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British Bun in the Oven


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Hi, ladies!

Congratulations on the job, Tracy! That's awesome. It must feel so great to be outta there. I bet they'll miss you when you're gone. Their loss, I say! Will you get any time off between jobs?

Rachel, congrats on your little girl! She's lovely! Girl was my guess, but solely based on how sick you've been. I know it's an old wives' tale, but still. I know what you mean about it feeling a little more real once you know. Are you feeling any better?

I'll write more soon...I thought I'd have more time to hang with the BBITO ladies since working from home again, but I've been pretty busy. Soliciting more work. :mellow: I only have work from one client and am starting to panic a little. I probably quit my other job prematurely, but it was so miserable.

Mad-Ag is well. Well, except for an inconsolable screaming jag last night that lasted for 30 minutes. We have no idea what the problem was. She was OK one minute, and the next, she was hysterical and crying so much that she threw up. I probably would have panicked if she hadn't thrown up dozens of times over the past year, but it was so weird. We just couldn't get her to calm down no matter what we did. Finally, she fell asleep around 9:30 (she normally goes to sleep around 8:30). I sat in her room with her for a while, and she was still making those little single sob noises every 15 seconds or so. But she slept through the night and woke up OK, if a bit tired. Fortunately, most of our neighbors are elderly and hard of hearing, otherwise someone may have called CPS thinking we were hurting her.

Anyway, congrats again on the great news, ladies!


March 7, 2005: I-129F NOA1

September 20, 2005: K-1 Interview in London. Visa received shortly thereafter.


December 30, 2005: I-485 received by USCIS

May 5, 2006: Interview at Phoenix district office. Approval pending FBI background check clearance. AOS finally approved almost two years later: February 14, 2008.

Received 10-year green card February 28, 2008

Your Humble Advice Columnist, Joyce

Come check out the most happenin' thread on VJ: Dear Joyce

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[The grooviest signature you've ever seen is under construction!]

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Thanks Jewel and Empress! I've not stopped being sick yet, but the nausea is definitely getting better. :)

It's certainly a much better picture than when I was showing people my 11-week ultrasound, and people would look puzzled and ask, 'what's that, a rabbit?'!

Aw, I hope Mad-Ag is okay! Hopefully it was just a one-off incident!

I hope you manage to find more clients soon!


07/11/2006 - First met

08/22/2008 - K1 Visa in hand

12/27/2008 - Marriage

05/20/2009 - AOS complete

10/06/2011 - ROC complete

04/20/2012 - Annaleah born!

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Aw, she's cute!! I love the tiny little nose and lips.

I was thinking the same thing about the picture! Though I was also thinking of the prodding Rachel had to endure to get those pretty features on camera! LOL

Hi, ladies!

Congratulations on the job, Tracy! That's awesome. It must feel so great to be outta there. I bet they'll miss you when you're gone. Their loss, I say! Will you get any time off between jobs?

Rachel, congrats on your little girl! She's lovely! Girl was my guess, but solely based on how sick you've been. I know it's an old wives' tale, but still. I know what you mean about it feeling a little more real once you know. Are you feeling any better?

I'll write more soon...I thought I'd have more time to hang with the BBITO ladies since working from home again, but I've been pretty busy. Soliciting more work. :mellow: I only have work from one client and am starting to panic a little. I probably quit my other job prematurely, but it was so miserable.

Mad-Ag is well. Well, except for an inconsolable screaming jag last night that lasted for 30 minutes. We have no idea what the problem was. She was OK one minute, and the next, she was hysterical and crying so much that she threw up. I probably would have panicked if she hadn't thrown up dozens of times over the past year, but it was so weird. We just couldn't get her to calm down no matter what we did. Finally, she fell asleep around 9:30 (she normally goes to sleep around 8:30). I sat in her room with her for a while, and she was still making those little single sob noises every 15 seconds or so. But she slept through the night and woke up OK, if a bit tired. Fortunately, most of our neighbors are elderly and hard of hearing, otherwise someone may have called CPS thinking we were hurting her.

Anyway, congrats again on the great news, ladies!

Thanks Empress!! I'll have a week of between gigs. I have two friends who changed jobs in the last year and they suggested it. Otherwise I may not have thought to do it.

My 'short timer' days now are interesting, and yesterday I got really angry about what this place is doing to my friends left behind. One of them told me yesterday that if he doesn't find a way out of here, he thinks the stress of it plus his health (he has diabetes) will kill him. And he was dead serious when he told me. Frankly it almost made me cry but now I'm just incensed about it.. He also said he hadn't seen me smile like this in a while, which I think says a lot. Literally EVERYone else I spoke to face to face told me they either have already been job hunting, have thought about it, or may start to now that they know there are jobs out there. Thankfully I get to do an 'exit interview' and boy howdy, I am NOT holding back. I really didn't expect to wind up angry, you know?? So Empress, don't think twice about leaving that job. Miserable is no way to live.

Aww poor Mad-Ag!! Do you think maybe she's cutting some teeth or? For what it's worth, Emily has really become that 'toddler' - if you tell her no, she throws a fit because she can't understand why she can't have whatever it is, and of course she can't verbally tell us what frustrates her or what she wants, so there's a lot of screaming and us trying to figure out what the heck she wants. This started really at month 15 (she'll be 17 months on Saturday). She's also gone back to needing a nap during the day. She's just so active now that if she doesn't take one, we're ready to put her in bed by 7. LOL! So be prepared, ladies. The terrible twos start soon after that first birthday...!

Edited by TracyTN
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I was thinking the same thing about the picture! Though I was also thinking of the prodding Rachel had to endure to get those pretty features on camera! LOL


I was actually a little concerned as I've been beginning to feel the baby move (I am reasonably certain now that it's baby and not gas!), but after the ultrasound I felt nothing for a full 24 hours. I guess she was pissed!

Felt quite a bit of activity this morning, though. :)


07/11/2006 - First met

08/22/2008 - K1 Visa in hand

12/27/2008 - Marriage

05/20/2009 - AOS complete

10/06/2011 - ROC complete

04/20/2012 - Annaleah born!

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Filed: Timeline

Hi ladies!

Been really quite busy...everything is crazy here ATM. My MIL just came in for a quick visit, which was awesome. She got to spend some much needed time with Nick, and it was really a lot of fun. I am sad to see her go!

Nick is doing wonderfully, and he amazes me each day. His little personality is showing more and more, and it's so much fun to be around him! I find myself laughing/smiling so much each day that my cheeks hurt!

We have decided that it's time for me to get back to work, at least on a more consistent part-time basis. I love my son dearly, but I am not the full time SAHM that I've somewhat been this year. Oh, I've worked a few real estate deals, but nothing in comparison to what I used to do. And, I love my job, and feel like it's part of my identity...and I realize that I miss it greatly. So this next year will be spent making more of an effort to juggle everything. Dunno how it's all going to work out, but I need more stimulation than the flipping 'wheels on the bus' LOL.

Anyhow, congrats on the new job, Trace! So happy for you! And Julie too...glad you're back to a schedule which works better for yu.

And congrats to everyone else and their little ones...I have read each post, but I am on an iPad, and typing is a biznatch, so I'm going to be lazy and send out that blanket congrats, even though I mean each of your specifically.

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Hiya Lisa - glad to hear from ya! I knew from FB your MIL was visiting so I figured you were really busy.

Totally understand about wanting to work some. I am just not cut out to be a SAHM - I don't know how Chas does it, but I'm impressed!! You'll have to keep us updated on how things are going on that front.

Tomorrow is my last day at this job. Sort of hard to believe I'll be putting a line under the last 11 years of my life, but I'm also really ready for it. This place seems to get worse by the day. I've never seen it this bad in all my 11 years. Morale in the toilet. My team took me out for lunch yesterday and without fail, EVERY one of them said 'we want you to tell us if they have other jobs open at your new place' -- including my boss!!!!

On another note, my back has really been giving me grief the last two weeks which has impacted my time in the gym and as such, my efforts to lose weight. :( I'm not gaining more than a pound or two here or there but still. Its so discouraging. Not much I can do about my back either. I have worsening scoliosis and arthritis so it just is what it is, I'm afraid!

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Glad to hear Nick is doing well! Make the most of him while he's still at the utterly adorable stage. ;)

Aw, I'm sorry to hear that, Tracy. :( My MIL has really terrible arthritis in her back (a big part of the reason she's so eager to give up her preschool job!) and it really does impact so much!

I had a similar situation when I left my last job. Oh boy, I was so grateful to be able to escape while I still had some happy memories of the place! (Mostly coworkers I really liked who were nearly all laid off just a couple of months later).

I am currently stressing out about what we're going to do for accommodation. My dad was willing to loan us money for a down-payment, but the mortgage adviser we spoke to recommended against buying for another couple of years. Our income is fine, but we don't have the regular job history and history of high monthly expenses that banks like to see. We'd be able to easily buy if we had a cosigner, but we really don't wish to place that burden upon anyone (my boss, who is good friends with Alex's parents, suggested we ask my in-laws, but Alex is understandably very reluctant to!).

Apartments are so expensive, though! Currently we only pay $600 a month rent, because we house-share. It's enabled us to easily save $600-1,000 a month (although that's mostly gone towards paying off our credit card debt from when Alex was unemployed and when we went to England). It's also meant that we've had money for the odd large expenses - buying furniture, replacing car tires, adopting cats.

To get a two bed is a minimum $1,250. We found an apartment for that much, actually, and that accepts pets, but it was a little on the small side and the kitchen was pretty awful. Considering how much time Alex and I spend at home, our environment is pretty important to us.

2 beds in most apartment complexes are $1,450 - $1,600. At that price we'd probably stay with our current complex, which we know has a great office (and is very quick with repairs!). A 2 bed is $1,550. Still, it'd be very spacious, and we'd continue to have the pool and gym access.

My only concern is $1,550 is half our income when I'm on maternity leave. And even when I'm back to earning my regular wages, we'd be paying Alex's mother to look after the baby so we'd only have maybe $100-200 a month more. Argh! I still think it might be worth it, though.


07/11/2006 - First met

08/22/2008 - K1 Visa in hand

12/27/2008 - Marriage

05/20/2009 - AOS complete

10/06/2011 - ROC complete

04/20/2012 - Annaleah born!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi Ladies! Just dropping a note to let everyone know I'm currently baking an AmeriBrit. It looks more like a human than an alien at this point. I'm 16 weeks. I puked like crazy first trimester. Now i'm just spitting every 5 minutes. This is my first pregnancy...and so far my verdict is pregnancy sucks. :)

Feeling the baby move rocks, though!

2010 K1 December Filers: December Filers Citizenship Help

Let's get this Citizenship party started:
Dec 28. 2011 - Sent AOS Forms
May 15. 2012 - Green Card in Hand
Jun 12. 2012 - Our 1st Baby was born! :)

Oct 14. 2014 - ROC approved.

08/16/2015 - Looking into Citizenship process!

Click Here for a detailed timeline of our K1 Journey.

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HA! I was no fan of pregnancy, either, although I had a text book one (or so they tell me). My barfing lasted until 2-3 weeks into the second trimester so I'd say you're doing well. :) I think what I detested about pregnancy (besides the obvious) was people treating me like I was an invalid. Here's hoping you don't have that same experience...!

Are you guys going to find out if it's a boy or a girl? We kept it a surprise. I didn't really care if I knew or not and my husband wanted to be surprised so...! It was kind of nice to have that 'it's a girl!' moment in delivery. But I think we're the odd people out on this one.

My daughter Emily is the 'elder statesman' of this thread, having been the first one born after the thread was created. :) She's just shy of 1 1/2 years old. She was my first and only (we're done). She doesn't know it yet, but her eventual marriage has been arranged to another thread baby, adorable Nicholas, child of Lisa (Anita Cocktail). :lol: Though Nicholas is full blooded American, we'll be happy to have him in the family (and Lisa in this thread! :D:rofl:

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HA! I was no fan of pregnancy, either, although I had a text book one (or so they tell me). My barfing lasted until 2-3 weeks into the second trimester so I'd say you're doing well. :) I think what I detested about pregnancy (besides the obvious) was people treating me like I was an invalid. Here's hoping you don't have that same experience...!

Are you guys going to find out if it's a boy or a girl? We kept it a surprise. I didn't really care if I knew or not and my husband wanted to be surprised so...! It was kind of nice to have that 'it's a girl!' moment in delivery. But I think we're the odd people out on this one.

My daughter Emily is the 'elder statesman' of this thread, having been the first one born after the thread was created. :) She's just shy of 1 1/2 years old. She was my first and only (we're done). She doesn't know it yet, but her eventual marriage has been arranged to another thread baby, adorable Nicholas, child of Lisa (Anita Cocktail). :lol: Though Nicholas is full blooded American, we'll be happy to have him in the family (and Lisa in this thread! :D:rofl:

Haha!!! oh the barfing...my problem right now is the constant pytalism (spitting). it is a rare condition but i was lucky enough to get it in my pregnancy and it effing sucks.

Hubby really wants it to be a surprise, and I really want to know...but i'm starting to get mixed feelings about it because I want him to experience it the way he'd like to...either way, I end up with an adorable baby whether I know now or not, so if he wants to be a hopeless romantic and find out in the delivery room then I might give in to that ;)

I can't wait to introduce the baby to y'all!! I'm so excited!!

Oh yeah, did you get a passport for your little one? I totally want to...do we just apply to the UK Embassy in Washington, or what? I know I got a ways to go now, but I love the Jason Bourneness of it all lol

2010 K1 December Filers: December Filers Citizenship Help

Let's get this Citizenship party started:
Dec 28. 2011 - Sent AOS Forms
May 15. 2012 - Green Card in Hand
Jun 12. 2012 - Our 1st Baby was born! :)

Oct 14. 2014 - ROC approved.

08/16/2015 - Looking into Citizenship process!

Click Here for a detailed timeline of our K1 Journey.

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Filed: Country: England

Hubby really wants it to be a surprise, and I really want to know...but i'm starting to get mixed feelings about it because I want him to experience it the way he'd like to...either way, I end up with an adorable baby whether I know now or not, so if he wants to be a hopeless romantic and find out in the delivery room then I might give in to that ;)

If you decide not to discover, be prepared for the remainder of your baking time to be filled with pressure, coercion and downright open blackmail on the part of everyone else in your family for you to find out, so that they can decide whether or not to buy anything PINK :rofl:

Don't interrupt me when I'm talking to myself


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Haha!!! oh the barfing...my problem right now is the constant pytalism (spitting). it is a rare condition but i was lucky enough to get it in my pregnancy and it effing sucks.

Hubby really wants it to be a surprise, and I really want to know...but i'm starting to get mixed feelings about it because I want him to experience it the way he'd like to...either way, I end up with an adorable baby whether I know now or not, so if he wants to be a hopeless romantic and find out in the delivery room then I might give in to that ;)

I can't wait to introduce the baby to y'all!! I'm so excited!!

Oh yeah, did you get a passport for your little one? I totally want to...do we just apply to the UK Embassy in Washington, or what? I know I got a ways to go now, but I love the Jason Bourneness of it all lol

Goodness! I've never even heard of that! I can only imagine how much it f'ing sucks!!! Ugh!

I guess that's what I thought, too. I think it can be a really weird time for the expectant fathers - they are so excited, yet have to deal with the PG women who more often than not are not feeling great and are hormonal (usually both!). The only 'connection' they have to the impending bundle is watching our tummies grow and living for those ultrasounds. So I was inclined to do whatever my hubby wanted. I can see logic both ways though, and if we were going to have another, we would find out.

No, no UK passport for my daughter yet. We probably do need to get her a passport, though, on the off chance that something would happen to her granny in the UK and we needed to jet over. Though we'd probably get the US one first as CBP prefers US citizens to enter the country with their US passports. Just haven't felt like spending the $$ yet on it (let alone both of them). I'm just bitter she can get one whereas I never can. :(

Here's the link to get one though.


If you decide not to discover, be prepared for the remainder of your baking time to be filled with pressure, coercion and downright open blackmail on the part of everyone else in your family for you to find out, so that they can decide whether or not to buy anything PINK :rofl:

:lol: I must be lucky - my family never pressured me at all to find out. There are a lot of couples not finding out anymore - plenty of cute, neutral baby clothes out there. :)

Now to choose a name - that was another story entirely! HA. Stubborn ol me didn't decide for sure until I was 7 months pregnant. :P And only then because my family sat me and hubby down at my birthday dinner and kind of cornered us. LOL. We were 95% sure on the boy's name but man, I had trouble being ok with a girl's name. But Emily Anne it is. :)

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Crickets in here I tell ya - crickets!! :)

New job is going well so far. I hope everyone had a great Christmas. Pictures? :)

I had killed the thread! :(

We didn't have a Christmas! We moved, and were on our feet pretty much 18 hours a day for a week (Alex convinced me we could move by ourselves and didn't need professionals - never, ever, ever again!)

This was our place on Christmas Eve:


We did pretty well, though. This is the same room Monday afternoon:



Phew! I haven't managed to catch up any sleep yet, though.

Glad to hear the new job is going well!

Hi Ladies! Just dropping a note to let everyone know I'm currently baking an AmeriBrit. It looks more like a human than an alien at this point. I'm 16 weeks. I puked like crazy first trimester. Now i'm just spitting every 5 minutes. This is my first pregnancy...and so far my verdict is pregnancy sucks. :)

Feeling the baby move rocks, though!

Congratulations! :D

I'm with Tracy - I've never heard of the spitting before. You poor thing! Hope it goes away soon.

If you decide not to discover, be prepared for the remainder of your baking time to be filled with pressure, coercion and downright open blackmail on the part of everyone else in your family for you to find out, so that they can decide whether or not to buy anything PINK :rofl:

Life has certainly been easier for us since we caved and found out the gender! :lol:

And yes, of course people are happy no matter what the gender is, but they definitely get VERY excited about buying for baby girls!


07/11/2006 - First met

08/22/2008 - K1 Visa in hand

12/27/2008 - Marriage

05/20/2009 - AOS complete

10/06/2011 - ROC complete

04/20/2012 - Annaleah born!

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Filed: Country: England

Now to choose a name - that was another story entirely! HA. Stubborn ol me didn't decide for sure until I was 7 months pregnant. :P And only then because my family sat me and hubby down at my birthday dinner and kind of cornered us. LOL. We were 95% sure on the boy's name but man, I had trouble being ok with a girl's name. But Emily Anne it is. :)

We found out at 20 weeks and were set on a name within hours.

If the munchkin had been a boy, we'd probably still be trying to settle on a name ... which would probably confuse the bejeezus out of the school :blush:

Don't interrupt me when I'm talking to myself


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