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Filed: Citizen (apr) Country: Russia
shall Russian people start hating Germans for what Hitler did? Cause apparently a lot of nations hate Russians for what they didn't do, so shall we start doing the same thing and justify our behaviour with all the dictruction that Nazis caused to Russia?

Wait till you get to America and a whole group of people hate you for what you didn't do.

Русский форум член.

Ensure your beneficiary makes and brings with them to the States a copy of the DS-3025 (vaccination form)

If the government is going to force me to exercise my "right" to health care, then they better start requiring people to exercise their Right to Bear Arms. - "Where's my public option rifle?"

Filed: Citizen (apr) Country: Russia

Wait till you get to America and a whole group of people hate you for what you didn't do.

I can't say that I had any problems for the past 2 summers... During the summer 2008 there were some crazy people :lol: , but not so many, thank God.

Everything is fine as long as my fiance loves me though :luv: He's got some Lithuanian heritage by the way, should we start hating each other? :rofl:

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Filed: Citizen (apr) Country: Russia

I can't say that I had any problems for the past 2 summers... During the summer 2008 there were some crazy people :lol: , but not so many, thank God.

Everything is fine as long as my fiance loves me though :luv: He's got some Lithuanian heritage by the way, should we start hating each other? :rofl:

You will be fine provided you stay out of certain areas. Be warned, they won't blame you because you're Russian, they'll blame you because of how you look.

Русский форум член.

Ensure your beneficiary makes and brings with them to the States a copy of the DS-3025 (vaccination form)

If the government is going to force me to exercise my "right" to health care, then they better start requiring people to exercise their Right to Bear Arms. - "Where's my public option rifle?"

Filed: Citizen (apr) Country: Russia

You will be fine provided you stay out of certain areas. Be warned, they won't blame you because you're Russian, they'll blame you because of how you look.

I got you. Yeah, i had a 'lesson' last summer before i started driving to work: "never go this way, take a left turn and go that way".

Вiрити нiкому не можна. Hавiть собi. Менi - можна ©

Filed: Citizen (apr) Country: Russia
I got you. Yeah, i had a 'lesson' last summer before i started driving to work: "never go this way, take a left turn and go that way".

It's not automatic and you typically don't have to worry about it but there are certain situations where it rears it's ugly head once again. Sad, but it's still there.

Русский форум член.

Ensure your beneficiary makes and brings with them to the States a copy of the DS-3025 (vaccination form)

If the government is going to force me to exercise my "right" to health care, then they better start requiring people to exercise their Right to Bear Arms. - "Where's my public option rifle?"


Voting him out certainly isn't going to work when the elections are rigged

I was actually in Belarus during an election once. Teachers at universities rolled through the dorms, turning out their students to vote, with the admonishment "remember who gave you the opportunity to study here". I think the polls closed at twelve, and within an hour or so the state TV was declaring a landslide victory for Lukashenko. Odd, as the ballots (and tallies) were on paper, and entered into the system by hand - there were many tv "shots" of the process. Monitors from places like Denmark had their laptops, cell phones, etc. confiscated, and they were detained. Friends there said that the results had nothing to do with the ballots, but the big bonfire outside the city that night probably did :lol:

Funny: this thread is supposed to be about visa's between Russia and the US but there is more talk about Belarus here than either of those two countries. Why doesn't someone go start a thread about Belarus and have a mod move all this junk over there?

For the record, when there are a number of (not on topic) posts running through a topic, but not necessarily next to each other, it is nearly impossible to break them into a new topic. When we split a topic, the post number and all the posts after it get sent to the new topic - so we would have to split, resplit, and merge the new topics - potentially dozens of times.


Travelers - not tourists


Filed: Citizen (apr) Country: Ukraine
Posted (edited)

I was actually in Belarus during an election once. Teachers at universities rolled through the dorms, turning out their students to vote, with the admonishment "remember who gave you the opportunity to study here". I think the polls closed at twelve, and within an hour or so the state TV was declaring a landslide victory for Lukashenko. Odd, as the ballots (and tallies) were on paper, and entered into the system by hand - there were many tv "shots" of the process. Monitors from places like Denmark had their laptops, cell phones, etc. confiscated, and they were detained. Friends there said that the results had nothing to do with the ballots, but the big bonfire outside the city that night probably did :lol:

I was in Odessa during the election that resulted in the Orange Revolution. Yanukovich won, of course. By a HUGE amount. :lol:

On one TV station they had a simulcast person doing sign language. The announcer was giving the election results which were running heavily in favor of Yanukovich but the sign language woman was signing "Do not believe them, they have rigged the election!" and even gave the details of how they did it. :lol: when the station signed off she signed "Good Luck Ukraine" Starting the next morning, even that night, things got increasingly crazy. I think you know the rest.

Edited by Gary and Alla

VERMONT! I Reject Your Reality...and Substitute My Own!

Gary And Alla


I was actually in Belarus during an election once. Teachers at universities rolled through the dorms, turning out their students to vote, with the admonishment "remember who gave you the opportunity to study here". I think the polls closed at twelve, and within an hour or so the state TV was declaring a landslide victory for Lukashenko. Odd, as the ballots (and tallies) were on paper, and entered into the system by hand - there were many tv "shots" of the process. Monitors from places like Denmark had their laptops, cell phones, etc. confiscated, and they were detained. Friends there said that the results had nothing to do with the ballots, but the big bonfire outside the city that night probably did :lol:

Nothings changed. Lukahsenko called snap elections, they pulled the same ####### in the university's with the students, arrested anyone and everyone they deemed a threat, etc...

The same type of bs with the university's and government workers was reported during Medvedev's presidential election. It's the typical sick and twisted RUS take on democracy.

Funny you mentioned Denmark. Our friend was working in Denmark this past year and got back to Minsk to further her studies when she was picked up by the KGB for questioning in regards to why she goes in and out of the country so much. Another one of our friends was beaten over the head during these past protest and then locked up, they just got released a few days ago.

I was in Odessa during the election that resulted in the Orange Revolution. Yanukovich won, of course. By a HUGE amount. :lol:

On one TV station they had a simulcast person doing sign language. The announcer was giving the election results which were running heavily in favor of Yanukovich but the sign language woman was signing "Do not believe them, they have rigged the election!" and even gave the details of how they did it. :lol: when the station signed off she signed "Good Luck Ukraine" Starting the next morning, even that night, things got increasingly crazy. I think you know the rest.

Tsar Putin was seen on TV during that election congradulating Yanukovich on a great victory during that Kremlin motivated rigged election. Little did he know the Orange Revolution was just winding up. :lol:

I just used that threat yesterday... didn't know it was a RUB thing. Perhaps it's just in the water. :D

It may seem to some that this thread got sidetracked, but not imo. Does anyone really think the US is going to relax the visa laws with a country that supports the repression and subjugation of the peoples of Belarus ? Lukashenko was not only helped to gain power with the help of the Kremlin, it's the Kremlin that supports and allows him to remain in power. The younger generation of Belarus does not like being isolated, they want to join the rest of Europe, and they aren't cool about living under a repressive Soviet style dictatorship while the rest of Europe moves forward into the 21st century.

Tsar Putin knows this and that is why he can't allow the Lukahenko regime to collapse. Once Lukashenko falls...and he surely will, the Kremlin aka Russia is going to be #1 on Belarus sh*t list for a long time. If Belarus was screwing Russians in the ####### like Russia is doing to Belarusians I wouldn't blame Russians one bit for holding any kind of animosity against Belarus.

Russia is going to be in for a big surprise once their puppet dictator falls, and it will be their own bloody fault when Belarus looks west for everything but their energy.

So ya, no free ride for Russia in regards to relaxing any visa laws with that country and for very good reason(s).


"I want to take this opportunity to mention how thankful I am for an Obama re-election. The choice was clear. We cannot live in a country that treats homosexuals and women as second class citizens. Homosexuals deserve all of the rights and benefits of marriage that heterosexuals receive. Women deserve to be treated with respect and their salaries should not depend on their gender, but their quality of work. I am also thankful that the great, progressive state of California once again voted for the correct President. America is moving forward, and the direction is a positive one."

Filed: Citizen (apr) Country: Russia

So ya, no free ride for Russia in regards to relaxing any visa laws with that country and for very good reason(s).

But it's not connected anyhow with Belarus, really.

And if Lukashenko was a Russian puppet, he would never screw Russia like he usually does. But I'm really tired of it, and there is no point to explain the same stuff over and over to somebody, who won't listen to it.

So, to make the thread a little relaxed... and since Ukraine and Yanukovich were mentioned... I just love that video:

it was a hit in Russia and Ukraine for a while :lol:

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Posted (edited)

But it's not connected anyhow with Belarus, really.

And if Lukashenko was a Russian puppet, he would never screw Russia like he usually does. But I'm really tired of it, and there is no point to explain the same stuff over and over to somebody, who won't listen to it.

Are you for real ?

Lets see how Belarus stays alive so to say. No oil and gas, no Lukashenko. Of course the corrupt elections in Belarus that Russia has supported in the past is no big surprise seeing how an election in Russia is comparable to Mickey Mouse losing out to Pluto on who's going to be front runner in Disney World.

http://udf.by/english/main-story/6902-belarus-russia-sign-oil-supply-deal.html <--- This deal was signed two days before the last suedo presidential election in Belarus.


"Russia Offers Belarus Big Aid"


"A Loan from Russia: Unveiling the Likely Rationale"


"Russia ready to loan Belarus $9bn for NPP construction"

http://en.rian.ru/russia/20101225/161930348.html <--- This was the last election just a few months ago

"Russia's Medvedev congratulates Belarus President Lukashenko on reelection"

http://en.rian.ru/russia/20060320/44576538.html <--- This is from the 2006 election in Belarus

"Putin congratulates Lukashenko on election victory"

http://www.google.com/search?source=ig&hl=en&rlz=&q=osce+disputes+election+Belarus&aq=f&aqi=&aql=&oq= <--- Fair elections in Belarus ??? LOL ?


Russia, Belarus sign $9 billion nuclear plant deal

MINSK, Belarus – Russia is to build a nuclear power station for Belarus and provide the $9.4 billion required as a loan to its smaller neighbor.

Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin oversaw the signing of a deal in Minsk on Tuesday that foresees a two-block facility coming fully online by 2018.

Its location, near Belarus' border with Lithuania, has caused concern with environmentalists in the Baltic country as well as at home.

Putin suggested in a televised meeting with Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko that the power station would be safer than the Japanese plant crippled by an earthquake and tsunami.

The export of Russia's nuclear expertise is a key income source for the government, with contracts signed with several countries in recent years.

Edited by Why_Me


"I want to take this opportunity to mention how thankful I am for an Obama re-election. The choice was clear. We cannot live in a country that treats homosexuals and women as second class citizens. Homosexuals deserve all of the rights and benefits of marriage that heterosexuals receive. Women deserve to be treated with respect and their salaries should not depend on their gender, but their quality of work. I am also thankful that the great, progressive state of California once again voted for the correct President. America is moving forward, and the direction is a positive one."


Personally if I was a Belarusian living in Belarus, I would probably be attempting to blow up any and every subway station in Russia from Smolensk to Moscow until the Kremlin stopped feeding their puppet dictator with interest free loans and cheap energy if that's what it took. Of course that's an Americans take on it seeing how we were never big on being repressed by a foreign country. Just ask the English. We whooped their ####### not once but twice in order to gain our freedom and democracy.


"I want to take this opportunity to mention how thankful I am for an Obama re-election. The choice was clear. We cannot live in a country that treats homosexuals and women as second class citizens. Homosexuals deserve all of the rights and benefits of marriage that heterosexuals receive. Women deserve to be treated with respect and their salaries should not depend on their gender, but their quality of work. I am also thankful that the great, progressive state of California once again voted for the correct President. America is moving forward, and the direction is a positive one."

Filed: Citizen (apr) Country: Russia

Why_Me, are you aware that saying that you can be called a terrorist? I really do hope that proper people see that, because you seem to be dangerous for people in general saying that. People in subway have nothing to do with Lukashenko, you don't have to be bright to understand that :wacko:

And yes, the fact that you are conserned about Belarus does not mean at all that the USA government or EU care that much about them and see that as a reason for not starting the VWP with Russia. And as far as I know, you're not the one, who desides (thank God).

And your opinion based on the lack of information, stubborness, unwillingness to learn, unexplainable cruelty and disrespect to other countries doesn't have to be right.

Вiрити нiкому не можна. Hавiть собi. Менi - можна ©


Why_Me, are you aware that saying that you can be called a terrorist? I really do hope that proper people see that, because you seem to be dangerous for people in general saying that. People in subway have nothing to do with Lukashenko, you don't have to be bright to understand that :wacko:

And yes, the fact that you are conserned about Belarus does not mean at all that the USA government or EU care that much about them and see that as a reason for not starting the VWP with Russia. And as far as I know, you're not the one, who desides (thank God).

And your opinion based on the lack of information, stubborness, unwillingness to learn, unexplainable cruelty and disrespect to other countries doesn't have to be right.

First off I am not Belarusian, and secondly I don't plan on bombing any Russian subways. But if I was Belarusian, and I did want to get rid of that dictator, then I would cut him off at the source.

My opinions are shared by many. And the only ones who think Lukashenko gets his money and cheap energy from "Little Green Men from Mars" are peeps who don't have a clue and shouldn't be posting about this.

Some questions ONA and please answer them honestly :)

1) Who continues to give Belarus billions of dollars in interest free loans ?

2) Who supply's Belarus with way below market price engergy ?

3) Who openly criticized the OSCE in regards to their ridicule of rigged presidential elections in Belarus (other than Lukashenko) *hint...Kremlin ring any bells? ?

4) Why do Russian presidents call Lukashenko congratulating him every time he wins his "rigged elections" ?

5) Why don't Russians give two sh*ts in regards to their government financially supporting the repressive regime running Belarus ?


"I want to take this opportunity to mention how thankful I am for an Obama re-election. The choice was clear. We cannot live in a country that treats homosexuals and women as second class citizens. Homosexuals deserve all of the rights and benefits of marriage that heterosexuals receive. Women deserve to be treated with respect and their salaries should not depend on their gender, but their quality of work. I am also thankful that the great, progressive state of California once again voted for the correct President. America is moving forward, and the direction is a positive one."

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