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Filed: Country: Palestine
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  On 1/6/2013 at 10:36 AM, OriZ said:

Do you even read this ####### before you post it ? This is a "United With Israel" :rolleyes: piece about Mudar Zahran, a Jordanian guy of Palestinian heritage who used to live in Jordan; that is, until he got kicked out for conspiring to overthrow King Abdullah with the plan that Jordan could then become the Palestinian state. :wacko:

He complains about “tensions“ in Jordan between its two main ethnic groups (Palestinians and Bedouins) yet doesn’t seem to have a clue that plots like the one he cooked up have a lot to do with it. Inexplicably, he blames his troubles on the Palestinians living in the West Bank and Gaza.

The rest of his claims don’t make any sense either - as when he insists that Jordan is taking away passports from Jordanians of Palestinian heritage, then turns around and claims that everyone in the West Bank still has their Jordanian passport - and then concludes that they can just go to Jordan.

Your link calls him a “reformer,“ and he characterizes his plan to overthrow the government of Jordan as “calling for peace with Israel.” Okayy then :wacko:

Seek reputable sources.

  On 1/6/2013 at 10:36 AM, OriZ said:

Another "United With Israel" piece, this time about a Sajid Javid, a British guy of Pakistani heritage who has actually said that he doesn’t practice any religion (he says the only religion practiced in his house is Christianity as he is married to a Christian woman.) The piece doesn't mention that. Javid doesn’t say anything about the occupation, the settlements, or ethnic cleasing. Okayy then.

  On 1/6/2013 at 10:36 AM, OriZ said:

This is an article about an Israeli Arab woman who thinks all Arabs should join the Israeli army or the national service program. She is quoted with such nuggets as:

“Arabs in the country must give more of themselves to get more." (as if they didn’t already give up their property as well as control of their own country.)

But she doesn't say anything about supporting the occupation, or ethnic cleansing, or the settlements, either. Okayy then.

  On 1/6/2013 at 10:36 AM, OriZ said:

This is an article about someone named Aatef Karinaoui, a Bedouin Israeli who claims he’s running for Knesset. There doesn’t seem to be much press about him except a flurry of articles that came out around the end of October through mid-November 2012, mostly tracking back to either United With Israel or Arutz Sheva. However, once again, it doesn’t say anything about him supporting the occupation, the settlements, or ethnic cleansing. I wonder how his own Bedouin community feels about him, as they're being ethnically cleansed from the Negev.

So - are you going to vote for him or what ?

  On 1/6/2013 at 10:36 AM, OriZ said:

And Neterei Karta says Israel is the modern Golden Calf. But you would probably point out that their religious ideas are way out in the asteroid belt compared to the mainstream, and nobody should pay any attention to them. Well, guess what ? :wink

By the way, Massimo Palazzi is an Italian guy who apparently converted to Islam and then immediately started calling himself a “Sheikh” and an “Islamic scholar." Despite the impressive resume posted on Wikipedia, his claims cannot be confirmed anywhere.

A self-proclaimed “Muslim Zionist,” he’s shared the stage with Daniel Pipes, even reportedly went to Hebron to express his solidarity with the extremist settlers there.

But apparently as of October of last year, he was claiming to be a Hindu and changed his name to Satya Prakash Shankar Baba (maybe he’s a “Hindu Zionist” now.)

Tawfik Hamid is even shadier. He claims to be an “ex-terrorist” who was friends with "al Qaeda's Number Two" Ayman al-Zawahri, but has no problem with the FBI or Homeland Security to stop him from running around the US giving anti-Islam speeches (at $13,500 a pop.) He claims to be Muslim, but also says he is a follower of Judaism and Christianity. He claimed “the majority of Muslims are all passive terrorists.“ Smells like Walid Shoebat 2.0 to me.

  On 1/6/2013 at 10:36 AM, OriZ said:

Then there's Tashbih Sayyed, Salah Choudhury, Irshad Manji, Salim Mansur, Abdurrahman Wahid, Mithal al-Alusi, Zuhdi Jasser and those aren't even all of them.

I am wondering if you have any idea who most of these people are (seriously - Abdurrahman Wahid??!! Irshad Manji ???!!)

I am guessing that you just pulled all these names off some list you Googled for. Due to several clues in your post, I further suspect that it was Wikipedia’s “Muslim Supporters of Israel” page, an abysmally poorly-written article rife with not only syntactic errors, but dead links, “questionable sources,” translations by “unknowns,“ and even “self-published sources” - which if you both to click down to the footnotes, track to (drum roll please) IsraPundit.com. This has not gone without notice. IsraPundit has been called an “unreliable as a general source for unattributed facts”:


Some of the other questionable sources linked on the article include Front Page Magazine (David Horowitz!), Middle East Quarterly (Daniel Pipes !) and Alan Dershowitz.

So this is why you have to be very careful with Wikipedia. It can sometimes be a good resource, but it can be edited by anyone, including people who are not honest. You have to click every single link, every single time, on every single claim, in order to figure it out.

I noticed that most of the people on your list have never ever even been to Palestine (although some of them have been treated by the Israeli government to all-expense paid trips to Israel.) More significantly, none of them are experts or well-known commentators on international law or the history of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict.

And all of this has nothing to with the point of this thread - that Israel is in continued and flagrant violation of international law and conventions as it continues to brutally oppress millions of Palestinians. A dozen or so Muslim people from around the world (out of 1 billion Muslims) who state that they love Israel is totally irrelevant to the point. It’s more deflection and distraction (like pretty much all your responses so far on this thread.)

  On 1/6/2013 at 10:36 AM, OriZ said:

It's very pretentious to say that just because Gaza is a crowded place, they could not find better places to fire from than soccer fields, schools and hospitals.

It’s not “pretentious” at all - it’s the fricken truth. Look at the map:


I’m sure the Israeli government would love it if all the Hamas fighters would gather in a nice tight little group and walk into no man’s land - maybe stand on a big red painted target - so that Israel can just use a single drone to drop a missile on them and be done with it in one fell swoop and be able to go back to concentrating on stealing the rest of the West Bank with any distractions. :lol:

Makes about as much sense as all the IDF soldiers gathering in one compact group so that Hamas can launch one Grad at them and be done with it.

According to your logic, the Israelis should move their soldiers and military bases away from all the Israeli cities and towns and soccer fields, hospital and schools they’re inside or next to every single day (not to mention stop transporting them around on public buses.) Oh wait. You’re gonna tell me that’s different.

Get real. The Palestinians don’t have anything like what Israel has to fight with, but that doesn’t mean they’re going to make it easy for Israel to find their weapons and destroy them so they can’t fight any more.

Next up, more fun and laughter with your stupid videos.

Edited by wife_of_mahmoud

شارع النجمة في بيت لحم

Too bad what happened to a once thriving VJ but hardly a surprise

al Nakba 1948-2015
66 years of forced exile and dispossession

Copyright © 2015 by PalestineMyHeart. Original essays, comments by and personal photographs taken by PalestineMyHeart are the exclusive intellectual property of PalestineMyHeart and may not be reused, reposted, or republished anywhere in any manner without express written permission from PalestineMyHeart.

Filed: Country: Palestine
  On 1/6/2013 at 10:36 AM, OriZ said:

You like to send me searching for even more, so here we go


Your source is “British Patriotic TV,” which is the YouTube channel run by Stephen Tweed of the British Freedom Party, a tiny, far right-wing political faction in the UK that got de-registered by the Electoral Commission last month when they couldn‘t even come up with the annual £25 registration fee.

Tweed writes Islamophobic rants on their website (see here):


where he even admits his previous YouTube account was shut down by YT for various violations of hate speech and copyright rules.

There is no indication of who produced this piece. It actually begins with this somber statement:

“Using civilians as a means to achieving military goals is considered a war crime and a gross violation of international laws governing armed conflict. Israel sees the use of human shields not only as a violation of international and national law, but as anathema to the moral and ethical underpinnings of its own society.”

The video then proceeds to make a bunch of unsubstantiated claims about Palestinians using human shields, simply repeating IDF press releases.

I guess Tweed is either too stupid/too uninformed (or maybe too much of a hypocritical bigot) to realize that Israeli army officials have already admitted using the practice themselves more than 1800 times, actually defended the practice in Israeli courts, and actually continue to use it, as already shown in this thread.

Tweed’s video goes on to actually quote the Geneva Convention, and accuses Palestinians of violating it. Again, he’s either too stupid/too uninformed/too hypocritical to include anything about the glaring fact that Israel has been in egregious violation of the Geneva Convention for the last 64+ years.

The whole thing is IDF claims which are either unsubstantiated, or patently false. The video even includes the same dubious clips you already posted. Just because something gets endlessly repeated and re-posted by Israel’s Web Warriors doesn’t make it more legitimate than it was the first time you posted it.

If you "go searching for more," try credible sources this time.

  On 1/6/2013 at 10:36 AM, OriZ said:

More IDF garbage. You can’t even tell what is happening in this video - other than what the IDF tells you to see. There is no date, no time stamp to indicate what happened when, or if the scenes are even edited in chronological order. As the IDF has already been busted for fabricating evidence, you need to come up with some kind of independent confirmation or it gets tossed in the crapper along with the first one.

  On 1/6/2013 at 10:36 AM, OriZ said:

This one, a compilation of clips from various sources, is the most ridiculous of all.

It begins with a title graphic in pidgen English stating “This is how the Palestinian using their children“ (sic) then cuts to what seems to be a theatrical piece shot “documentary style” about a supposed 14-year-old acting as a lookout for some guys in masks. There is no recognizable location - it all seems to be shot inside some kind of very dark building. I say theatrical piece because there are different camera angles of the same action, which requires repeated takes and different camera positions, and it’s really well-edited in an artful and compelling way, including creepy sound effects that appear to have come from VideoHelper‘s “Noises and Drones“ edition (a well-known commercial production music library.) I don’t know exactly what this video is - there is no explanation of who made it, or what or who it’s supposed to be showing, or even when or where it was shot. But it doesn’t seem to have anything to do with human shields.

At :01:19, the video cuts to a Channel 2 News piece about Hussam Abdo, the 16-year-old (not 14-year-old as Channel 2 claims) mentally challenged boy who showed up dressed in a bomb belt at an Israeli military checkpoint in occupied Nablus. (Notice that despite the purported deadly danger that prevents soldiers from coming near him, there are clearly people walking around maybe 20-25 feet away in the background who are oddly enough not at all concerned for their safety.)

This segment includes a snippet of Channel 2 News' interview with the kid at :03:02, where he’s asked why he did it and he says “because of the people.” You can hear someone off-screen, coaching him from the right. The reporter, however, is apparently not satisfied with this answer, and then actually tries to lead the child into the desired response by asking him “Because they didn’t love you... or did you also think about paradise ?” The teen looks vaguely confused but kind of nods, and the clip abruptly ends. Leading the interviewee is considered execrable journalism. And nothing to do with human shields.

Next, at :03:20, the video cuts to a piece from something called ICTV (apparently “Israeli Citizens TV” - not sure exactly what this is or who runs it, but it seems to be defunct right now - their website has no information about anything.) Anyway, this piece is about some Palestinian teenagers in Gaza who were apparently caught putting explosives near the fence. Nothing to do with human shields.

Next, at :04:08, there is another title graphic telling us we are going to see Palestinians using human shields. It cuts to the very same video you already posted (where the guy in the mask yanks a kid out of the line of fire and drags him to a safer position.) Again, nothing to do with human shields (except the claim of it.)

And then, the video shifts to the warm and fuzzy, beginning with a full-screen title stating “But Israel army is one of the most ethnical army in the world” (sic.) This is also the line the uploader apparently uses as their personal intro to each and every video uploaded on their account.

Beginning at :04:34, we are treated to a lengthy piece about an IDF commander who apparently stopped to call medics to take a 5-year-old Palestinian girl to the hospital after she had been badly wounded by a rock thrown in a protest against the settlers. Well OMG the humanity - what non-Israeli soldier in the entire world would stop to help a wounded child ?! This ground-breaking achievement is completely unheard of in the non-Jewish world, so thank you again for proving to us just how great Israelis are compared to everyone else.

(By the way, at :08:22 the girl’s mom says: “I am sure that no one, no one - even Israeli or Palestinian - will see kids bleeding and they will leave the kids alone.” She doesn’t seem to think it’s an exclusive trait of Jewish soldiers.)

The funniest part of this one is at :04:57 where the heroic Israeli commander is driving around (in his bulletproof armored jeep on a Jewish-only highway between two illegal Jewish settlements in the West Bank) vigilantly scanning the horizon where “he knows that behind of every small hill there can hide a terrorist… or at least a kid with a stone in his hand.” :rofl::rofl::rofl:

Yet again, none of it has anything to do with human shields. (However, the guy in charge of subtitles - “DsuperJew” - could stand to work on his English skills a bit more. I’m sure it was impressive to the Hilltop Youth pimple-faces, but he’s definitely not ready for prime time at the propaganda factory.)

At :08:45, the video cuts to a street scene somewhere (someone narrating over the scene says it‘s in Bethlehem at :09:04.) We see an Israeli soldier who appears to be holding a box of candy, asking a group of apparently Palestinian kids to dance for him in order to receive some - a la making the monkeys at the zoo perform for their peanuts. It's a good insight into the mentality we're dealing with here. Then we see the soldier give the kids the candy, and they all wave “bye-bye” at each other as the soldier drives away and the music swells to a crescendo. (Gee if the soldiers would only leave and never come back... )

And finally, at :09:27, we get to the pièce de résistance :D (and if a reader doesn’t have the time or patience to suffer through it like I just did - just look at this segment along - it really says it all.)

This segment begins with a full-screen graphic saying “A proposed solution to the Palestinian-Israeli conflict” which is followed by video of some Israeli soldier at some checkpoint somewhere dancing to some absurd song with lyrics of (and I kid you not !) “Hands up, baby, hands up” while the Palestinian kids on the other side of the checkpoint dance to it as well, putting their hands in the air, while standing under the Israeli flag. What kind of lunatic thought this would make Israel "look good" ?

And (what a surprise) NONE OF IT has anything to do with human shields (other than the claims made in the graphics.)

That was enough. Your videos are a hot mess. I’m not wasting any more time on them - come up with something for the grown-up audience.

شارع النجمة في بيت لحم

Too bad what happened to a once thriving VJ but hardly a surprise

al Nakba 1948-2015
66 years of forced exile and dispossession

Copyright © 2015 by PalestineMyHeart. Original essays, comments by and personal photographs taken by PalestineMyHeart are the exclusive intellectual property of PalestineMyHeart and may not be reused, reposted, or republished anywhere in any manner without express written permission from PalestineMyHeart.


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