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Filed: AOS (apr) Country: Germany

@ Beachmouse GLUECKWUNSCH :dance:

@ Stefanie Er muss um 9 das arbeiten anfangen, arbeitet aber von mo-do bis 9pm, fr -6pm und am samstag bis 4pm


Walk with the angels

let them keep you safe

we'll join you one day

in that wonderful place

stand on the clouds and never forget

we're holding on to you

in our memories and thoughts

until one day we'll meet again

Truly missed but never forgotten:


RIP 1982-08/2008


RIP 1983-03/2008




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@stef na denn wuensch ich dir richtige tolle tage :)

Bei uns hats grad wieder dolle angefangen zu schneien. Hach bin ich froh, dass ich heute nirgendwo hin muss :)

Die fahren hier schon seit heute nacht nonstop mit den schneepfluegen und salzmaschinen rum.

Hehe unsere hausmeister haben heute genug zu tun :) Unserer lily gefaellts gar nicht. die is ganz verwirrt.

Naja ich hab heute putztag und werd die bude von oben putzen und waesche waschen :) naja sviel is nicht zu machen :) da bin ich in 2 stunden fertig :)

Bis denne und warme gruesse an alle die im schnee stecken oder bei denen es ganz kalt ist :)


Wann gehts denn in die USA???


R.I.P Diana


Removal Timeline

11/17/08 - mailed out documents

11/19/08 - documents received by USCIS

11/25/08 - check cashed

12/10/08 - Biometrics letter

12/19/08 - second Biometrics letter

12/26/09 - went to Boston for Biometrics Appointment - THEY WERE CLOSED!!!!!!!!!

01/13/09 - Biometrics Appointment in Boston

01/13/09 - several phonecalls to uscis to find out where my extension letter is - will send out extension letter which will take up to 3 weeks

01/21/09 - phonecall to uscis about the extension letter. They are still working on the service request! told me to go to an infopass


01/22/09 - went to SS office to get a new SS-card. They won't issue a new one because me GC expires in 2 weeks.

01/22/09 - talked to the Office of my congressman. They will look into the issue and call me back - hopefully!!!!

01/26/09 - talked to the Office of the congressman. She read an email to me from USCIS stating that they sent out the letter on Friday!

They said I should have it in 7 days! So now we wait.....again!

01/29/09 - extension letter received!

05/15/09 - Removal of conditions approved :) ..waiting for actual card now :)

06/01/09 - Card in the mail!

Filed: AOS (apr) Country: Germany

@ ALL Happy V-DAY!!!!! (L)(F)

Ich hoffe mein Mann bringt mir KEINE blumen... Ich mag keine Blumen... (geschnitte blumen die man in ne vase stellt) :lol:

@ Susanne Mr Eyebrows ist total verwirrt... er springt die ganze zeit wie wild rum und versucht so nah wie moeglich ans fenster zu kommen um zu sehen, was die ganze zeit ans "fenster" klopft... lol (bei uns ist grad ein eissturm....)


Walk with the angels

let them keep you safe

we'll join you one day

in that wonderful place

stand on the clouds and never forget

we're holding on to you

in our memories and thoughts

until one day we'll meet again

Truly missed but never forgotten:


RIP 1982-08/2008


RIP 1983-03/2008





hachja HAppy V-day an alle auch von mir.

Mein mann is heute denganzen tag daheim mit mir :) das is alles was ich zum brauche :) hehe er wuerde eh nicht rauskommen um bluemen zukaufen. Unsere auffahrt zum appartmentkomplex hat sich grad in ne rutschbahn mit dicker eisschicht verwamdelt.

hehe ich kann vom fenster aus direkt draufkucken. IS schon recht amuesant die auto schlittern zu sehen. Leider schlittern die direkt auf die hauptstrasse was nicht so lustig ist. Mal sehen wenn es das erst mal knallt.

Das salz scheint nix geholfen zu haben :(


ja genau so isses mit lily auch. hatte vorhin die balkontuer zu lueften auf und usere hexe is am fliegengitter bis nach oben gekrabbelt. So schnell konnte ich gar nicht kucken.


R.I.P Diana


Removal Timeline

11/17/08 - mailed out documents

11/19/08 - documents received by USCIS

11/25/08 - check cashed

12/10/08 - Biometrics letter

12/19/08 - second Biometrics letter

12/26/09 - went to Boston for Biometrics Appointment - THEY WERE CLOSED!!!!!!!!!

01/13/09 - Biometrics Appointment in Boston

01/13/09 - several phonecalls to uscis to find out where my extension letter is - will send out extension letter which will take up to 3 weeks

01/21/09 - phonecall to uscis about the extension letter. They are still working on the service request! told me to go to an infopass


01/22/09 - went to SS office to get a new SS-card. They won't issue a new one because me GC expires in 2 weeks.

01/22/09 - talked to the Office of my congressman. They will look into the issue and call me back - hopefully!!!!

01/26/09 - talked to the Office of the congressman. She read an email to me from USCIS stating that they sent out the letter on Friday!

They said I should have it in 7 days! So now we wait.....again!

01/29/09 - extension letter received!

05/15/09 - Removal of conditions approved :) ..waiting for actual card now :)

06/01/09 - Card in the mail!

Filed: AOS (apr) Country: Germany

Ich muesste auch weng aufraeumen hab aber null bock...

1. ist es total kalt bei uns in der wohnung und ich hab schon nen pullover an und ne decke um mich rumgeschlungen... aus irgendwelchen gruenden sind ist die heizung nicht an

2. Es ist V-Day....

3. Ich bin heut einfach zu faul... :angry:


Walk with the angels

let them keep you safe

we'll join you one day

in that wonderful place

stand on the clouds and never forget

we're holding on to you

in our memories and thoughts

until one day we'll meet again

Truly missed but never forgotten:


RIP 1982-08/2008


RIP 1983-03/2008




Filed: AOS (apr) Country: Germany

Das mit dem Fliegengitter kommt mir irgendwie bekannt vor. Mr Eyebrows liebt es am offenen Fenster zu liegen... Fliegengitter ist natuerlich unten! und versucht dann so hoch wie moeglich am Fliegengitter hoch zu klettern....

Apropos klettern: Wir haben ne kleine (was heisst klein, ist fast so gross wie ich) Palme bei uns in der Wohnung und Mr Eyebrows liebt es an der Palme rumzuknappern und an ihr hochzuklettern... am liebsten ganz nach oben und dann haengt er zwischen den Aesten....


Walk with the angels

let them keep you safe

we'll join you one day

in that wonderful place

stand on the clouds and never forget

we're holding on to you

in our memories and thoughts

until one day we'll meet again

Truly missed but never forgotten:


RIP 1982-08/2008


RIP 1983-03/2008





hehe, ja lily is auch so ein kletermaxe. Wir haben ihr aber nen ganz grossen katzenbaum gekauft fuer 70$ damals bei ebay und den liebt sie heiss und innig!

Pflanzen haben wir noch keine hier :D ich hab absolut keinen gruenen daumen :no:

Sag mal sind palmen nicht giftig fuer katzen??

Unsere herzallerliebste hexe hat sich gestern ganzheimlich in die kueche geschlichen und den frisch mit schokolade glasierten kuchen abgeleckt........und da bei is doch schokolade auch giftig fuer tiere. Ihr gehts aber gut..gott sei dank!


R.I.P Diana


Removal Timeline

11/17/08 - mailed out documents

11/19/08 - documents received by USCIS

11/25/08 - check cashed

12/10/08 - Biometrics letter

12/19/08 - second Biometrics letter

12/26/09 - went to Boston for Biometrics Appointment - THEY WERE CLOSED!!!!!!!!!

01/13/09 - Biometrics Appointment in Boston

01/13/09 - several phonecalls to uscis to find out where my extension letter is - will send out extension letter which will take up to 3 weeks

01/21/09 - phonecall to uscis about the extension letter. They are still working on the service request! told me to go to an infopass


01/22/09 - went to SS office to get a new SS-card. They won't issue a new one because me GC expires in 2 weeks.

01/22/09 - talked to the Office of my congressman. They will look into the issue and call me back - hopefully!!!!

01/26/09 - talked to the Office of the congressman. She read an email to me from USCIS stating that they sent out the letter on Friday!

They said I should have it in 7 days! So now we wait.....again!

01/29/09 - extension letter received!

05/15/09 - Removal of conditions approved :) ..waiting for actual card now :)

06/01/09 - Card in the mail!

Filed: AOS (apr) Country: Germany

Ich glaub auch das die giftig sind (Palmen)... Aber er will einfach nicht aufhoeren. Ich kann machen was ich will! Entweder spielt er mit den Blaettern, knappert an den Blaettern oder klettert an der palme hoch. Er weiss aber ganz genau das er das nicht darf! Sobald ich aufsteh und auf ihn hinzu lauf springt er im hohen bogen auf den boden...


Walk with the angels

let them keep you safe

we'll join you one day

in that wonderful place

stand on the clouds and never forget

we're holding on to you

in our memories and thoughts

until one day we'll meet again

Truly missed but never forgotten:


RIP 1982-08/2008


RIP 1983-03/2008





hoert sich an wie lily, wenn sie mal wieder auf die counter springt. Die macht mich damit noch wahnsinnig!! wir haben schon cat repellent gekauft aber da sinteressiert die gar nicht. Und sie reagiert auch gar nicht auf catnip.

Das laesst sie voellig kalt!


R.I.P Diana


Removal Timeline

11/17/08 - mailed out documents

11/19/08 - documents received by USCIS

11/25/08 - check cashed

12/10/08 - Biometrics letter

12/19/08 - second Biometrics letter

12/26/09 - went to Boston for Biometrics Appointment - THEY WERE CLOSED!!!!!!!!!

01/13/09 - Biometrics Appointment in Boston

01/13/09 - several phonecalls to uscis to find out where my extension letter is - will send out extension letter which will take up to 3 weeks

01/21/09 - phonecall to uscis about the extension letter. They are still working on the service request! told me to go to an infopass


01/22/09 - went to SS office to get a new SS-card. They won't issue a new one because me GC expires in 2 weeks.

01/22/09 - talked to the Office of my congressman. They will look into the issue and call me back - hopefully!!!!

01/26/09 - talked to the Office of the congressman. She read an email to me from USCIS stating that they sent out the letter on Friday!

They said I should have it in 7 days! So now we wait.....again!

01/29/09 - extension letter received!

05/15/09 - Removal of conditions approved :) ..waiting for actual card now :)

06/01/09 - Card in the mail!

Filed: AOS (apr) Country: Germany

Und wenn ich was essbares in meiner hand hab (oder auf dem Teller) haengt er mir am Bein und miaut wie bloed... er versucht dann mit aller kraft an meine hand zu kommen und auch was abzubekommen obwohl er sehr wohl weiss das ich ihn nix geb...


Walk with the angels

let them keep you safe

we'll join you one day

in that wonderful place

stand on the clouds and never forget

we're holding on to you

in our memories and thoughts

until one day we'll meet again

Truly missed but never forgotten:


RIP 1982-08/2008


RIP 1983-03/2008





hehe, ganz schoen neugierig euer kleiner mann :) bei lily isses nur schlimm, wenn ich tuna wraps gemacht habt. Sie liebt tuna!

habt ihr mal ueberlegt so nen cattree fuer Mr eyebrown zu kaufen? vielleicht laesst er dann die palme in ruhe, wenn der cattree hoehr ist.


R.I.P Diana


Removal Timeline

11/17/08 - mailed out documents

11/19/08 - documents received by USCIS

11/25/08 - check cashed

12/10/08 - Biometrics letter

12/19/08 - second Biometrics letter

12/26/09 - went to Boston for Biometrics Appointment - THEY WERE CLOSED!!!!!!!!!

01/13/09 - Biometrics Appointment in Boston

01/13/09 - several phonecalls to uscis to find out where my extension letter is - will send out extension letter which will take up to 3 weeks

01/21/09 - phonecall to uscis about the extension letter. They are still working on the service request! told me to go to an infopass


01/22/09 - went to SS office to get a new SS-card. They won't issue a new one because me GC expires in 2 weeks.

01/22/09 - talked to the Office of my congressman. They will look into the issue and call me back - hopefully!!!!

01/26/09 - talked to the Office of the congressman. She read an email to me from USCIS stating that they sent out the letter on Friday!

They said I should have it in 7 days! So now we wait.....again!

01/29/09 - extension letter received!

05/15/09 - Removal of conditions approved :) ..waiting for actual card now :)

06/01/09 - Card in the mail!

Filed: AOS (apr) Country: Germany

NE aber irgendwas muessen wir unternehmen... Mein Kater mag alles von Brot, Ei, Joghurt bis Eis. Solang es essbar ist will er es haben.


Walk with the angels

let them keep you safe

we'll join you one day

in that wonderful place

stand on the clouds and never forget

we're holding on to you

in our memories and thoughts

until one day we'll meet again

Truly missed but never forgotten:


RIP 1982-08/2008


RIP 1983-03/2008





verfressnes biest :) aber die viecher sind einfach zu niedlich. Brendon is noch aufgeregter als ich und moechte unsere neue metz am liebsten sofort abholen :) das is voll suess :D


R.I.P Diana


Removal Timeline

11/17/08 - mailed out documents

11/19/08 - documents received by USCIS

11/25/08 - check cashed

12/10/08 - Biometrics letter

12/19/08 - second Biometrics letter

12/26/09 - went to Boston for Biometrics Appointment - THEY WERE CLOSED!!!!!!!!!

01/13/09 - Biometrics Appointment in Boston

01/13/09 - several phonecalls to uscis to find out where my extension letter is - will send out extension letter which will take up to 3 weeks

01/21/09 - phonecall to uscis about the extension letter. They are still working on the service request! told me to go to an infopass


01/22/09 - went to SS office to get a new SS-card. They won't issue a new one because me GC expires in 2 weeks.

01/22/09 - talked to the Office of my congressman. They will look into the issue and call me back - hopefully!!!!

01/26/09 - talked to the Office of the congressman. She read an email to me from USCIS stating that they sent out the letter on Friday!

They said I should have it in 7 days! So now we wait.....again!

01/29/09 - extension letter received!

05/15/09 - Removal of conditions approved :) ..waiting for actual card now :)

06/01/09 - Card in the mail!

Filed: AOS (apr) Country: Germany

Ich hab gestern vorgeschlagen nen spielgefaehrten fuer Mr Eyebrows zu holen... Mein Mann will aber nicht :angry: Er meint 1 nervige Katze ist genug


Walk with the angels

let them keep you safe

we'll join you one day

in that wonderful place

stand on the clouds and never forget

we're holding on to you

in our memories and thoughts

until one day we'll meet again

Truly missed but never forgotten:


RIP 1982-08/2008


RIP 1983-03/2008





:angry: och der arme Mr eyebrown. Mensch da is er ja dann den ganzen tag alleine, wenn du wieder zum college gehst. Ich werd dir berichten wie es bei uns mit den zwei katzen klappt und ob lily dann imernoch so ne hexe ist. Wenns super geht kannste ja vielleicht auch deinen mann ueberzeugen :D

Hast du dich denn entschieden, was du nu studieren willst?


R.I.P Diana


Removal Timeline

11/17/08 - mailed out documents

11/19/08 - documents received by USCIS

11/25/08 - check cashed

12/10/08 - Biometrics letter

12/19/08 - second Biometrics letter

12/26/09 - went to Boston for Biometrics Appointment - THEY WERE CLOSED!!!!!!!!!

01/13/09 - Biometrics Appointment in Boston

01/13/09 - several phonecalls to uscis to find out where my extension letter is - will send out extension letter which will take up to 3 weeks

01/21/09 - phonecall to uscis about the extension letter. They are still working on the service request! told me to go to an infopass


01/22/09 - went to SS office to get a new SS-card. They won't issue a new one because me GC expires in 2 weeks.

01/22/09 - talked to the Office of my congressman. They will look into the issue and call me back - hopefully!!!!

01/26/09 - talked to the Office of the congressman. She read an email to me from USCIS stating that they sent out the letter on Friday!

They said I should have it in 7 days! So now we wait.....again!

01/29/09 - extension letter received!

05/15/09 - Removal of conditions approved :) ..waiting for actual card now :)

06/01/09 - Card in the mail!

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