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THe best thing that I ever heard this day was when an Asian(Chinese) Woman Consul told us "YOUR VISAS ARE APPROVED!!!" :thumbs:

I wanna scream out loud after hearing that...And still calmly manage to say " Thank you so much Ma'am."

BUT prior to that success story, we really mess up...total hours of waiting before our final interview....6.5 hours...our butt and back really hurts...ouch..on that long time seating...aweeehhh... :crying:

Let me share now our story...

The night prior to the interview I checked all the pertaining documents needed are as follow:

1.Interview Appointment Letters of CR1& CR2

2.Forms DS-230 Part I and II for Cr1 & CR2

3.Forms 1-864 Affidavit of Support,W2, Paystubs and ITR 2011 of the Petitioner and Joint Sponsor for CR1 and CR2

(Separate Copy and Separate Information)

4.Passports of CR1& CR2

5.Medical Exam Reports of CR1& CR2(CD and Immunization Record given by SLEC)

6.Marriage Certificate of CR1 (NSO copy)

7.CENOMAR: Advisory on Marriage(NSO copy) of CR1

8. Annulment Finality(NSO copy) CR1

9.NSO authenticated Birth Certificates of CR1& CR2

10.NBI Clearance with AKA/previous maiden name of CR1

11.Court Finality for Annulment(Original and Photocopy)

12. PICTURES, YM Snailmail , Chatscript Skype, Money Transmittal and other proofs that shows genuine relationship..(CR1)

I also included pictures of my daughter(CR2) about her growth and development...

Notarial Statement from my ex-husband form only, no signature at all..Actually, he did not sign the said form.. :angry:

I am just confident with what I have read from the internet...and I really love to share it

Philippine Legal Counseling

Legal tips and updates for everyday living by Christine Florido

The Philippines and The Hague Convention on Child Abduction

Posted on :-)

In October 1980, the Hague Conference on Private International Law unanimously adopted the Hague Convention on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction, which was signed by a number of countries including the United States. 

The goal of this multilateral treaty is to secure the prompt return of children wrongfully removed from or retained in any country which is a party to the Convention. The countries that are parties to the Convention have agreed that, subject to certain limited exceptions and conditions, a child who is removed from or retained in one of the signatory countries shall be promptly returned to the other member country where the child habitually resided before the abduction or wrongful retention. 

The Hague Convention is a return mechanism that does not resolve custody issues or any additional disputes concerning the child’s status.  It merely provides a remedy for one parent to obtain the quick return of a child to his or her habitual country, where custody and other disputed issues may be resolved.

At present, this Convention is the the only piece of international legislation that provides for the return of an internationally abducted child.   The Philippines and many Middle Eastern countries are not  signatories to this Convention.  This means that if your child is taken out of the country without your knowledge and consent by the other parent, even with a valid visitation agreement confirmed by a Philippine court, you may have problems seeking the return of your child if he or she is taken to a country that does not observe this Convention.

Philippine Legal Counseling

Legal tips and updates for everyday living by Christine Florido

Query: Can Children Travel Abroad without Father’s Consent?

Posted on :-)


MDO wrote:

Hi, I have a friend who is separated with his wife, and has 2 kids. Is it possible for the mother to take the kids out of the country away from their father?  The kids follow their dad’s last name.  The mother needs to seek consent from the biological father in order to do that right? Thank you and hoping for your quick response.

Legal Advice:

Generally, the rule is minor children (below the age of 18) cannot leave the country unaccompanied by a parent (father or mother).  See also DSWD rules on Travel Clearance for Minors.   Click here to get the DSWD Travel Consent Form if your child needs it to leave the country.

Assuming that the father has a custody agreement or court order that prohibits the mother from taking the children out of the country without his consent, she can still succeed in bringing the children out of the country unless a hold departure order is issued and brought to the attention of immigration officers at the port of departure.  It is the father’s duty to inform the Bureau of Immigration of such hold order so that Immigration can put the children’s names on a watch list.


From experience,  Immigration officers usually question situations when the minor children are accompanied by an adult who does not appear to be the parent, such as, when the mom’s passport does not bear the same surname of the children; otherwise, she is usually granted passage with the children. 


What is the father’s recourse? If he fears that the mother plans to alienate him from the children and has no intention to let them return to the Philippines, then he must consult a lawyer who can recommend and take the appropriate legal action in court. I hope this helps.

Philippine Legal Counseling

Legal tips and updates for everyday living by Christine Florido

When Mother of Child Can be Deprived of Custody

Posted on :-)


As a general rule, a child under 7 years of age shall be in the custody of the mother (Art 213 of the Family Code). This is known as the maternal preference rule or tender-years-rule.

But this rule has exceptions: when the court finds compelling reasons to order otherwise. This includes finding compelling evidence showing the mother’s unfitness such as:





habitual drunkenness

drug addiction

maltreatment of the child


affliction with a communicable disease


NOTE: I photocopied all documents except for the Proof of Relationship docs...

:ot2: THE BIG DAY!!!This is it...


June 5,2012

8:30 A.M.(Appointment Time)

I woke up @ 4:30 a.m. although i just had 4 hours sleep and wishing to be at the USEM by 6:00 but my daughter doesn't want to wake up.. :bonk:

What's new to my daughter...aws..She really love SLEEPING...lolz..

To continue, after all the prep we arrived at the USEM by 6:30...Seeing people outside standing under the heat of the sun...carrying their luggages ops... docs/heavy folders rather...The woman asked me if what time is my appointment..I told her 8:30 a.m. she instructed me to go to the longest line...and telling me..cellphones, food, gadgets and other things listed to the hard paper she is carrying, are not allowed inside the premises...Anyway, I automatically told her, I know and I'm not carrying any...Then, i asked the old lady in front of me, "Is this the line for immigrant?" she replied "No this is for tourist visa.' Hmmm... now the lady told me..you have to go in front and ask the guard for the immigrant lane...and luckily we found it and has 3 people in front of us...



When it was my turn, she ask me TO REMOVE THE COVER OF MY PASSPORT EVEN IF IT IS TRANSPARENT..I handed her the Appointment Letter and she handed me back our Passport with sticker at back, 2 forms for 2go courier and Transparent bags to place our passport inside...Then she instructed me to proceed to Entrance Door..



Entrance with pressure puling the heavy door..hehehe..very heavy...The guard inspected my heavy bag...then we entered the premises... There was these 3 counters for the priority number.. The priority number that will be handed to the applicant, it must be kept properly since it will be use through the entire process...Then my turn now..

Counter No.2 she asked me if how many applicants are we, appointment letters,does the SLEC gave me CD or envelop, then our names and ages...After she gave us the appointment letter and the prio number 6139 and 6140..Now another heavy door...



As we enter the premises, the feeling is casual... I was trying to tell myself, this is just an ordinary day for me just to lower down my anxiety level.I could not help that I was just here last June last year standing on the same place with ex-fiance now my husband(hehehe) almost crying because of Anxiety, we went their for the Affidavit in Lieu of Certificate of Legal Capacity to Contract Marriage for American Citizens.

To continue,an Embassy staff with a blue polo shirt approached us and asking for our Appointment Letter and told us to be seated and wait for our number that to be flashed. I noticed that the prio number doesn't follow chronological order...So i stayed focus although my daughter wants to transfer on the area where the big TV screen located for her to watch the Cartoon... I have no choice but to go there...hmp

BIOMETRICS (7:25 a.m.)


Our number flashed at the prio board and we went right away to Counter 40 and caught ourselves again falling inline...Then the staff asked my name and DOB then done finger scanning...Then my daughter's turn, the old lady inside the booth greeted my daughter "HELLO little girl" then asked my daughters name and DOB and my daughter tried to put her fingers on the finger scan machine..and then the lady told her..Ok..ok..ok... then she was giggling...And my daughter really seriously answered her questions only to find out that she doesn't have to go finger scanning only the CR1 applicant..hehehe..blooper huh..



Long wait huh, just to collect our docs...Our first interview, went so well...

Funny thing, my butt and neck hurts of seating and checking our numbers hoping to appear on the prio # machine like 3 hours... waiting...Kinda aweeehhh...


Q: your name Ma'am?

A: &*^%%

Q: Date of Birth?


Q: Where are you from ____?

A: _________ Sir..

Q: I've been there and we stayed in _______. Pretty cool place ha..very peaceful.. I love to go there again.

Your a Manager right? and a Nurse? Do you know someone named ________________?

A: Yes sir..

Q: Ok.. He is a friend of mine...Anyway, How did you now the petitioner and who is this _______, his Co sponsor.

A: He is my childhood friend and neighbor.And the co sponsor is my Sister-In Law.

Q: You ended your 1st marriage, how?

A: Via Annulment..

Q: Psychological Incapacitated, right? very common reason in our society..

A: Yes indeed...I have my CENOMAR here an Advisory on Marriage..

Q: That's what I need....Alright...and your NBI has an AKA as well..good enough...

Good thing, just want to say..You look very professional Ma'am...

A: Thank you Sir.

Q: Your little girl, wait...Your name and your birthday please...

CR2-A: I'm _________________ and My Birthday is_____________...

Q:Why did you get NBI clearance for her Ma'am CR-1?

A: I just did as instructed by my husband...

Q: Oh I see, but you should not bother since clearances are collected for 16 and up ages..

Anyway..i guess you are all set.. Just wait for your number to be flashed on the board...

So Goodluck for the Consul's Interview...

A: Thank you so much sir...


Another long wait....aws...We we're the 2nd last persons being called..Finally, our numbers flashed on the board.. and the staff told me to proceed to Booth No. 63...

This is really it...

Finally, I got her..I was trying to check her lovely voice prior to our interview..Hoping that she will be my consul.She really speak fluently and witty...I thought she is a Blonde type but she is not what I expected. she's an Asian Chinese in her late 20's I guess...she is so pretty...

Consul: Hello!

Answer: Hi! Good Morning Ma'am...

Consul: Good morning...

Hi Little Girl..What is your name and your Birthday?

CR-2 A: I'm ___________and my birthday is _____________

Consul: So how old are you?

CR-2A: I'm ________.

Consul: Lovely..but you look like your 8..your just tall for your age.. Are you excited to go to Disney? Where are you planning to go?

CR-2: In america..So excited...

Consul:Wow...Oh well.. Is that your Mom beside you?

CR-2 A: Yes, she is my Mom...

Consul:Alright.. Who is this _________, co sponsor..

CR-1A: She is my sister in law..

Consul:When did you get married and how long is your marriage now?

CR-1 A: with my 2nd marriage..Almost __________ and we got married last___________...

Consul: Alright...

Typing for a few seconds...

Consul: Alright then, YOUR VISAS ARE APPROVED!

CR1-A: Thank you so much...

Consul:Have a seat first and try to wait for your number to be called @ courier..

CR-1A: alright Ma'am.. Thank you again...

2go(COURIER)-12:00 nn

One of the staff of 2go made an announcement, we must take our lunch first and be back by 1pm.

Ouch! Another agony again..Now...We went just outside and found a booth selling packed lunches...

We ate as fast as we can..

@ 1P.M.

Counter 72: Started calling our names and began flashing our numbers on the board...Asked my name and age and my prio number..After checking our documents he told me that our visa are approved and no documents are lacking..and he instructed us to proceed to Counter 69..by this this time no prio number here we just handed the Courier Form...and told her that I will just pick up the said visa..I asked her if how many days should I wait..She told me that they're not specific with the number of days...Advice me to wait for their call if visa will arrived... :yes:

That ended our journey for the USEM Interview...It was a worth to WAIT experience... :luv:

I just hope the visas will arrive early..We have tickets already...I just really crossed my fingers on this...My husband booked our tickets a month prior to this interview...aweeehhh


*Be on time.

*DO not Over-Dressed! Casual will do..plain Polo shirts and a Black Pants,thumbs up..Wear dress or clothes that is comfortable to you..Wear flats instead or Rubber Shoes.

*Eat well.Hydrate well.

*Sleep well a night prior to interview.

*Do not bring gadgets,cell phones,food,water,camera.Just leave it at home/hotel...It is not super allowed.

*Get documents that are possibly ask during interview NBI w/ AKA/previous marriage maiden name,CENOMAR and in case Notarial Consent for your kid/s needed from the previous husband then get ahead of time..Let you ex-husband sign as early as he can...Luckily, it was not asked to me...yehey!

*During interview, Do eye to eye contact and answer questions confidently, directly and correctly...Be polite and courteous to the staff...As much as possible.ALways WEAR A SMILE! :D


*And above all---PRAY and OFFER EVERYTHING TO HIM!!!

I hope this will help to my co-VJers! Goodluck to all of us! Bye for now...(*.^) Ciao!



2.23.10=== Met for the first time via online(Facebook) after 14 years of not seeing each other,my childhood neighbor.

4.18.10=== We became a couple.

12.22.10== July arrived in the Philippines after 14 years of staying in U.S. First meeting in-person.

12.28.10 == We got engaged!

6.4.11=== Arrived in the Philippines for 2nd meeting.

6.21.11=== I GOT MARRIED to my SOULMATE!!! Happiest day in my entire life!




7.30.11=== Mailed I-130 to California

8.2.11==== Received NOA1 (Receipt Notice)

2.26.12=== Received NOA2(Approval Notice) Almost 7 months of waiting



CR-1 and CR-2

3.28.12=== Bill for I-864 Fee Received and Sent

4.2.12==== Packet Received

4.6.12==== I-864 Mailed to NVC

4.12.12=== DS-230 Packet Received

4.16.12=== Paid Bill and DS-230 Sent to NVC

5.3.12=== Case Completed



Manila, Philippines

5.22-24.12==Medical @ St. Lukes-PASSED!

6.5.12 === Interview @ US Embassy-VISA APPROVED CR1 and CR2!!! Yahoo!!

#.##.##=== Visa in hand


At long last...I will gonna see my babe...So excited!

#.##.##=== POE;LAX

#.##.##=== Applied for SNN at local office

#.##.##=== Welcome to the United States letter received

#.##.##=== SSN RECEIVED

#.##.##=== Greencard Received





Congradulations. My wife has her interview later this month. Did they ask about your husbands employment? I know you gave them the I-864 and ITR and pay stubbs, but did they ask verbally to you about is employment? Thanks.

10/01/2010 -- Met online

11/03/2010 -- Arrived in PH

4/20/2011 -- Married in PH

3/08/2012 -- Filed I-130 with USCIS Manila Embasy

5/17/2012 -- I -130 Approved

5/24/2012 -- Submitted Packet 3

6/04/2012 -- Medical

6/18/2012 -- VISA Interview - Approved

6/21/2012 -- Recieved VISA

7/03/2012 -- Fly to the States

Filed: AOS (apr) Country: Philippines

ConGraTuLaTions :):star::dance:

Sent I-129 Application to VSC 2/1/12
NOA1 2/8/12
RFE 8/2/12
RFE reply 8/3/12
NOA2 8/16/12
NVC received 8/27/12
NVC left 8/29/12
Manila Embassy received 9/5/12
Visa appointment & approval 9/7/12
Arrived in US 10/5/2012
Married 11/24/2012
AOS application sent 12/19/12

AOS approved 8/24/13

Filed: K-3 Visa Country: United Kingdom

Congratulations! :dance:


2011-08-20 Posted

2011-08-31 NOA1

2011-09-03 Touch

2011-11-18 Sent Expedite Request to USCIS

2011-12-09 Response Received for Exepedite Request

"Wait your turn" in a nutshell

2011-12-02 Sent Expedite Request to US Representative Ed Royce

2012-01-27 Sent Expedite Request to Immigration Ombudsman

2012-02-02 Sent Expedite Request to Senator Barbara Boxer

2012-02-02 Sent Expedite Request to Senator Dianne Feinstein

2012-03-08 Case transferred to field office for additional processing

2012-03-23 Now being processed at a USCIS office

2012-05-10 Transferred to another office for processing

2012-05-14 Now being processed at a USCIS office

2012-06-05 Approved NOA2

2012-07-17 NVC Case/Invoice # Received

Petitioner: US Born Citizen (Wife)

Beneficiary: British Born Citizen (Husband)

Your I-130 was approved in 279 days from your NOA1 date


Congradulations. My wife has her interview later this month. Did they ask about your husbands employment? I know you gave them the I-864 and ITR and pay stubbs, but did they ask verbally to you about is employment? Thanks.

It wasn't asked verbally..but he just showed me the I-864...but i suggest just prepare in case...We had Joint Sponsor as well for us to be safe from refusal due to below poverty line income.

Good luck

ConGraTuLaTions :):star::dance:

thank you :D

Congratulations! :dance:

thank you :D

Filed: Lift. Cond. (apr) Country: China

Moved from IR-1/CR-1 Process & Procedures to Philippines regional forum.

Our journey:


September 2007: Met online via social networking site (MySpace); began exchanging messages.
March 26, 2009: We become a couple!
September 10, 2009: Arrived for first meeting in-person!
June 17, 2010: Arrived for second in-person meeting and start of travel together to other areas of China!
June 21, 2010: Engaged!!!
September 1, 2010: Switched course from K1 to CR-1
December 8, 2010: Wedding date set; it will be on February 18, 2011!
February 9, 2011: Depart for China
February 11, 2011: Registered for marriage in Wuhan, officially married!!!
February 18, 2011: Wedding ceremony in Shiyan!!!
April 22, 2011: Mailed I-130 to Chicago
April 28, 2011: Received NOA1 via text/email, file routed to CSC (priority date April 25th)
April 29, 2011: Updated
May 3, 2011: Received NOA1 hardcopy in mail
July 26, 2011: Received NOA2 via text/email!!!
July 30, 2011: Received NOA2 hardcopy in mail
August 8, 2011: NVC received file
September 1, 2011: NVC case number assigned
September 2, 2011: AOS invoice received, OPTIN email for EP sent
September 7, 2011: Paid AOS bill (payment portal showed PAID on September 9, 2011)
September 8, 2011: OPTIN email accepted, GZO number assigned
September 10, 2011: Emailed AOS package
September 12, 2011: IV bill invoiced
September 13, 2011: Paid IV bill (payment portal showed PAID on September 14, 2011)
September 14, 2011: Emailed IV package
October 3, 2011: Emailed checklist response (checklist generated due to typo on Form DS-230)
October 6, 2011: Case complete at NVC
November 10, 2011: Interview - APPROVED!!!
December 7, 2011: POE - Sea-Tac Airport

September 17, 2013: Mailed I-751 to CSC

September 23, 2013: Received NOA1 in mail (receipt date September 19th)

October 16, 2013: Biometrics Appointment

January 28, 2014: Production of new Green Card ordered

February 3, 2014: New Green Card received; done with USCIS until fall of 2023*

December 18, 2023:  Filed I-90 to renew Green Card

December 21, 2023:  Production of new Green Card ordered - will be seeing USCIS again every 10 years for renewal


  • 8 months later...
Filed: Country: Philippines

THe best thing that I ever heard this day was when an Asian(Chinese) Woman Consul told us "YOUR VISAS ARE APPROVED!!!" :thumbs:

I wanna scream out loud after hearing that...And still calmly manage to say " Thank you so much Ma'am."

BUT prior to that success story, we really mess up...total hours of waiting before our final interview....6.5 hours...our butt and back really hurts...ouch..on that long time seating...aweeehhh... :crying:

Let me share now our story...

The night prior to the interview I checked all the pertaining documents needed are as follow:

1.Interview Appointment Letters of CR1& CR2

2.Forms DS-230 Part I and II for Cr1 & CR2

3.Forms 1-864 Affidavit of Support,W2, Paystubs and ITR 2011 of the Petitioner and Joint Sponsor for CR1 and CR2

(Separate Copy and Separate Information)

4.Passports of CR1& CR2

5.Medical Exam Reports of CR1& CR2(CD and Immunization Record given by SLEC)

6.Marriage Certificate of CR1 (NSO copy)

7.CENOMAR: Advisory on Marriage(NSO copy) of CR1

8. Annulment Finality(NSO copy) CR1

9.NSO authenticated Birth Certificates of CR1& CR2

10.NBI Clearance with AKA/previous maiden name of CR1

11.Court Finality for Annulment(Original and Photocopy)

12. PICTURES, YM Snailmail , Chatscript Skype, Money Transmittal and other proofs that shows genuine relationship..(CR1)

I also included pictures of my daughter(CR2) about her growth and development...

Notarial Statement from my ex-husband form only, no signature at all..Actually, he did not sign the said form.. :angry:

I am just confident with what I have read from the internet...and I really love to share it

Philippine Legal Counseling

Legal tips and updates for everyday living by Christine Florido

The Philippines and The Hague Convention on Child Abduction

Posted on :-)

In October 1980, the Hague Conference on Private International Law unanimously adopted the Hague Convention on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction, which was signed by a number of countries including the United States. 

The goal of this multilateral treaty is to secure the prompt return of children wrongfully removed from or retained in any country which is a party to the Convention. The countries that are parties to the Convention have agreed that, subject to certain limited exceptions and conditions, a child who is removed from or retained in one of the signatory countries shall be promptly returned to the other member country where the child habitually resided before the abduction or wrongful retention. 

The Hague Convention is a return mechanism that does not resolve custody issues or any additional disputes concerning the child’s status.  It merely provides a remedy for one parent to obtain the quick return of a child to his or her habitual country, where custody and other disputed issues may be resolved.

At present, this Convention is the the only piece of international legislation that provides for the return of an internationally abducted child.   The Philippines and many Middle Eastern countries are not  signatories to this Convention.  This means that if your child is taken out of the country without your knowledge and consent by the other parent, even with a valid visitation agreement confirmed by a Philippine court, you may have problems seeking the return of your child if he or she is taken to a country that does not observe this Convention.

Philippine Legal Counseling

Legal tips and updates for everyday living by Christine Florido

Query: Can Children Travel Abroad without Father’s Consent?

Posted on :-)


MDO wrote:

Hi, I have a friend who is separated with his wife, and has 2 kids. Is it possible for the mother to take the kids out of the country away from their father?  The kids follow their dad’s last name.  The mother needs to seek consent from the biological father in order to do that right? Thank you and hoping for your quick response.

Legal Advice:

Generally, the rule is minor children (below the age of 18) cannot leave the country unaccompanied by a parent (father or mother).  See also DSWD rules on Travel Clearance for Minors.   Click here to get the DSWD Travel Consent Form if your child needs it to leave the country.

Assuming that the father has a custody agreement or court order that prohibits the mother from taking the children out of the country without his consent, she can still succeed in bringing the children out of the country unless a hold departure order is issued and brought to the attention of immigration officers at the port of departure.  It is the father’s duty to inform the Bureau of Immigration of such hold order so that Immigration can put the children’s names on a watch list.


From experience,  Immigration officers usually question situations when the minor children are accompanied by an adult who does not appear to be the parent, such as, when the mom’s passport does not bear the same surname of the children; otherwise, she is usually granted passage with the children. 


What is the father’s recourse? If he fears that the mother plans to alienate him from the children and has no intention to let them return to the Philippines, then he must consult a lawyer who can recommend and take the appropriate legal action in court. I hope this helps.

Philippine Legal Counseling

Legal tips and updates for everyday living by Christine Florido

When Mother of Child Can be Deprived of Custody

Posted on :-)


As a general rule, a child under 7 years of age shall be in the custody of the mother (Art 213 of the Family Code). This is known as the maternal preference rule or tender-years-rule.

But this rule has exceptions: when the court finds compelling reasons to order otherwise. This includes finding compelling evidence showing the mother’s unfitness such as:





habitual drunkenness

drug addiction

maltreatment of the child


affliction with a communicable disease


NOTE: I photocopied all documents except for the Proof of Relationship docs...

:ot2: THE BIG DAY!!!This is it...


June 5,2012

8:30 A.M.(Appointment Time)

I woke up @ 4:30 a.m. although i just had 4 hours sleep and wishing to be at the USEM by 6:00 but my daughter doesn't want to wake up.. :bonk:

What's new to my daughter...aws..She really love SLEEPING...lolz..

To continue, after all the prep we arrived at the USEM by 6:30...Seeing people outside standing under the heat of the sun...carrying their luggages ops... docs/heavy folders rather...The woman asked me if what time is my appointment..I told her 8:30 a.m. she instructed me to go to the longest line...and telling me..cellphones, food, gadgets and other things listed to the hard paper she is carrying, are not allowed inside the premises...Anyway, I automatically told her, I know and I'm not carrying any...Then, i asked the old lady in front of me, "Is this the line for immigrant?" she replied "No this is for tourist visa.' Hmmm... now the lady told me..you have to go in front and ask the guard for the immigrant lane...and luckily we found it and has 3 people in front of us...



When it was my turn, she ask me TO REMOVE THE COVER OF MY PASSPORT EVEN IF IT IS TRANSPARENT..I handed her the Appointment Letter and she handed me back our Passport with sticker at back, 2 forms for 2go courier and Transparent bags to place our passport inside...Then she instructed me to proceed to Entrance Door..



Entrance with pressure puling the heavy door..hehehe..very heavy...The guard inspected my heavy bag...then we entered the premises... There was these 3 counters for the priority number.. The priority number that will be handed to the applicant, it must be kept properly since it will be use through the entire process...Then my turn now..

Counter No.2 she asked me if how many applicants are we, appointment letters,does the SLEC gave me CD or envelop, then our names and ages...After she gave us the appointment letter and the prio number 6139 and 6140..Now another heavy door...



As we enter the premises, the feeling is casual... I was trying to tell myself, this is just an ordinary day for me just to lower down my anxiety level.I could not help that I was just here last June last year standing on the same place with ex-fiance now my husband(hehehe) almost crying because of Anxiety, we went their for the Affidavit in Lieu of Certificate of Legal Capacity to Contract Marriage for American Citizens.

To continue,an Embassy staff with a blue polo shirt approached us and asking for our Appointment Letter and told us to be seated and wait for our number that to be flashed. I noticed that the prio number doesn't follow chronological order...So i stayed focus although my daughter wants to transfer on the area where the big TV screen located for her to watch the Cartoon... I have no choice but to go there...hmp

BIOMETRICS (7:25 a.m.)


Our number flashed at the prio board and we went right away to Counter 40 and caught ourselves again falling inline...Then the staff asked my name and DOB then done finger scanning...Then my daughter's turn, the old lady inside the booth greeted my daughter "HELLO little girl" then asked my daughters name and DOB and my daughter tried to put her fingers on the finger scan machine..and then the lady told her..Ok..ok..ok... then she was giggling...And my daughter really seriously answered her questions only to find out that she doesn't have to go finger scanning only the CR1 applicant..hehehe..blooper huh..



Long wait huh, just to collect our docs...Our first interview, went so well...

Funny thing, my butt and neck hurts of seating and checking our numbers hoping to appear on the prio # machine like 3 hours... waiting...Kinda aweeehhh...


Q: your name Ma'am?

A: &*^%%

Q: Date of Birth?


Q: Where are you from ____?

A: _________ Sir..

Q: I've been there and we stayed in _______. Pretty cool place ha..very peaceful.. I love to go there again.

Your a Manager right? and a Nurse? Do you know someone named ________________?

A: Yes sir..

Q: Ok.. He is a friend of mine...Anyway, How did you now the petitioner and who is this _______, his Co sponsor.

A: He is my childhood friend and neighbor.And the co sponsor is my Sister-In Law.

Q: You ended your 1st marriage, how?

A: Via Annulment..

Q: Psychological Incapacitated, right? very common reason in our society..

A: Yes indeed...I have my CENOMAR here an Advisory on Marriage..

Q: That's what I need....Alright...and your NBI has an AKA as well..good enough...

Good thing, just want to say..You look very professional Ma'am...

A: Thank you Sir.

Q: Your little girl, wait...Your name and your birthday please...

CR2-A: I'm _________________ and My Birthday is_____________...

Q:Why did you get NBI clearance for her Ma'am CR-1?

A: I just did as instructed by my husband...

Q: Oh I see, but you should not bother since clearances are collected for 16 and up ages..

Anyway..i guess you are all set.. Just wait for your number to be flashed on the board...

So Goodluck for the Consul's Interview...

A: Thank you so much sir...


Another long wait....aws...We we're the 2nd last persons being called..Finally, our numbers flashed on the board.. and the staff told me to proceed to Booth No. 63...

This is really it...

Finally, I got her..I was trying to check her lovely voice prior to our interview..Hoping that she will be my consul.She really speak fluently and witty...I thought she is a Blonde type but she is not what I expected. she's an Asian Chinese in her late 20's I guess...she is so pretty...

Consul: Hello!

Answer: Hi! Good Morning Ma'am...

Consul: Good morning...

Hi Little Girl..What is your name and your Birthday?

CR-2 A: I'm ___________and my birthday is _____________

Consul: So how old are you?

CR-2A: I'm ________.

Consul: Lovely..but you look like your 8..your just tall for your age.. Are you excited to go to Disney? Where are you planning to go?

CR-2: In america..So excited...

Consul:Wow...Oh well.. Is that your Mom beside you?

CR-2 A: Yes, she is my Mom...

Consul:Alright.. Who is this _________, co sponsor..

CR-1A: She is my sister in law..

Consul:When did you get married and how long is your marriage now?

CR-1 A: with my 2nd marriage..Almost __________ and we got married last___________...

Consul: Alright...

Typing for a few seconds...

Consul: Alright then, YOUR VISAS ARE APPROVED!

CR1-A: Thank you so much...

Consul:Have a seat first and try to wait for your number to be called @ courier..

CR-1A: alright Ma'am.. Thank you again...

2go(COURIER)-12:00 nn

One of the staff of 2go made an announcement, we must take our lunch first and be back by 1pm.

Ouch! Another agony again..Now...We went just outside and found a booth selling packed lunches...

We ate as fast as we can..

@ 1P.M.

Counter 72: Started calling our names and began flashing our numbers on the board...Asked my name and age and my prio number..After checking our documents he told me that our visa are approved and no documents are lacking..and he instructed us to proceed to Counter 69..by this this time no prio number here we just handed the Courier Form...and told her that I will just pick up the said visa..I asked her if how many days should I wait..She told me that they're not specific with the number of days...Advice me to wait for their call if visa will arrived... :yes:

That ended our journey for the USEM Interview...It was a worth to WAIT experience... :luv:

I just hope the visas will arrive early..We have tickets already...I just really crossed my fingers on this...My husband booked our tickets a month prior to this interview...aweeehhh


*Be on time.

*DO not Over-Dressed! Casual will do..plain Polo shirts and a Black Pants,thumbs up..Wear dress or clothes that is comfortable to you..Wear flats instead or Rubber Shoes.

*Eat well.Hydrate well.

*Sleep well a night prior to interview.

*Do not bring gadgets,cell phones,food,water,camera.Just leave it at home/hotel...It is not super allowed.

*Get documents that are possibly ask during interview NBI w/ AKA/previous marriage maiden name,CENOMAR and in case Notarial Consent for your kid/s needed from the previous husband then get ahead of time..Let you ex-husband sign as early as he can...Luckily, it was not asked to me...yehey!

*During interview, Do eye to eye contact and answer questions confidently, directly and correctly...Be polite and courteous to the staff...As much as possible.ALways WEAR A SMILE! :D


*And above all---PRAY and OFFER EVERYTHING TO HIM!!!

I hope this will help to my co-VJers! Goodluck to all of us! Bye for now...(*.^) Ciao!



2.23.10=== Met for the first time via online(Facebook) after 14 years of not seeing each other,my childhood neighbor.

4.18.10=== We became a couple.

12.22.10== July arrived in the Philippines after 14 years of staying in U.S. First meeting in-person.

12.28.10 == We got engaged!

6.4.11=== Arrived in the Philippines for 2nd meeting.

6.21.11=== I GOT MARRIED to my SOULMATE!!! Happiest day in my entire life!




7.30.11=== Mailed I-130 to California

8.2.11==== Received NOA1 (Receipt Notice)

2.26.12=== Received NOA2(Approval Notice) Almost 7 months of waiting



CR-1 and CR-2

3.28.12=== Bill for I-864 Fee Received and Sent

4.2.12==== Packet Received

4.6.12==== I-864 Mailed to NVC

4.12.12=== DS-230 Packet Received

4.16.12=== Paid Bill and DS-230 Sent to NVC

5.3.12=== Case Completed



Manila, Philippines

5.22-24.12==Medical @ St. Lukes-PASSED!

6.5.12 === Interview @ US Embassy-VISA APPROVED CR1 and CR2!!! Yahoo!!

#.##.##=== Visa in hand


At long last...I will gonna see my babe...So excited!

#.##.##=== POE;LAX

#.##.##=== Applied for SNN at local office

#.##.##=== Welcome to the United States letter received

#.##.##=== SSN RECEIVED

#.##.##=== Greencard Received




Do you have to pay anything to 2GO if they will deliver the documents? My kids are approved but they did not pay anything for the courier services. Will they ask you if you want to pick up the visa or deliver?

Thank you.

"The Lord is my Shepherd, I shall not want."

Filed: Other Country: Philippines
Posted (edited)

(this posting is almost a year ago, not sure you will get answer from the OP)

Just the same to try and answer your question, no you do not have to pay anything to 2GO for delivery. Your kids should have had completed a form at the embassy stating how they want to receive their passports w/visas, they handle that at the last window before they leave.

Edited by Hank_


"Chance Favors The Prepared Mind"





Filed: AOS (apr) Country: Philippines

This is the time of the year when we thing of the resurrection :devil:

Sent I-129 Application to VSC 2/1/12
NOA1 2/8/12
RFE 8/2/12
RFE reply 8/3/12
NOA2 8/16/12
NVC received 8/27/12
NVC left 8/29/12
Manila Embassy received 9/5/12
Visa appointment & approval 9/7/12
Arrived in US 10/5/2012
Married 11/24/2012
AOS application sent 12/19/12

AOS approved 8/24/13

Didn't find the answer you were looking for? Ask our VJ Immigration Lawyers.

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