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Filipina wife issues....advice please...


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Filed: Country: Philippines

Hey all, first my name is Scott...my wife is from the phillipines...we have been together over a year and married. We have her K1 visa and we are about to go back to the United States. I am a US Soldier and stationed in S. Korea....for the past year I have been sending money to her family, but during this time we have been financially struggeling. My wife is now 16 weeks pregnant with our son, which is amazing bc we have been trying for about 6 months...and while trying i told her on many occassions that once she was pregnant money would STOP to her family..but yet she doesnt see it that way.

It all started after we first met and her 4 year old sister needed eye surgery or she would go blind, it was only 300.00 USD so it wasnt that bad, but after that it was her family with their hand out on payday. I delt with it but now i cant because my son's future is at stake.

I was sending 350.00 USD every 2 weeks....totaled 7,500.00 USD in 1 year, and then I sent her home with 3000.00 USD when she went home to visit. She has 9 brothers and sisters, two of the boys being 20 and 21. She is the oldest child.

Last night I made a comment on her facebook about how happy I was we were having a son, i check later and her oldest brother posted "send money home now says momma". Now this made me extremely angry not only did he disrespect my way of life but he posted on my comment about my son with such non-sense.

Today she said she wanted to send 150.00 USD home, I told her no we had discussed last check we would send 100.00 USD every 2 weeks...and thats all. She wont talk to her family about them getting jobs, she just sits quietly and lets them beg and i have to see her upset and crying

This is causing our marriage to be in trouble..I love my wife and will do anything to make her happy...but I cant take this stress anymore...what do i do?!

As of now I am not sending any money to them, and she wont speak to me going on 2 days now....

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Sounds like a tough situation. I would say be patient, but firm. If you can't afford to help, you can't afford it. If you love your wife, and she loves you, then you need to talk this through. From my experience, you should try hard to wait until she is ready to talk. Don't send money, and don't try to force a conversation, let her bring the topic back up. Good luck!

B and J K-1 story

  • April 2004 met online
  • July 16, 2006 Met in person on her birthday in United Arab Emirates
  • August 4, 2006 sent certified mail I-129F packet Neb SC
  • August 9, 2006 NOA1
  • August 21, 2006 received NOA1 in mail
  • October 4, 5, 7, 13 & 17 2006 Touches! 50 day address change... Yes Judith is beautiful, quit staring at her passport photo and approve us!!! Shaming works! LOL
  • October 13, 2006 NOA2! November 2, 2006 NOA2? Huh? NVC already processed and sent us on to Abu Dhabi Consulate!
  • February 12, 2007 Abu Dhabi Interview SUCCESS!!! February 14 Visa in hand!
  • March 6, 2007 she is here!
  • MARCH 14, 2007 WE ARE MARRIED!!!
  • May 5, 2007 Sent AOS/EAD packet
  • May 11, 2007 NOA1 AOS/EAD
  • June 7, 2007 Biometrics appointment
  • June 8, 2007 first post biometrics touch, June 11, next touch...
  • August 1, 2007 AOS Interview! APPROVED!! EAD APPROVED TOO...
  • August 6, 2007 EAD card and Welcome Letter received!
  • August 13, 2007 GREEN CARD received!!! 375 days since mailing the I-129F!

    Remove Conditions:

  • May 1, 2009 first day to file
  • May 9, 2009 mailed I-751 to USCIS CS
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Filed: Citizen (apr) Country: Nigeria

Your first problem is if you are married you can't use a K1 for her to enter the US. You have to use the NO word and if she wants to pout , let her pout. You can't continue to be a money tree for her family.

This will not be over quickly. You will not enjoy this.

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Filed: Citizen (apr) Country: Nicaragua

Im sorry to hear about your problems, but before anything, you say you're married but talk about a K-1 Visa? Just clarify a bit on that please, K-1 are for fiancee (not yet married) couples. Perhaps you mistyped and it's K-3?

On the other hand, your responsibility is her and your son. She needs to understand that you cannot support her family, if she doesn't, then maybe she needs to reevaluate who comes first. Because to me, when you choose your partner in life, that's your #1.

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Filed: AOS (pnd) Country: Philippines

my sympathy to you my friend :( I'm sorry you have to deal with those things...sad but that is really the reality here in the Philippines. You're lucky if you'll find a girl here who would understand that once you marry her it doesn't mean you're married to her entire clan and that you need to provide for them. I guess just talk to her again and if she's capable of working then maybe she could work so it's not only you who will shoulder everything. I hope you'll fix everything between the two of you and that it will save your marriage. Good luck!!!

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Filed: Citizen (apr) Country: Australia

Unfortunately this is a common problem with people with wives from the Philippines. It could also be other countries but there are many many posts about guys being forced to send money home for their wives families who do nothing to help themselves and expect to live off the US income.

I wish I had something to tell you but really, the issues will only resolve with your wife. She needs to be the one to tell her family but it's not going to be easy because she will feel guilt. It might help to get her to speak to other Filipino women in the same situation. Rationally her family can't expect her to keep sending so much money home when she has her own family now and a baby to raise soon.

She is the oldest you said of several children. That's a lot of people to work and give money back to the family so she should feel less guilt knowing that she ISN'T their only hope. She's just the only one that actually cares about the family. If the others cared they'd be working and helping out too.

I'm sorry. Offer her support but at the same time stand firm. Make sure she knows that you aren't withholding money because you're mean but because you love her and your child and you want both her and your child to have everything they need. Her family can survive without her and it's time they did.

Good luck.

**Edit - as someone else said, the silent treatment is a form of manipulation and is very immature. She will need to learn that the silent treatment won't work with you and that talking to you about the problem CALMLY will get more results.

Edited by Vanessa&Tony
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Hey all, first my name is Scott...my wife is from the phillipines...we have been together over a year and married. We have her K1 visa and we are about to go back to the United States. I am a US Soldier and stationed in S. Korea....for the past year I have been sending money to her family, but during this time we have been financially struggeling. My wife is now 16 weeks pregnant with our son, which is amazing bc we have been trying for about 6 months...and while trying i told her on many occassions that once she was pregnant money would STOP to her family..but yet she doesnt see it that way.

It all started after we first met and her 4 year old sister needed eye surgery or she would go blind, it was only 300.00 USD so it wasnt that bad, but after that it was her family with their hand out on payday. I delt with it but now i cant because my son's future is at stake.

I was sending 350.00 USD every 2 weeks....totaled 7,500.00 USD in 1 year, and then I sent her home with 3000.00 USD when she went home to visit. She has 9 brothers and sisters, two of the boys being 20 and 21. She is the oldest child.

Last night I made a comment on her facebook about how happy I was we were having a son, i check later and her oldest brother posted "send money home now says momma". Now this made me extremely angry not only did he disrespect my way of life but he posted on my comment about my son with such non-sense.

Today she said she wanted to send 150.00 USD home, I told her no we had discussed last check we would send 100.00 USD every 2 weeks...and thats all. She wont talk to her family about them getting jobs, she just sits quietly and lets them beg and i have to see her upset and crying

This is causing our marriage to be in trouble..I love my wife and will do anything to make her happy...but I cant take this stress anymore...what do i do?!

As of now I am not sending any money to them, and she wont speak to me going on 2 days now....

Just need to remember and remind your wife and her family that they managed to survive before you came into the picture.

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Filed: F-2A Visa Country: Jamaica

Vanessa is right this comes out a lot from that part of the world. stop giving her family money. she's upset and won't talk to you because of this- ridiculous.

Current cut off date F2A - Current 

Brother's Journey (F2A) - PD Dec 30, 2010

Dec 30 2010 - Notice of Action 1 (NOA1)
May 12 2011 - Notice of Action 2 (NOA2)
May 23 2011 - NVC case # Assigned
Nov 17 2011 - COA / I-864 received
Nov 18 2011 - Sent COA
Apr 30 2012 - Pay AOS fee

Oct 15 2012 - Pay IV fee
Oct 25 2012 - Sent AOS/IV Package

Oct 29 2012 - Pkg Delivered
Dec 24 2012 - Case Complete

May 17 2013 - Interview-Approved

July 19 2013 - Enter the USA

"... Answer when you are called..."

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Filed: Country: Malaysia

Just need to remember and remind your wife and her family that they managed to survive before you came into the picture.

Hear hear. JNL is right, OP!

December 2009 -- Visit to Malaysia.

February 2010 -- Applied for B2 visa, approved.

March 2010 -- Visited US.

April 2010 -- Returned from US.

May 2010 -- Sent in K1 Visa application.

July 2010 -- Received NOA2 in 71 days from NOA1.

July 2010 -- Packet 3 received.

August 2010 -- Cancellation of K1 Visa application.

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image.gif?fsize=50&font=Filxgirl.TTF&text= MalaysianGirl &mirror=no&color=0033FF&vcolor=996699&bgcolor=α=yes&output=gif&spacing=4&shadow=undefined&transparent=no

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my sympathy to you my friend :( I'm sorry you have to deal with those things...sad but that is really the reality here in the Philippines. You're lucky if you'll find a girl here who would understand that once you marry her it doesn't mean you're married to her entire clan and that you need to provide for them. I guess just talk to her again and if she's capable of working then maybe she could work so it's not only you who will shoulder everything. I hope you'll fix everything between the two of you and that it will save your marriage. Good luck!!!

It is true. When you marry the Filipina, you marry the entire (extended) family. One needs to decide if he wants to sign on for this. It makes for tough sledding at times. In the end, only you can decide if itz worth it. Good luck!



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you have to be firm and stand your ground. Don't try to bully her as she will just shut down even more. you have to understand that this is what her family expects from you but you don't have to send them money. If you didn't marry her then they would still have to survive the same way before you meet her. Basically they have gotten use to the way you send them money and became lazy. Your mistake is giving in to there demands in the first place.

I would have not given any money to see if it's love or just marrying for family support. I did my wife like that and she never asked me to support her family....but she also is a really proud filipina and refuses to ask me to help her family. When i did help I was visiting and staying with the family. I also never helped them directly, I helped my wife and in turn if she decided to give a little of what i gave her then so be it.

If your fiancée steadily ask you for money for her family, she is under tremendous pressure from her family to keep asking you. Take my advice the comment on Facebook is your line in the sand and cut them off. This will be the test of if it was love, convenience, or you will see how much she loves you but has the pressures of family. Family bonds are stronger in the Philippines then in the United States.

Lastly educate your wife on the fact the U.S. is not the land of milk and honey. Educate her on finances and a budget. Don't yell or scream because a filipina will just shut down and not learn anything. I educated my wife when we first meet that most foreigners are not rich at all. We just have jobs that pay more and that our bills are beyond what a filipino would think stuff should cost.

After I educated my wife she almost backed out because the way i told and showed her the real U.S. it sounded like a costlier version of the Philippines. When my wifes friends got to the U.S. they were sticker shocked at how much everything cost and how much harder they have to work for it. Some came back because they couldn't handle the western world and the beast it is. They came and talked to my wife starting to tell her what happen and my wife stopped them with one comment..."got your rose colored glasses broke over there huh". I could not stop laughing and said to myself wife is now prepared for what is behind the big lights.

Hope you take my advice and stop sending money and start dictating how things are going to roll. Block people from seeing their comments on your facebook page. If you send money...do it on your terms not theres. Don't send money that often either. Make them depend on themselves like you never entered the picture. Sorry if this offends some filipinos but the males 18 - 25 are super lazy. They rather depend on a handout than to work. They will use i'm going to college as a crutch....barely attending classes and not really learning anything.

the other side of the coin is if the filipina's meet a foreigner the families apply tremendous pressure for them to marry them just to support the family. Don't get me wrong some do it for love but a lot do it because of family obligations. The ones that marry for love are a treasure. The ones that can't break the family obligation can make a marriage miserable for both the husband and wife. For your fiancée realize that she is probably as miserable as you are with the pressures of her family. Try your best to understand her side and educate her on your side and come together in the middle. $100 is enough every 2 weeks...the two boys in there 20's need to man up and get a job sorry to say.

Glad my wifes brother isn't like that...he takes care of his own wife and kids. But appreciates me helping out since I'm his older and only brother. Rest of the in laws I don't help at all unless I feel compelled to and that is not remotely often. Man up dude and if she wants to leave it wasn't about love but convenience to help her family. Seen it happen too many times.

Enough rambling for me do whats needed to protect your family. good.gif

01/19/2011 POE - Detroit
01/27/2011 Welcome Letter
02/27/2011 Green Card RECEIVED


12/20/2012 I-751 Mailed
12/24/2012 Package Delivered
12/26/2012 NOA1
01/03/2013 Check Cashed
01/09/2013 Biometrics letter Received
01/30/2013 Biometrics completed
05/14/2013 RFE Received
08/03/2013 RFE Response Sent.
08/13/2013 ROC Approved

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Hey all, first my name is Scott...my wife is from the phillipines...we have been together over a year and married. We have her K1 visa and we are about to go back to the United States. I am a US Soldier and stationed in S. Korea....for the past year I have been sending money to her family, but during this time we have been financially struggeling. My wife is now 16 weeks pregnant with our son, which is amazing bc we have been trying for about 6 months...and while trying i told her on many occassions that once she was pregnant money would STOP to her family..but yet she doesnt see it that way.

It all started after we first met and her 4 year old sister needed eye surgery or she would go blind, it was only 300.00 USD so it wasnt that bad, but after that it was her family with their hand out on payday. I delt with it but now i cant because my son's future is at stake.

I was sending 350.00 USD every 2 weeks....totaled 7,500.00 USD in 1 year, and then I sent her home with 3000.00 USD when she went home to visit. She has 9 brothers and sisters, two of the boys being 20 and 21. She is the oldest child.

Last night I made a comment on her facebook about how happy I was we were having a son, i check later and her oldest brother posted "send money home now says momma". Now this made me extremely angry not only did he disrespect my way of life but he posted on my comment about my son with such non-sense.

Today she said she wanted to send 150.00 USD home, I told her no we had discussed last check we would send 100.00 USD every 2 weeks...and thats all. She wont talk to her family about them getting jobs, she just sits quietly and lets them beg and i have to see her upset and crying

This is causing our marriage to be in trouble..I love my wife and will do anything to make her happy...but I cant take this stress anymore...what do i do?!

As of now I am not sending any money to them, and she wont speak to me going on 2 days now....

Take advice of some here. I set the tone early with my extended filipino family to cut them off at the pass before something like this started. First hint from my wife saying family ask her for some money...... then wanted to see if she could ask me to give her some money for them..... i said no from the get go. Then when i give her some money and she gives it to them then ask me for some more because she gave it all away I even said no to her.

Her family is going to be made at you both.... but your wife's demeanor will change and she will start to think of her own immediate family first.....and then give some of the excess to her family after her families has everything it needs.

01/19/2011 POE - Detroit
01/27/2011 Welcome Letter
02/27/2011 Green Card RECEIVED


12/20/2012 I-751 Mailed
12/24/2012 Package Delivered
12/26/2012 NOA1
01/03/2013 Check Cashed
01/09/2013 Biometrics letter Received
01/30/2013 Biometrics completed
05/14/2013 RFE Received
08/03/2013 RFE Response Sent.
08/13/2013 ROC Approved

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Filed: K-1 Visa Country: Philippines

As everyone else has said, stick to your grounds on this one. If she really loves you, then things will work out without sending money.

I send money to my fiancee too, but only what I can afford. But that's mainly because she has a daughter and she had to give up her job in Taiwan so that we could complete her visa process. If it wasn't for the CSC taking so long, she would have been fine without my help. She rarely asks for money, usually waiting for me to offer instead. She's always telling her family no when they ask her to ask me for money. One time I was asked to help her family with a medical bill for her grandma, but I really couldn't afford it then and had to say no. She completely understood and everything went on with our relationship as normal. She was actually very shy for asking me and felt bad, thinking I would be mad or something. No way could I be mad at her. I knew it was only her family pressuring her, and that they would make due without my help. I am so happy that she didn't give me the same pressure back. I really love her for that.

I'm sorry your wife is giving you the guilt treatment. I think sending $750 a month is way too much, especially on a regular basis. Unfortunately, this has led to an unrealistic expectation on their part. I certainly hope you can get your wife to understand and you can overcome this issue.


James and Cynthia

08-22-2008 - Met my wonderful wife in the Philippines.
03-21-2010 - I proposed to her in the Philippines.
09-07-2010 - I-129F filed for K-1 Visa.
09-12-2010 - NOA1 confirmation email received.
11-02-2010 - I visitied the Philippines again.

02-07-2011 - NOA2 email recieved. Approved.
03-22-2011 - Case at USEM.

04-15-2011 - Interview Date. She passed.
05-01-2011 - POE

06-25-2011 - We were married.

-Life has been great ever since.

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