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Filed: Other Timeline
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Got my New York State Enhanced Driver's License Today..... :dance:

All in 12 days...From application to getting the card in the mail...That was quick!

And no worries about travel documents or a driver's license for the next 8 years...all for $80....Good deal here......

Now I can go back to Canada for a visit.....Just in time for my birthday tomorrow 12/08!!! What a great present, indeed!

My immigration journey is officially over! I am free to live and travel as a US Citizen!.... :thumbs:


P.S. To those of you who don't know what an EDL is- In a nutshell, this is what it is: Basically, it is a driver's license only for US Citizens in the USA, but with an extra barcode on it (like the green card barcode), which is good for land travel between the USA and Canada, and is used in lieu of a US Passport. So for land and sea travel, one can come home to the USA, as a US Citzen, using the EDL, with no problems.....

One card...driver's license and travel document...all in one! Good for many years, easy to get, and less expensive too!

By the way, EDLs are offered in other states in the USA (New York, Michigan, Vermont, Washington)

For more information about EDLs, you can read here.....http://www.getyouhome.gov/html/EDL_map.html

Edited by Ant+D+A

**Ant's 1432.gif1502.gif "Once Upon An American Immigration Journey" Condensed Timeline...**

2000 (72+ Months) "Loved": Long-Distance Dating Relationship. D Visited Ant in Canada.

2006 (<1 Month) "Visited": Ant Visited D in America. B-2 Visa Port of Entry Interrogation.

2006 (<1 Month) "Married": Wedding Elopement. Husband & Wife, D and Ant !! Together Forever!

2006 ( 3 Months I-485 Wait) "Adjusted": 2-Years Green Card.

2007 ( 2 Months) "Numbered": SSN Card.

2007 (<1 Months) "Licensed": NYS 4-Years Driver's License.

2009 (10 Months I-751 Wait) "Removed": 10-Years 5-Months Green Card.

2009 ( 9 Months Baby Wait) "Expected": Baby. It's a Boy, Baby A !!! We Are Family, Ant+D+BabyA !

2009 ( 4 Months) "Moved": New House Constructed and Moved Into.

2009 ( 2 Months N-400 Wait) "Naturalized": US Citizenship, Certificate of Naturalization. Goodbye USCIS!!!!

***Ant is a Naturalized American Citizen!!***: November 23, 2009 (Private Oath Ceremony: USCIS Office, Buffalo, NY, USA)

2009 (<1 Month) "Secured": US Citizen SSN Card.

2009 (<1 Month) "Enhanced": US Citizen NYS 8-Years Enhanced Driver's License. (in lieu of a US Passport)

2010 ( 1 Month) "Voted": US Citizen NYS Voter's Registration Card.

***~~~"The End...And the Americans, Ant+D+BabyA, lived 'Happily Ever After'!"...~~~***

Filed: Citizen (apr) Country: Colombia

Sure is a lot of yellow left in this map that tosses me for a loop in that it appears to be an agreement between states and providences and not between the countries of the USA and Canada.


Alaska is not even on the map, doubt if not to many will be driving from Hawaii, but that leaves out 46 other states.

Wisconsin has to make not wearing a seat belt a stoppable offense, before, could only be stopped with like a burnt out tail light before ticketed. Feds told Wisconsin, if they don't make this a law, will not get federal funds to maintain federal highways in our state. Now the mayor of Milwaukee has to be in charge of the Milwaukee school district, if that city wants federal school aid. It's a form of blackmail between the feds and the state. But how can we blackmail the feds so we can get that combined Canadian/USA driver's license/passport?

The people that live in that Michigan peninsula as they call it, always complain that Lancing doesn't even know about them, but they sure know about them at tax collecting time. Think this country is going crazy.

Filed: Other Timeline
Posted (edited)

NickD-Yeah, the barcode thingy (lol...RFID, to be exact) licenses are a new thing.....Available only in 4 states in the USA (and a few provinces in Canada) so far, but yes, it sure is convenient to have such, in lieu of a passport, for US/Canada land travels. Hopefully, they will have this in more states (perhaps in your state of Wisconsin soon), especially ones that are close to the border, as it is more convenient to have such. Lol..and yes, Americans and Canadians have been good neighbours to each other (well, except during the war of 1812, but that's another story), so why not extend this neighbourly friendliness to include EDLs for all states/provinces? The relationship beween Canada and the USA sure has changed.....Gone are the days are simple travel between the borders. Probably due to the increase in "terrorists and illegals" that has toughened up the system. But overall, it's more of an inconvenience than an effective safety measure...Think it's all paranoia really, as the terrorists and illegals get in regardless.....Glad that you had a good time in Toronto, and that the Canadians treated you well up there. I agree, the Canadian borders are more friendlier that way, and are more welcoming of visitors overall (lol..and I'm not just saying that as a Canadian either, as others that I know of who are Americans have the same experiences too). The American borders...that's another story.....It's definitely a lot tougher to travel through those borders, regardless of one's citizenship/nationality. Sorry that you had a hard time coming back to the USA though, though I agree, they shouldn't have made it difficult for your wife to travel back home, especially since you are a US Citizen that served in the military and your wife is a permanent resident and now a US Citizen. I guess they were just working in their rules and didn't know any better. Well, if they don't practice the US Constiution, then you have a right to do so, for your benefit. Freedom of Speech...Indeed! Hope your travels next time are not as negatively eventful as that last one was.

I wasn't aware of the state driver's license barcode thingy. Must be a special arrangement between the country of New York and the country of Canada, apparently Wisconsin is not on good terms with Canada. but I don't know why, the border runs right down the middle of Lake Superior, that "fence" should make for good neighbors.

You are very correct that the relationships between Canada and the USA have changed, but not in the last few years, more like the last few months. We did fly into Toronto last November without incident, the Canadians were very nice. But coming back to the USA was darn right miserable, I lost my cool and blew my stack and made quite a scene, really embarrassed my dear sweet wife. She was very surprised I wasn't arrested, but losing yet another freedom was too much for me, especially from this country that expected me to lay down my life for it.

I did make a firm promise that I will never behave like that again and act like dumb stupid sheep like my fellow Americans are. And that is exactly how they behaved. Did entertain a lot of them and a few even came up to me and said they wish they had the courage to speak up for their rights. But I was always very very nice to the USCIS. I knew they had my spheres in a vise. Can only wonder why they make you learn the US Constitution when they don't practiced it themselves.

NickD-Lol....Yes, there are a lot of states still yet to get EDLs...Hopefully more states and provinces will catch onto this idea and will eventually one day have the entire map coloured over with EDLs! Lol..and one benefit the states can see: It generates more income for the state itself, than the money going to some federal agency. And it sure is a lot more faster, less expensive, and more convenient to get an EDL than a passport for land travel! Lol..I'd support my local state-run DMV anyday, than have to deal with the federally-run DHS/USCIS anytime soon......I'm sure the feds can learn a thing or two here from the state (and not resort to bribery either)....lol....

Sure is a lot of yellow left in this map that tosses me for a loop in that it appears to be an agreement between states and providences and not between the countries of the USA and Canada.


Alaska is not even on the map, doubt if not to many will be driving from Hawaii, but that leaves out 46 other states.

Wisconsin has to make not wearing a seat belt a stoppable offense, before, could only be stopped with like a burnt out tail light before ticketed. Feds told Wisconsin, if they don't make this a law, will not get federal funds to maintain federal highways in our state. Now the mayor of Milwaukee has to be in charge of the Milwaukee school district, if that city wants federal school aid. It's a form of blackmail between the feds and the state. But how can we blackmail the feds so we can get that combined Canadian/USA driver's license/passport?

The people that live in that Michigan peninsula as they call it, always complain that Lancing doesn't even know about them, but they sure know about them at tax collecting time. Think this country is going crazy.


Edited by Ant+D+A

**Ant's 1432.gif1502.gif "Once Upon An American Immigration Journey" Condensed Timeline...**

2000 (72+ Months) "Loved": Long-Distance Dating Relationship. D Visited Ant in Canada.

2006 (<1 Month) "Visited": Ant Visited D in America. B-2 Visa Port of Entry Interrogation.

2006 (<1 Month) "Married": Wedding Elopement. Husband & Wife, D and Ant !! Together Forever!

2006 ( 3 Months I-485 Wait) "Adjusted": 2-Years Green Card.

2007 ( 2 Months) "Numbered": SSN Card.

2007 (<1 Months) "Licensed": NYS 4-Years Driver's License.

2009 (10 Months I-751 Wait) "Removed": 10-Years 5-Months Green Card.

2009 ( 9 Months Baby Wait) "Expected": Baby. It's a Boy, Baby A !!! We Are Family, Ant+D+BabyA !

2009 ( 4 Months) "Moved": New House Constructed and Moved Into.

2009 ( 2 Months N-400 Wait) "Naturalized": US Citizenship, Certificate of Naturalization. Goodbye USCIS!!!!

***Ant is a Naturalized American Citizen!!***: November 23, 2009 (Private Oath Ceremony: USCIS Office, Buffalo, NY, USA)

2009 (<1 Month) "Secured": US Citizen SSN Card.

2009 (<1 Month) "Enhanced": US Citizen NYS 8-Years Enhanced Driver's License. (in lieu of a US Passport)

2010 ( 1 Month) "Voted": US Citizen NYS Voter's Registration Card.

***~~~"The End...And the Americans, Ant+D+BabyA, lived 'Happily Ever After'!"...~~~***

Filed: Other Timeline


Also e-mailed my co-sponsor (I needed an additional sponsor at that time)......Told them they are off the hook for the I-864....

What a pain in the ####### to have to find someone else for this, and on top of that, have them be legally responsible for me too!.....

I'm responsible for myself...Gee......Oh well..have to follow the immigration rules I suppose.....

Lol..Guess I made their holidays a lot happier too....:)


**Ant's 1432.gif1502.gif "Once Upon An American Immigration Journey" Condensed Timeline...**

2000 (72+ Months) "Loved": Long-Distance Dating Relationship. D Visited Ant in Canada.

2006 (<1 Month) "Visited": Ant Visited D in America. B-2 Visa Port of Entry Interrogation.

2006 (<1 Month) "Married": Wedding Elopement. Husband & Wife, D and Ant !! Together Forever!

2006 ( 3 Months I-485 Wait) "Adjusted": 2-Years Green Card.

2007 ( 2 Months) "Numbered": SSN Card.

2007 (<1 Months) "Licensed": NYS 4-Years Driver's License.

2009 (10 Months I-751 Wait) "Removed": 10-Years 5-Months Green Card.

2009 ( 9 Months Baby Wait) "Expected": Baby. It's a Boy, Baby A !!! We Are Family, Ant+D+BabyA !

2009 ( 4 Months) "Moved": New House Constructed and Moved Into.

2009 ( 2 Months N-400 Wait) "Naturalized": US Citizenship, Certificate of Naturalization. Goodbye USCIS!!!!

***Ant is a Naturalized American Citizen!!***: November 23, 2009 (Private Oath Ceremony: USCIS Office, Buffalo, NY, USA)

2009 (<1 Month) "Secured": US Citizen SSN Card.

2009 (<1 Month) "Enhanced": US Citizen NYS 8-Years Enhanced Driver's License. (in lieu of a US Passport)

2010 ( 1 Month) "Voted": US Citizen NYS Voter's Registration Card.

***~~~"The End...And the Americans, Ant+D+BabyA, lived 'Happily Ever After'!"...~~~***

  • 1 month later...
Filed: Other Timeline
Posted (edited)


Just to let you all know that I received my Voter's Registration Card on 1/6/10...

Not too long of a wait there....About 42 days or so....(Registered on November 25, 2009...Received card on January 6, 2010)

And co-incidently too, I received my property tax bill this week..Go figure..they want be to vote, so that I pay my taxes...(though I will pay, regardless)

Basically my Voter's Registration Card was just a small postcard, with my name, mailing address, voting district name, county name, voting dates, polling place to vote in, something about party enrollment rules/guidelines, and a line for my signature (I guess I sign that when I go vote)....

Now what I found funny was that in my particular situation...

- I live in Town A (where my house is located)

- The postcard had my mailing address of Town B (where my mailbox is located)

- I vote in Town C

- The county Board of Elections is in Town D


Lol..It's a miracle that my card and registration did not get lost somehow in all this confusion!

No wonder they took so long to get back to me....lol...

Good luck with all your journeys too.

And yes, I'll let you all know how my voting experiences go later on...(if you're interested in reading about such here..lol..)

This should be interesting...lol....


Edited by Ant+D+BabyA

**Ant's 1432.gif1502.gif "Once Upon An American Immigration Journey" Condensed Timeline...**

2000 (72+ Months) "Loved": Long-Distance Dating Relationship. D Visited Ant in Canada.

2006 (<1 Month) "Visited": Ant Visited D in America. B-2 Visa Port of Entry Interrogation.

2006 (<1 Month) "Married": Wedding Elopement. Husband & Wife, D and Ant !! Together Forever!

2006 ( 3 Months I-485 Wait) "Adjusted": 2-Years Green Card.

2007 ( 2 Months) "Numbered": SSN Card.

2007 (<1 Months) "Licensed": NYS 4-Years Driver's License.

2009 (10 Months I-751 Wait) "Removed": 10-Years 5-Months Green Card.

2009 ( 9 Months Baby Wait) "Expected": Baby. It's a Boy, Baby A !!! We Are Family, Ant+D+BabyA !

2009 ( 4 Months) "Moved": New House Constructed and Moved Into.

2009 ( 2 Months N-400 Wait) "Naturalized": US Citizenship, Certificate of Naturalization. Goodbye USCIS!!!!

***Ant is a Naturalized American Citizen!!***: November 23, 2009 (Private Oath Ceremony: USCIS Office, Buffalo, NY, USA)

2009 (<1 Month) "Secured": US Citizen SSN Card.

2009 (<1 Month) "Enhanced": US Citizen NYS 8-Years Enhanced Driver's License. (in lieu of a US Passport)

2010 ( 1 Month) "Voted": US Citizen NYS Voter's Registration Card.

***~~~"The End...And the Americans, Ant+D+BabyA, lived 'Happily Ever After'!"...~~~***

Filed: Other Timeline
Posted (edited)

Hi Everyone,

In a nutshell, here is my completed post-citizenship list/timeline.....

:star:"Ant's things to do after US Citizenship" list... :star:

-2009-11-23: Received Naturalization Certificate...I am now a US Citizen!

-2009-11-24: Updated the Social Security Administration/SSN

-2009-11-25: Updated the Social Services

-2009-11-25: Updated the DMV and Applied for NYS Enhanced Driver's License

-2009-11-25: Applied/Registered to Vote

-2009-12-03: Received new Social Security Card in the mail (9 days)

-2009-12-07: Received new NYS Enhanced Driver's License in the mail (12 days)

-2010-01-07: Received Voter's Registration Card in the mail (42 days)

And now that all is done....

(Except for the US passport, which I decided not to apply for now...see above posts...)

*Ant's immigration journey is over, after 3+ long years!!!* :dance:

***~~~"And the Americans, Ant+D+BabyA, lived 'Happily Ever After'!..." ~~~***

Hope this helps too. Good luck with the rest of your immigration, citizenship, and post-citizenship journeys too!


Edited by Ant+D+BabyA

**Ant's 1432.gif1502.gif "Once Upon An American Immigration Journey" Condensed Timeline...**

2000 (72+ Months) "Loved": Long-Distance Dating Relationship. D Visited Ant in Canada.

2006 (<1 Month) "Visited": Ant Visited D in America. B-2 Visa Port of Entry Interrogation.

2006 (<1 Month) "Married": Wedding Elopement. Husband & Wife, D and Ant !! Together Forever!

2006 ( 3 Months I-485 Wait) "Adjusted": 2-Years Green Card.

2007 ( 2 Months) "Numbered": SSN Card.

2007 (<1 Months) "Licensed": NYS 4-Years Driver's License.

2009 (10 Months I-751 Wait) "Removed": 10-Years 5-Months Green Card.

2009 ( 9 Months Baby Wait) "Expected": Baby. It's a Boy, Baby A !!! We Are Family, Ant+D+BabyA !

2009 ( 4 Months) "Moved": New House Constructed and Moved Into.

2009 ( 2 Months N-400 Wait) "Naturalized": US Citizenship, Certificate of Naturalization. Goodbye USCIS!!!!

***Ant is a Naturalized American Citizen!!***: November 23, 2009 (Private Oath Ceremony: USCIS Office, Buffalo, NY, USA)

2009 (<1 Month) "Secured": US Citizen SSN Card.

2009 (<1 Month) "Enhanced": US Citizen NYS 8-Years Enhanced Driver's License. (in lieu of a US Passport)

2010 ( 1 Month) "Voted": US Citizen NYS Voter's Registration Card.

***~~~"The End...And the Americans, Ant+D+BabyA, lived 'Happily Ever After'!"...~~~***

  • 1 month later...
Filed: Other Timeline
However, your status will be different once you inform them of becoming a citizen...

Ant - didn't you post a nice thread on what you did after becoming a citizen??? you actually had a list of things you did... :D

I need to find that thread.....

V333k-Yes, your status will be different once you inform them of becoming a citizen. And this is important too, as other agencies and/or organizations will refer back to the SSA for this citizenship status verification. Which is why it is important that one updates the SSA when they become a US citizen.

And yes, I'll look for my former message and re-post that....you'll be able to find it then after I "bump" it up again.....


Hope this helps too. Good luck on your journeys....


**Ant's 1432.gif1502.gif "Once Upon An American Immigration Journey" Condensed Timeline...**

2000 (72+ Months) "Loved": Long-Distance Dating Relationship. D Visited Ant in Canada.

2006 (<1 Month) "Visited": Ant Visited D in America. B-2 Visa Port of Entry Interrogation.

2006 (<1 Month) "Married": Wedding Elopement. Husband & Wife, D and Ant !! Together Forever!

2006 ( 3 Months I-485 Wait) "Adjusted": 2-Years Green Card.

2007 ( 2 Months) "Numbered": SSN Card.

2007 (<1 Months) "Licensed": NYS 4-Years Driver's License.

2009 (10 Months I-751 Wait) "Removed": 10-Years 5-Months Green Card.

2009 ( 9 Months Baby Wait) "Expected": Baby. It's a Boy, Baby A !!! We Are Family, Ant+D+BabyA !

2009 ( 4 Months) "Moved": New House Constructed and Moved Into.

2009 ( 2 Months N-400 Wait) "Naturalized": US Citizenship, Certificate of Naturalization. Goodbye USCIS!!!!

***Ant is a Naturalized American Citizen!!***: November 23, 2009 (Private Oath Ceremony: USCIS Office, Buffalo, NY, USA)

2009 (<1 Month) "Secured": US Citizen SSN Card.

2009 (<1 Month) "Enhanced": US Citizen NYS 8-Years Enhanced Driver's License. (in lieu of a US Passport)

2010 ( 1 Month) "Voted": US Citizen NYS Voter's Registration Card.

***~~~"The End...And the Americans, Ant+D+BabyA, lived 'Happily Ever After'!"...~~~***

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