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Filed: Citizen (apr) Country: England
Posted (edited)

I just found some rather startling info on a government website. Now that the passport fees have increased, they have received a glut of applications and even the expedited ones take 2-3 weeks (somewhat less if you apply at a Passport Agency Office in person as opposed to mailing in your documents---AS IF!!!) The ones that are not expedited take up to six weeks. Yipes. Of course if you happen to live in a few cities like New York, Boston, Miami, Chicago (and a couple more), you can get one on the spot if you need to travel out of the country asap by going to a Regional Passport Office to apply.


Yes, I have to make a decision about this.

hoping for my ceremony very early November so by then the glut should be past and the passports should be coming out in record time coz renewals will be much lower than normal...

Edited by saywhat


Filed: Citizen (apr) Country: Canada

Does mean that the SS can be updated at the ceremony place ? Last time I visited a SS office was Clearwater Florida and it felt like an alleyway in Kabul at 2am. I walked backwards to my car

It depends on the office. At my ceremony in Atlanta neither option were offered but I have read at other offices where someone from SSA is on hand to update SSN.

Re- the IRS - that is one of the reasons why you update your SSN - your tax status is tied into your SSN so they can see if you are a US citizen or not - and yes, the benefits of being a US citizen instead of a PR spouse of a US citizen if something happens to your spouse are significant. It was one of the contributing reasons why I did decide to pursue US citizenship.

“...Isn't it splendid to think of all the things there are to find out about? It just makes me feel glad to be alive--it's such an interesting world. It wouldn't be half so interesting if we knew all about everything, would it? There'd be no scope for imagination then, would there?”

. Lucy Maude Montgomery, Anne of Green Gables


Another Member of the VJ Fluffy Kitty Posse!

Filed: Citizen (apr) Country: England
Posted (edited)

It depends on the office. At my ceremony in Atlanta neither option were offered but I have read at other offices where someone from SSA is on hand to update SSN.

Re- the IRS - that is one of the reasons why you update your SSN - your tax status is tied into your SSN so they can see if you are a US citizen or not - and yes, the benefits of being a US citizen instead of a PR spouse of a US citizen if something happens to your spouse are significant. It was one of the contributing reasons why I did decide to pursue US citizenship.

Great info. I will just do the SS /driver's license/passport

Scary that passport via mail is not 100%. Makes me feel like going to an agency in person and claiming I want to fly in 2 weeks for my granddaughters fictional birthday.

oooo naughty....not that I would because I would get 457 years with no visits and no phone and no parole

Edited by saywhat


Filed: Citizen (pnd) Country: Canada

Last time I visited a SS office was Clearwater Florida and it felt like an alleyway in Kabul at 2am. I walked backwards to my car

Hehehe.....I swear, the one in Charlotte, NC is like that too. What's the deal? I have never seen so many odd-looking people and miscreants in my life. It is in a rather seedy neighborhood and the office itself is grimy and rundown. Not a place at which I want to spend a lot of time. I shudder at the thought of going back there....:dead:


Filed: Citizen (pnd) Country: Canada

Last time I visited a SS office was Clearwater Florida and it felt like an alleyway in Kabul at 2am. I walked backwards to my car

Hehehe.....the one in Charlotte is like that too. What's the deal? I have never seen so many odd looking people and miscreants in my life. The office itself is grimy and rundown and is located in a rather seedy neighborhood. I can hardly wait to spend two or three hours in line there.


Filed: Citizen (apr) Country: England

Hehehe.....the one in Charlotte is like that too. What's the deal? I have never seen so many odd looking people and miscreants in my life. The office itself is grimy and rundown and is located in a rather seedy neighborhood. I can hardly wait to spend two or three hours in line there.

Dress up for the interview and down for the SS office. That way they think you are not worth robbing.


Filed: Citizen (apr) Country: Ghana

Folks, I want to think aloud here after reading a few submissions on this subject of passport applications. I am wondering if it makes any sense for USCIS to encourage new citizens to apply immediately for their passports right after the ceremony when they knew very well that the applicant's SS has to be updated first? I have had some friends who had their ceremonies, applied for their passports through the post office, and had no problems. I hope things don't mess up with some of us, especially when we have struggled to come this far. :dance:

Does mean that the SS can be updated at the ceremony place ? Last time I visited a SS office was Clearwater Florida and it felt like an alleyway in Kabul at 2am. I walked backwards to my car

Filed: Citizen (apr) Country: Colombia

Our SS office is next to a new Staples store in Wisconsin Rapids, but where Staples is opened from 8 to 9 364 days per year, the SS office opens from 8:30 to noon, and one to four and is closed for even ground hog day. So you have to check that their isn't any kind of remote holiday before driving over. When their is a line, its people waiting outside for someone inside to unlock the front door. They weren't happy to take a really clean color copy I made of my wife's certificate, but made a real dirty copy of it on a machine long overdue for service. But at least they are happy with just a copy. Of course you know the DOS does not because they don't trust their some odd 9,000 agents.

Wifes' employer wanted a copy of her certificate so they could close her file and remove her from their immigrant database. State expects them to watch that, if an EAD, conditional or ten year green card expires, and they don't release that employee, can be fined by the state, $16,000.00 for hiring an illegal, so you can't blame them for wanting a copy of her certificate for their records.

Neither DMV or voters registration wanted even to see her certificate, put their hands over their eyes, just said check I am a US citizen box. So you see it varies from state to state.

You really don't have to go to an SS office, can mail in your original certificate along with the application, but feel the odds are good, you may never see that certificate again.

Filed: Other Timeline
Posted (edited)

(I posted this before on VJ, but I thought it would help you here too...)

Hi Everyone,

Ok, so now that I'm a US Citizen, here is a list of things that I have done so far....

"Ant's things to do after US Citizenship" list...

-2009-11-23: Received Naturalization Certificate (1/2 hour...the shortest time of all the things to do..go figure....)

No more USCIS!

-2009-11-24: Updated the Social Security Administration/SSN (1 hour)

They took a photocopy of my certificate....They updated my immigration/citizenship status...

As additional ideitification I also showed them my driver's license, they printed out my new updated SSN information, I signed for it....

They said they would send me a new card, even though I didn't need a new one, but they insisted anyways...so now I have 2 cards...lol....

I received new Social Security Card in the mail....9 days later...

Wow, that was quick! 9 days! (lol..wish the same thing happened when I got my first card...which took a lot longer than that....)

2009-11-25: Updated the Social Services (1 hour)

They took a photocopy of my certificate....They updated my immigration/citizenship status...

-2009-11-25: Updated the DMV (1-2 hours...very busy day there)

They took a photocopy of my certificate, verified it with social security by phone...They updated my immigration/citizenship status..

I also applied for an NYS Enhanced Driver's License, which is good for cross-border land travel between the USA and Canada...valid for 8 yrs...

As well, for the EDL, they needed proof of residency, which I provided them with such.

I received my new EDL in the mail in about 1-2 weeks....

And thus, was able to travel take a trip back to Canada on my birthday and before the holidays.

Meanwhile, I still have my valid non-enhanced driver's license...So it looks like I'll have 2 valid driver's licenses (non-enhanced and enhanced) too...lol....

-2009-11-25: Registered to Vote (at the DMV, with Driver's License)

-The application was at the bottom of the Enhanced Driver's License Application form...

I just checkmarked a few boxes at the bottom of the form

They said that I will get something in the mail from Voter's Registration confirming this.

I got the voter's registration card in the mail in about 4-6 weeks...

Update: Primary elections are in September 2010 and General elections are in November 2010...Looking forward to voting soon! (and yes, I'll write a review about that too...)

-In the future: Build a big bonfire in my backyard. Burn all useless paperwork I have gathered over the years in dealing with the USCIS...just kidding...but who knows....Might be theraputic in ways though...lol....

As for the US passport, at first I wanted to do such, but finally decided against it.

One of the reasons is that I'm afraid that I they will lose my original certificate, which I paid so much and took so long to get. Sigh, why can't they be satisfied with a photocopy or certified/notarized copy, instead of the original, despite applying for a passport in-person? Surely they can trust an in-person application, right? Other agencies are ok with that, so what gives with the passport agency?

It's one thing to lose a $30 birth certificate, that can be replaced in a few weeks....It's another to lose a $400+ certificate of naturalization, that takes a few months to replace...Someone should complain about this...Seriously! Lol..Because of all this, I'm not taking that risk, and decided not to apply for a US Passport after all.

Anything else I need to do as US Citizen after naturalization? Can I put my US Citizenship Certificate away for good in a safe place after all this?

Is my list complete? Am I done yet?

Hope this helps. Good luck with the rest of your journeys too.

Ant (Am I done yet at a USC?....)

Edited by Ant+D+BabyA

**Ant's 1432.gif1502.gif "Once Upon An American Immigration Journey" Condensed Timeline...**

2000 (72+ Months) "Loved": Long-Distance Dating Relationship. D Visited Ant in Canada.

2006 (<1 Month) "Visited": Ant Visited D in America. B-2 Visa Port of Entry Interrogation.

2006 (<1 Month) "Married": Wedding Elopement. Husband & Wife, D and Ant !! Together Forever!

2006 ( 3 Months I-485 Wait) "Adjusted": 2-Years Green Card.

2007 ( 2 Months) "Numbered": SSN Card.

2007 (<1 Months) "Licensed": NYS 4-Years Driver's License.

2009 (10 Months I-751 Wait) "Removed": 10-Years 5-Months Green Card.

2009 ( 9 Months Baby Wait) "Expected": Baby. It's a Boy, Baby A !!! We Are Family, Ant+D+BabyA !

2009 ( 4 Months) "Moved": New House Constructed and Moved Into.

2009 ( 2 Months N-400 Wait) "Naturalized": US Citizenship, Certificate of Naturalization. Goodbye USCIS!!!!

***Ant is a Naturalized American Citizen!!***: November 23, 2009 (Private Oath Ceremony: USCIS Office, Buffalo, NY, USA)

2009 (<1 Month) "Secured": US Citizen SSN Card.

2009 (<1 Month) "Enhanced": US Citizen NYS 8-Years Enhanced Driver's License. (in lieu of a US Passport)

2010 ( 1 Month) "Voted": US Citizen NYS Voter's Registration Card.

***~~~"The End...And the Americans, Ant+D+BabyA, lived 'Happily Ever After'!"...~~~***

Filed: Other Timeline
Posted (edited)

P.S. I forgot to add....

Right after my oath ceremony....

I made one colour copy (with my old scanner and computer printed out) of my naturalization certificate...

As well, I made one black and white copy (with a photocopier) of my naturalization certificate..

I keep the original somewhere safe, where hopefully it won't get lost or damaged.....

"Better safe than sorry," as I like to say....

And yes, making "one copy for personal use" is perfectly ok (as verified to me and my family by an immigration officer after my oath ceremony), despite it saying 'it is illegal to copy' on the certificate...

So I'm holding them up to their word for it..and made the copies.....'for personal use' only

After all, a copy/copies are needed to be sent to the USCIS for a replacement certificate if the original certificate gets lost/damaged/etc...lol....

So you all better make a copy now...Before it is too late later on down the road....


Edited by Ant+D+BabyA

**Ant's 1432.gif1502.gif "Once Upon An American Immigration Journey" Condensed Timeline...**

2000 (72+ Months) "Loved": Long-Distance Dating Relationship. D Visited Ant in Canada.

2006 (<1 Month) "Visited": Ant Visited D in America. B-2 Visa Port of Entry Interrogation.

2006 (<1 Month) "Married": Wedding Elopement. Husband & Wife, D and Ant !! Together Forever!

2006 ( 3 Months I-485 Wait) "Adjusted": 2-Years Green Card.

2007 ( 2 Months) "Numbered": SSN Card.

2007 (<1 Months) "Licensed": NYS 4-Years Driver's License.

2009 (10 Months I-751 Wait) "Removed": 10-Years 5-Months Green Card.

2009 ( 9 Months Baby Wait) "Expected": Baby. It's a Boy, Baby A !!! We Are Family, Ant+D+BabyA !

2009 ( 4 Months) "Moved": New House Constructed and Moved Into.

2009 ( 2 Months N-400 Wait) "Naturalized": US Citizenship, Certificate of Naturalization. Goodbye USCIS!!!!

***Ant is a Naturalized American Citizen!!***: November 23, 2009 (Private Oath Ceremony: USCIS Office, Buffalo, NY, USA)

2009 (<1 Month) "Secured": US Citizen SSN Card.

2009 (<1 Month) "Enhanced": US Citizen NYS 8-Years Enhanced Driver's License. (in lieu of a US Passport)

2010 ( 1 Month) "Voted": US Citizen NYS Voter's Registration Card.

***~~~"The End...And the Americans, Ant+D+BabyA, lived 'Happily Ever After'!"...~~~***

Filed: Citizen (apr) Country: Colombia

There was the Ukrainian lady who believed it would take several months for the USCIS to update their database and the passport could not be issued until then. I put her right on that but she was still doubting what I was saying that the passport could be applied for same date as the ceremony...

That's how myths, legends, gossip, rumors, and even downright lies get started, somehow you almost straightened her out, guess I needed straightening out too! But in my defense, did say to check into it.

With a 230 mile drive ahead of us, our only thoughts was getting the hell out of there after the oath ceremony. Plus my wife had to work until 2:00AM and we had to leave an hour later. Nice when you have an oath ceremony during the cities rush hour, don't know what to expect, and no excuse for being late. Four of the five items we could take care of in our hometown, SS was 40 miles away, but took care of that latter. But only 40, not 230 miles.

Maybe okay if you live across the street from your SS office, but after that experience, kind of glad its 230 miles away. :rofl:

Filed: Citizen (apr) Country: England

Folks, I want to think aloud here after reading a few submissions on this subject of passport applications. I am wondering if it makes any sense for USCIS to encourage new citizens to apply immediately for their passports right after the ceremony when they knew very well that the applicant's SS has to be updated first? I have had some friends who had their ceremonies, applied for their passports through the post office, and had no problems. I hope things don't mess up with some of us, especially when we have struggled to come this far. :dance:

NO the passport can be issued before the ss is updated - that is immediately.

There is an urban myth that SS or USCIS files need to be updated first.

It isn't true. Passport can be done instantly when the certificate is received

The certificate is the only proof needed


Filed: Citizen (apr) Country: England

That's how myths, legends, gossip, rumors, and even downright lies get started, somehow you almost straightened her out, guess I needed straightening out too! But in my defense, did say to check into it.

With a 230 mile drive ahead of us, our only thoughts was getting the hell out of there after the oath ceremony. Plus my wife had to work until 2:00AM and we had to leave an hour later. Nice when you have an oath ceremony during the cities rush hour, don't know what to expect, and no excuse for being late. Four of the five items we could take care of in our hometown, SS was 40 miles away, but took care of that latter. But only 40, not 230 miles.

Maybe okay if you live across the street from your SS office, but after that experience, kind of glad its 230 miles away. :rofl:

I am looking fwd to the prints on Thursday - an easy stage

I was looking fwd to the interview as I know I can zap the English/Civics stuff - but reading some of the additional questions that people get, I am building up some anxiety. We had a withdrawn K1, followed by another K1 that was granted and also a withdrawn AOS and then when we decided to live in England. Then an immigrant unconditional visa from London. Hope they don't dig back into all that stuff as we had a rocky start.

I see some people who had tourist visas prior to their green card, get delayed for further investigations - so I will be glad to get an interview pass with a box A tick to say on to ceremony

Reading VJ problems is like doing a google when you feel sick - google tells you all the cancers you have and a week to live and VJ problems make one's hair stand on end too !


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