned into the system

6/20/2014- IV invoice email (but fee still locked on CEAC )

6/23/2014- IV fee finally unlocked and paid.

IV package overnighted to NVC

6/30/2014- IV scanned in. DS260 completed.

7/1/2014- AOS accepted

7/2/2014- False checklist (AOS reviewed)

8/1/2014 False checklist (attorney's G28 reviewed)

8/2/2014 False checklist (NVC not sure why it was generated)

I am the beneficiary. 8/12/2014 CASE COMPLETE!

8/26/2014 Medical

9/2/2014 Interview... APPROVED!!!

9/5/2014 Visa in hand

Removal Of Conditions:

10/29- Package sent to VSC

11/1 - NOA1

11/17- Received biometrics appointment letter

11/30- Biometrics appointment

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