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Posted (edited)

As you well know, the thread has been locked so I can't quote you directly, but anyone can see what you posted there, as did the mods.

(By the way I have corrected your misspelling of "antisemitic")


Post #2 you call me an antisemite for criticizing Israeli government policies

Post #31 you make a whole bunch of claims mischaracterizing my posts or attributing other people's words to me, including that I try to tell you "what a great place countries run by fundamentalist Islamic regimes are for women;" and you once again try to compare my criticism of Israeli government policies to prejudice against a religion

Post #41 you say I "can't handle the truth" (in reference to discussions about Islam) - all because I corrected your errors of fact

Post #42 you again distort and misquote me as trying to "feed (you) BS about how good women have it in places like Saudi, Afghanistan" etc. and claim that I have said that problems are "just because of a few political problems," a complete mis-characterization of my posts which you then use to accuse me of posting "a complete pile of malarkey" and "hurt(ing) Islam"

Post #46 you again claim that I "post nothing but antisemitic material," "go ballistic" if anyone dares to "suggest" that "Islam has a problem to deal with," and again claim that I "can't handle the truth" (about Islam) - all because I corrected your errors of fact.

Post #75 you say I "refuse to acknowledge" radicals and that I'm intolerant, with "a huge problem with dissent and different opinions" (all because I corrected your errors of fact)

Finally, as the mod TOLD you:

Instead of discussing the conference or the concerns raised at the conference, the topic was completely re-directed by a personal attack to one individuals own fears about Islam - a wide divergence from the original topic.

Personal attack. Islamophobia. In fact, you're hurting your cause, so please, keep it up.

Ok I got the rules---

If you call me an Islamaphobe It is ok

If I call you an an anti-Semite because you constantly post negative articles about Israel it is a personal attack.

If you post about Islamphobia in America, you are speaking out for freedom

If I post about human rights and oppression in Saudi I am attacking all of Islam.

If I say you are intolerant that is abuse

If you say I am full of BS you are just stating your opinion.

Bottom line is you can dish it out but you can't take it

As for what the Mods said. She was totally off base,as you where andwhat she said violated many of the TOS and made that perfectly clear. Once again no where in my posts did I attack all of Islam as both of you stated.

Edited by The Nature Boy
Filed: Country: Palestine
Hate Speech Has No Place in a Synagogue

We write as rabbis devoted both to our faith community and to human rights for all peoples. We were disheartened to learn that the Great Neck Synagogue has invited Pamela Geller to speak on April 14. Geller has a long track record of hateful and virulently anti-Muslim views that seek to divide American Muslims and Jews, rather than unite them.

Both the Southern Poverty Law Center and the Anti-Defamation League have designated Geller’s “Stop Islamization of America” organization as a hate group. As was recently reported in the Jewish Week, Etzion Neuer, director of community service and policy for the ADL’s New York region, said that Geller “under the guise of fighting radical Islam, absolutely demonizes an entire religion. In directing her rhetoric at the entire Islamic faith, she fuels anti-Islamic bigotry. Geller doesn’t do us any favors,” he continued. “She muddies the waters because she hands the platform to the extremists in our midst. Instead of thoughtful, fact-based dialogue on the issues, we get incendiary rhetoric and xenophobia.”

We cherish our relationships and friendships within the local Muslim community. Both Temple Beth El of Great Neck and Temple Sinai of Roslyn share deep and abiding connections with the Islamic Center of Long Island. Our communities have broken bread together, studied together, engaged in social action projects together, and our children have learned from each other as well. The local Muslim community adds immeasurably to Long Island’s vitality, and we are blessed by their commitment to the betterment of our society. Their presence among us affirms the essence of America’s greatness, a nation founded on the principles of democratic pluralism.

We state unequivocally that Geller’s inflammatory rhetoric does not represent us or the great majority of Jews in Great Neck and on Long Island. Hate speech has no place in synagogues. Synagogues should be places for worship, positive dialogue and reasoned political debate. The right of free speech is vitally important, but Geller crosses the line from political to hate speech. In sharp contrast, Judaism teaches us to respect the traditions and values of other faiths.

Last fall the group T’ruah: The Rabbinic Call for Human Rights (formerly Rabbis For Human Rights-North America) echoed that sentiment with its effective New York City subway ad campaign that countered Geller’s offensive anti-Muslim subway posters. T’ruah’s message challenged: “In the choice between love and hate, choose love. Help stop bigotry against our Muslim neighbors.”

We share T’ruah’s vision, reflecting our faith’s mandate to work for understanding, unity and peace among all humanity. Geller’s messages seek to divide peoples, and fail to acknowledge that even with significant political differences, Jews and Muslims are working to build the world of justice and compassion that both faiths demand. Rather than trying to denigrate a diverse community and rich tradition, we must find ways of respecting one another and working together on shared concerns.

At this season of the year following the Passover festival, Jews study a tractate of the Talmud called Ethics of the Fathers. We are mindful of Hillel’s enduring words in the opening chapter: “If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, what am I? And if not now, when?” The time is now to stand – for ourselves, for our fellow citizens, for our common humanity and kinship.

We hope Great Neck Synagogue leaders will take a hard look at their decision and ask themselves why they are giving a platform to someone who has devoted her life to defaming fellow Americans of a different Abrahamic religion.

Rabbi Michael White is the Senior Rabbi at Temple Sinai of Roslyn. Rabbi Jerome Davidson is Rabbi Emeritus of Temple Beth-El of Great Neck and teaches at the Hebrew Union College, New York City.


Pamela Geller has responded to the editorial, Tweeting "pasty-faced quislings --(rebuttal to come)"

شارع النجمة في بيت لحم

Too bad what happened to a once thriving VJ but hardly a surprise

al Nakba 1948-2015
66 years of forced exile and dispossession

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Filed: IR-1/CR-1 Visa Country: Israel
Posted (edited)

But the Tea Party is rather extreme. And no one has yet to answer my question about them, which was where were they when GW spent us into this recession?

As someone who deals with the markets and the economy on a daily basis, I can tell you that Bush has very little to do with the recession. He is not completely without blame, but very little. I would worry more about Obama's spending. Oh, and btw, regardless of who is the president(I would say this even if it wasn't Obama) - here's a tip for ya'll. Expect a recession at least as big, if not a depression, within the next 3 years. But that's for a whole nother conversation and thread.

As for the right wing left wing thing, I don't see myself as either. While economically I am more of a libertarian(and when it comes to drugs and stuff like that), socially I'm actually more left leaning(same sex etc). So it all depends.

Edited by OriZ
09/14/2012: Sent I-130
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03/22/2013: Case complete
05/06/2013: Interview Scheduled

06/05/2013: Visa issued!

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07/09/2013: POE - EWR. Went super fast and easy. 5 minutes of waiting and then just a signature and finger print.


05/06/2016: One month late - overnighted form N-400.

06/01/2016: Original Biometrics appointment, had to reschedule due to being away.

07/01/2016: Biometrics Completed.

08/17/2016: Interview scheduled & approved.

09/16/2016: Scheduled oath ceremony.

09/16/2016: THE END - 4 year long process all done!



Posted (edited)

As someone who deals with the markets and the economy on a daily basis, I can tell you that Bush has very little to do with the recession. He is not completely without blame, but very little. I would worry more about Obama's spending. Oh, and btw, regardless of who is the president(I would say this even if it wasn't Obama) - here's a tip for ya'll. Expect a recession at least as big, if not a depression, within the next 3 years. But that's for a whole nother conversation and thread.

As for the right wing left wing thing, I don't see myself as either. While economically I am more of a libertarian(and when it comes to drugs and stuff like that), socially I'm actually more left leaning(same sex etc). So it all depends.

Great. Another friggin "trader".

The above has nothing to do with American Islamophobia. America needs more traders skimming their balances off of their savings about as badly as they need liberals skimming their income out of their pockets.

Please come back to advise us when you are physically making something that is a measurable and discernable good, other than money for yourself from trading inflated values of things that other people make.

Edited by himher


i don't get it.

Filed: IR-1/CR-1 Visa Country: Israel

Hey, the tip is free, you don't have to take it :)

09/14/2012: Sent I-130
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02/18/2013: AOS Package Sent
03/22/2013: Case complete
05/06/2013: Interview Scheduled

06/05/2013: Visa issued!

06/28/2013: VISA RECEIVED

07/09/2013: POE - EWR. Went super fast and easy. 5 minutes of waiting and then just a signature and finger print.


05/06/2016: One month late - overnighted form N-400.

06/01/2016: Original Biometrics appointment, had to reschedule due to being away.

07/01/2016: Biometrics Completed.

08/17/2016: Interview scheduled & approved.

09/16/2016: Scheduled oath ceremony.

09/16/2016: THE END - 4 year long process all done!



Filed: FB-1 Visa Country: Korea DPR

The Good News about American Islamophobia

For me it is the good news for the American society…

The society that discriminates is the one should be proud of being free of dark ages’ faults. For an understanding depressed human, it doesn't hurt being under discrimination, what it does really hurt is seeing his fellow brother in humanity suffering from blindness…

AP in jordan was complete in 62 days, started Feb. 10th, 2013....


The Good News about American Islamophobia

For me it is the good news for the American society…

The society that discriminates is the one should be proud of being free of dark ages' faults. For an understanding depressed human, it doesn't hurt being under discrimination, what it does really hurt is seeing his fellow brother in humanity suffering from blindness…

America is the biggest melting pot on earth. Weare not without problems, but we are much more free of discrimination than most if not all Middle east countries

Filed: FB-1 Visa Country: Korea DPR

America is the biggest melting pot on earth. Weare not without problems, but we are much more free of discrimination than most if not all Middle east countries

Yes... you are totally right.

I cannot agree more with you...

But why those people in the world's biggest research centers have worked on that?

You are not the one who blamed for this...

Until u decide to which side you belong

AP in jordan was complete in 62 days, started Feb. 10th, 2013....


Yes... you are totally right.

I cannot agree more with you...

But why those people in the world's biggest research centers have worked on that?

You are not the one who blamed for this...

Until u decide to which side you belong

Darnell have you changed names again :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:


Hey, the tip is free, you don't have to take it :)

The information, though it was an important opportunity to slip a comment about your personal importance on the world stage into the conversation, was off topic and not a tip.

Bubbles are, after all, started and perpetrated by traders/speculators and not by those who produce goods and provide services nor are they produced by politicians, except when that tax rates for trading and speculating are lower than the tax rates for building and producing thus rewarding the behaviour.



i don't get it.

Filed: IR-1/CR-1 Visa Country: Israel

The information, though it was an important opportunity to slip a comment about your personal importance on the world stage into the conversation, was off topic and not a tip.

Bubbles are, after all, started and perpetrated by traders/speculators and not by those who produce goods and provide services nor are they produced by politicians, except when that tax rates for trading and speculating are lower than the tax rates for building and producing thus rewarding the behaviour.


Wrong. Bubbles are created by "policy makers" be it a treasury minister, a president or a fed chief much more often than you can blame traders or speculators for them.

And Greenspan/Bernanke/Geithner/Paulson/Clinton(yes, Clinton)/Bush/Obama are all to blame for the ones in the past 13 years and the new one soon to burst.

Unfortunately the last two FED chiefs are Jewish. It's going to leave a lasting impression and if history is any indication Jews will be to blame at least in part. But this time justifiably.

09/14/2012: Sent I-130
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12/11/2012: NOA2 Received
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01/08/2013: Received Case Number/IIN; DS-3032/I-864 Bill
01/08/2013: DS-3032 Sent
01/18/2013: DS-3032 Accepted; Received IV Bill
01/23/2013: Paid I-864 Bill; Paid IV Bill
02/05/2013: IV Package Sent
02/18/2013: AOS Package Sent
03/22/2013: Case complete
05/06/2013: Interview Scheduled

06/05/2013: Visa issued!

06/28/2013: VISA RECEIVED

07/09/2013: POE - EWR. Went super fast and easy. 5 minutes of waiting and then just a signature and finger print.


05/06/2016: One month late - overnighted form N-400.

06/01/2016: Original Biometrics appointment, had to reschedule due to being away.

07/01/2016: Biometrics Completed.

08/17/2016: Interview scheduled & approved.

09/16/2016: Scheduled oath ceremony.

09/16/2016: THE END - 4 year long process all done!



Posted (edited)

Wrong. Bubbles are created by "policy makers" be it a treasury minister, a president or a fed chief much more often than you can blame traders or speculators for them.

And Greenspan/Bernanke/Geithner/Paulson/Clinton(yes, Clinton)/Bush/Obama are all to blame for the ones in the past 13 years and the new one soon to burst.

Unfortunately the last two FED chiefs are Jewish. It's going to leave a lasting impression and if history is any indication Jews will be to blame at least in part. But this time justifiably.

Thank you for validating my comment on tax poliy. My view on traders and trading is that they be taxed out of existance, thus forcing them to find a way to add real value to the economy by building rather than trading or go somewhere else and periodically crash someone else's economy while robbing individual investors somewhere else, hopefully far away and hopefully in a place where if they DO rob investors they get caned or hung, in public. That would be pretty funny actually.

Some further thoughts: Though a random thread is a good opportunity to slip the importance of yourself and other jews on the world stage your posts have nothing to do with Islamophobia in America except that yes the jewish community tends to perpetuate this islamophobia in their bid to convince the world that self-defense consists of throwing people off their property, bulldozing it for one's own use, then defending it from the people it was taken from. Unfortunately in the new place that you have found yourself you are free to enjoy your life on an equal footing with everyone else however it will be necessary to leave the ideas of elitism or superiority behind. Just sayin'.

Edited by himher


i don't get it.

Filed: IR-1/CR-1 Visa Country: Israel

Thank you for validating my comment on tax poliy. My view on traders and trading is that they be taxed out of existance, thus forcing them to find a way to add real value to the economy by building rather than trading or go somewhere else and periodically crash someone else's economy while robbing individual investors somewhere else, hopefully far away and hopefully in a place where if they DO rob investors they get caned or hung, in public. That would be pretty funny actually.

Some further thoughts: Though a random thread is a good opportunity to slip the importance of yourself and other jews on the world stage your posts have nothing to do with Islamophobia in America except that yes the jewish community tends to perpetuate this islamophobia in their bid to convince the world that self-defense consists of throwing people off their property, bulldozing it for one's own use, then defending it from the people it was taken from. Unfortunately in the new place that you have found yourself you are free to enjoy your life on an equal footing with everyone else however it will be necessary to leave the ideas of elitism or superiority behind. Just sayin'.

You're weird.

09/14/2012: Sent I-130
10/04/2012: NOA1 Received
12/11/2012: NOA2 Received
12/18/2012: NVC Received Case
01/08/2013: Received Case Number/IIN; DS-3032/I-864 Bill
01/08/2013: DS-3032 Sent
01/18/2013: DS-3032 Accepted; Received IV Bill
01/23/2013: Paid I-864 Bill; Paid IV Bill
02/05/2013: IV Package Sent
02/18/2013: AOS Package Sent
03/22/2013: Case complete
05/06/2013: Interview Scheduled

06/05/2013: Visa issued!

06/28/2013: VISA RECEIVED

07/09/2013: POE - EWR. Went super fast and easy. 5 minutes of waiting and then just a signature and finger print.


05/06/2016: One month late - overnighted form N-400.

06/01/2016: Original Biometrics appointment, had to reschedule due to being away.

07/01/2016: Biometrics Completed.

08/17/2016: Interview scheduled & approved.

09/16/2016: Scheduled oath ceremony.

09/16/2016: THE END - 4 year long process all done!




Thank you for validating my comment on tax poliy. My view on traders and trading is that they be taxed out of existance, thus forcing them to find a way to add real value to the economy by building rather than trading or go somewhere else and periodically crash someone else's economy while robbing individual investors somewhere else, hopefully far away and hopefully in a place where if they DO rob investors they get caned or hung, in public. That would be pretty funny actually.

Some further thoughts: Though a random thread is a good opportunity to slip the importance of yourself and other jews on the world stage your posts have nothing to do with Islamophobia in America except that yes the jewish community tends to perpetuate this islamophobia in their bid to convince the world that self-defense consists of throwing people off their property, bulldozing it for one's own use, then defending it from the people it was taken from. Unfortunately in the new place that you have found yourself you are free to enjoy your life on an equal footing with everyone else however it will be necessary to leave the ideas of elitism or superiority behind. Just sayin'.

Speaking of attacking a whole religion because of one post that had nothing whatsoever to do with being Jewish.. Wonder where the religion police are now ?

Posted (edited)

Speaking of attacking a whole religion because of one post that had nothing whatsoever to do with being Jewish.. Wonder where the religion police are now ?

Who brought up the fact that the FED chiefs are jewish again? Because it wasn't me. Far better to have left that part out of the conversation altogether. What is the motive for or value added by noting this?

Edited by himher


i don't get it.


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