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CALMATE! Ay, Chihuaua!


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People can't really peg me because I have a very generic look when it comes to different ethnicities. In the US I mostly get people thinking I'm South American or some sort of Spanish-speaking nation. Even when I'm in Spain they think I'm Spanish. Same in Italy.... they think I'm Italian. The French think I'm French and the First Nations people think I'm First Nations. When I speak they get confused even further. :lol: (I'm from the UK so have a British/Canadian accent.) My husband gets asked, a lot, what my origins are.

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People can't really peg me because I have a very generic look when it comes to different ethnicities. In the US I mostly get people thinking I'm South American or some sort of Spanish-speaking nation. Even when I'm in Spain they think I'm Spanish. Same in Italy.... they think I'm Italian. The French think I'm French and the First Nations people think I'm First Nations. When I speak they get confused even further. :lol: (I'm from the UK so have a British/Canadian accent.) My husband gets asked, a lot, what my origins are.

cameleon :lol:

if you gave your info (receipt #s, full name, etc) to anyone on VJ under the guise that they would "help" you through the immigration journey with his inside contacts (like his sister at USCIS) ... please contact OLUInquiries@dhs.gov, and go to http://www.whitehouse.gov/contact to report anything suspicious. Contact your congressman and senator's offices as well.

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Filed: Citizen (apr) Country: England

I get Australia most days - I can't be English because they sound like ####### van ####### or Michael Caine right ?

I say I come from the North of England and they blank coz they think that is Finland or Iceland.

I was at York Minster once and I was talking to an American girl. She said "We are in Norway tomorrow - is that in the North of England too ?"

I would say "The North of England - you know, like the Beatles" but nobody under 50 has heard of the Beatles and Americans over 50 believe the Beatles Naturalized as Americans thereby expunging their roots - so that won't work.

I might tell em I am a Russian KGB agent who switched sides, accepted Jesus, became a U.S. Citizen and my son joined the Marines. That would work.

Edited by Alan the Red


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I get Australia most days - I can't be English because they sound like ####### van ####### or Michael Caine right ?

I say I come from the North of England and they blank coz they think that is Finland or Iceland.

I was at York Minster once and I was talking to an American girl. She said "We are in Norway tomorrow - is that in the North of England too ?"

I would say "The North of England - you know, like the Beatles" but nobody under 50 has heard of the Beatles and Americans over 50 believe the Beatles Naturalized as Americans thereby expunging their roots - so that won't work.

I might tell em I am a Russian KGB agent who switched sides, accepted Jesus, became a U.S. Citizen and my son joined the Marines. That would work.

My Brit friend always said that Yanks were the most gullible species on the planet.

Anyone with a UK or related accent can pretty much say that toluene is used

in infant formula (in France of course) with a straight face and get away with it.

02/2003 - Met

08/24/09 I-129F; 09/02 NOA1; 10/14 NOA2; 11/24 interview; 11/30 K-1 VISA (92 d); 12/29 POE 12/31/09 Marriage

03/29/-04/06/10 - AOS sent/rcd; 04/13 NOA1; AOS 2 NBC

04/14 $1010 cashed; 04/19 NOA1

04/28 Biom.

06/16 EAD/AP

06/24 Infops; AP mail

06/28 EAD mail; travel 2 BKK; return 07/17

07/20/10 interview, 4d. b4 I-129F anniv. APPROVAL!*

08/02/10 GC

08/09/10 SSN

2012-05-16 Lifting Cond. - I-751 sent

2012-06-27 Biom,

2013-01-10 7 Mo, 2 Wks. & 5 days - 10 Yr. PR Card (no interview)

*2013-04-22 Apply for citizenship (if she desires at that time) 90 days prior to 3yr anniversary of P. Residence

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I get Australia most days - I can't be English because they sound like ####### van ####### or Michael Caine right ?

I say I come from the North of England and they blank coz they think that is Finland or Iceland.

I was at York Minster once and I was talking to an American girl. She said "We are in Norway tomorrow - is that in the North of England too ?"

I would say "The North of England - you know, like the Beatles" but nobody under 50 has heard of the Beatles and Americans over 50 believe the Beatles Naturalized as Americans thereby expunging their roots - so that won't work.

I might tell em I am a Russian KGB agent who switched sides, accepted Jesus, became a U.S. Citizen and my son joined the Marines. That would work.

:rofl: that is the type of sense of humor i have (screw with people's heads) and my husband, when i first began talking to him was very stiff... now he has loosened up much he likes to tease/joke though at times his slang is still a little off. like when he asked my friend when we were all joking and laughing if she too liked to screw :help: we were both shocked to silence and he didnt understand what happened. then he said to me doesnt your friend like to screw people head like you do i knew what he meant :blush: eeek! i had to explain to her and my husband was horrified what we thought :rofl: no slang for my husband! english = good, slang = bad LOL!

if you gave your info (receipt #s, full name, etc) to anyone on VJ under the guise that they would "help" you through the immigration journey with his inside contacts (like his sister at USCIS) ... please contact OLUInquiries@dhs.gov, and go to http://www.whitehouse.gov/contact to report anything suspicious. Contact your congressman and senator's offices as well.

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Filed: Citizen (apr) Country: England

My Brit friend always said that Yanks were the most gullible species on the planet.

Anyone with a UK or related accent can pretty much say that toluene is used

in infant formula (in France of course) with a straight face and get away with it.

It must be true - how else could the French ride monocycles and wear a red nose and a string of onions at the same time ?

President Sarah will be the litmus test though. When she is unrefudiated in 2012 I will ROFL like it's 1999

I won't leave the country like the other 150 million - the fun will just be starting...

I might say I am a Pitcairn Islander and a direct descendant of Fletcher Christian. Jeez that would be more fun than having an imaginary friend. Possibilities are endless.


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Filed: Citizen (pnd) Country: Venezuela

I am short, have (had) dark hair and tan well, so have been mistaken for Latino by many, including Latinos. Because I too have the gene for messing with peoples minds, I try to let them continue in their delusions. It works until I have to speak then my mid west accent gives me away. They realize I am just generic USC. But it is still fun. :)

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Everyone either thinks my wife is a US-born American or from India. :star:

Ken y Leidys’ Timeline

May 1, 2009 - I-129 F (NOA-1)

Aug 4, 2009 - I-129 F (NOA-2)

Oct 7, 2009 - Bogota Interview

Oct 16, 2009 - Diomesa package arrived in downtown Barranquilla

Oct 20, 2009 - Leidys took bus to Diomesa Office to pick up Visa/Passport package because ("We don't deliver to your Barrio").

Nov 22, 2009 - POE (30 min.) Los Angeles, Intl.

Dec 27, 2009 - Wedding

March 8, 2010 - AOS NOA

April 8, 2010 - AOS BIO (in Riverside, CA)

May 11, 2010 - AOS AP

May 24, 2010 - AOS Interview

May 27, 2010 - AOS EAD May 27, 2010

Jun 18, 2010 - Green Card Received!

Apr 07, 2012 - ROC Filed

Oct 11, 2012 - ROC RFE

Jan 08, 2013 - CONDITIONS REMOVED!!!


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I might say I am a Pitcairn Islander and a direct descendant of Fletcher Christian. Jeez that would be more fun than having an imaginary friend. Possibilities are endless.

People would believe every word. And then go tell all their friends. People love to believe the craziest shiat.

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Filed: Citizen (apr) Country: Ecuador
People would believe every word. And then go tell all their friends. People love to believe the craziest shiat.
I'm usually mistaken for a full-blooded Canandaiguan, si man.

When Mrs. T-B. was rather freshly in the U.S., we went to the local Mexican supermarket. I had her ask a small group of employees where they thought she was from, on the basis of her Spanish dialect. The guesses were "Honduras," "Colombia," and "not Mexico." When they heard that she was from Ecuador, one of the guys actually exclaimed, "Wow! I thought that all Ecuatorianas were UGLY, si man!" (Or similar, in Spanish. They can be forgiven, because most pictures of Ecuadorians are of those colorfully dressed stubby Indians, si man.)

Mrs. T-B. rapidly became the "darling" of the male employees there, because she's naturally charming and also -- even now, Heavy with Child -- far more slim and shapely than most of the regular customerettes. She routinely "breaks in" the newest butchers by innocently asking, "Tienes patas de puerco?" ("Do you have pig's feet?") They answer "Yes -- how much do you want?" She says, "Oh, I don't want any -- I just wanted to know if you had patas de puerco."

Sidebar, si man: The employees (and customers!) of that market are surprised that I carry out the bags of groceries. Someone once actually exclaimed, "That's the job of the WIFE, si man!"

06-04-2007 = TSC stamps postal return-receipt for I-129f.

06-11-2007 = NOA1 date (unknown to me).

07-20-2007 = Phoned Immigration Officer; got WAC#; where's NOA1?

09-25-2007 = Touch (first-ever).

09-28-2007 = NOA1, 23 days after their 45-day promise to send it (grrrr).

10-20 & 11-14-2007 = Phoned ImmOffs; "still pending."

12-11-2007 = 180 days; file is "between workstations, may be early Jan."; touches 12/11 & 12/12.

12-18-2007 = Call; file is with Division 9 ofcr. (bckgrnd check); e-prompt to shake it; touch.

12-19-2007 = NOA2 by e-mail & web, dated 12-18-07 (187 days; 201 per VJ); in mail 12/24/07.

01-09-2008 = File from USCIS to NVC, 1-4-08; NVC creates file, 1/15/08; to consulate 1/16/08.

01-23-2008 = Consulate gets file; outdated Packet 4 mailed to fiancee 1/27/08; rec'd 3/3/08.

04-29-2008 = Fiancee's 4-min. consular interview, 8:30 a.m.; much evidence brought but not allowed to be presented (consul: "More proof! Second interview! Bring your fiance!").

05-05-2008 = Infuriating $12 call to non-English-speaking consulate appointment-setter.

05-06-2008 = Better $12 call to English-speaker; "joint" interview date 6/30/08 (my selection).

06-30-2008 = Stokes Interrogations w/Ecuadorian (not USC); "wait 2 weeks; we'll mail her."

07-2008 = Daily calls to DOS: "currently processing"; 8/05 = Phoned consulate, got Section Chief; wrote him.

08-07-08 = E-mail from consulate, promising to issue visa "as soon as we get her passport" (on 8/12, per DHL).

08-27-08 = Phoned consulate (they "couldn't find" our file); visa DHL'd 8/28; in hand 9/1; through POE on 10/9 with NO hassles(!).

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I'm usually mistaken for a full-blooded Canandaiguan, si man.

When Mrs. T-B. was rather freshly in the U.S., we went to the local Mexican supermarket. I had her ask a small group of employees where they thought she was from, on the basis of her Spanish dialect. The guesses were "Honduras," "Colombia," and "not Mexico." When they heard that she was from Ecuador, one of the guys actually exclaimed, "Wow! I thought that all Ecuatorianas were UGLY, si man!" (Or similar, in Spanish. They can be forgiven, because most pictures of Ecuadorians are of those colorfully dressed stubby Indians, si man.)

Mrs. T-B. rapidly became the "darling" of the male employees there, because she's naturally charming and also -- even now, Heavy with Child -- far more slim and shapely than most of the regular customerettes. She routinely "breaks in" the newest butchers by innocently asking, "Tienes patas de puerco?" ("Do you have pig's feet?") They answer "Yes -- how much do you want?" She says, "Oh, I don't want any -- I just wanted to know if you had patas de puerco."

Sidebar, si man: The employees (and customers!) of that market are surprised that I carry out the bags of groceries. Someone once actually exclaimed, "That's the job of the WIFE, si man!"


Was this the guy with the pig's feet? Guapo Diablo, si man!

02/2003 - Met

08/24/09 I-129F; 09/02 NOA1; 10/14 NOA2; 11/24 interview; 11/30 K-1 VISA (92 d); 12/29 POE 12/31/09 Marriage

03/29/-04/06/10 - AOS sent/rcd; 04/13 NOA1; AOS 2 NBC

04/14 $1010 cashed; 04/19 NOA1

04/28 Biom.

06/16 EAD/AP

06/24 Infops; AP mail

06/28 EAD mail; travel 2 BKK; return 07/17

07/20/10 interview, 4d. b4 I-129F anniv. APPROVAL!*

08/02/10 GC

08/09/10 SSN

2012-05-16 Lifting Cond. - I-751 sent

2012-06-27 Biom,

2013-01-10 7 Mo, 2 Wks. & 5 days - 10 Yr. PR Card (no interview)

*2013-04-22 Apply for citizenship (if she desires at that time) 90 days prior to 3yr anniversary of P. Residence

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Filed: Citizen (apr) Country: England

I'm usually mistaken for a full-blooded Canandaiguan, si man.

When Mrs. T-B. was rather freshly in the U.S., we went to the local Mexican supermarket. I had her ask a small group of employees where they thought she was from, on the basis of her Spanish dialect. The guesses were "Honduras," "Colombia," and "not Mexico." When they heard that she was from Ecuador, one of the guys actually exclaimed, "Wow! I thought that all Ecuatorianas were UGLY, si man!" (Or similar, in Spanish. They can be forgiven, because most pictures of Ecuadorians are of those colorfully dressed stubby Indians, si man.)

Mrs. T-B. rapidly became the "darling" of the male employees there, because she's naturally charming and also -- even now, Heavy with Child -- far more slim and shapely than most of the regular customerettes. She routinely "breaks in" the newest butchers by innocently asking, "Tienes patas de puerco?" ("Do you have pig's feet?") They answer "Yes -- how much do you want?" She says, "Oh, I don't want any -- I just wanted to know if you had patas de puerco."

Sidebar, si man: The employees (and customers!) of that market are surprised that I carry out the bags of groceries. Someone once actually exclaimed, "That's the job of the WIFE, si man!"

Do you have pigs feet ?

No, it's just the way I am stood....


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Filed: Citizen (apr) Country: Ecuador
In my more evil moments, I want to put my pet chameleon onto plaid cloth, si man.

06-04-2007 = TSC stamps postal return-receipt for I-129f.

06-11-2007 = NOA1 date (unknown to me).

07-20-2007 = Phoned Immigration Officer; got WAC#; where's NOA1?

09-25-2007 = Touch (first-ever).

09-28-2007 = NOA1, 23 days after their 45-day promise to send it (grrrr).

10-20 & 11-14-2007 = Phoned ImmOffs; "still pending."

12-11-2007 = 180 days; file is "between workstations, may be early Jan."; touches 12/11 & 12/12.

12-18-2007 = Call; file is with Division 9 ofcr. (bckgrnd check); e-prompt to shake it; touch.

12-19-2007 = NOA2 by e-mail & web, dated 12-18-07 (187 days; 201 per VJ); in mail 12/24/07.

01-09-2008 = File from USCIS to NVC, 1-4-08; NVC creates file, 1/15/08; to consulate 1/16/08.

01-23-2008 = Consulate gets file; outdated Packet 4 mailed to fiancee 1/27/08; rec'd 3/3/08.

04-29-2008 = Fiancee's 4-min. consular interview, 8:30 a.m.; much evidence brought but not allowed to be presented (consul: "More proof! Second interview! Bring your fiance!").

05-05-2008 = Infuriating $12 call to non-English-speaking consulate appointment-setter.

05-06-2008 = Better $12 call to English-speaker; "joint" interview date 6/30/08 (my selection).

06-30-2008 = Stokes Interrogations w/Ecuadorian (not USC); "wait 2 weeks; we'll mail her."

07-2008 = Daily calls to DOS: "currently processing"; 8/05 = Phoned consulate, got Section Chief; wrote him.

08-07-08 = E-mail from consulate, promising to issue visa "as soon as we get her passport" (on 8/12, per DHL).

08-27-08 = Phoned consulate (they "couldn't find" our file); visa DHL'd 8/28; in hand 9/1; through POE on 10/9 with NO hassles(!).

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In my more evil moments, I want to put my pet chameleon onto plaid cloth, si man.

:rofl: :rofl:

that's not evil, that's just experimentation :whistle::innocent:

Edited by nab

if you gave your info (receipt #s, full name, etc) to anyone on VJ under the guise that they would "help" you through the immigration journey with his inside contacts (like his sister at USCIS) ... please contact OLUInquiries@dhs.gov, and go to http://www.whitehouse.gov/contact to report anything suspicious. Contact your congressman and senator's offices as well.

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Filed: Citizen (apr) Country: Ecuador
:rofl: :rofl: that's not evil, that's just experimentation :whistle::innocent:
That's nothin', no man. My best pal all the way through school used to pull the legs off ants, then put them (the ants) in water and watch them sink, sayonara man. In later life, I believe, he became notorious for doing unattractive things to squirrels, si man.

06-04-2007 = TSC stamps postal return-receipt for I-129f.

06-11-2007 = NOA1 date (unknown to me).

07-20-2007 = Phoned Immigration Officer; got WAC#; where's NOA1?

09-25-2007 = Touch (first-ever).

09-28-2007 = NOA1, 23 days after their 45-day promise to send it (grrrr).

10-20 & 11-14-2007 = Phoned ImmOffs; "still pending."

12-11-2007 = 180 days; file is "between workstations, may be early Jan."; touches 12/11 & 12/12.

12-18-2007 = Call; file is with Division 9 ofcr. (bckgrnd check); e-prompt to shake it; touch.

12-19-2007 = NOA2 by e-mail & web, dated 12-18-07 (187 days; 201 per VJ); in mail 12/24/07.

01-09-2008 = File from USCIS to NVC, 1-4-08; NVC creates file, 1/15/08; to consulate 1/16/08.

01-23-2008 = Consulate gets file; outdated Packet 4 mailed to fiancee 1/27/08; rec'd 3/3/08.

04-29-2008 = Fiancee's 4-min. consular interview, 8:30 a.m.; much evidence brought but not allowed to be presented (consul: "More proof! Second interview! Bring your fiance!").

05-05-2008 = Infuriating $12 call to non-English-speaking consulate appointment-setter.

05-06-2008 = Better $12 call to English-speaker; "joint" interview date 6/30/08 (my selection).

06-30-2008 = Stokes Interrogations w/Ecuadorian (not USC); "wait 2 weeks; we'll mail her."

07-2008 = Daily calls to DOS: "currently processing"; 8/05 = Phoned consulate, got Section Chief; wrote him.

08-07-08 = E-mail from consulate, promising to issue visa "as soon as we get her passport" (on 8/12, per DHL).

08-27-08 = Phoned consulate (they "couldn't find" our file); visa DHL'd 8/28; in hand 9/1; through POE on 10/9 with NO hassles(!).

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