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Woohoo! No AOS interview for us :) Green card soon :)


"On August 19, 2010, we transferred this case I485 APPLICATION TO REGISTER PERMANENT RESIDENCE OR TO ADJUST STATUS to our CALIFORNIA SERVICE CENTER location for processing"


Woohoo! No AOS interview for us :) Green card soon :)


"On August 19, 2010, we transferred this case I485 APPLICATION TO REGISTER PERMANENT RESIDENCE OR TO ADJUST STATUS to our CALIFORNIA SERVICE CENTER location for processing"

Felicitari!!! :dance: Sper sa o gasesti in cutia postala cat mai curand! :thumbs:

Our Love Story's 1st page: June 15, 2008

K 1: 98 days!
May 11 - August 17, 2010 APPROVED!!!
POE: September 14, 2010 Chicago, IL
Wedding Day: September 22, 2010

AOS from K1: 96 days!
November 19, 2010 - February 24, 2011 APPROVED!!!
November 19, 2010: AOS, EAD & AP applications mailed
December 20, 2010: Biometrics (day 31)
January 18, 2011: case transfered to CSC (day 60)
February 10, 2011: EAD & AP approved! (day 83)
February 24, 2011: GC production ordered! (day 96)

Removing conditions: 5 months and 30 days!
December 6, 2012: package mailed
December 10, 2012: NOA 1 (day 4)

June, 5, 2013: APPROVED!!!

June, 10 2013: 10 yr GC received



Filed: IR-1/CR-1 Visa Country: Romania

Wow, ce ma bucur ca pot discuta cu tine this pet issue! Eu am o stare ca, nu am asa emotii de zbor, nu imi fac probleme de oboseala, nu una nu alta, dar ma gandesc la catel non stop si cum va fi ptr ea acest prim zbor!! Si eu imi iau catelul cu mine in cusca, sus in avion si nu la cala.Thank God !!!! E un teckel mic, are pana in 5 kg, deci e ok sa o iau.As vrea sa stiu, daca ma poti ajuta din experienta sotiei, cu cateva idei, cum se simte catelusul in timpul zborului? Doarme? Mananca? A mea este destul de cuminte, si daca eu sunt langa ea, este cea mai fericita.Deci nu latra, nu e galagioasa, si ma asculta. Mi-e teama sa nu ii fie rau, sau ceva de genul.Voi ce cusca imi recomandati? Plastic sau soft material? Inca nu am cumparat una, trebuie sa cumpar cat mai curand.Good luck to you si astept raspunsurile tale,sunt tare stresata pe subiectul asta ptr ca tin enorm de mult la ea si vreau ca totul sa fie bine.

Numai bine si mult succes in continuare!! :thumbs:

Noi am cumparat o cusca soft, nu din plastic. Sa nu iti faci griji pentru ca totul va fi bine, al nostru catel care de obicei latra si musca, a fost cuminte ca un mielusel pe avion. Binenteles ca a stat tot timpul in cusca mai putin in timpul escalelor cand i se dadea apa si mancare foarte foarte putina pentru a nu avea surprize in timpul zborului. :)

07.19.2010 - NOA1

05.23.2011 - POE - LAX

06.01.2011 - Welcome letter arrived :)

06.04.2011 - 10 year GC received by mail :)

Filed: IR-1/CR-1 Visa Country: Romania

Noi am cumparat o cusca soft, nu din plastic. Sa nu iti faci griji pentru ca totul va fi bine, al nostru catel care de obicei latra si musca, a fost cuminte ca un mielusel pe avion. Binenteles ca a stat tot timpul in cusca mai putin in timpul escalelor cand i se dadea apa si mancare foarte foarte putina pentru a nu avea surprize in timpul zborului. :)

Mersi ptr incurajari.Sper ca totul va fi bine.Ma uit pe siteul companiei cu care voi zbura, si vad ca pana la Varsovia voi zbura cu un avion mai mic care imi permite dimensiunea lungimii custii sa aiba max 45 cm, iar zborul Varsovia-NY ( un avion mai mare) imi permite 55 cm. Acum nu stiu ce fel de cusca sa iau, as lua-o pe cea de 55 cm ptr comfortul ei, dar cred ca cel mai bine cumpar pe cea de 45 cm ca sa fiu sigura ca nu voi avea probleme.

Mersi inca o data ptr raspunsul tau, numai bine.

N-400 sent on 4/28/2014

Check cashed on 5/3/2014

Text msg & email received 5/5/2014

Biometric appointment letter mailed out on 5/15/2014

Biometric appointment letter received on 5/19/2014 for May 30th,2014

Biometrics done (walk-in) on 5/23/2014

Inline for interview 5/28/2014

Received yellow letter indicating to bring to the interview ID/State DL and all passports on 7/5/2014

USCIS website status changed to ''scheduled for interview" on 7/24/2014

Received letter :interview date will be on 9/2/2014

Interview result : approved :joy:

Oath Ceremony appointment date letter mailed out on 9/5/2014

Online status changed and received letter with Oath Ceremony date for 9/12/2014

09/12/2014 - I AM A United States Citizen!

Filed: IR-1/CR-1 Visa Country: Romania

As avea si eu o intrebare in legatura cu analizele medicale, e nevoie de un record cu vaccinele ce au fost facute de-a lungul vietii de la medicul de familie? sau e nevoie doar de analizele ce se fac la clinicile din Bucuresti agreate de ambasada?

07.19.2010 - NOA1

05.23.2011 - POE - LAX

06.01.2011 - Welcome letter arrived :)

06.04.2011 - 10 year GC received by mail :)


As avea si eu o intrebare in legatura cu analizele medicale, e nevoie de un record cu vaccinele ce au fost facute de-a lungul vietii de la medicul de familie? sau e nevoie doar de analizele ce se fac la clinicile din Bucuresti agreate de ambasada?

da, e nevoie de o scrisoare de la medicul de familie in care listeaza toate vaccinurile pe care le-ai facut de-a lungul vietii (in primii ani de viata, in clasa I etc). La clinica pe care o vei alege pentru examenul medical pentru viza ti se vor face doar vaccinurile lipsa. Daca n-ai facut un anti-tetanos in ultimii 10 ani, ti se va face unul. Daca nu ai 26 de ani s-ar putea sa ti se faca si un anti-HPV (cancer de col)...dar am auzit ca asta nu mai e obligatoriu.

la Bio-Medica, unde am fost eu, mi-au cerut si adeverinta (tot de la medicul de familie) ca sunt clinic sanatoasa (sau ca nu sunt in evidenta pentru nici o boala cronica).

keep us posted ;)

Our Love Story's 1st page: June 15, 2008

K 1: 98 days!
May 11 - August 17, 2010 APPROVED!!!
POE: September 14, 2010 Chicago, IL
Wedding Day: September 22, 2010

AOS from K1: 96 days!
November 19, 2010 - February 24, 2011 APPROVED!!!
November 19, 2010: AOS, EAD & AP applications mailed
December 20, 2010: Biometrics (day 31)
January 18, 2011: case transfered to CSC (day 60)
February 10, 2011: EAD & AP approved! (day 83)
February 24, 2011: GC production ordered! (day 96)

Removing conditions: 5 months and 30 days!
December 6, 2012: package mailed
December 10, 2012: NOA 1 (day 4)

June, 5, 2013: APPROVED!!!

June, 10 2013: 10 yr GC received



Filed: IR-1/CR-1 Visa Country: Romania

da, e nevoie de o scrisoare de la medicul de familie in care listeaza toate vaccinurile pe care le-ai facut de-a lungul vietii (in primii ani de viata, in clasa I etc). La clinica pe care o vei alege pentru examenul medical pentru viza ti se vor face doar vaccinurile lipsa. Daca n-ai facut un anti-tetanos in ultimii 10 ani, ti se va face unul. Daca nu ai 26 de ani s-ar putea sa ti se faca si un anti-HPV (cancer de col)...dar am auzit ca asta nu mai e obligatoriu.

la Bio-Medica, unde am fost eu, mi-au cerut si adeverinta (tot de la medicul de familie) ca sunt clinic sanatoasa (sau ca nu sunt in evidenta pentru nici o boala cronica).

keep us posted ;)

Multumim de raspunsuri, cat mai repede voi merge la medicul de familie sa iau documentele necesare. Sper sa fie ok valabilitatea lor pentru cand vom merge la analize si interviu. Mai am o nelamurire, referitor la job, este necesar sa il ai sau e ok daca esti fara ocupatie in momentul interviului? Cineva care a trecut prin procesul CR1 si a intampinat aceeasi problema? Spun acest lucru deoarece am demisionat de curand datorita neachitarii obligatiilor salariale de catre angajator pe ultimele 3 luni. Sincer nu as vrea sa mai lucrez in perioada aceasta de asteptare si ma gandesc daca vom avea probleme in sensul asta la interviu.Cineva ne poate da un sfat in acest sens?

07.19.2010 - NOA1

05.23.2011 - POE - LAX

06.01.2011 - Welcome letter arrived :)

06.04.2011 - 10 year GC received by mail :)

Filed: Timeline
Posted (edited)

Multumim de raspunsuri, cat mai repede voi merge la medicul de familie sa iau documentele necesare. Sper sa fie ok valabilitatea lor pentru cand vom merge la analize si interviu. Mai am o nelamurire, referitor la job, este necesar sa il ai sau e ok daca esti fara ocupatie in momentul interviului? Cineva care a trecut prin procesul CR1 si a intampinat aceeasi problema? Spun acest lucru deoarece am demisionat de curand datorita neachitarii obligatiilor salariale de catre angajator pe ultimele 3 luni. Sincer nu as vrea sa mai lucrez in perioada aceasta de asteptare si ma gandesc daca vom avea probleme in sensul asta la interviu.Cineva ne poate da un sfat in acest sens?

Bia, dureaza mult sa primesti adeverinta de la doctorul de familie? Nu cred ca vor fi probleme daca o scoti acum, dar cred ca e mai bine sa astepti pana primesti notice of approval. Sau poate l-ai primit deja :) Nu m-am uitat la timeline.

Nu te vor intreba despre jobul tau. Nu ii intereseaza. Te pot intreba despre jobul sotului/logodnicului american.

Imi pare rau pentru experienta neplacuta de la locul de munca. Situatie tipic romaneasca. Nu vreau sa starnesc o controversa, dar aici ai avea posibilitati sa-ti recuperezi baniii...Ma indoiesc ca e la fel de usor in Romania.

Edited by Carmen2010
Filed: IR-1/CR-1 Visa Country: Romania

Bia, dureaza mult sa primesti adeverinta de la doctorul de familie? Nu cred ca vor fi probleme daca o scoti acum, dar cred ca e mai bine sa astepti pana primesti notice of approval. Sau poate l-ai primit deja :) Nu m-am uitat la timeline.

Nu te vor intreba despre jobul tau. Nu ii intereseaza. Te pot intreba despre jobul sotului/logodnicului american.

Imi pare rau pentru experienta neplacuta de la locul de munca. Situatie tipic romaneasca. Nu vreau sa starnesc o controversa, dar aici ai avea posibilitati sa-ti recuperezi baniii...Ma indoiesc ca e la fel de usor in Romania.


Multumesc de raspuns, sunt mai linistit acum. Referitor la doctorul de familie pot sa iti spun ca la el daca lucrezi e doctorul tau si daca nu lucrezi nu e, iti vine sa crezi asta? Oricum sper sa rezolv cat mai curand cu documentele sa le transmit prin cumnat care astazi a sosit in Romania.


07.19.2010 - NOA1

05.23.2011 - POE - LAX

06.01.2011 - Welcome letter arrived :)

06.04.2011 - 10 year GC received by mail :)



Multumesc de raspuns, sunt mai linistit acum. Referitor la doctorul de familie pot sa iti spun ca la el daca lucrezi e doctorul tau si daca nu lucrezi nu e, iti vine sa crezi asta? Oricum sper sa rezolv cat mai curand cu documentele sa le transmit prin cumnat care astazi a sosit in Romania.


wow, incredibil! :bonk:

Presupun ca nu trebuie sa-i spui de problema cu serviciul...sau iti cere adeverinta de la angajator de fiecare data cand mergi la el?

Iarta-ma ca intreb, dar ce alte acte ai nevoie sa mai trimiti prin cumnatul tau? Eu credeam ca de acum ai nevoie sa strangi actele pentru interviul din Romania :innocent: . Sotia ta trebuie sa-ti mai trimita niste acte, dar abia dupa ce veti primi NOA2. Bafta! :thumbs:

Our Love Story's 1st page: June 15, 2008

K 1: 98 days!
May 11 - August 17, 2010 APPROVED!!!
POE: September 14, 2010 Chicago, IL
Wedding Day: September 22, 2010

AOS from K1: 96 days!
November 19, 2010 - February 24, 2011 APPROVED!!!
November 19, 2010: AOS, EAD & AP applications mailed
December 20, 2010: Biometrics (day 31)
January 18, 2011: case transfered to CSC (day 60)
February 10, 2011: EAD & AP approved! (day 83)
February 24, 2011: GC production ordered! (day 96)

Removing conditions: 5 months and 30 days!
December 6, 2012: package mailed
December 10, 2012: NOA 1 (day 4)

June, 5, 2013: APPROVED!!!

June, 10 2013: 10 yr GC received



Filed: Timeline


Multumesc de raspuns, sunt mai linistit acum. Referitor la doctorul de familie pot sa iti spun ca la el daca lucrezi e doctorul tau si daca nu lucrezi nu e, iti vine sa crezi asta? Oricum sper sa rezolv cat mai curand cu documentele sa le transmit prin cumnat care astazi a sosit in Romania.


Scuza-ma, credeam ca vorbeam cu Bia :) . E interesanta politica domnului doctor.

Vreau sa te intreb, de ce trimiti documentele in America? Vei avea nevoie de documentele astea pentru vizita medicala si rezultatele sunt pentru ambasada din Romania.

Filed: IR-1/CR-1 Visa Country: Romania

wow, incredibil! :bonk:

Presupun ca nu trebuie sa-i spui de problema cu serviciul...sau iti cere adeverinta de la angajator de fiecare data cand mergi la el?

Iarta-ma ca intreb, dar ce alte acte ai nevoie sa mai trimiti prin cumnatul tau? Eu credeam ca de acum ai nevoie sa strangi actele pentru interviul din Romania :innocent: . Sotia ta trebuie sa-ti mai trimita niste acte, dar abia dupa ce veti primi NOA2. Bafta! :thumbs:

Imi cere dovada de la angajator la fiecare 3 luni, e incredibil, dar ce sa spun "traim in Romania si asta ne ocupa tot timpul" :)

De asemenea incercam sa fim prevazatori si sa pregatim documentele in avans :D , nu de alta dar a trecut destul timp de cand suntem departe unul de celalalt si nu avem nevoie de alte intarzieri. Dupa cum vei vedea in textul de mai jos sunt necesare documente din partea mea ce trebuie trimise such us : certificat de nastere, cazierul de la politie tradus si legalizat daca se poate, nu este neaparat nevoie dar am vazut ca poti primi RFE in unele cazuri la NVC, pozele tip 5cm/5cm ce trebuiesc anexate, unele formulare ca si de exemplu DS 230 pe care intentionez sa il semnez in mai multe exemplare si sa-l trimit sotiei sa il completeze(fac acest lucru dupa capul meu :D ), certificatul de casatorie este deja la ea, plus unele dovezi ce le listez, contin convorbirile noastre telefonice ( folosesc Skype si cumpar credite , e foarte ieftin sa suni pe mobil in USA 2 € centi/ minut, pozele care din pacate nu a apucat sa le developeze ea acolo.

Daca ai timp si sunteti in aceeasi situatie va recomand sa cititi "randurile" urmatoare.

Pre-NVC / Preparing Documents Before NVC Processing

Try to have all documents below in the hands of the Petitioner, before the NVC process begins. This should be done BEFORE your I-130 petition is approved

• There are 2 types of processing, Standard & Appointment Post. Most countries are Appointment Post, whereas some (such as China) are Standard.

This guide is based on processing for Appointment Post Embassies and Consulates.

• Standard NVC processing will generally still have to obtain the same documents, but they will be brought to the embassy, which will provide the instructions as to those documents after it sets the interview date.

• Contact NVC to determine if your case is Standard processing or Appointment Post processing.

FROM BENEFICIARY (DS-3032 and components for DS-230 IV Package):

The DS-3032 aka "Choice of Agent form",indicates who will make payments and be primary contact. Most people select the US based petitioner. The DS-230 is the actual Immigrant Visa Application.

• DS-3032[1] completed and signed by beneficiary (ORIGINAL) (indicating petitioner as agent)

• BARCODE instruction: [2]

• DS-230 [3] completed part I & II and only signed part I by beneficiary (ORIGINAL) -- View Sample of Completed Form [4]

• All documents that pertain to the applicant’s petition are required, even if they were previously submitted to the CIS with the applicant’s petition.

• Photocopy Requirement - In addition to sending the original documents or certified copies of the documents to the NVC, the applicant and each accompanying family member must submit a photocopy of the original documents or certified copies of the documents.

• Translations - All documents not in English, or in the official language of the country in which application for a visa is being made, must be accompanied by certified translations.

• The translation must include a statement signed by the translator that states that the:

Translation is accurate, and Translator is competent to translate.

• Marriage certificate (ORIGINAL or CERTIFIED depends on your country {check with NVC})

Note: Marriage certificates from certain countries are unavailable.

More specific information is available from NVC, the nearest United States immigrant visa processing post,

or online at: http://travel.state.gov/visa/frvi/reciprocity/reciprocity_3272.html

• Police Certificate based on country: Use this link, [5] select country, and scroll down to Police Certificate section

• NOTE1: Police Certificate is required for any place in their country of citizenship; the beneficiary has lived longer than six (6) months, after age of 16.

• NOTE2: Police Certificate is required for any places which beneficiary has lived longer than twelve (12) months in any other country other than country of citizenship, after age of 16.

• PCC can take a long time to receive, so request it earlier rather than later (for some countries, such as India, your PCC may need to be within 6 months, for most within 1 year)

• Four (4) Passport size photos (2in.x2in.) (5x5 cm) from beneficiary

• 2 photos to accompany the DS-230

• 2 photos to accompany the medical

• Beneficiary’s passport biographic page (Photocopy)

The applicant and each applicant that is traveling together with the applicant must submit a photocopy of the biographic data page from the respective valid passport.

Submit a photocopy of the biographic data page of the applicant’s and the applicant’s individual family members’ valid passports.

This is the page that shows the applicant’s name and date and place of birth.

Note: Do NOT send the applicant’s passport(s) to the NVC, just the photocopy of the biographic data page.

• Beneficiary’s birth certificate (Certified) WARNING - Some birth certificates have an EXPIRATION DATE

• Each applicant will need to obtain an original birth certificate issued by the official custodian of birth records in the country of birth, showing the date and place of birth and the parentage of the alien, based upon the original registration of birth.

• The certificate must contain the:

• Person’s date of birth

• Person’s place of birth

• Names of both parents, and

• Annotation by the appropriate authority indicating that it is an extract from the official records

• Unobtainable birth certificates

• The applicant’s birth record may not be obtainable. Some reasons are listed below:

• The applicant’s birth was never officially recorded.

• The applicant’s birth records have been destroyed.

• The appropriate government authority will not issue one.

• Please obtain a certified statement from the appropriate government authority stating the reason the applicant’s birth record is not available. With the certified statement the applicant must submit secondary evidence. For example:

• A baptismal certificate that contains the date and place of birth, as well as both parents names (providing the baptism took place shortly after birth)

• An adoption decree for an adopted child

• An affidavit from a close relative, preferably the applicant’s mother, stating the date and place of birth, both parents names, and the mother’s maiden name.

• Beneficiary’s Military Record (Certified)

Note: Military records from certain countries are unavailable.

More specific information is available from NVC, the nearest United States immigrant visa processing post, or online at: http://travel.state.gov/visa/frvi/reciprocity/reciprocity_3272.html.

• Divorce, Death Certificates (Certified)

Applicants who have been previously married must obtain evidence of the termination of EACH prior marriage.

Evidence must be in the form of original documents issued by a competent authority, or certified copies bearing the appropriate seal or stamp of the issuing authority, such as:

FINAL divorce decree

Death certificate

Annulment papers

FROM PETITIONER (Components for I-864 AOS Package) :

The I-864 is known as the Affidavit of Support. It's proof that the petitioner and/or co-sponsors can afford to support the beneficiary.

• I-864 [6] completed & signed by petitioner which is the Main Sponser(ORIGINAL)-- View Sample of Completed Form [7]

• IRS Tax information - 1 year is required, up to 3 years may help.

• Tax Transcripts, optional but may help. Call the IRS to get it FREE! 1 (800) 829-1040

• W-2s and/or 1099s

• 1040 from most recent tax year

• Pay stubs for current year (6 months should do)

• Employment letter showing your income and position.

• Make sure that position/title is consistent on all forms.

• Co-Sponsor in same HouseHold: I-864A and all Tax information as above

• Co-Sponser NOT in same HouseHold: I-864 and all Tax information as above

• The petitioner must ALWAYS submit an I-864....even if there's zero income.

• NOTE: Even something as simple as Painter on one form, and Painting on another, could trigger an RFE (Request for Evidence)

• Assets may be used to supplement income (such as bank accounts, equity in a home, but when an automobile is used, the first car may not be used...only 2nd, 3rd, etc)

• Assets of Petitioner are calculated at 1/3rd value. If the Petitioner has $30,000.00 USD in a bank account, they will be given $10,000.00 USD credit toward income requirement.

• Assets of Beneficiary or Sponsor are calculated at 1/5th value. If the Beneficiary has $50,000.00 USD in a bank account, they will be given $10,000.00 USD credit toward income requirement.

• Assets may be used to entirely satisfy the income requirement, but you will still be required to submit the Petitioner's most recent tax return.


At NVC / The Guide to Flying through NVC

This section will help you understand timing and terms of the NVC process

1. NOA2 - Petition(s) Approved Notice(s) from USCIS.

You find out from USCIS that your "Petition was Approved".

If you didn’t get all the paperwork required for AOS and IV, NOW is the time. Especially PCC (Police Clearance Certificate), Birth Certificates and Tax info, as well as any other info needed for I-864.

Hang on…NVC knows NOTHING about your case yet.

2. USCIS Sends Package to NVC

NVC should receive your package within a few days, but it could take longer.

You won't know your package is there until you call NVC (see step 4)

3. NVC Scans Package.

This marries the USCIS receipt number to your newly generated NVC number which is based on


• E = 3 digit embassy code (example TKY for Tokyo)

• Y = 4 digit code for year (example 2008)

• O= 3 digit code for Ordinal date plus 500

• Example I. Aug 28 = 241st ordinal day ADD 500 = 741

• Example II. 741 SUBTRACT 500 = 241st ordinal day (Aug. 28)

• S = Sequence number of the day (if you were the second approval scanned, your code would be 002)

Full Example of NVC case number = TKY2008741002

4. Getting your NVC number.

Call NVC at 1 (603) 334-0700. Put this number on speed dial…it’s often busy, and you’ll use it a LOT.

Once your package has been scanned, it COULD update into the AVR (automated voice response system).

If it is uploaded to the AVR, you will be able to retrieve it with your CIS Case Receipt Number.

If is scanned but not in the AVR, an operator can tell you the NVC number.

Just because you have an NVC number doesn't mean you can do anything with regard to fees or applications. Do not jump the gun. Read through this entire document before sending any forms or fees.

Regarding the AVR, it is NOT reliable (we've seen some cases being completed without the AVR ever updating their case).

If it's been longer than 2 weeks and you still don't have your NVC case number, start sending up flares.

Call NVC and talk to a supervisor. Be prepared to send them a copy of your NOA2.

Once your case number has been assigned call back and speak to an operator. Give them an e-mail address for you and for your spouse. From then on NVC will e-mail you any correspondence.

5. Case info is manually loaded into system.

Even though you have an NVC number, your case information still needs to be manually input before anything else can happen.

Until such time that documents are fully loaded in, NVC will not generate or accept DS-3032 (Choice of Agent) via email or US Postal Mail.

When your case has been manually input, the DS-3032 and AOS (Affidavit of Support) fee bills will be generated.

Also, when the AOS fee bill is generated, your IIN (Invoice Identification Number) is created.

Note - it may be possible that your IIN is created when your NVC number is created...THIS is the time to begin the quest for the IIN, but when requesting, ask for Invoice ID Number, not "IIN".

Try hard; every second of your life…having your IIN will save you weeks in the process.

Your case could be input immediately or could take weeks. Remember these words "Maybe tomorrow, maybe in 4 to 6 weeks, there is no pattern".

6. Send DS-3032 to continue processing.

The DS-3032 AKA Choice of Agent, is the form that indicates who will pay the bills and accept other documents from NVC.

Once all documents are fully loaded in, the AVR message MIGHT change.

Operators will be able to tell you if the DS-3032 has been generated.

If the DS-3032 has been generated, you can email it [8] or use the instructions at the top of this guide to create your own barcode cover-sheet.

Attempts to send DS-3032 via email may or may not receive an automated response...but the automated response does not mean it's been accepted.

Due to SPAM filters at NVC, if you do not get an automated response immediately, either switch to a different email account or mail the DS-3032.

Once accepted, you will get an email message...or you can confirm with operator.

Attempts to mail or email DS-3032 before it's been generated are useless. It's like trying to pay a water bill for a house that hasn't been built yet.

The auto response email just means that they accepted your email. It doesn't mean they can do anything with it.

It’s a good idea to mail AND email the DS-3032

7. Do you have all IV Package documents and AOS Package documents?

Things are going to start going fast from here. If you don’t have everything, you will slow yourself down.

8. Getting your IIN (invoice identification number)

Your IIN will be on the last page of the pdf file attached to the email NVC will send you. You do not need to obtain it from the operator. This is the email that gives you directions to pay online when your AOS Fee Bill is generated. At this time, this email arrives in one business day (in some cases same day) after you have given the NVC operator you and your spouse's e-mail addresses.

As soon as your AOS Fee Bill is paid, you can submit your AOS Package. You MUST print out the cover page the NVC portal gives on the payment portal along with it. (See step 10)

Time for NVC to accept your payment will vary, online payments usually post within 2 to 3 business days.

9. Paying AOS Fee Bill Online.

If you have your NVC CASE NUMBER and INN by now, sign onto the site here: [9] every now and then until your AOS fee bill is generated and ready to be PAID.

AOS is the first fee that becomes available to be paid online. Pay the fee (currently $70 USD) ASAP and wait until status shows as PAID in one or two business days. Refer to website above.

CAUTION: Website shows status of payment as “IN PROCESS” and it might change to “NOT PAID” do not panic or pay twice, if this happens, wait till payment status shows as PAID. Do not pay twice.

Once the DS3032 is accepted, your IV fee bill (currently $400 USD) will be generated...THEN you can pay that bill online as well

It should take 1 or 2 business days for your payment to be accepted online, as long as there are no problems.

The online payment system has problems. Sometimes it might show someone elses info, but don't panic, just refresh or login again.

10. Send in I-864 AOS Package to NVC

When status of the AOS shows as PAID (online): Print the barcode and include it in your AOS package which are:

• BARCODED Cover Sheet (to be printed from web when your status is PAID online for AOS bill)

• Your OWN cover sheet listing what documents are in the package, so they're easy for the reviewer to locate

• Completed I-864 signed

• Original Employment Letter

• Most recent tax return (all forms)

• Copy of PAY STUBS for current year (showing how much money you have made year to date)

• Last 3 years Tax transcripts, W-2 and/or 1099 (any source of income) OPTIONAL

• SPONSOR: I-864 + all above documents for sponsor. Each sponsor that lives in the same household as the petitioner, should use I-864a, instead of I-864

• Make 2 extra copies of this package. Send 1 copy to the beneficiary

Make sure to write your case number in the upper right-hand corner of EVERY page including I-864.

Send the package to:

National Visa Center


31 Rochester Ave. Suite 100

Portsmouth, NH 03801-2914

Specific questions about a case to:

National Visa Center


31 Rochester Ave. Suite 200

Portsmouth, NH 03801-2915

11. Paying IV Fee Bill Online & Sending IV Package (DS-230)

a. Time to pay your IV Fee Bill

Important note: Do not pay the IV Fee Bill until you have received the bill, via email, from NVC. If you have not received an email within 1-2 days (after it displays as available to be paid), contact NVC to ensure the bill is ready to be paid.

You should keep checking the website in item #9 to find out when the IV Fee Bill is available online to be PAID

Once you have PAID the IV fee bill, in a couple of days it will post as PAID on the website.

Print the bar-coded sheet from the IV fee bill website and include in your IV package and overnight it to NVC.

If you are unable to pay your IV Fee Bill online, you will have to wait for the bill from NVC, and pay it via mail.

b. Send your IV Package (USPS Express mail gives tracking and essentially insures delivery)

Below are the package contents:

• BARCODED Cover Sheet (to be printed from web when your status is PAID online for IV bill)

• You OWN cover sheet listing what documents are in the package, so they're easy for the reviewer to locate

• Completed DS-230 part I & II and ONLY part I signed by beneficiary.

• Photocopy of the beneficiary's passport biographic data page.

• Original/certified copy of beneficiary’s birth certificate.

• Original/certified copy of beneficiary’s and petitioner’s marriage certificate.

• Original police certificates of the beneficiary.

• Original/certified copy of military record, if applicable.

• Original/certified copy of divorce decree, death certificate, etc. of previous marriage, if applicable.

Make 2 extra copies of this package. Send 1 copy to the beneficiary

Once everything has been sent in, it's time to wait.

Send the package to:

National Visa Center


31 Rochester Ave. Suite 100

Portsmouth, NH 03801-2914

12. Final Stages of NVC

a. If you were also approved to apply for a K-3 visa (otherwise skip).

If (again big IF) you had simultaneously petitioned to apply for a K-3 visa (by sending in an I-129f) then you may be able to allow that process to continue in order to get an interview date at the consulate before your case is approved at NVC. This requires luck and timing.

• USCIS will send your approved I-129f to NVC.

NVC will "touch" the I-129f long enough to give it a case number and pass it on to the embassy.

• The embassy will notify the beneficiary of the next steps, and give them the case number assigned by NVC.

• The embassy will tell the beneficiary how and where to setup the medical exam.

• The beneficiary can then send in another copy of the DS-230 (just the signed pt.1, no other documents).

• The beneficiary can schedule a medical exam.

• The beneficiary can request an interview date, far enough in advance that their CR-1/IR-1 Visa case will be completed at NVC.

• Once NVC completes the case, the beneficiary should NOT contact the embassy/consulate to request that they change the already scheduled K-3 interview for a CR-1/IR-1.

Instead, contact a supervisor at NVC, and request that your completed package be expeditiously sent to the embassy/consulate. This strategy is not guaranteed, It will vary by embassy.

• Technically, if you have a CR-1/IR-1 that's ready, the embassy/consulate can not issue or schedule you for a K-3. They also can not schedule a CR-1/IR-1 interview...only NVC can.

b. CR-1/IR-1 case completes.

NVC will contact you (or you'll know because you've called once or twice a day).

• Setup a medical exam with approved medical facility.

NVC will advise of interview date at embassy.

• 1. NVC sets an appointment date for you and sends out your package to the US Embassy.

If you're really #######, paranoid, or just a busybody, you can track the package status. You can use the date after your interview was assigned, as the tracking reference date, and then do a search on DHL. The format to use is "EXP 07 OCT 2008A" don't forget the spaces...and to set the date range on the tracking page. The website for tracking is. http://track.dhl-usa.com/TrackByRef.asp?nav=TrackByRef The package may not go out on the next day, but the reference code will still be for that date. When your package is able to be tracked, it will make more sense. You'll see a list of packages going to different embassies. You'll know which one is yours.

• 2. Embassy receives the package.

• 3. If your spouse hasn't had their medical, now is the time.

• 4. Spouse interviews, turns in medical, hands in passport.

• 5. Passport is returned.

• 6. Spouse gets on a plane (see below for information on cheap tickets)

• 7. Spouse gets off a plane.

• 8. Husband and wife (and possibly children) are united.

• 9. You live happily ever after.

• 10. The journey is done.

c. Getting Your Spouse Home.

Besides http://www.Orbitz.com and http://www.Opodo.co.uk, Check http://www.mobissimo.com. It checks all the airlines plus conglomerates. http://kayak.com is a current favorite.

13. Point of Entry (POE)

• 1. Do NOT open the sealed envelope that is sent when your passport is returned.

• 2. Check your visa for any errors.

• 3. NOW, you can purchase your ticket(s) to USA

• 4. Regardless of final destination, POE (Point of Entry), is the first American location that your plane lands in.

• 5. You will handover your sealed visa package to an Immigration Officer, after arrival.

• 6. There will be a brief interview and processing.

• 7. The sealed envelope will be taken from you, your passport will be stamped, and you'll be on your way.

CR-1 and IR-1 are single entry visas. They essentially die once used. However, the I-551 stamp that goes in the passport upon entry acts like a temporary green card until the actual green card arrives in the mail sometime later. The stamp, like the green card to follow, signifies permanent resident status. US permanent residents can re-enter the US as often as they like.

Expectations using this guide

Using these steps, and in a perfect world, you can get through NVC in as little as 3 weeks (yes, 21 days).

The current record holder is MariaSH, who used the guide to fly through NVC in 11 days.

The previous record holders are MsNoob who used the guide to fly through NVC in 19 days, and CJ Vasani who went through NVC in 13 days

If you don't follow these steps, or if you aren't prepared for each step, it will take longer.

Also, if the 2nd day of the week of your approval is either an odd or even number, it could take longer.

In other words, there are no guarantees in life or in immigration....but we're doing our best to make it simple.

Good luck for a speedy process through NVC.

RFE (Request For Evidence) NOTES:

Stay on top of your case during your stay in NVC so you catch an RFE as soon as it pops up.

• IF YOU ARE NOT SURE THAT YOU HAVE AN RFE, USE CAUTION. The RFE advice below is under review. A VJ member has reported that they know of instances where sending in RFE information has delayed cases. We are waiting for specific information on these instances, and until such time we caution all users of the guide to use their best judgement in responding to a "possible RFE".

• If you review your packages, you might even find an RFE before NVC does, and can send the correction at anytime.

• When reviewing your package, it's helpful to know some common RFE as linked here [[10]], as well as searching the forums.

If you are issued an RFE, send following documents:


• BARCODED cover sheet you printed from the website, but when addressing your package, change the Attention line from "ATTN: CMR" to "ATTN: DR"

• Your own Cover Sheet listing the documents you're sending and reason.

• Include the documents missing or corrected based on operator suggestion and your own common sense.

Send the package to: NOTE - Other NVC Addresses have Changed. Please do not use this address for RFE...until it has been confirmed as current.

National Visa Center


32 Rochester Ave.

Portsmouth, NH 03801-2909


• 1: If the beneficiary’s interview will be in their native country, all documents from that country may not need to be translated. All documents from outside their native country should be translated in English with an accompanying certification from the translator, and the original language documents.

• 2: If you’d like to be safe, you may translate all documents into English, with certification and original language documents.

• 3: Make 2 copies of each package before you send it. That way you can send one package to your spouse for review, and you can have a copy ready to go incase something gets lost or is questioned.

• 4: Don't rely on AVR system; try to talk to an operator.

• 5: A HUGE SPECIAL THANKS goes out to all the Aug. 2008 folks that gave us feedback on their journey, and helped us to make this guide what it is.

• 6: Wondering what to do with the money this guide has saved you (instead of hiring a lawyer)? Master Raj

07.19.2010 - NOA1

05.23.2011 - POE - LAX

06.01.2011 - Welcome letter arrived :)

06.04.2011 - 10 year GC received by mail :)


Imi cere dovada de la angajator la fiecare 3 luni, e incredibil, dar ce sa spun "traim in Romania si asta ne ocupa tot timpul" :)

De asemenea incercam sa fim prevazatori si sa pregatim documentele in avans :D , nu de alta dar a trecut destul timp de cand suntem departe unul de celalalt si nu avem nevoie de alte intarzieri. Dupa cum vei vedea in textul de mai jos sunt necesare documente din partea mea ce trebuie trimise such us : certificat de nastere, cazierul de la politie tradus si legalizat daca se poate, nu este neaparat nevoie dar am vazut ca poti primi RFE in unele cazuri la NVC, pozele tip 5cm/5cm ce trebuiesc anexate, unele formulare ca si de exemplu DS 230 pe care intentionez sa il semnez in mai multe exemplare si sa-l trimit sotiei sa il completeze(fac acest lucru dupa capul meu :D ), certificatul de casatorie este deja la ea, plus unele dovezi ce le listez, contin convorbirile noastre telefonice ( folosesc Skype si cumpar credite , e foarte ieftin sa suni pe mobil in USA 2 € centi/ minut, pozele care din pacate nu a apucat sa le developeze ea acolo.

Daca ai timp si sunteti in aceeasi situatie va recomand sa cititi "randurile" urmatoare.

Pre-NVC / Preparing Documents Before NVC Processing

Da, inca nu mi-am revenit de la faza cu doctorul :bonk: ; absolut incredibil :bonk:

Cat despre, actele pt NVC, ai dreptate, mai bine mai mult decat mai putin...mai ales ca CR1 visa e mai completa decat K1, ca nu va trebui sa mai treceti printr-un AOS. Mult spor la adunarea tuturor celor necesare :thumbs:

Our Love Story's 1st page: June 15, 2008

K 1: 98 days!
May 11 - August 17, 2010 APPROVED!!!
POE: September 14, 2010 Chicago, IL
Wedding Day: September 22, 2010

AOS from K1: 96 days!
November 19, 2010 - February 24, 2011 APPROVED!!!
November 19, 2010: AOS, EAD & AP applications mailed
December 20, 2010: Biometrics (day 31)
January 18, 2011: case transfered to CSC (day 60)
February 10, 2011: EAD & AP approved! (day 83)
February 24, 2011: GC production ordered! (day 96)

Removing conditions: 5 months and 30 days!
December 6, 2012: package mailed
December 10, 2012: NOA 1 (day 4)

June, 5, 2013: APPROVED!!!

June, 10 2013: 10 yr GC received



Filed: IR-1/CR-1 Visa Country: Romania

Da, inca nu mi-am revenit de la faza cu doctorul :bonk: ; absolut incredibil :bonk:

Cat despre, actele pt NVC, ai dreptate, mai bine mai mult decat mai putin...mai ales ca CR1 visa e mai completa decat K1, ca nu va trebui sa mai treceti printr-un AOS. Mult spor la adunarea tuturor celor necesare :thumbs:

Revin cu update, am fost la medicul meu de familie ce il am de 9 ani si surpriza, sa merg la vechiul medic sa iau vaccinele, pentru ca el nu le are. Pai sistemul nostru sanitar are degeaba computere, fax-uri, stiinta asta evolueaza oriunde numai in Romania nu? Pai sincer nu mai inteleg de ce ii mai platim si ii mai numim medici de familie daca nu sunt in stare sa aibe un record cu fisa fiecarui pacient. Alti bani, alta distractie plus foarte mult timp pierdut cu siguranta. "traim in Romania si asta ne ocupa tot timpul " :wow:

07.19.2010 - NOA1

05.23.2011 - POE - LAX

06.01.2011 - Welcome letter arrived :)

06.04.2011 - 10 year GC received by mail :)

Filed: IR-1/CR-1 Visa Country: Romania

La mine a fost f usor sa fac rost de fisa medicala.Am mers la doctorul de familie, ( si nu am muncit niciodata ), la cabinet erau cativa pacienti care asteptau sa intre, eu am oprit asistenta medicala care lucreaza cu medicul, i-am spus ca am nevoie de adeverinta care sa relateze ca sunt sanatoasa clinic si ca nu figurez cu boli cronice, si ca am nevoie sa caute fisa mea medicala, ca sa pot face o copie xerox.Mi-a cerut 20 de lei ptr adeverinta, ptr ca atata costa apparently, si mi-a dat fisa, am copiat la xerox ce am avut nevoie si dupa 5 min i-am dus-o inapoi si i-am multumit.Asta a fost tot.Fisa medicala a fiecaruia se afla in registrul medicului de familie, iar acestia sunt obligati sa elibereze o copie la cererea persoanei respective, nu este un secret de stat, este pur si simplu istoria ta medicala si ai dreptul sa o studiezi sau sa faci o copie ptr orice nevoie personala. Multa bafta va doresc.

N-400 sent on 4/28/2014

Check cashed on 5/3/2014

Text msg & email received 5/5/2014

Biometric appointment letter mailed out on 5/15/2014

Biometric appointment letter received on 5/19/2014 for May 30th,2014

Biometrics done (walk-in) on 5/23/2014

Inline for interview 5/28/2014

Received yellow letter indicating to bring to the interview ID/State DL and all passports on 7/5/2014

USCIS website status changed to ''scheduled for interview" on 7/24/2014

Received letter :interview date will be on 9/2/2014

Interview result : approved :joy:

Oath Ceremony appointment date letter mailed out on 9/5/2014

Online status changed and received letter with Oath Ceremony date for 9/12/2014

09/12/2014 - I AM A United States Citizen!

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