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Arkansas Anchorwoman's Face Shattered 'Like an Egg' During Attack

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Posted (edited)
4_42_t50.jpg ----- It's the white man's fault!

Can't you tell from the photo. He was simply hungry. He looks dehydrate too. Hence, the beating of a defenseless woman to death.

Edited by Booyah!

According to the Internal Revenue Service, the 400 richest American households earned a total of $US138 billion, up from $US105 billion a year earlier. That's an average of $US345 million each, on which they paid a tax rate of just 16.6 per cent.

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Posted (edited)
Holy #######, BY, Danno, Marc....... The only word I can think of to describe your posts in this thread is despicable. Not everything needs to be partisan. A woman was brutally murdered and Hal expressed his condolences. You really feel the need to turn a sincere thread about a disgusting crime into a polarizing political debacle?

It was just baiting I didn't care to sucker up to. I believe my original post was explanatory enough and one has to be a complete fool to not notice that crime usually implies punishment.

I don't bait bud, that is not my style. I leave bait to fishing. What I do is legitimately question someone's stubborn and foolish stance on various issues. As more evidence comes to light, I question an opposing stance even more.

You claim these are crimes of 'socioeconomic circumstances'. I strongly disagree. I believe these are crimes from a sub-class group of low lives, who have zero respect for human life. He could have easily tied her up, robbed the place and left; he did not. Instead the savage bashed her to death. Something repeated daily throughout America, coincidentally by the same group of losers.

PS Have I added enough of these (F) (F) for you guys? I would rather save those for the funerals of the victims.

I dont think Hal ever said that... you are either deliberately twisting his words or just too stupid to understand them. There is indeed a correlation between socio-economic status and crime. However it is faulty to assume that all crimes are due to socio-economic status or that all minorities are prone to violent behavior. If you are really the engineer you claim to be, you should realize by now that your logical reasoning is obscenely flawed.

Edited by Nina Ballerina
Posted (edited)

More research for you Rob. Now compare the rate of Black Americans posted earlier on, to that of the rest of the entire world. Yes, that includes 2nd and 3rd world countries where peoples' "socioeconomic circumstances" are 1,000 times worse than that of black Americans.

No EBT, government housing, free school, AA or "mo Monee" in those countries mate. ;)


Edited by Booyah!

According to the Internal Revenue Service, the 400 richest American households earned a total of $US138 billion, up from $US105 billion a year earlier. That's an average of $US345 million each, on which they paid a tax rate of just 16.6 per cent.

Some people are savages and beyond rehabilitation. Talk to someone who works in corrections and see what the real animals are like. I don't think that the fear of the death penalty deters this type of animal.

It doesn't deter it because nobody learns from it. Nobody in public gets to watch this person suffer himself. Worse off, they end up in prison and still get to 'chill' on tax payer money. Can you imagine we had public floggings again? Even an idiot would realize quick-smart that if they commit heinous crimes, they will suffer the same fate themselves.

I am sick of seeing people of any race suffer in the US. All while clowns like certain posters here, want to ponder this person's "socioeconomic circumstances". Robbing someone for food because you are hungry is one thing, beating a women to death goes well beyond crimes of poverty. It shows that this lowlife has zero regard for a human life. Those types need to be eradicated from the gene pool.

Hubby and I were just discussing this same issue.

The issue of how they determine if/why someone gets the death penalty for murder.

With all this disgrace going on here and all our tax dollars being used up keeping murderers on death row, or worse, in jail for life why do we continue with the same punishments when people are still commiting the crimes and worse.

I feel that we are not strict enough. A joke if you ask me. If someone is going to get death do it and do it quick why should they have the luxury of living another day and breathing when they have affected not only the person they killed but other lives around that victim?

I have no sympathy about this reason and that reason why they did what they did. Murder is murder, it says so in the GOOD BOOK, one of the Commandments NOT to break!

Maybe if we had zero tolerance like some of the other countries out there (tho they may seem extreme) maybe then there would be fear of consequences and not the assumption they will just get "off" with life or some unjust lighter sentence.

There is indeed a correlation between socio-economic status and crime. However it is faulty to assume that all crimes are due to socio-economic status or that all minorities are prone to violent behavior.

There is? where?

According to the Internal Revenue Service, the 400 richest American households earned a total of $US138 billion, up from $US105 billion a year earlier. That's an average of $US345 million each, on which they paid a tax rate of just 16.6 per cent.

Filed: K-1 Visa Country: Philippines

This is a hate crime.

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Posted (edited)
Hubby and I were just discussing this same issue.

The issue of how they determine if/why someone gets the death penalty for murder.

With all this disgrace going on here and all our tax dollars being used up keeping murderers on death row, or worse, in jail for life why do we continue with the same punishments when people are still commiting the crimes and worse.

I feel that we are not strict enough. A joke if you ask me. If someone is going to get death do it and do it quick why should they have the luxury of living another day and breathing when they have affected not only the person they killed but other lives around that victim?

I have no sympathy about this reason and that reason why they did what they did. Murder is murder, it says so in the GOOD BOOK, one of the Commandments NOT to break!

Maybe if we had zero tolerance like some of the other countries out there (tho they may seem extreme) maybe then there would be fear of consequences and not the assumption they will just get "off" with life or some unjust lighter sentence.

Prior to moving here I remember watching a news clip and seeing an Asian American in Singapore and what he said stuck with me. He said, "in the US we have too much freedom". Aka people are not accountable nor responsible for their actions. Singapore, a first world country, has the total opposite stance. A security he appreciated and enjoy. As do I whenever visiting Singapore.

After moving here and living here for four years, I now see what he means. Without discipline and rules, you have chaos and anarchy.

This is a hate crime.

Shut up! He was just hungry.

Edited by Booyah!

According to the Internal Revenue Service, the 400 richest American households earned a total of $US138 billion, up from $US105 billion a year earlier. That's an average of $US345 million each, on which they paid a tax rate of just 16.6 per cent.

There is indeed a correlation between socio-economic status and crime. However it is faulty to assume that all crimes are due to socio-economic status or that all minorities are prone to violent behavior.

There is? where?

Oh, my bad!!! I mispoke.... You should wear your rolex (I am sure you have plenty) and stroll down your local ghetto this afternoon :thumbs:

Posted (edited)
There is indeed a correlation between socio-economic status and crime.

There is? where?

Oh, my bad!!! I mispoke.... You should wear your rolex (I am sure you have plenty) and stroll down your local ghetto this afternoon :thumbs:

Nina, it's quite simple. Since there apparently is a correlation, I am certain those in similar socioeconomic circumstances in Canada, the UK or Australia would have similar homicide crime rates per 100,000. Unfortunately I cannot find such evidence. I am sure you can though.

I call BS! I say there is a sub-class culture here, where ghetto and violence is now cool. Evidently murdering someone from this group is the equivalent of buying milk for others. Time to show this sub-class who is on top of the food chain. Time to take back American streets and eradicate this virus from society. Time to hold any disingenuous group like La ratsa, ACLU, NAACP etc accountable for protecting the actions of these criminals,; yet scolding the police for trying to do their job. Prior to moving here, I never heard such discontent and hatred for the police. There is your first problem, right there. Protect the crooks yet scorn the Police.

I propose a two part plan. Triple the financial aid to those who want and need the help. Eradicate those who have no regard for other human life. Reinstate public corporal punishment for the likes of those who rapped and bashed the 15 year old for 2 hours, while others watched. Or was bashing and raping a 15-year old crime related to socioeconomic circumstances too?

Edited by Booyah!

According to the Internal Revenue Service, the 400 richest American households earned a total of $US138 billion, up from $US105 billion a year earlier. That's an average of $US345 million each, on which they paid a tax rate of just 16.6 per cent.

Filed: K-1 Visa Country: Philippines
Holy #######, BY, Danno, Marc....... The only word I can think of to describe your posts in this thread is despicable. Not everything needs to be partisan. A woman was brutally murdered and Hal expressed his condolences. You really feel the need to turn a sincere thread about a disgusting crime into a polarizing political debacle?

My thoughts exactly. A woman was brutally assaulted & murdered and the usual suspects are trying to drum up controversy where none exists. Not a single person in this thread tried to rationalize the murderer's actions... not one.

Disgusting crime with some very ignorant responses. Oh yea I have been labeled a "lib" on VJ numerous times but I support capital punsihment & strict sentences for violent offenders.

Posted (edited)
My thoughts exactly. A woman was brutally assaulted & murdered and the usual suspects are trying to drum up controversy where none exists. Not a single person in this thread tried to rationalize the murderer's actions... not one.

Disgusting crime with some very ignorant responses. Oh yea I have been labeled a "lib" on VJ numerous times but I support capital punsihment & strict sentences for violent offenders.

Totally missing the point. The crime rate of African Americans is the nowhere near that of any other similar socioeconomic group in any other first word country. How can you guys ignore (deny) this? Pondering the hows and whys are of no interest to me. Only solving the problem.

If anyone thinks I should be blackmailed in paying even more tax so people stop raping and killing others, they are surely delusional and mistaken. No bottom of the barrel demographic holds me to ransom, with a pay me or else. As I said earlier, stealing because you are hungry or have a family to feed is one thing. Robbing, raping, bashing and killing an unarmed individual, totally crosses the line and has zero to do with socioeconomic. Some of these drug dealers, for example, earn a few thousand a week. Hardly poor.

Much like terrorist who blow up women and children, their mind is set (damaged). There is no reasoning with individuals who carry out such crimes. The only way to deal with it is on their level, that is, to eradicate it with brute force. You don't reason with cancers, you kill and eradicate them.

Edited by Booyah!

According to the Internal Revenue Service, the 400 richest American households earned a total of $US138 billion, up from $US105 billion a year earlier. That's an average of $US345 million each, on which they paid a tax rate of just 16.6 per cent.

Filed: K-1 Visa Country: Philippines
Holy #######, BY, Danno, Marc....... The only word I can think of to describe your posts in this thread is despicable. Not everything needs to be partisan. A woman was brutally murdered and Hal expressed his condolences. You really feel the need to turn a sincere thread about a disgusting crime into a polarizing political debacle?

My thoughts exactly. A woman was brutally assaulted & murdered and the usual suspects are trying to drum up controversy where none exists. Not a single person in this thread tried to rationalize the murderer's actions... not one.

Disgusting crime with some very ignorant responses. Oh yea I have been labeled a "lib" on VJ numerous times but I support capital punsihment & strict sentences for violent offenders.

That just means you're not a bleeding heart. But still a lib

K-1 Visa

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Maybe somebody already brought this up, I haven't had time to go thru and read all the comments but the way this article reads it seems disturbing, like there trying really hard to go for the shock factor. I got to tell you though this really made me angry, I just dont get how some people could be so vicious. Id love to be the man that pulls the switch/needle on this man, what a worthless piece of sh!t!!!

Posted (edited)
I got to tell you though this really made me angry, I just dont get how some people could be so vicious.

That is the $35 million dollar question. Even a blind man can see that a certain particular group of people here in the States are much more vicious than others. That is, many times over more likely to be associated with such crimes.

Edited by Booyah!

According to the Internal Revenue Service, the 400 richest American households earned a total of $US138 billion, up from $US105 billion a year earlier. That's an average of $US345 million each, on which they paid a tax rate of just 16.6 per cent.


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