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Filed: Country: Ukraine
Posted (edited)

Hello all, I haven't been here in a while. I am just starting to communicate with a Lady from Kazakstan and I'm just curious about the culture, tradition etc. and how they might differ from Ukraine as I have become familiar with the culture in Ukraine. " Please note this is a question for the R.U.B. forum, I'm not looking for opinions from forum surfers who think everybody is the same and a carbon copy of each other..." as different cultures are specific to their region. What types of food specialties, family traditions, courting and visiting family members, bringing gifts for parents for first meeting, etc. Also what is the country like in general as far as visa's, travelling, transportation, etc.

Edited by highlander08

*The Family Rules*

Always tell the truth , Always argue naked,of course not in the childrens presence.and Don't go to bed angry.

Too much t.v is bad, too much reading is good! Family comes first, always be there.

Hands are for hugging not for hitting! Be thankful for what you have.. don't envy others

Have fun, be kind, ask first, no fussing, no whining., Husband adore her always- Wife love him forever

Sing silly, dance crazy, hug often, snuggle daily ,use your manners- Yes, please. No, thank you.

Use nice words, ignore dirty words Share everything except bad ideas

Say your prayers, thank God for this family.

Always be nice to strangers cuz they just might be a friend you have'nt met yet..!

Filed: Citizen (pnd) Country: Russia
  On 10/12/2013 at 3:04 PM, highlander08 said:

Hello all, I haven't been here in a while. I am just starting to communicate with a Lady from Kazakstan and I'm just curious about the culture, tradition etc. and how they might differ from Ukraine as I have become familiar with the culture in Ukraine. " Please note this is a question for the R.U.B. forum, I'm not looking for opinions from forum surfers who think everybody is the same and a carbon copy of each other..." as different cultures are specific to their region. What types of food specialties, family traditions, courting and visiting family members, bringing gifts for parents for first meeting, etc. Also what is the country like in general as far as visa's, travelling, transportation, etc.

How did it go with the lady from Uzbekistan btw?

I'm the beneficiary.


Don't have a timeline? Don't know how to get started with it? Do it for the statistics sake: VJ video guide

Filing for a USC spouse visa (IR-1/CR-1) and not sure what comes next? Check out the VJ IR-1/CR-1 guide

Want to know what's happening with your case? Here's the USCIS tracking page (get an account and see if the case's been 'touched'!). Don't get your hopes up though, some cases never even appear there despite being successfully processed.

Filed: Country: Ukraine

turned out she was a scammer looking for money, thankfully I found out b-4 it was too late.

*The Family Rules*

Always tell the truth , Always argue naked,of course not in the childrens presence.and Don't go to bed angry.

Too much t.v is bad, too much reading is good! Family comes first, always be there.

Hands are for hugging not for hitting! Be thankful for what you have.. don't envy others

Have fun, be kind, ask first, no fussing, no whining., Husband adore her always- Wife love him forever

Sing silly, dance crazy, hug often, snuggle daily ,use your manners- Yes, please. No, thank you.

Use nice words, ignore dirty words Share everything except bad ideas

Say your prayers, thank God for this family.

Always be nice to strangers cuz they just might be a friend you have'nt met yet..!

Filed: Citizen (pnd) Country: Russia
  On 10/12/2013 at 6:52 PM, AmyWrites said:

Central Asians =/= Eastern Europeans. I would completely break away from the premise that they're even similar.

Very true. Cultural aspects would be very different. They also look very different compared to Eastern Europeans.

I'm the beneficiary.


Don't have a timeline? Don't know how to get started with it? Do it for the statistics sake: VJ video guide

Filing for a USC spouse visa (IR-1/CR-1) and not sure what comes next? Check out the VJ IR-1/CR-1 guide

Want to know what's happening with your case? Here's the USCIS tracking page (get an account and see if the case's been 'touched'!). Don't get your hopes up though, some cases never even appear there despite being successfully processed.

Filed: Citizen (apr) Country: Ukraine
  On 10/12/2013 at 4:08 PM, Hollyday said:

How did it go with the lady from Uzbekistan btw?

He moved a little west.

My first question would be "Is she Kazak?" Or is she Russian or Ukrainian living in Kazakstan?

Other than that I have no clue. I stayed safely within the RUB fold at all times. It is warm and cozy there. Tall, light skinned women with high heels, dark hair and blue eyes and no hair below the eyebrows make me feel safe.tongue.png

VERMONT! I Reject Your Reality...and Substitute My Own!

Gary And Alla

Filed: Citizen (apr) Country: Ukraine
  On 10/12/2013 at 6:52 PM, AmyWrites said:

Central Asians =/= Eastern Europeans. I would completely break away from the premise that they're even similar.


I have a lot of experience with central Asian MEN in the construction trades in Ukraine. They are in no way similar to Ukrainian and Russian men in education, culture, food or religion. Many Ukrainians refused to work with them, .

VERMONT! I Reject Your Reality...and Substitute My Own!

Gary And Alla

Posted (edited)
  On 10/12/2013 at 3:04 PM, highlander08 said:

Hello all, I haven't been here in a while. I am just starting to communicate with a Lady from Kazakstan and I'm just curious about the culture, tradition etc. and how they might differ from Ukraine as I have become familiar with the culture in Ukraine. " Please note this is a question for the R.U.B. forum, I'm not looking for opinions from forum surfers who think everybody is the same and a carbon copy of each other..." as different cultures are specific to their region. What types of food specialties, family traditions, courting and visiting family members, bringing gifts for parents for first meeting, etc. Also what is the country like in general as far as visa's, travelling, transportation, etc.

I will speak to the question about Kazakhs as I have been to Kazakhstan several times and the wife is a Kazakh. Like Gary asks, was she a true Kazakh or a Russian or other ethnic living in Kazakhstan? Most Kazakhs are concerned about appearance and how things look to others. So they will spend lots of time and money to good their best when they go out. I did notice this last time in Almaty that they are slowing becoming like Americans and going out looking anyway they want, but those were mostly the other ethnic groups. Kazakhs are very giving and friendly and have very large extended families. Most all the relatives I have meet that are over 60 are female and I have not met any male relatives in their 70s. WWII and a hard life providing for their families takes it toll. Family gatherings consist of lots of food and drinking. You visit someone's house and they will bring out the tea and treats for you to eat. Most Kazakhs are very, very direct so you know exactly where you stand--one of the main reasons I am married to a Kazakh is I got tired of the women in the US saying one thing and meaning another. Most Kazakhs are a bit on the lazy side when it comes to work, but not all. They do like their Vodkayes.gif and expect you to drink with them and match them drink for drink. Especially when toasting during the meal, but it is good Vodka.

Please study up on the culture as any missteps can cause your relationship to go south very quickly. Most Kazakhs expect you to learn Russian while they will not learn English. Some of the culture between Kazakhstan and Ukraine is similar due to the influence of the Soviets, but Kazakhs are traditionally nomadic and their culture reflects this. Do not be afraid to try anything put in front of you. Horse meat is actually quite good, but I cannot eat the tripe (horse fat) without something else as it is too rich. Camel's milk (SHUBAT) and mare's milk (KUMIS) will be offered and I suggest you drink at least one glass to not offend your host. Know what even verses odd numbers of flowers means. Most Kazakhs are Muslins just so you know. You need to bring presents for all family members. I would recommend more personal type gifts like a wallet with some tenge in it.

You can get a private visa to visit Kazakhstan for $240 which is valid for 30 days. You will need to know the dates you expect to be in Kazakhstan to get the visa. All you do is complete the application, write a letter requesting the visa, send in a money order, and enclose a self addressed stamp return envelope and send it to the Washington DC Consulate. In about 1 week you will get your passport back with the visa. Then I would book the tickets. You will arrive in Almaty at either midnight or 2am. You will go thru passport control and you should fill out the white card on the airplane. What ever you do, do not loose that white piece of paper or it will cost you.

I am wondering if you read her right. What made her a scammer? All Kazakhs are looking for money because Almaty is a very expensive city to live in. My wife had a higher than average salary and she made about $6500 per YEAR. In the beginning I offered to pay for new windows for her apartment which cost about $500. Peanuts to me, but a large sum to her. You might want to give her a second chance. If she truly cares about you, I guarantee you will be a very happy person.

Good luck,


Edited by Dave&Roza
Filed: Country: Ukraine
  On 10/12/2013 at 10:35 PM, Gary and Alla said:

He moved a little west.

My first question would be "Is she Kazak?" Or is she Russian or Ukrainian living in Kazakstan?

Other than that I have no clue. I stayed safely within the RUB fold at all times. It is warm and cozy there. Tall, light skinned women with high heels, dark hair and blue eyes and no hair below the eyebrows make me feel safe.tongue.png

she looks Caucasian her profile says white / European and it says she speaks fluent Russian. so I'm thinking she is either Russian or Ukrainian descent..

as far as my response about the scammer that was not this Lady that was another who was from Tashkent and after I reported her to admin. at agency and sent copies of some of her letters they suspended her from the site and told me they had previous problems with her...

*The Family Rules*

Always tell the truth , Always argue naked,of course not in the childrens presence.and Don't go to bed angry.

Too much t.v is bad, too much reading is good! Family comes first, always be there.

Hands are for hugging not for hitting! Be thankful for what you have.. don't envy others

Have fun, be kind, ask first, no fussing, no whining., Husband adore her always- Wife love him forever

Sing silly, dance crazy, hug often, snuggle daily ,use your manners- Yes, please. No, thank you.

Use nice words, ignore dirty words Share everything except bad ideas

Say your prayers, thank God for this family.

Always be nice to strangers cuz they just might be a friend you have'nt met yet..!

Filed: Country: Ukraine
  On 10/12/2013 at 7:21 PM, Hollyday said:

Very true. Cultural aspects would be very different. They also look very different compared to Eastern Europeans.

I just googled Kazakstan citizen photos and yes they are more Asian looking. so this Lady does not look like a native from there.

*The Family Rules*

Always tell the truth , Always argue naked,of course not in the childrens presence.and Don't go to bed angry.

Too much t.v is bad, too much reading is good! Family comes first, always be there.

Hands are for hugging not for hitting! Be thankful for what you have.. don't envy others

Have fun, be kind, ask first, no fussing, no whining., Husband adore her always- Wife love him forever

Sing silly, dance crazy, hug often, snuggle daily ,use your manners- Yes, please. No, thank you.

Use nice words, ignore dirty words Share everything except bad ideas

Say your prayers, thank God for this family.

Always be nice to strangers cuz they just might be a friend you have'nt met yet..!

Filed: Citizen (apr) Country: Ukraine
  On 10/13/2013 at 2:32 AM, AmyWrites said:

You should directly ask her if she's Russian or Kazakh. This isn't politically incorrect for them.

You beat me to it. Exactly correct, just ask her. It is in her passport. In FSU countries (and maybe others) a person's "nationality" is not necessarily the same as their citizenship. Alla is ethnic Russian, not Ukrainian. Her passport identifies her as "Russian" There is no offense in asking. In fact, they may be impressed you noticed the difference

I cannot speak to the women and know only men that were working in Ukraine. Of the actual Kazakhs, the men were all Muslim that I could tell. Their frequent need for prayer was irritating to Ukrainian co-workers who were Orthodox for the most part which means they are bigger sinners than anyone except maybe ME, and only pray about it on Sunday. Maybe. The Kazakh men did not appear to make any effort to look (or smell) good. They were considered "lazy" and since these men had come to Ukraine to work, they should be considered the "ambitious ones". They mostly filled laborer positions and Ukrainian tradesmen did not like having them as laborers for their "teams". To be fair, these are all construction workers, so they are not the genteel type anyway, but there were distinct levels of skills and education. Tajiks and Uzbeks bringing up the rear in those categories.

Yes, they like to drink (so much for the Islamic ban on alcohol, what's up with that?) And did so at lunch. So did Ukrainians and Russians. Short life expectancy for men is the same in Ukraine and Russia. Madagascar has longer life expectancies for men.

A typical, sincere, Ukrainian or Russian woman does not ask for money. If you have progressed to the point of filing the I-129f and you offer some money for helping with expenses of the visa or some other identifiable expense they may accept it, but a Ukrainian woman that starts asking for money is almost surely a scammer. I am not sure if Kazakhs have the same feeling. Maybe Dave and Roza can comment.

VERMONT! I Reject Your Reality...and Substitute My Own!

Gary And Alla


My wife never came out and asked for money. She would do it by saying, "I want to change the windows, but it is so expensive." That is the opportunity for you to then decide if you want to help. Expect to have to offer a couple of times before they will accept. Kazakhs are a proud people so it will take a bit of persuading to get a woman to accept your money at first. Once the relationship is moving along, it is almost expected of you to help out. So make certain you really care for this person and that you can actually afford to send some money every so often. Like I said before, $500 is considered the "correct" amount--not too much and just about right. I am amazed at how far they can make $500 go compared to here in the US. We could probably sell the house and move to Almaty and live off the proceeds for many, many years.

Gary has the men pegged. A friend of mine had to deal with Kazakhs at work. He knew exactly where they would hid out to drink. The way he dealt with it was to tell them, "I do not care that you drink. I just want this project done before you go home tonight." They usually complied. So it takes a different way of managing people to get Kazakh men to perform. Most Kazakhs in Kazakhstan are not devout Muslins, so there is not the praying and all that during the day.

All people in Kazakhstan speak fluent Russian unless they are a foreigner. If she also speaks Kazakh then her family is Kazakh and decided to teach her during the Soviet occupation. My wife only speaks Russian. She never learned Kazakh which is a real shame. There is a generation or two that lost their heritage. There is a Kazakh TV station that has movies in Russian with Kazakh subtitles--very strange to me.


Filed: AOS (apr) Country: Kenya

My wife never asked for money.......and even now, she doesn't ask for money........just...........a hot tub......and a new fireplace.......and......a new kitchen......but......never for money except to go to garage sales and buy new stuff for virtually nothing.

Phil (Lockport, near Chicago) and Alla (Lobnya, near Moscow)

As of Dec 7, 2009, now Zero miles apart (literally)!

Filed: Citizen (pnd) Country: Russia

And btw never ever mistake Kazakhs for Kazaks. Lol. Two very different groups of people.

I'm the beneficiary.


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