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Filed: K-1 Visa Country: Russia

This is one of the greatest misconceptions/misunderstandings about Rush Limbaugh. His popularity is not because his audience comprises mind-numbed robots; it's very precisely because he was the first talk-show host who said things that conservative folks were already thinking.

Furthermore, a "ditto-head" is someone who calls and says "Dittos, Rush" as a substitute for saying "Hey, Rush -- I love your show, yak yak yak." It saves time for discussion of issues.

He gives voice to those dark thoughts and primitive instincts that polite society frowns upon. People were ashamed to give voice to these attitudes prior to Rush. Decent people have moved beyond these attitudes!

Filed: Country: Philippines

Those on the left are like child, they can hit as much they like, but the moment you hit back -- they ######, whine and moan.

"The Marines I have seen around the world have the cleanest bodies, the filthiest minds, the highest morale, and the lowest morals of any group of animals I have ever seen. Thank God for the United States Marine Corps!" - Eleanor Roosevelt, First Lady of the United States, 1945.

"Retreat hell! We just got here!"


Filed: Other Country: Russia

Those on the left are like child, they can hit as much they like, but the moment you hit back -- they ######, whine and moan.

Wow! So those on the left act exactly like those on the right then? Well if everyone is acting like spoiled children, it's hardly a wonder that the country is going to hell.


Filed: Country: Philippines

This is one of the greatest misconceptions/misunderstandings about Rush Limbaugh. His popularity is not because his audience comprises mind-numbed robots; it's very precisely because he was the first talk-show host who said things that conservative folks were already thinking.

Furthermore, a "ditto-head" is someone who calls and says "Dittos, Rush" as a substitute for saying "Hey, Rush -- I love your show, yak yak yak." It saves time for discussion of issues.

Except Rush doesn't tolerate any POV but his. His whole method involves him ranting and everyone nodding their heads in agreement. That's not comedic shtick, it's a fundamental component to his version of right wing politics where there is no middle ground, no pragmaticism, no room for differences of opinion. Rush doesn't care what anyone else thinks unless they agree with him. Some flock to such strong personalities. People who typically can't think for themselves. And The ones who can, never challenge Rush out of fear that he'Ill unleash his ditto head minions against that politician. Just see how many GOP candidates have come out and said to Rush, ' you are wrong.'

Filed: Country: Philippines

Except Rush doesn't tolerate any POV but his. His whole method involves him ranting and everyone nodding their heads in agreement. That's not comedic shtick, it's a fundamental component to his version of right wing politics where there is no middle ground, no pragmaticism, no room for differences of opinion. Rush doesn't care what anyone else thinks unless they agree with him. Some flock to such strong personalities. People who typically can't think for themselves. And The ones who can, never challenge Rush out of fear that he'Ill unleash his ditto head minions against that politician. Just see how many GOP candidates have come out and said to Rush, ' you are wrong.'

In your view, would your exact sentiment apply to Ed Schultz?

"The Marines I have seen around the world have the cleanest bodies, the filthiest minds, the highest morale, and the lowest morals of any group of animals I have ever seen. Thank God for the United States Marine Corps!" - Eleanor Roosevelt, First Lady of the United States, 1945.

"Retreat hell! We just got here!"


Filed: Country: Philippines

Wow! So those on the left act exactly like those on the right then? Well if everyone is acting like spoiled children, it's hardly a wonder that the country is going to hell.

I know it's hard for those on the left to see the hypocrisy of those on the left. However, Ed Schultz, Bill Maher and David Letterman have said vile things about conservative women on numerous occasions -- and not a peep from anyone on the left, not one word of condemnation.

"The Marines I have seen around the world have the cleanest bodies, the filthiest minds, the highest morale, and the lowest morals of any group of animals I have ever seen. Thank God for the United States Marine Corps!" - Eleanor Roosevelt, First Lady of the United States, 1945.

"Retreat hell! We just got here!"


Filed: Other Country: Russia

I know it's hard for those on the left to see the hypocrisy of those on the left. However, Ed Schultz, Bill Maher and David Letterman have said vile things about conservative women on numerous occasions -- and not a peep from anyone on the left, not one word of condemnation.

Yes, so the left is no different from the right in that regard, as I said. Which makes the commentary somewhat superfluous.


Filed: Citizen (apr) Country: Egypt

First of all I think your time line is a bit off, many of the harshest attacks came on her before she had done anything except be known as Palins Daughter.

So she was actually less of a public figure than Fluke, Fluke opened her mouth testifying as an expert or knowledgeable person, actually she never did "testify" the forum she spoke at was nothing more than a press showing thrown together at the last minute when she was rejected in the real hearing.

Even Palins 14 year old daughter was accused of being a prostitute when she was in NY with her mother.

Listen to yourself parsing words and determining exactly who is able to treat women this way and who can't.

Really it's not surprising, we saw all the back flips we needed to see when the Phony womens Rights groups sat on their hands while the President had Gov't employees on their knees.

There are no core beliefs or principles, only politics and goals there of.

According to this logic the timeline of when Bristol Palin came into the spotlight was the same time her Mother was on the team of Obama's competitor and therefore he was not President at the time and not subject to an apology. Regardless of that fact if you'll recall Sarah Palin had even said in her interviews that when she was approached about being the GOP VP nominee she asked her family and they agreed to support her and be in the media spotlight thus subject to public scrutiny. Prior to that Palin and her family were relatively unknown outside Alaska. Bristol Palin had a choice prior to her Mother's nomination to not step into the spotlight but decided to be in it. Given her career path after the fact where she has spoken publicly in a campaign around the US at Universities and other public insititions about the value of abstaining from sex before marriage and her stint on DWTS I can only conclude that this is a further media ploy from a family that makes their living promoting and protecting the Palin brand.



Filed: Timeline

Just an interjection here -- children and spouses of celebrities and politicians should be off-limits, unless they actively seek the limelight. Even if that is the case, the kind of vile comments made by angry left leaning comedians and commentators really has no place in polite society. The comedy on the right tends to be self-deprecating, while the comedy on the left tends to demean others, showing a total crab mentality.

Filed: Country: Philippines

On the June 10 edition of Fox News' Hannity, host Sean Hannity and conservative columnist Ann Coulter talked about David Letterman's references to Gov. Sarah Palin and her family, with Coulter claiming that "people didn't go after Chelsea Clinton." In fact, Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) reportedly told a "joke" about Chelsea Clinton in 1998, saying, "Why is Chelsea Clinton so ugly? Because her father is Janet Reno." Additionally, referring to nationally syndicated radio host Rush Limbaugh, the late columnist Molly Ivins reported:

On his TV show, early in the Clinton administration, Limbaugh put up a picture of Socks, the White House cat, and asked, 'Did you know there's a White House dog?' Then he put up a picture of Chelsea Clinton, who was 13 years old at the time and as far as I know had never done any harm to anyone.

When viewers objected, he claimed, in typical Limbaugh fashion, that the gag was an accident and that without his permission some technician had put up the picture of Chelsea -- which I found as disgusting as his original attempt at humor.

As Media Matters for America previously documented, on September 1, 2008, referring to Internet rumors about Palin's daughter, Hannity said: "[T]hey tried to make the attack that she has a young daughter, pregnant and engaged. Is that fair that they would attack that? I mean, I don't remember Chelsea Clinton being attacked."

From the June 10 edition of Fox News' Hannity:

HANNITY: All right. You know, I guess people say, "Oh, it's David Letterman." He also referred to, you know, the "slutty flight attendant" look of hers. And I'm thinking now, David Letterman --


HANNITY: -- from what I understand, he just got married. He has a wife. He has a child. I think David Letterman would react if people started making similar attacks against his wife and child.

COULTER: Right. And now that the families are open to this, have you seen the wife? I think every time liberal males see a female who is identifiable as a female, they think -- they call them slutty stewardesses. I think that's his way of saying she's attractive.

For both of these lines, I mean, it seems to me the two rules are -- have been that you can't attack the family members -- but I guess Sasha and Malia are fair game for comedians now. And the second rule is that it has to be funny. And that's the problem with the herpes joke. I'm not seeing the humor there, OK?

HANNITY: Well, I'm not seeing --

COULTER: Sarah Palin is not going away.

HANNITY: I'm not seeing the humor --

COULTER: So is Obama.

HANNITY: I'm not seeing the humor in any of this, and maybe, it's played itself out because it got killed by Leno, killed by
, and now he's getting apparently killed by Conan O'Brien. So, apparently, he's --

COULTER: He's been killed for years. I mean, he has -- I think since he and -- up until recently, he and Leno were competitors. Leno has, like, twice his ratings. I think we know what keeps him on air.

HANNITY: Yeah. But Leno was funny. I mean, Leno -- I always enjoyed watching him.

COULTER: Yeah. That's why he had twice the ratings of Letterman.

HANNITY: Yeah. You know, look, I wonder if --

COULTER: No, but, Letterman is a reliably -- Letterman is reliably left wing, and that'll keep you a job in the mainstream media.

HANNITY: All right, now, I've watched you speak in public and I can't see you going after Barack Obama's daughters. I can't see you going after the children of politicians. You know, the politicians are fair game. They put themselves in the public arena. We're fair game. People say awful things about Ann Coulter on a pretty regular basis. Obama has attacked me by name -- all fair game.

But when you go after kids the way he did here -- this is a young girl we're talking about -- when you go after a woman this way --

COULTER: Well, and it's not just -- right. Right. And people didn't go after Chelsea Clinton, and they have not gone after Sasha or Malia. This is a rule that has never been subscribed to by liberals, and it isn't just comedians. If MSNBC is the official Barack Obama station, CNN is the official Levi Johnson station. He's on that network more than Cooper Anderson is now.

This has become an obsession with attacking this young girl of Palin's.

— J.H.

Filed: K-1 Visa Country: Russia

According to this logic the timeline of when Bristol Palin came into the spotlight was the same time her Mother was on the team of Obama's competitor and therefore he was not President at the time and not subject to an apology. Regardless of that fact if you'll recall Sarah Palin had even said in her interviews that when she was approached about being the GOP VP nominee she asked her family and they agreed to support her and be in the media spotlight thus subject to public scrutiny. Prior to that Palin and her family were relatively unknown outside Alaska. Bristol Palin had a choice prior to her Mother's nomination to not step into the spotlight but decided to be in it. Given her career path after the fact where she has spoken publicly in a campaign around the US at Universities and other public insititions about the value of abstaining from sex before marriage and her stint on DWTS I can only conclude that this is a further media ploy from a family that makes their living promoting and protecting the Palin brand.

I don't know what else there is to say, you feel it is okay to refer to women who seek public office as sluty and C_nts..... even their teenage daughters in sexual slams.

When I heard the tape of what Rush said, I was surprised he went that far with the bit, even suggesting she should make sex vids available to the public who were subsidizing her sex life.

He could have made all those angles of attack without using such "dirty old man" type expressions.

People saying these things in a private setting, off color jokes and such are one thing but when you get in front of a camera or microphone, one should speak more responsibly.

THis is another clear demonstration of how the Left, even more than the Right will do gymnastics to find a means justifying their own.


"Those people who will not be governed by God

will be ruled by tyrants."

William Penn

Filed: Country: Philippines

Yes, so the left is no different from the right in that regard, as I said. Which makes the commentary somewhat superfluous.

The more important point of the commentary is the difference in the reaction when inappropriate comments are made. There isn't even a remote similarity in the amount of vitriol and condemnation anyone on the right is subject to from the media and those on the left (which is one and the same) when a comment is made. Yet, the usual suspects on the left can and do make the most degrading comments at-will about conservative women -- and you get crickets from the left.

"The Marines I have seen around the world have the cleanest bodies, the filthiest minds, the highest morale, and the lowest morals of any group of animals I have ever seen. Thank God for the United States Marine Corps!" - Eleanor Roosevelt, First Lady of the United States, 1945.

"Retreat hell! We just got here!"


Filed: Citizen (apr) Country: Egypt

I don't know what else there is to say, you feel it is okay to refer to women who seek public office as sluty and C_nts..... even their teenage daughters in sexual slams.

When I heard the tape of what Rush said, I was surprised he went that far with the bit, even suggesting she should make sex vids available to the public who were subsidizing her sex life.

He could have made all those angles of attack without using such "dirty old man" type expressions.

People saying these things in a private setting, off color jokes and such are one thing but when you get in front of a camera or microphone, one should speak more responsibly.

THis is another clear demonstration of how the Left, even more than the Right will do gymnastics to find a means justifying their own.

I'm unsure where exactly in my posts you get that understanding from what I'm saying about the case not being a "perfect catch 22" as described in the quoted original post. I'm also not sure how many different ways to say it so that you understand that in the eyes of the law the situations are not the same at all. Bristol Palin is a public figure open to public criticism, take it or leave it, and the Palin's are only bring up what has been said about them in the past now as a media ploy. That's my main point I've maintained.

As for the ethics of the matter in regards to what was said about either Palin or Fluke being right or wrong is not up for debate in in any of my posts.



Filed: Other Country: Afghanistan

I'm unsure where exactly in my posts you get that understanding from what I'm saying about the case not being a "perfect catch 22" as described in the quoted original post. I'm also not sure how many different ways to say it so that you understand that in the eyes of the law the situations are not the same at all. Bristol Palin is a public figure open to public criticism, take it or leave it, and the Palin's are only bring up what has been said about them in the past now as a media ploy. That's my main point I've maintained.

As for the ethics of the matter in regards to what was said about either Palin or Fluke being right or wrong is not up for debate in in any of my posts.

I understand your timeline quite well. To compare Palin to Fluke is as follows. George Bush would have had to apologize to Palin for Maher's comment as he was sitting president. Obama's non apology at that time is equal to Romney's recent comments about Rush.

All is square.


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