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Gente de Venezuela


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Cami lee esto creo que es importante para ti, la encontre en el forum y casualmente son de baltimore...

Here's a long story...you might want to get yourselves a coffee!

You won't believe what just happened. My interview was at 9:15 this morning. Everything started out well. I had a fantastic binder and folders with every possible piece of info they'd need, plus photo albums. We did not oversleep, and we dressed nicely. We got out of the house VERY early. Baltimore is about a 45 minute drive from home, so we decided to leave a full hour and 45 minutes early, over twice as much time as we would normally need to be sure and account for any traffic. We figured we'd get to Baltimore early get some coffee, etc.

Well, everything went swimmingly until we got less than 10 miles away from our destination, merging onto 95 N. Traffic ground to a complete halt. We felt fine, because we had over 45 minutes and we were less than a 10 minute drive away.

Well, we stayed still (or moved literally by inches) for the next TWO HOURS. I can't describe what a helpless and hopeless feeling it is to watch the clock tick past your interview time and there is not a THING you can do about it. My husband says he has never seen a traffic jam like that in all his years of driving around DC. There was absolutely nothing about an accident on the radio (and indeed there were no police around, and no construction either), I guess this is normal for Baltimore?!?!?! Thank GOD I don't work there. We literally could have walked faster. People were driving up the shoulders and jamming themselves in, which slowed it down even more. At one point 8 lanes were merging into one. I have never seen a traffic horror like that in my life.

Of course, by the time we parked the car in Baltimore, we arrived a full hour late for the most important interview of our lives. We ran into the room and asked the receptionist if there was any way they would still see us. She said she didn't see why not, and took the interview letter. PHEW!!

Another hour goes by. Then they call my name. The lady who is the officer assigned to interview us was clearly NOT amused and spoke to us in a very impatient voice, almost like scolding children. I tried to explain to her what happened, but she didn't want to hear about it. I was late, and she was pretty sure she would not be able to see us at all that day. I asked if there was any way we could wait just in case there was a slot open, or even re-schedule, but all she said was "that's up to you." and shut the door on us. I thought I would DIE on the spot. Would this mean there would be a black mark on our file, or worse yet that they would deny my application for being a no-show?? I can see being mad at people who are careless and late, but it was so obvious that this was not our fault.

We rushed out the door to call our immigration lawyer. He said that we should try to submit a note with my A# to say that we would be willing to wait all day if need be, and if that didn't work, he would re-schedule it for us. We decided to try this, and asked the receptionist if she would take our note. She said to "put it in the box outside the waiting room." We looked, and there was no box. The guard at the main desk (outside of the waiting room, not the receptionist) told us there was no box, the receptionist was wrong. Back in we went. Yes there IS a box, it's grey, shaped like a mail box. Out we go again. The guard says that the box has been closed for ages and it's just for appeals anyway. He suggests we go into the information room and speak to a manager.

In to the information room we go. We start to explain the problem to the receptionist in there, who begins to tell us that she only books infopass appointments. With great urgency we ask if there is any way we could leave our note to say we would like to wait. She then listens to our story and seems amazed that they are sending us away. She takes a copy of our appointment letter and disappears......

And comes back with noneother than the lady who kicked us out!!! We were told to step aside to talk to her. I thought for sure we were in deep trouble and that we were about to get a strip torn off us. On the contrary, like Dr. Jekyl and Mrs. Hyde, she was as pleasant and understanding as anyone could be. She told us that she had spoken with her supervisor, and that because our file was in such good shape, they would make this ONE exception for us and re-schedule for us, so we don't have to do it ourselves. We are to receive a letter from them with the new date. She said she was sorry, but there was no way she could see us today. We all shook hands, thanked her and left.

I am absolutely CRUSHED about this because who would ever anticipate that a 10 minute drive would take two hours??? I guess we are lucky that we will be getting a makeup interview. I think the new letter will probably arrive sometime in mid/late July, and I guess the interview will be in August/September sometime, but I haven't the foggiest idea. Talk about a nightmare!!!

Well....that's all to report for now. If anyone has an early morning interview in Baltimore, I STRONGLY suggest staying in a hotel overnight. That is definitely what we will be doing if we get another morning appointment.

Edited by camaleon
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Uyyyy Cama!! Eso me da mucho susto :(

CAROLA NESSI, vi tus fotos... qué belleza la casa! Y Karen y Nate de pintor ni se digan... me encantó la que salen tú y Karen ruñéndose una mazorca entre las dos jajajaja... Que "contentura" me da verlos tan contentos.... GOOD FOR YOU GIRL!!!!

Anita Patacón, no te pude contestar más en el MSN porque me cayó un chaparrón de vainas en el escritorio y ni modo :S Leí lo del egipcio... qué feo chamaaaaaa....

Fui al juego Orioles-Marlins a las 7 pm. Llegamos fino, en tren (que lo agarramos atrás de la casa y nos deja dentro del stadium), compramos un perro y una birra y nos sentamos justo atrás del home. Toda una tripa la cuestión, Joshua puro decir que nunca se había sentado en tan buena fila.... pero cónchale, le dieron muy duro a los Orioles... 6-0!!!! De paso, el pitcher dio por donde no era y le puso la pelota justo en la rodilla a mi amigo Melvin, que lo dejó en el piso.... lo tuvieron que sacar cargado.... con tal y no diga que fue por pava mía!!!!!! Perdieron los pobres, pero la pasamos fino y no hubo tanta humedad en el aire como ayer, que estuvo fatal.

Reporte de hoy finalizado.







Afortunado aquel

Who understands

Le langage secret

Das estrelas,

Der blumen

Et delle cose mute

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Hola chamines!

Carola QUE BELLAS TUS FOTOS Y QUE BELLA TU CASA! Yo no me aguanto y no veo el dia en que podamos comprar la de nosotros y adornarla y emperifollarla de lo lindo!

Anoche cuando estaba super aburrida porque Granjita estaba viendo el chimbo juego de Inglaterra contra Suecia, estaba viendo el foro y me consegui a Cami en el messenger tambien, y la mande pa un post que abrio una chama que se caso con un egipcio y el carajo ahora que esta en USA con una GC de 10 anos la mando pal c...... Me parece chimbisimo y el tipo y que tuvo la cara dura de decirle al exmarido que se habia casado por la visa.... Ush!

Cami que chimbo que lastimaron al Mora, ojala que se sienta mejol esta manana.... Y que bueno que les dieron sitios especiales, me los imagino a los dos ahi sentaitos con una sonrisota!

Bueno, ahi les dejo por ahora....

Ana (esperando el pasaporte desaparecido)



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EL PASAPORTE DESAPARECIDO APARECIO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

LOS PASAJES ESTAN COMPRADOS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

AND WE ARE OVER THE MOON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ahi se las dejo!

besos besos besos



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Sorry que se me cerró el toche messenger... no lo he podido volver a abrir, no sé qué es lo que pasa... Hablamos lueguito!!!

Anita Patacón!! Qué buenooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!! Ahora sí, a preparar los macundales!!!!!!

Besos de Cami.

Sieeee.... ahorita no me acepta los acentos esta vaina????

Edited by cami&josh






Afortunado aquel

Who understands

Le langage secret

Das estrelas,

Der blumen

Et delle cose mute

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Filed: AOS (pnd) Country: Venezuela

Felicitaciones a los viajantes!

Caro, me gustaron mucho tus fotos! ;)



Erin (MN - U.S.A.!) and David (Venezuela!)
06 Jul 2005 I129F Sent to the NSC
08 Jul 2005 I129F Received by the NSC
15 Sep 2005 NOA2!!!! by Email, NOA2 date 14 Sep 2005!!!!
20 Dic 2005 We both go to the interview at the Consulate!
20 Dic 2005 VISA APPROVED!!!!
31 Dic 2005 Ticket bought online to leave on March 13th!!!!
13 Mar 2006 Arrived at MSP with mi love!
18 Mar 2006 Civil Wedding! we are married!
15 Jul 2006 Church Wedding! at St. Frances Cabrini, Minneapolis, MN.
21 Aug 2006 AOS Interview! APPROVED!!!!! Welcome letter email received.
24 Aug 2006 Welcome Letter received. Card ordered email received.
29 Aug 2006 Email with approval letter (meaning PR Card!) mailed!
01 Sep 2006 PR Card Received!!!!!!! :D :D :D
23 May 2008 Lifting Conditions Sent
30 May 2008 Lifting Conditions NOA date
14 Oct 2008 PR Card Received!!!!! :D :D :D :D :D :D done for a while!!!!


Naturalized and unfortunately divorced :( but life goes on

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Filed: AOS (pnd) Country: Venezuela

That was weird!

No le dieron el sello de una, y la GC tarda de 6 a no se cuantos MESES! en llegar?! no creo...

Erin (MN - U.S.A.!) and David (Venezuela!)
06 Jul 2005 I129F Sent to the NSC
08 Jul 2005 I129F Received by the NSC
15 Sep 2005 NOA2!!!! by Email, NOA2 date 14 Sep 2005!!!!
20 Dic 2005 We both go to the interview at the Consulate!
20 Dic 2005 VISA APPROVED!!!!
31 Dic 2005 Ticket bought online to leave on March 13th!!!!
13 Mar 2006 Arrived at MSP with mi love!
18 Mar 2006 Civil Wedding! we are married!
15 Jul 2006 Church Wedding! at St. Frances Cabrini, Minneapolis, MN.
21 Aug 2006 AOS Interview! APPROVED!!!!! Welcome letter email received.
24 Aug 2006 Welcome Letter received. Card ordered email received.
29 Aug 2006 Email with approval letter (meaning PR Card!) mailed!
01 Sep 2006 PR Card Received!!!!!!! :D :D :D
23 May 2008 Lifting Conditions Sent
30 May 2008 Lifting Conditions NOA date
14 Oct 2008 PR Card Received!!!!! :D :D :D :D :D :D done for a while!!!!


Naturalized and unfortunately divorced :( but life goes on

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La verdad es que yo no se como funciona cuando uno ya esta en USA, pero aqui no te ponen la visa de una, tienes que dejar el pasaporte y te lo mandan por correo entre 2-5 despues...

De repente hacen lo de la carta y el sello para comprobar que la direccion es correcta? no se digo yo....

Aqui hay otra experiencia en Baltimore, a ver si te sirve, fue a ppios de este ano...

Entrevista en Baltimore




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Filed: AOS (pnd) Country: Venezuela

Acabo de leer otra experiencia de entrevista en la oficina de aqui, en Bloomington, MN, y no dice si le dieron el sello, quizas no, pero la GC le llego en 11 dias!

Erin (MN - U.S.A.!) and David (Venezuela!)
06 Jul 2005 I129F Sent to the NSC
08 Jul 2005 I129F Received by the NSC
15 Sep 2005 NOA2!!!! by Email, NOA2 date 14 Sep 2005!!!!
20 Dic 2005 We both go to the interview at the Consulate!
20 Dic 2005 VISA APPROVED!!!!
31 Dic 2005 Ticket bought online to leave on March 13th!!!!
13 Mar 2006 Arrived at MSP with mi love!
18 Mar 2006 Civil Wedding! we are married!
15 Jul 2006 Church Wedding! at St. Frances Cabrini, Minneapolis, MN.
21 Aug 2006 AOS Interview! APPROVED!!!!! Welcome letter email received.
24 Aug 2006 Welcome Letter received. Card ordered email received.
29 Aug 2006 Email with approval letter (meaning PR Card!) mailed!
01 Sep 2006 PR Card Received!!!!!!! :D :D :D
23 May 2008 Lifting Conditions Sent
30 May 2008 Lifting Conditions NOA date
14 Oct 2008 PR Card Received!!!!! :D :D :D :D :D :D done for a while!!!!


Naturalized and unfortunately divorced :( but life goes on

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Gracias Carola y Ana! Leí los posts y me dieron un poquito de nervios, no se los voy a negar.... Por un lado, porque a la que me dijo Caro le pidieron los joint income tax y nosotros no tenemos nada de eso.... Por otro lado, porque a NINGUNO le sellaron el pasaporte, y cómo es eso que la tarjeta llega en seis meses? Yo creo que mejor me quedo tranquila y llevo mis corotos y a la Divina Pastora pa la entrevista esa.... y me voy a las 5 am para no correr riesgos, jajajajjaa......

Aunque les cuento que hoy compramos los pasajes para MN y llamamos a mis suegros para avisarles. Y cuando estoy hablando yo con ellos mi suegra me pregunta si yo quiero ir en diciembre para Vzla.... yo le dije que claro que sí, que yo le había prometido a mi papá que en lo que pudiera iba y que además mi mejor amiga va a tener su primer bebé y quiero estar con ella (de paso Josh está más chingo que yo por ir para allá, pero eso no se lo dije) y justo yo pensando en eso me pregunta "Y Josh va contigo si te vas en diciembre?".... O sea!!! Más o menos qué le puedo contestar!!! De una me di cuenta que se arrechó.... yo me hice la zoqueta y le dije que no sabía, que eso era decisión de Josh y que hablara con él.... le zumbé ese muerto al pobre J..... El está LOCO por pasar navidad allá, porque dice que aquí es demasiado aburrido, puro comer y mirarse las caras y a las 10 se va a dormir todo el mundo.

Bueno, y pa cambiar el tema, les paso un dato golillero (aunque capaz y ya saben y yo como siempre caída de la mata). Fui pa una tienda más desordenada que graffiti, traki y el tijerazo y marshall juntos... se llama Ross y es demasiado buena la golilla allá..... lo peor es que me queda cerca de la casa, ay de mí y de mis cobres....







Afortunado aquel

Who understands

Le langage secret

Das estrelas,

Der blumen

Et delle cose mute

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