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Filed: Other Country: Jordan

jawaree, thanks for the well wishing and your prayers, very kind of you! I am not able to have the surgeries until I have support. Plus if something were to go wrong with the surgeries I would want to leave my assets with my fiance, as it is I have no one to leave my things to should something go wrong.

Thanks for the information about the VAWA thread....I will most certainly check it out.....thanks again...Donna

Filed: K-1 Visa Country: Nigeria

Maybe you should get a good immigration lawyer to fight this because clearly there is a valid reason why you two have been unable to meet in person. Yes you can apply for the waiver but you need a very strong evidence to convince them. It might be very difficult and might even take a while or even denials but I strongly believe that it can be done and you two will be together. Since you have not filled for anybody else in the past that can also help out. Immigration process is never an easy process for anyone it takes patience, time, knowledge and understanding to do this. Am sure your not the only one with such case so do more research and am sure you find something similar to yours and how it was resolved. My advice would be to get a very good immigration lawyer and prayers. Good luck and I wish you all the best in life

Filed: K-1 Visa Country: Yemen

A couple of things...

Have you considered meeting in Mexico? You wouldn't have to fly to get there. I see you're in Arizona. Despite your medical problems, you need to consider every option to meet your fiance before filing. This is because A) you may very well be denied the meeting rule waiver and B) considering where your fiance is from and all the red flags you have you owe it to yourself to get a better idea if this man is who he says he is. Until you meet OFFLINE you cannot be sure.

I am not going to sugar coat this but you say he's a 39 year old Jordanian who has never been married? I find that very hard to believe. If it is true there can't be a good reason as to why. His culture revolves around family and children. A man going through nearly half his life unmarried is very strange and socially unacceptable. Did he offer any explanations about his relationship history?

You need to be prepared to fight a very uphill battle. A case like yours will be looked upon with great scrutiny, especially at the Embassy interview stage. You may see your relationship is love between two lonely people but they may see it as he wants a green card and she wants a nurse. I mean you no disrespect but fraud can happen to anyone, especially those who are vulnerable. It's the State Department's job to seek out people with bad intentions and bar them entry to the US. The best thing you can do to help your situation is meet, more than once if possible, collect a lot of quality evidence that you two have a real relationship. I wish you well.

"If you’re brave enough to say goodbye, life will reward you with a new hello."

- Paulo Coelho

Filed: Citizen (apr) Country: Jordan

A couple of things...

Have you considered meeting in Mexico? You wouldn't have to fly to get there. I see you're in Arizona. Despite your medical problems, you need to consider every option to meet your fiance before filing. This is because A) you may very well be denied the meeting rule waiver and B) considering where your fiance is from and all the red flags you have you owe it to yourself to get a better idea if this man is who he says he is. Until you meet OFFLINE you cannot be sure.

I am not going to sugar coat this but you say he's a 39 year old Jordanian who has never been married? I find that very hard to believe. If it is true there can't be a good reason as to why. His culture revolves around family and children. A man going through nearly half his life unmarried is very strange and socially unacceptable. Did he offer any explanations about his relationship history?

You need to be prepared to fight a very uphill battle. A case like yours will be looked upon with great scrutiny, especially at the Embassy interview stage. You may see your relationship is love between two lonely people but they may see it as he wants a green card and she wants a nurse. I mean you no disrespect but fraud can happen to anyone, especially those who are vulnerable. It's the State Department's job to seek out people with bad intentions and bar them entry to the US. The best thing you can do to help your situation is meet, more than once if possible, collect a lot of quality evidence that you two have a real relationship. I wish you well.

This is something to think about, having never met will be VERY difficult to overcome in Jordan. Having a Jordanian husband, and having been through the process with him, including being at the interview at the consulate , I can tell you from experience that Amman is a very difficult consulate to go through because of the high incidence of fraud cases. Even being married and having met several times and spending months upon months together in real life, it was not easy to get an approval. It is very true that in Jordan life revolves around family, tradition and religion. Although it is not against Islam to marry outside the religion, it certainly isn't the cultural norm. It was brought up at the interview by the CO, as was our age difference, my being older. I find it very difficult to believe that his family would just let him fly off to a foreign country to marry someone he has never met, let alone someone they have never met. You are dealing with a totally different culture, and family approval of a marriage is very very VERY important, I cannot stress that enough. I am not saying that he is out to commit fraud, but you really need to do your homework. It is also very unusual for a 39 year old male to have never been married, half of their religion is getting married. Do you know if he has even discussed this marriage to his family, and if they truly approve of it? Have to talked to anyone in his family? Before I went to visit my husband for the first time, I had talked many times with his brothers and sisters, and his mom and dad. I did that for my own sake, I wanted to make sure that I wasn't getting myself into a dangerous situation.

My suggestion to you is to do everything in your power to meet this man, even it it means withdrawing the petition and postponing the process until after you are medically stable enough. You have no idea if he is really who he says he is, you need to err on the side of caution.

Best of luck and keep us updated

Filed: K-1 Visa Country: Denmark

I would make every attempt to meet in person prior to sending your application. There is no purpose in sending an application and fees to find out you are going to be denied. My fiance and I have been together for 5 years, traveling back and forth every 2-3 months for the entire relationship. His country is not a high risk country and we provided lots of evidence and still got a RFE. It's a stressful process and long periods of time waiting, by not meeting you will only make the process more expensive, stressful on yourself, and longer. Good luck in your journey...

Filed: Other Country: Jordan

GodLove....I may have to result in getting a lawyer and thank your for your response. I also will take the other avenues to research other cases. Thank you for your faith in what I am claiming and giving me hope that this might be possible. Also thanks for your prayers and well wishing....Donna

Boiler....thanks so much for the information. It is amazing how you all are so willing to help me.....you do not know how much I do appreciate each and every one of you!! Also thanks for not sugar-coating things and explaining to me that there are difficulties to overcome in the immigration process.

If the following are the red flags you are pointing out to me, then yes...a couple of them would apply to my situation....

  • 1. Declarations of love within days or weeks of the initial contact;
  • 2. Proposals or discussions of marriage soon after initial contact;
  • 3. Requests to the U.S. citizen to visit the foreign national’s home country soon after the declaration of love or proposal;
  • 4. Responses to messages from the U.S. citizen friend are along the lines “I love you/Sorry I missed your call,” or similarly one-sided conversations;
  • 5. Once engaged, married, or an immigrant visa petition is filed, suddenly starts missing scheduled appointments to chat or call.
1. We have only known each other for a year now. So we would fall under this one because of declarations of love within weeks (seeming that there are 52 weeks in a year).
2. Again since we have known each other for a year...the proposal of marriage would also fall under within weeks.
3. My fiance has never requests me to come to Jordan. He knows that I am unable to travel that far due to my health.
4. My fiance always tells me he "loves me" and I him....and very seldom does a day go by we do not talk. I have saved all of our conversations since we have met and induced a relationship. We do not have one-sided conversations as this is how we have come to know each other. and those conversations usually do not include speaking about the visa or immigration, but about everyday life and our love for each other.
5. Again we speak daily and if I happen to have a doctor appt on a day and we are unable to video chat, my fiance always calls me via cell phone.
Entering into a marriage contract for the principal purpose of facilitating immigration to the United States for an alien is against U.S. law and can result in serious penalties, including fines and imprisonment for the U.S. citizen and the foreign national involved.
I am not and I strongly believe that he is not wanting to be married for the principal purpose of him gaining immigration to the US. Neither one of us have ever been in trouble in our lifetimes and USCIS has access to our backgrounds to find this out. I have always been a law-abiding citizen and would gain nothing in committing marriage fraud. All we want is to live together as husband and wife. I realize that fraud probably occurs through this process...but I also believe that many marriages of this type are for the right reasons and that they work as well as any other marriages.
Sarah and Adnan....thank you as well sweety....for your time and your passion to help me....
I am not personally able to travel to meet with him for many reasons including not only medical reasons but financial hardship as well. Now if it is necessary for us to personally meet before obtaining this visa....then he would have to travel to Arizona. That is not impossible, but we would need to know how to get him a travel visa to come here. I was told by an immigration officer at the onset of filing the petition that I should file the I-129F visa under our circumstances. I was told about the waiver of the personal meeting and nothing was mentioned that it was mandatory that we meet in person to be approved for the visa. Had I not been persuaded to file the petition I filed we would have tried everything we could to get him a visa to visit me here in Arizona. I am not sure how to file for this type of visa...but if necessary and he could get a travel visa to come here....then this is what we will do. I can't say that I would not be willing to accept his visit here under a travel visa as it would probably be faster and we could be together sooner if only for a little while. My only concern would be if he visited and we were married and then he had to return to Jordan because of the laws of this particular visa, what happens if we cannot get him approved for a permanent visa to come back home to Arizona. This would leave me alone here in America, legally married but not able to live with my husband. I could not bear to think we could not be together after we married.
Or....if he is on a travel visa do we have to marry at that time? Or does he simply visit and stay for a while as we document our relationship and personal meeting...then he returns to Jordan then we file for the I-129F Visa? I don't know....that is why I am so confused. We want to be married and whatever we have to do to make this process work so we can live our lives together...we will do. Time is of essence due to my medical needs but I want to do this the right way. Based on my conversation with the immigration officer prior to filing the petition this was the way I was told to go. So now I am so confused on what to do?
As far as my fiance...he is 39 years old, claims never to have been married. This is the information he also gave on the visa application. His parents are both deceased and he is living with family. I have also met his sister and brothers via internet. I have spoken to many of his co-workers (friends) as well. He is a blacksmith by trade and a very hard worker. He has been with his employer for over 10 years. His family is quite fluent in the English language so it has been easy to speak with them.
A man going through nearly half his life unmarried is very strange and socially unacceptable.
I am 53 years old...was married once from 1980-1988. I have been single since that time (25 years) which does not make me strange or socially unacceptable. Here in America there are many, many men and women who are his age or even older that have never married or had children. Everyone's life is not necessarily the "norm" as far as marriage by a certain age due to many circumstances such as schooling, career or the fact that their social life is not that active. So this should not be a determining factor as to whether he is sincere in wanting a new life with a woman he loves. I know in my situation I have not had a personal social relationship history due to my medical problems as well as my geographical area is isolated from mainstream. Most of my social life has been by way of internet. I go a month at a time without seeing anyone in person. When life puts you in your place you may not have the ability to pursue any form of relationship.
You may see your relationship is love between two lonely people but they may see it as he wants a green card and she wants a nurse.
The only way I have to prove myself and love for my fiance to USCIS is to enter into marriage with him as they require (within 90 days). I don't want a nurse, I have medical care. What I do need is someone I love and who loves me that is willing to see me through life as any couple who marries do.
As per wedding vows...."Will you love her/him, comfort and keep her/him, forsaking all others remain true to him/her as long as you both shall live, to be my wife/husband, and before God and these witnesses I promise to be a faithful and true wife/husband, With this ring I thee wed, and all my worldly goods I thee endow. In sickness and in health, in poverty or in wealth, 'til death do us part."
Sweety....I thought this was not going to be an easy task and I will continue to pursue my love with every ounce of strength I have. I will do what is asked of me....I just need to know that I am doing things the right way, the first time and as they want so I can eventually be with the man I love as soon as humanly possible. I have needs....and so does he. The thing is that we both have committed to this relationship knowing the circumstances we both will face. There are many things we do not know about each other....but any couple who chooses to marry begins a new life in discovery of each other. That is how relationships grow. There are many things I do not know about my fiance....it took him a lifetime to acheive....and I realize I am not going to know these things in the time we have known each other. Same goes for me....and you...and your partner. We live and learn. But to deny me the opportunity to marry a man I profess to love simply because they think all he wants is a green-card....that I want a nurse....that he is Jordian....and I am American....that he or I are strange or socially unacceptable because of our age and the fact that we have never married or have been single longer then the "norm" is totally bias!
They should seek the facts....which USCIS is paid to do and base their decision on the facts they find. If a person's past shows they are law-abiding, hard-working and want the freedom to marry the one they choose to love and spend their life with, regardless of race or religion, then that person deserves that right. If they must provide such personal information to USCIS and it is shown that this person is pursuing their dreams through all the legal channels....then no one has the right to label this person as strange, socially unacceptable, committing fraud to obtain a green card, etc. unless USCIS finds evidence to support their ill-classification of any person as a fraud:

a : deceit, trickery; specifically : intentional perversion of truth in order to induce another to part with something of value or to surrender a legal right

b : an act of deceiving or misrepresenting : trick

USCIS requires highly personal information on any application for visa for the purpose of a background check to prevent fraud or illegal actions. If there are no indications showing deception or misrepresentation to the facts provided then fraud should not be considered.

I agree with the background checks and the security measures USCIS must induce to protect our country and it's citizens. I am thankful that our country performs this securtiy measure. But when there is nothing to indicate anything other then two people from different countries who fell in love and want to be married and live their lives in America where one of them is a natural born citizen then USCIS should approve the petition for visa for their petitioned partner.

Again....thanks so much for the heads-up. I need to know these things as they will help me to prepare for all stages in my petition for fiance.

It's the State Department's job to seek out people with bad intentions and bar them entry to the US.

The State Department needs to focus and work on the illegal immigration of Mexican illegals across our borders. It is not fair to the rest of the world to allow these illegals to cross without petitioning for citizenship just like everyone else. This is a huge problem here in Arizona. Seems to me that immigrants who follow immigration laws to acheive citizenship legally should be considered without unbias scrutiny unless there is evidence from their background findings.

Thanks so much...for all your important points and suggestions. God Bless you and yours.....Donna


A couple of things...

Have you considered meeting in Mexico? You wouldn't have to fly to get there. I see you're in Arizona. Despite your medical problems, you need to consider every option to meet your fiance before filing. This is because A) you may very well be denied the meeting rule waiver and B) considering where your fiance is from and all the red flags you have you owe it to yourself to get a better idea if this man is who he says he is. Until you meet OFFLINE you cannot be sure.

I am not going to sugar coat this but you say he's a 39 year old Jordanian who has never been married? I find that very hard to believe. If it is true there can't be a good reason as to why. His culture revolves around family and children. A man going through nearly half his life unmarried is very strange and socially unacceptable. Did he offer any explanations about his relationship history?

You need to be prepared to fight a very uphill battle. A case like yours will be looked upon with great scrutiny, especially at the Embassy interview stage. You may see your relationship is love between two lonely people but they may see it as he wants a green card and she wants a nurse. I mean you no disrespect but fraud can happen to anyone, especially those who are vulnerable. It's the State Department's job to seek out people with bad intentions and bar them entry to the US. The best thing you can do to help your situation is meet, more than once if possible, collect a lot of quality evidence that you two have a real relationship. I wish you well.

very, very well put, Sarah!

Filed: K-1 Visa Country: Jordan

Hi Donna,

First I want to say that you and your fiancee are in my prayers... this journey is so so hard and really tests the strength of the relationship.

I just like you fell completely and totally in love after meeting my fiancee who is 20 years younger than me online...

six weeks later I headed to Jordan and I have been there a total of 5 times since we met. We started the K1 visa journey last Septemeber and our second interview will be on the two year anniversary of the day we met September 12th.

I faced many many obstacles to get this far and just like you I met many wonderful people on this site who until today still offer support me and pray for us.

when I first posted here about our situation I was bombarded with people telling me there are two many red flags - not to get my hopes up - but i refused to give up and trust me when I say it has not been easy - not financially, emotionally, or mentally but the heart wants what it wants and I truly believe in the end it will be worth it because a love like this comes very rarely.

Without a doubt I could have my pick of men but he is all that I want - the total delight of my heart.

It wont be easy and I have no doubt of the sincerity of your emotions and pray he is just as sincere...but must not take anything lightly, listen to your gut instincts and if you even have one tiny shred of doubt - dont ignore it. I am half middle eastern and it is very rare to find an unmarried man at his age

especially if he is employed - its just not common.

Gather as much proof as possible and if there is anyway - anyway at all you can get to Jordan do it - even one visit can make a huge difference and I totally believe that online - over the phone - web cam - email is fabulous but actually being able to see and spend a few days together will give you the strength needed for the rest of the journey and you will know if your feelings are the same.

I have a friend on this site that only met the man in Jordan who later became her fiancee once for a few hours I believe back in 2010 - no one believed their petition would be approved but it was and their interview will be in early septemeber.

I know its expensive and very far and I dont know the extent of your disability and I understand your fear of a foreign country - but the jordanians are very kind people , the new airport is very easy to manage.

Please feel free to message me if you have any questions or just need to talk - I am here for you...

god bless you



Filed: Other Country: Jordan

Dear Harpa and others.....please do not take my questioning or stating to your replies as me taking personal offense. I came here looking for help and have received an outpouring of compassion and concern. Thank you all so much....really....I so much appreciate your time, patience and understanding. You all are the reason I am here....I need help and understanding. I know that you all wish me the best and I appreciate it.

I have taken all that everyone has said to heart, to understand, to think, to know and to prepare. You all have certainly raised some questions in my mind. I pray that my fiance is not the type person to prey upon me for any other reason then that he loves me like he claims. I can say that it would crush me! I have prayed each and every day that God guide me though this. God knows my heart is in a good place, He knows what I want from all of this. I have asked Him to guide me to make the right decisions about my life and to know that the love within my heart is so real for me. Maybe this interuption in the petitioning process is for a reason. Maybe me finding this web site is for a purpose....who knows?

What I think I am going to do is to let this portion of the petitioning process run it's course and see if the requested information I can provide to USCIS will cause a decision. Then I will take it from there. I have put this in God's hands and I know that whatever the outcome, it is in my best interest according to God. In the meantime....I would like to continue speaking with others like yourselves so that I may gain some insight in all of this. Besides....I feel like I have met some wonderful caring people here who cared enough about my situation to take the time out of their lives to speak out to me. I truly am grateful to each of you!

I have heard each one of you and who knows..what you say to me may cause me to prepare for something I am not aware of or prepared for. What you explain to me may play a purpose in joining me and my fiance (Sameer) together someday. I would like to say that life is wonderful, but in my 53 years I have seen a lot. I also realize that love is blind and one heart does not always dictate to another. But, I can't help but feel that all Sameer has said and done at this point has been out of love for me. I pray that is the case, yet after 53 years of life....I am not sure I believe in fairytales. All I can do right now is to follow my heart, which is full of love for Sameer.

Thanks again....so much...my new friends.....Donna

Filed: Other Country: Jordan

Jennifer....thank you so much. I so hope that your journey will soon find you and your love together. You my friend have a good heart as well as the others here. Thank you all for reaching out to me. I will most definately keep working for Sameer and I to be together. That is my heart....Sameer is my heart. I will see where my journey takes me. Thanks Jennifer....and I will be talking to you as things transpire....God Bless You....Donna



The others have given you sound advice in dealing with the application and what to do/not to do to get approved.

If/When you do happen to get approved, and he's ready to come to the US to get married, you should really think about how to protect yourself. I mean financially. It's impossible to protect ourselves emotionally from what may happen, but at least it won't ruin you financially.

You mentioned he was a manual laborer, but you didn't mention your financial situation. The majority of people are honest, good-hearted people but there are some bad ones out there and we need to do all we can to protect our finances from them because many are more interested in the green card and releaving us of our hard earned cash than they are in us.

Filed: Other Country: Jordan


The others have given you sound advice in dealing with the application and what to do/not to do to get approved.


Yes...everyone here at VJ are great to reach out and help....and I do appreciate all the sound advise. Gives me a lot to think about and have raised new questions I may ask of him to clarify my feelings.

Yes he is a very hard working blacksmith. I am disabled, own my home and other assets. I do not have hard earned cash. All I have to offer him is a home and the love I have in my heart. To me if one is set on frauding another for personal gain....they would go that extra step to make sure that the one they are going to fraud has all the goods to make it worth their effort. My fiance knows my situation, he knows I own my home, my car, personal belongings. He knows I am disabled and that I do not have hard cash. This is one reason why he does not accept my offer for money to help in the visa process. He never has asked me for anything...nothing.

I realize there are vultures out there and have been taken by a few American Vultures in my lifetime. My fiance has paid all the fees on the application for visa. I have offered to send him money many times and he is adament about not taking money from me. In some ways he seems to take offense if I offer money for any reason.

Of course....we as humans live our lives with people we marry who years into the relationship may end up taking us to the bank. It happens everyday. So it is hard to determine if one is going to get to our pocketbooks at one time or another. Regardless of the circumstance in a relationship....each party needs to make sure that their assets are protected. I know here in Arizona we are not a "community property" state. Which means that prior to marriage anything that belongs to that person is not considered property of the other. Things accumulated "after the marriage" would be considered for possession of one or the other in a court of law. I know in some states that are "community property" states....any assets of one would be considered the other's property once the marriage is granted. In these states it is good to get a nuptial agreement. So, as far as my assets....my home, car etc. I am fairly confident that I am safe. They are all in my name, my name only and that will never change. The only way one would get my home is if they are named in my will....and only then.

But there again....if I were to marry a man from the US instead of a man from Jordan I would still run a risk of being stripped of my belongings if that were his intentions. So as far as me marrying a man from Jordan, I am not any more worried then if it were an American man. Sadly, we never know what people in our lives, in time are capable of...regardless of nationality or how long we know them. Many divorces end up in court with both parties fighting over possessions. It is humanly possible and it happens even to the best of us.

Thank you so much for your reply....this is a great service on Visa Journey to have people reach out to each other because the immigration process is not the easiest to understand or go through. I hope your journey is a good one and that you and the one you love are together....Donna

Filed: K-1 Visa Country: Philippines

Nothing is impossible, have faith. I and my fiance joined here before we file our application. Believe just keep on reading here you will learn a lot.


K1 - FIANCE VISA                                                                                           ROC - I751

05.20.2013: Sent K1 Visa Application                                                              01.31.2017: Sent ROC application

05.24.2013: NOA1                                                                                           02.10.2017: NOA1 dated Feb. 3                                                                                 

09.24.2013: NOA2                                                                                           03.03.2017: Biometrics notice received  (Mar. 17)

10.23.2013: NVC letter received                                                                      01.26.2018: Received approval letter (Date of Decision: 01.22.2018)

11.04.2013: Medical done                                                                                02.07.2018: Status: New Card being produced

11.12.2013: Interview Approved                                                                      02.14.2018: Received GC but status still "New Card Being Produced"

11.19.2013: Visa in hand                                                                                 N400 - Natuzalization

12.26.2013: Hello America!                                                                              02.22.2018: Apply online  

AOS, EAD & AP                                                                                               02.24.2018: Online Status: Biometric was Scheduled"

04.19.2014: Sent Application                                                                            03.15.2018: Biometric Scheduled (early walkin (03.06.2018)

04.27.2014: Received text & email application was received                           12.21.2018: Email and text notice for scheduled interview

05.25.2014: Biometrics done                                                                             01.31.2019: Interview

07.12.2014: EAD & AP combo card received                                                    02.19.2019 : Oathtaking ceremony

08.04.2014: Received "Notice of Potential Interview Waiver Case"                     

04.21.2015: Status - "Carp produce - Approved - No interview

05.01.2015: Received GC

*************************** GOD IS GOOD ALL THE TIME *********************************

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