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Filed: K-1 Visa Country: Isle of Man
Posted (edited)

Controversial Therapy for Pre-Teen Transgender Patient Raises Questions

A lesbian couple in California who say their 11-year-old son Tommy who wants to be a girl named Tammy are giving their child hormone blockers that delay the onset of puberty -- so that he can have more time that he can have more time to decide if he wants to change his gender.

The couple's supporters say the Hormone Blocking Therapy has only minor side effects and is appropriate for a child who is unsure of his gender. "This is definitely a changing landscape for transgender youth," said Joel Baum, director of education and training for Gender Spectrum, a California-based non-profit group. "This is about giving kids and their families the opportunity to make the right decision."

But critics of the treatment say 11-year-olds are not old enough to make life-altering decisions about changing their gender, and parents should not be encouraging them. They say it's too soon to tell what the side effects of the treatments may be, and they say Tommy's parents, Pauline Moreno and Debra Lobel, are irresponsible for seeking them and allowing them to be administered."This is child abuse. It's like performing liposuction on an anorexic child," said Dr. Paul McHugh, professor of psychiatry at Johns Hopkins University.

"It is a disorder of the mind. Not a disorder of the body. Dealing with it in this way is not dealing with the problem that truly exists.

"We shouldn't be mucking around with nature. We can't assume what the outcome will be," McHugh said.

Dr. Manny Alvarez, senior managing health editor of FoxNews.com, said the hormone blockers also may pose a medical risk. "I think that it's highly inappropriate to be interfering with natural hormonal growth patterns," Alvarez said. "There are significant potential problems necessary for growth and development.

"Potential long-term effects can include other abnormalities of hormones, vascular complications and even potential cancer. I think that if this child – as he finishes his puberty and teenage years – decides to undergo a transgender procedure – then there are proper channels to do so.

"But to do it at the age of 11 -- to me -- could be potentially dangerous to the health of this child," he said.

Tommy's parents, Moreno and Lobel, say they support their child and feel this is the best way for him to find an answer to a question he's been asking all his life. They say Tommy – whom they now call Tammy – began taking GnRH inhibitors over the summer so that he will remain a prepubescent boy until he turns 14 or 15. They say they want to give him more time to explore the female gender identity that he associates with.

Thomas began saying he was a girl when he was 3 years old, his parents said in an interview with the Daily Mail. He was learning sign language due to a speech impediment, and one of the first things he told his mothers was, "I am a girl." They say they thought he was confused or mistaken, and signed back, 'No. No. Thomas is a boy."

But Thomas insisted, they said. He shook his head "no" and repeated what he had signed.<br style="margin-top: 0px; margin-right: 0px; margin-bottom: 0px; margin-left: 0px; padding-top: 0px; padding-right: 0px; padding-bottom: 0px; padding-left: 0px; background-image: initial; background-attachment: initial; background-origin: initial; background-clip: initial; background-color: transparent; font-size: 14px; background-position: initial initial; background-repeat: initial initial; ">They said Thomas threatened to mutilate his genitals when he was 7, and psychiatrists diagnosed a gender identity disorder.

One year later, he began transitioning to Tammy.

After much deliberation with family and therapists, the child began taking hormone blockers a few months ago. The medication, which must be changed once a year, was implanted in the boy's upper left arm.

Tommy will continue this treatment until he turns 14 or 15, at which point he will be taken off the blockers and pursue the gender he feels is the right one. He will then either start his puberty cycle as a boy – or begin making the full transition to a girl.

"There's an increase of children who are telling their parents that they are a different gender. We're trying to understand why there's an increase," said Diane Ehrensaft, a developmental and clinical psychologist and author of the book, "Gender-Born. Gender-Made," who says the trend may be due to a more open society.

But while chemicals are giving children like Tommy more time to decide which side of the fence they belong on, some critics say that some children who question their identity at a very young age might change their mind when they start adolescence.

"Most transgender patients will say that they knew at 6 years old. But what we don't know is how many others had those thoughts and feelings that went away once they hit puberty," said Dr. Jeffrey Spiegel, a professor at Boston University and a plastic surgeon who specializes in facial feminization operations for transgender men.

"While it may be a good therapy for those who've committed to transgender, it may not be good for those who might have changed their mind once they hit puberty and beyond."

Walt Heyer, whose book "Paper Genders" details his own experience transitioning from a man to a woman and back again, agreed. "The blockers should NOT be introduced to a child," Heyer said. "If they are going to make a transition, they should wait to do so when they reach 18 to 20 years old. When you start the therapy at that age you are not dealing with the fact that the mind is not fully developed."

Heyer also cited a Dutch study that said 61 percent of individuals who desire a gender change are found to have secondary psychiatric disorders, such as depression or dissociative disorder, which he suffered from.

Other critics asked whether Tommy's same-sex parents may be unknowingly influencing his questions about his gender.

"Undue influence on the child simply has to be ruled out," said psychiatrist Keith Ablow, a Fox News contributor. "It's the psychologically correct thing to do, the ethical thing to do and the moral thing to do."

"Obviously, when two females adopt a male child, then assert that the child is not actually male, but is, instead, actually a female -- like both of them. Everyone in the family should be psychologically evaluated in a comprehensive way before a step like gender reassignment is considered," said Ablow.


Edited by Lord Infamous

India, gun buyback and steamroll.



Did I not call this one? Lesbian chicks adopt a male child and now this. Total freak show.

***BTW I can't read what state this is happening in. Can someone please post what state this crime against humanity is taking place in."

Oh wait ...I think see it now. This abomination is happening in... CALIFORNIA :whistle:


"I want to take this opportunity to mention how thankful I am for an Obama re-election. The choice was clear. We cannot live in a country that treats homosexuals and women as second class citizens. Homosexuals deserve all of the rights and benefits of marriage that heterosexuals receive. Women deserve to be treated with respect and their salaries should not depend on their gender, but their quality of work. I am also thankful that the great, progressive state of California once again voted for the correct President. America is moving forward, and the direction is a positive one."

Posted (edited)

Those two deserve nothing less than prison for using that boy as some kind of freak experiment. It is sickening is what it is. Why those two aren't behind bars atm for this obviously heinous crime is beyond me.

Edited by Why_Me


"I want to take this opportunity to mention how thankful I am for an Obama re-election. The choice was clear. We cannot live in a country that treats homosexuals and women as second class citizens. Homosexuals deserve all of the rights and benefits of marriage that heterosexuals receive. Women deserve to be treated with respect and their salaries should not depend on their gender, but their quality of work. I am also thankful that the great, progressive state of California once again voted for the correct President. America is moving forward, and the direction is a positive one."

Filed: K-1 Visa Country: Russia

Of course it is a freak-show but we must bear in mind, that as we have learned from the recent past... a freak-show is only a freak show because it is rare and odd, when the freak show becomes common place

it becomes ... well normal.

It would be harder for two smokers to adopt a child than these two Lesbians.


"Those people who will not be governed by God

will be ruled by tyrants."

William Penn

Filed: K-1 Visa Country: Isle of Man
Posted (edited)

Did I not call this one? Lesbian chicks adopt a male child and now this. Total freak show.

***BTW I can't read what state this is happening in. Can someone please post what state this crime against humanity is taking place in."

Oh wait ...I think see it now. This abomination is happening in... CALIFORNIA :whistle:

Well, as I stated on another thread.....There are a lot of girls that don't find out that "all men are pigs" until later in life...And then they make the switch to Lesbian - but too late, they already have a kid or two.

The only place in the article it mentions that the kid was adopted is the Fox News Psychologist making a comment at the very end, last 2 sentences.

I don't think he was adopted...I think it is the son of one of these chicks from when they were straight..

Edited by Lord Infamous

India, gun buyback and steamroll.



Of course it is a freak-show but we must bear in mind, that as we have learned from the recent past... a freak-show is only a freak show because it is rare and odd, when the freak show becomes common place

it becomes ... well normal.

It would be harder for two smokers to adopt a child than these two Lesbians.

This poor kid had the bad luck to be adopted by two whatever's and ends up being a lab rat. Again why aren't those two in prison? I'm guessing it's ok to use adopted children as human lab rats in the state of California.

People go to prison for abusing animals but not human children. Where does it all end?


"I want to take this opportunity to mention how thankful I am for an Obama re-election. The choice was clear. We cannot live in a country that treats homosexuals and women as second class citizens. Homosexuals deserve all of the rights and benefits of marriage that heterosexuals receive. Women deserve to be treated with respect and their salaries should not depend on their gender, but their quality of work. I am also thankful that the great, progressive state of California once again voted for the correct President. America is moving forward, and the direction is a positive one."

Filed: K-1 Visa Country: Russia

Well, as I stated on another thread.....There are a lot of girls that don't find out that "all men are pigs" until later in life...And then they make the switch to Lesbian - but too late, they already have a kid or two.

The only place in the article it mentions that the kid was adopted is the Fox News Psychologist making a comment at the very end, last 2 sentences.

I don't think he was adopted...I think it is the son of one of these chicks from when they were straight..

Wait a minute... I thought they were all born Gay?


"Those people who will not be governed by God

will be ruled by tyrants."

William Penn


Well, as I stated on another thread.....There are a lot of girls that don't find out that "all men are pigs" until later in life...And then they make the switch to Lesbian - but too late, they already have a kid or two.

The only place in the article it mentions that the kid was adopted is the Fox News Psychologist making a comment at the very end, last 2 sentences.

I don't think he was adopted...I think it is the son of one of these chicks from when they were straight..

And the child is how old? The article says eleven.


"I want to take this opportunity to mention how thankful I am for an Obama re-election. The choice was clear. We cannot live in a country that treats homosexuals and women as second class citizens. Homosexuals deserve all of the rights and benefits of marriage that heterosexuals receive. Women deserve to be treated with respect and their salaries should not depend on their gender, but their quality of work. I am also thankful that the great, progressive state of California once again voted for the correct President. America is moving forward, and the direction is a positive one."

Posted (edited)

Wait a minute... I thought they were all born Gay?

Apparently they don't realize it until the come of age at the ripe old age of eleven years old. That's when they know their sexuality even though they haven't hit puberty yet. Not only are eleven year olds ready to be their own doctors these days, they obviously are experts on human sexuality and gender orientation.

Now of course the two whatevers that have custody of this poor lab rat had nothing to do with it. I mean this family is your typical normal American family. :wacko:

Edited by Why_Me


"I want to take this opportunity to mention how thankful I am for an Obama re-election. The choice was clear. We cannot live in a country that treats homosexuals and women as second class citizens. Homosexuals deserve all of the rights and benefits of marriage that heterosexuals receive. Women deserve to be treated with respect and their salaries should not depend on their gender, but their quality of work. I am also thankful that the great, progressive state of California once again voted for the correct President. America is moving forward, and the direction is a positive one."

Filed: K-1 Visa Country: Russia

Apparently they don't realize it until the come of age at the ripe old age of eleven years old. That's when they know their sexuality even though they haven't hit puberty yet. Not only are eleven year olds ready to be their own doctors these days, they obviously are experts on human sexuality and gender orientation.

Now of course the two whatevers that have custody of this poor lab rat had nothing to do with it. I mean this family is your typical normal American family. :wacko:

The line below tells us all we need to know.

"They say Tommy – whom they now call Tammy"

Why would they take the definitive step of changing his name if the boy is "confused"?

Clearly they are encouraging this confusion in the child.

ON the PLus side Obama seems to cotton to all this stuff as he pledged to fight for the rights of Civil rights of these sexual misfits, which would include all the usual accommodations.

Imagine meeting your kids 1st grade teacher than you realize it's a 45 yr old man dressed as a women. <Thats Change Obama can keep>


"Those people who will not be governed by God

will be ruled by tyrants."

William Penn

Filed: K-1 Visa Country: Isle of Man

Wait a minute... I thought they were all born Gay?

You'd have to ask the gay person directly. But from my observations (a brother) you could tell something was wrong by 6th grade. And if you look at pictures from even earlier (8, 9, 10) you can even see it in the pictures. I don't openly discuss it with my brother (only talk to him a couple times a year). But I'm pretty sure he knew by early middle school that he was different.

There are many cases where (I'm guessing mostly w/ Lesbians) they are not truly gay. They make a switch. A choice. They have terrible experiences with men. Over and over and over. Then switch.

I'm not an expert in the field but with guys it's different. If you are a boy and by 6th grade you don't think girls are the hottest thing in the world then something is wrong with you. It's something in the brain, it's genetic.

All IMO of course.

India, gun buyback and steamroll.


Filed: Other Country: Canada

I suppose Danno and Why_Me would prefer that the kid has to pretend to be straight and a guy, so as not to offend the conservative minded people. I'm not in favor of any sort of therapy like this before the age of 18, so I won't presume to know what should be done here. I believe people are born gay, not some decision. That is inbecilic to think that someone would choose a life that would open them to endless mockery and violence to spite someone or soemthing. Would you rather this kid just waited til he's a bit older and deal with the taunting until he kills himself?

Why_Me, I don't know why you attack California so much, you wouldn't even be welcomed to move to many cities in this state.


I suppose Danno and Why_Me would prefer that the kid has to pretend to be straight and a guy, so as not to offend the conservative minded people. I'm not in favor of any sort of therapy like this before the age of 18, so I won't presume to know what should be done here. I believe people are born gay, not some decision. That is inbecilic to think that someone would choose a life that would open them to endless mockery and violence to spite someone or soemthing. Would you rather this kid just waited til he's a bit older and deal with the taunting until he kills himself?

Why_Me, I don't know why you attack California so much, you wouldn't even be welcomed to move to many cities in this state.

So you agree that this eleven year old child is old enough and responsible enough to become his own doctor and that he should be taking hormone blocker pills at the ripe old age of eleven with the help of his whatevers while they even start calling this kid "Tammy" even though the kid hasn't even hit puberty yes?

Ya, I'm not surprised by your post one bit. It says a lot...

As far as California goes...it doesn't take a rocket scientist to read the articles about what goes on there.


"I want to take this opportunity to mention how thankful I am for an Obama re-election. The choice was clear. We cannot live in a country that treats homosexuals and women as second class citizens. Homosexuals deserve all of the rights and benefits of marriage that heterosexuals receive. Women deserve to be treated with respect and their salaries should not depend on their gender, but their quality of work. I am also thankful that the great, progressive state of California once again voted for the correct President. America is moving forward, and the direction is a positive one."

Filed: Other Country: Canada

So you agree that this eleven year old child is old enough and responsible enough to become his own doctor and that he should be taking hormone blocker pills at the ripe old age of eleven with the help of his whatevers while they even start calling this kid "Tammy" even though the kid hasn't even hit puberty yes?

Ya, I'm not surprised by your post one bit. It says a lot...

As far as California goes...it doesn't take a rocket scientist to read the articles about what goes on there.

Right, but that would actually require you to read, not just listen to what Glenn Beck tells you.

Where did I say that I thought he was old enough to make this sort of decision. The kid is 11 years old. I have heard from friens who are gay that they knew when they were 10 or 11, but I am not comfortable with someone making life decisions that will last your entire life at the age of 11. If at 16, he still feels the same way, then maybe they can look at alternatives. I absolutely don't think he should get any sort of surgery until 18 years old.

It's pretty sad that you seem to think that this kid having two lesbians for mothers is a detriment, or that it is what made him gay. It's something you are born with, like it or not.


Right, but that would actually require you to read, not just listen to what Glenn Beck tells you.

Where did I say that I thought he was old enough to make this sort of decision. The kid is 11 years old. I have heard from friens who are gay that they knew when they were 10 or 11, but I am not comfortable with someone making life decisions that will last your entire life at the age of 11. If at 16, he still feels the same way, then maybe they can look at alternatives. I absolutely don't think he should get any sort of surgery until 18 years old.

It's pretty sad that you seem to think that this kid having two lesbians for mothers is a detriment, or that it is what made him gay. It's something you are born with, like it or not.

I'm no rocket scientist but let's look at the facts. The kid is an eleven year old child who gets hormone pills from his whatevers and they call him "Tammy" even though the boy's name is "Tommy".

It's obvious I'm against children being used as human lab rats.


"I want to take this opportunity to mention how thankful I am for an Obama re-election. The choice was clear. We cannot live in a country that treats homosexuals and women as second class citizens. Homosexuals deserve all of the rights and benefits of marriage that heterosexuals receive. Women deserve to be treated with respect and their salaries should not depend on their gender, but their quality of work. I am also thankful that the great, progressive state of California once again voted for the correct President. America is moving forward, and the direction is a positive one."


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