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Filed: Country: Philippines
Posted (edited)

George Zimmerman is going to be found guilty. All the evidence you need all the evidence the cops needed is right there in the interrogation they did with him three days after the shooting. The only thing more shocking than what Zimmerman says in the clip, which was released on the internet one year ago, is how little it has impressed the bloviating jerks who dominate the coverage of this trial.

Why did he follow Martin, a police officer asks.

These a$sholes, they always get away, Zimmerman answers.

The officer asks, Whats behind that?

These people who victimize the neighborhood, Zimmerman answers.

In Zimmermans angry mind, without trial or jury, even after he killed him and learned he was a 17-year-old who was legitimately staying in the complex, Martin was an a$shole victimizing the neighborhood.

The officer gets a little defensive at this point. There was an arrest a week ago, he points out, though it is also a gentle reminder that Zimmermans fear might be a tad misplaced. He continues, skeptically. "How was he running?" Zimmerman describes it and the officer says, Sounds like he was running to get away... you jumped out of car to see which way he was running? Thats not fear... its going to be a problem.

Then Zimmerman whispers something. What is that you whispered? the officer asks. Fvcking what?

Punks, Zimmerman says.

This time, the officer seems genuinely taken aback. He wasnt a fvcking punk, he responds.

A few moments later, he asks Zimmerman why he kept following Martin even after the police dispatcher told him not to. Zimmermans answer is staggering.

I wanted to give them an address.

An address? This may be the moment that will convict him. It means that even he suspected that Martin was a legitimate visitor to the complex, staying in an apartment and legally on the property, Zimmerman continued to pursue him. And it makes sense that Martin was staying there because of the terrain, the complex being isolated from other complexes and a mile distant from the nearest shopping center. A professional thief would be moving intentionally, not wandering down the middle of the street in the full light of the streetlamps. Although Zimmermans fear supposedly hinges on the series of robberies that the police believed had been addressed already with an arrest, it seems clear that even Zimmerman didnt really believe his own alibi. More likely, even in his mind, Martin was a kid from the neighborhood out smoking a joint and at the worst, looking for a little illicit excitement a fking punk.

At this point, the officer asks again why he was following Martin and Zimmerman flat-out lies. I wasnt following him, I was just going in the same direction he was. The cop just laughs.

The next moment reveals another aspect of Zimmermans state of mind, complete paranoia. The officer plays the tape of him with the police dispatcher, when he refuses to give his address to the dispatcher out loud the embattled neighborhood watch volunteer so afraid of the fking punks in his neighborhood that hes afraid of giving the police his address, despite the complete lack of evidence that any of those punks had ever attacked him before. Like these fearsome criminals are tapping the public airwaves and listening to cell phone conversations just to get him.

Again, the officer asks why he didnt get back in his car after being told to, why he was so determined to get Martin that he stood in the rain. You wanted to catch him, you wanted to catch the bad guy, fking punk.

Zimmerman goes silent. Prodded again, he says, I felt like I didnt give them an adequate description. Theres an edge in his voice at this point like hes starting to get offended. The officer tries to reassure him: Were working for you here.

But they persist. How could Martin have been smothering Zimmerman at the same time Zimmerman was, as he claimed, screaming his head off for help? (This question will not be settled by the testimony of voice experts, thanks to the judge's ruling, though the jury will hear the tape.) This was just before the fatal gunshot.

Its continuous screaming, another officer asks, how can you be smothered?

Damn good question.

You think he might have seen you had a gun before he punched you? the first officer asks.

Another damn good question.

What was the provocation for punching you other than you were following him? another officer asks.

By this time, Zimmerman is losing his patience. Ive gone through it a million times. Despite his passion for justice, repeated questions about the death of a 17-year-old boy at his own hands annoys him.

Soon after, the interview devolved into pleasantries. Zimmerman says hes taking his wife to the beach for the weekend, and the lead officer asks, Which beach?

Then they let him go.


Edited by Lincolns mullet
Filed: Citizen (apr) Country: Ukraine

The writer blogger needs to stick to covering football. He's out of his league on this one.

Prosecutor: What did you mean by wanting to give him an address?

GZ: I wanted to tell the police which unit he broke into so they could catch him in the act.

GZ walks.

We are not required to follow directions from police dispatchers. The fact that GZ even called 911 rules out 2nd degree murder in any reasonable person's mind. When going out with a gun to stalk black teenagers, the first rule is "Don't call 911"

VERMONT! I Reject Your Reality...and Substitute My Own!

Gary And Alla

Filed: K-1 Visa Country: China


States witness said travon was right by his fathers house. This means travon stalked george from that point on..We have established he was a racist and talked about killing ." kill-my-neighbors cracker",,,, Travon stalked this cracker after telling his woman he wanted to kill........ Sucker punched George and went about his business of attempted murder. Travon could have just went inside his home but did not...

If more citizens were armed, criminals would think twice about attacking them, Detroit Police Chief James Craig

Florida currently has more concealed-carry permit holders than any other state, with 1,269,021 issued as of May 14, 2014

The liberal elite ... know that the people simply cannot be trusted; that they are incapable of just and fair self-government; that left to their own devices, their society will be racist, sexist, homophobic, and inequitable -- and the liberal elite know how to fix things. They are going to help us live the good and just life, even if they have to lie to us and force us to do it. And they detest those who stand in their way."
- A Nation Of Cowards, by Jeffrey R. Snyder

Tavis Smiley: 'Black People Will Have Lost Ground in Every Single Economic Indicator' Under Obama


Democrats>Socialists>Communists - Same goals, different speeds.



George Zimmerman is going to be found guilty. All the evidence you need all the evidence the cops needed is right there in the interrogation they did with him three days after the shooting. The only thing more shocking than what Zimmerman says in the clip, which was released on the internet one year ago, is how little it has impressed the bloviating jerks who dominate the coverage of this trial.

Why did he follow Martin, a police officer asks.

These a$sholes, they always get away, Zimmerman answers.

The officer asks, Whats behind that?

These people who victimize the neighborhood, Zimmerman answers.

In Zimmermans angry mind, without trial or jury, even after he killed him and learned he was a 17-year-old who was legitimately staying in the complex, Martin was an a$shole victimizing the neighborhood.

The officer gets a little defensive at this point. There was an arrest a week ago, he points out, though it is also a gentle reminder that Zimmermans fear might be a tad misplaced. He continues, skeptically. "How was he running?" Zimmerman describes it and the officer says, Sounds like he was running to get away... you jumped out of car to see which way he was running? Thats not fear... its going to be a problem.

Then Zimmerman whispers something. What is that you whispered? the officer asks. Fvcking what?

Punks, Zimmerman says.

This time, the officer seems genuinely taken aback. He wasnt a fvcking punk, he responds.

A few moments later, he asks Zimmerman why he kept following Martin even after the police dispatcher told him not to. Zimmermans answer is staggering.

I wanted to give them an address.

An address? This may be the moment that will convict him. It means that even he suspected that Martin was a legitimate visitor to the complex, staying in an apartment and legally on the property, Zimmerman continued to pursue him. And it makes sense that Martin was staying there because of the terrain, the complex being isolated from other complexes and a mile distant from the nearest shopping center. A professional thief would be moving intentionally, not wandering down the middle of the street in the full light of the streetlamps. Although Zimmermans fear supposedly hinges on the series of robberies that the police believed had been addressed already with an arrest, it seems clear that even Zimmerman didnt really believe his own alibi. More likely, even in his mind, Martin was a kid from the neighborhood out smoking a joint and at the worst, looking for a little illicit excitement a fking punk.

At this point, the officer asks again why he was following Martin and Zimmerman flat-out lies. I wasnt following him, I was just going in the same direction he was. The cop just laughs.

The next moment reveals another aspect of Zimmermans state of mind, complete paranoia. The officer plays the tape of him with the police dispatcher, when he refuses to give his address to the dispatcher out loud the embattled neighborhood watch volunteer so afraid of the fking punks in his neighborhood that hes afraid of giving the police his address, despite the complete lack of evidence that any of those punks had ever attacked him before. Like these fearsome criminals are tapping the public airwaves and listening to cell phone conversations just to get him.

Again, the officer asks why he didnt get back in his car after being told to, why he was so determined to get Martin that he stood in the rain. You wanted to catch him, you wanted to catch the bad guy, fking punk.

Zimmerman goes silent. Prodded again, he says, I felt like I didnt give them an adequate description. Theres an edge in his voice at this point like hes starting to get offended. The officer tries to reassure him: Were working for you here.

But they persist. How could Martin have been smothering Zimmerman at the same time Zimmerman was, as he claimed, screaming his head off for help? (This question will not be settled by the testimony of voice experts, thanks to the judge's ruling, though the jury will hear the tape.) This was just before the fatal gunshot.

Its continuous screaming, another officer asks, how can you be smothered?

Damn good question.

You think he might have seen you had a gun before he punched you? the first officer asks.

Another damn good question.

What was the provocation for punching you other than you were following him? another officer asks.

By this time, Zimmerman is losing his patience. Ive gone through it a million times. Despite his passion for justice, repeated questions about the death of a 17-year-old boy at his own hands annoys him.

Soon after, the interview devolved into pleasantries. Zimmerman says hes taking his wife to the beach for the weekend, and the lead officer asks, Which beach?

Then they let him go.


Thats funny and nothing new there... You just can't accept it can you


Prosecutor: What did you mean by wanting to give him an address?

GZ: I wanted to tell the police which unit he broke into so they could catch him in the act.

GZ walks.

We are not required to follow directions from police dispatchers. The fact that GZ even called 911 rules out 2nd degree murder in any reasonable person's mind. When going out with a gun to stalk black teenagers, the first rule is "Don't call 911"

GZ was out of his vehicle when they said we don't need you to follow. He said OK! He did not say no. He was heading back to his vehicle when TM assaulted him

Filed: K-1 Visa Country: Philippines

Why did he follow Martin, a police officer asks.

These a$sholes, they always get away, Zimmerman answers.

The officer asks, Whats behind that?

These people who victimize the neighborhood, Zimmerman answers.



This goober doesn't even know the difference between the interview and the 911 tape.

"These a$sholes, they always get away," is part of the 911 call, not an answer to a question.

Filed: Timeline
Posted (edited)

GZ was out of his vehicle when they said we don't need you to follow. He said OK! He did not say no. He was heading back to his vehicle when TM assaulted him

That does match neither Zimmermann's testimony to the police nor does it match the conversation he had with the dispatcher that night.


Okay do you want to just meet with them right near the mailboxes then?


Yeah that's fine.


Alright George, I'll let them know to meet you around there, okay?


Actually could you have them, could you have them call me and I'll tell them where I'm at?

So, he's not heading back to the mailboxes. He's not heading back to the entrance to meet with the police officer that's en route. And we do know why he isn't heading back. Because - in Zimmermann's own words - "These a$$holes they always get away". He wasn't gonna let that happen that night. He was determined to make sure that this "a$$hole" - Zimmermann's word not mine - got nailed.

That's in addition to him lying to the police as to why he left his vehicle. He claims that he left his vehicle to get the address of his location which he was asked for. Problem is that he was asked for his location after he had already left his vehicle to give chase to the kid.

From Zimmermann's statement to police: The dispatch once again asked for my exact location. I could not remember the name of the street so I got out of my car to look for a street sign.

Problem is that between his leaving his vehicle to give chase to Martin - about 2 minutes into the call - and the dispatcher asking for the location of his parked vehicle - 3.5 minutes into the call - there is about a minute and a half that he is out there not to look for a street sign but to hunt down the kid. Why is that missing from his statement to the police?

Dispatcher @ 2:08

He's running? Which way is he running?

Ambient sounds are heard which may be Zimmerman unbuckling his seat belt and his vehicle's "open door" chime sounding. The change in his voice and the sound of wind against his cell phone mic indicate that he has left his vehicle and is now walking. The dispatcher seems to pick up on these changes and sounds concerned when he later asks Zimmerman if he is following Martin.


Down towards the other entrance to the neighborhood.


Which entrance is that that he's heading towards?


The back entrance…(expletive)(unclear)

This section of the recording has been the subject of much speculation. Some suggest that Zimmerman has just made a racial slur, but the audio is not clear.


Are you following him?




Ok, we don't need you to do that.




Alright sir what is your name?


George…He ran.


Alright George what's your last name?

A clicking or knocking sound can be heard here




And George what's the phone number you're calling from?

Clicking or knocking sound is heard again


[phone number removed]


Alright George we do have them on the way. Do you want to meet with the officer when they get out there?




Alright, where you going to meet with them at?

For the remainder of the recording, Zimmerman sounds distracted. The knocking sound occurs several times during the final exchange with the dispatcher


Um, if they come in through the, uh, (knocking sound) gate, tell them to go straight past the club house, and uh, (knocking sound) straight past the club house and make a left, and then they go past the mailboxes, that's my truck...[unintelligible]


What address are you parked in front of?

Zimmerman @3:25

I don't know, it's a cut through so I don't know the address.

All this is why the lead investigator wanted him arrested and charged with manslaughter that night. Should be interesting to see what the officer brings to the trial when he takes the stand next week.


Edited by Mr. Big Dog
Filed: Timeline
Posted (edited)


Explain to me how Zimmermann's truck was located where it was located. He claims that he encountered Martin as he was heading to the grocery store. Looking at where Zimmermann's residence is (below map) and where the two entrances to the neighborhood are, there is really no conceivable way to reasonably explain why his vehicle was where it was. So he was either not actually going to the grocery store as he has stated to police or he had followed Martin in his vehicle prior to calling the police. Simple fact is that you don't get from his residence to either of the entrances via Twin Tree Lane. The man is lying.


Edited by Mr. Big Dog
Filed: Country: Philippines

Explain to me how Zimmermann's truck was located where it was located. He claims that he encountered Martin as he was heading to the grocery store. Looking at where Zimmermann's residence is (below map) and where the two entrances to the neighborhood are, there is really no conceivable way to reasonably explain why his vehicle was where it was. So he was either not actually going to the grocery store as he has stated to police or he had followed Martin in his vehicle prior to calling the police. Simple fact is that you don't get from his residence to either of the entrances via Twin Tree Lane. The man is lying.


Yep, and the police knew he was lying when they interviewed him. In the audio, the police officer stops the 911 recording and asks Zimmerman why he hadn't gotten back into his vehicle if he spent all that time walking back to it? GZ's answer was laughable - because he was trying get a flashlight. Then when the female officer points out to Zimmerman that his story of not trying to pursue TM doesn't add up, GZ kind of chuckles and says 'no way,' as if he would never do that, even though that is what he did. He was trying cover up his tracks by denying that he was in pursuit of TM, knowing that admitting to such would demonstrate that he had no reasonable fear for his life that night. Getting into a fistfight as the police called it, is not legitimate excuse to use deadly force and claim self defense. He doesn't stand a chance with amount of evidence against him.


Explain to me how Zimmermann's truck was located where it was located. He claims that he encountered Martin as he was heading to the grocery store. Looking at where Zimmermann's residence is (below map) and where the two entrances to the neighborhood are, there is really no conceivable way to reasonably explain why his vehicle was where it was. So he was either not actually going to the grocery store as he has stated to police or he had followed Martin in his vehicle prior to calling the police. Simple fact is that you don't get from his residence to either of the entrances via Twin Tree Lane. The man is lying.


Yall beating about a lot of theory that don't mean shat. we already know GZ followed him.All that is important is did TM attack him and did he have a reasonable fear of severe injury if he did not stop him. The abidance of evidence has shown he that to be the case.

Your case is on life support and the hang GZ no matter what racist have gotten absurd


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