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Filed: IR-1/CR-1 Visa Country: Jamaica
Posted (edited)
let me try that one Jakeswife...

who has kids...

Nelly's daughter had a baby so she is a grandmother now

Jgay who is now Stonelove had her baby I believe

I know I am missing someone


I can't remember any...

Kids that are being PITA's



IrieCat - sometimes

Finesse - didn't want to ride the short bus to school

you doing great,keep going...oh yeah jgay.congrats i remember she was a few mths ahead of me.it'a girl right?

Edited by jakeswife
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Filed: AOS (apr) Country: Jamaica

hey all , i know u guys have been missing me ,being all depressed can't eat ,can't sleep. hollering out me name- NOT!!!. Here is an update anyways. hubby and i moved to a new city with a better school system.The process was long and very challenging. i am in an out of dr. offices and hospitals for multiple test and all that stuff,pretty routine but sometimes very overwhelming.

The boys are doing ok. i am 30 weeks and 2 days to be exact. i will be undergoing c-section because both of them are breech.Its been a busy time and even busier still. we are setting up the babies room and getting stuff together. I must say all of these changes have been very challenging to say the least. it tested our marriage and love and most of all my strength.I thought at some point that it was too much. moving,having babies and my life just changing so fast. i got scared and hubby and i have our days of bickering and fights. some due to hormones others due to stress. It getting better but it is very much a stressful time.

I was questioning everything. my love for hubby,being a wife and a mother. ALL of it.I reminisced quite alot about my past, just for some escape and i had feelings of regret at certain times.With the fights and the babies on the way, i was loosing a little of the joy that this moment in my life should bring.i even felt guilty because alot of people live for the day that they could experience what i have now. it really isn't that simple.

Like i said we are doing better.we talked and we both agree that it's hard but worth fighting for.well enough with the babbling. i just didn't want you all to get the impression that my experience was all a bed of roses.there is more trying times to come but i am just taking it a day or 2 at a time.

enough about me. you all know that i can't catch up so let me in on what's been going on.

Thanks for sharing your adjustment with us Jakes! And though it's already been said, you are SO NOT alone in feeling the way you do! Some women have a fiercely independent streak and it makes the cohabitating a bit tougher. There is nothing wrong with that either....this world needs all kinds of personalities or it would be boring. I know exactly how you feel. I'm so happy to have my hubby here now but I'd be lying to say there aren't the occasions where I long for the days before he was here. I have a selfish side that really appreciates not having to worry about anyone but myself. But at the same time, I realize how much more fun I've been having doing things with him that I used to do alone. Now I have someone to share the good (and bad) times with! :thumbs:

thanks ladies.we do realize the impact the stress has had on our relationship and most of all we recognized that it's not good for the pregnancy so it's been ok for a couple of weeks now. i do feel that if we can get through this,however trying,there will be hope for the future..

As for me there's also a personal hurdle i have to get over-which is to stop living in the past.mind you it wasn't great in to begin with but it was alot less complicated.welcome to life.I did like being single most of the time without any other responsiblity but myself.yes it sound selfish but like i said right now it's sometimes help me to escape.Another minor one is having so many people over after the babies are born. Don't get me wrong i know i will need the help but i also know that i do not like alot of company at any given time.

I will have to suck it up and just deal with it until things return to normal.Another set of bittersweet moments to look fwd to.

So it go! That is life. It's a constantly moving rollercoaster of ups & downs. As long as you recognize that, you're prepared for whatever comes! :yes::yes: But again, I feel you...I was a very solitary person for a long time & all the adjustments you're going through would test anyone. Stay strong my girl!

hey all


thanks for the encouragement. i know i can always come here to vent. it's funny that before i have all these life changing events, i was happy that things were the way they were and looking fwd to more like being a mother and more of being a wife.

when everything started to unfold,like the day i found out i was pregnant ,it felt surreal like i was living someone elses life.In the past my ideal lifestyle is to move somewhere in an apartment complex or in a remote area but with all the modern amenities and just chill.wake up whenever i want to and with whomever i want to,no strings. it seems that it was going to be just that when i became a flight attentant. I travelled wherever i want{not much though} and i liked the freedom.

Whenever i travelled,my best alone time is when i got off the plane and take a moment{if i have it} to go outside ,smoke a cigeratte and play neyo on my ipod,then go back inside the terminal.I was liking all of this even after i met jake.

shortly after we decided to get married,it was a happy time and i didn't feel no pressure.I guess because i was still living the life i wanted while preparing for a new experience.I am an odd duck, a loner if you will. i like doing unorthodox things and i hate normalcy.SO WHY THE HELL AM I MARRIED AND PREGNANT WITH TWINS!!!!!!

Well, i am a grown #### woman and i guess at some point family will be the most important thing to me.Earlier on i was never family-oriented.i couldn't care less about who is who.I saw everybody the same,except my younger brother-i promised to take care of him after our mother died. I guess what i am saying here is i have 2 very distinctive sides to my personality.I am a loner who wants to be alone on a mountain somewhere with no responsibility but the usual going to work and chilling and then there's the other side, the person who like being with a partner and growing even closer as time goes by{i hope so}.

I sometimes miss my past because it reflects 1 side of me.I try not to dwell and remind myself that it's not only me who have made different choices and changes in my life.Even if i go back things will never be the same and for us to evolve change will have to be the factor or the catylst{sp}.We can't evolve or grow without change.My past experiences, some special others crazy are a combination of events that hepled me to push fwd-that's where i should hope to go-fwd.

Well thanks again for reading.This is good i feel better when i express myself.sorry it took so long.

Once again, I can relate. You are so NORMAL! Not everyone feels the same way about the family & marriage stuff.

Ive been thinking alot about being married because when I was younger I wanted the "American Dream". Now that I am older Im like shyt this is really going to happen!!! So I am not sure how to feel. Im a pretty organized person and like to plan my life with some spontenaity thrown in. This is actually one of the longest relationships Ive ever had. Trust Ive had plenty of them too. My friends are having a good laugh at my expense because I kept saying after I turned 30, "Im never getting married" lol I guess the cards dealt me a different hand. One of the good things about getting married at this stage is that one of my kids is grown and the other has 4 years to go before she is grown, so at least after this process is done Steve and I can focus on travelling and doing the things we want to do. I would have loved to have given him a child, but that is impossible. At times, its just so unbelievable.

I feel you too here Mstee!

Filed: AOS (pnd) Country: Jamaica
let me try that one Jakeswife...

who has kids...

Nelly's daughter had a baby so she is a grandmother now

Jgay who is now Stonelove had her baby I believe

I know I am missing someone


I can't remember any...

Kids that are being PITA's



IrieCat - sometimes

Finesse - didn't want to ride the short bus to school

you doing great,keep going...oh yeah jgay.congrats i remember she was a few mths ahead of me.it'a girl right?




Adjustment of Status

Event Date

CIS Office : Norfolk VA

Date Filed : 2010-04-16

Your item was delivered at 9:31 AM on April 19, 2010 in CHICAGO, IL 60603. The item was signed for by L BOX.

noas via email and text 04/26/2010

checked cashed 4/27/2010

Hard copy NOA 4/30/2010 Dated 4/26/2010

RFE 4/30/2010 need a co sponsor

5/26/2010 sent out evidence request.

5/28/2010 Evidence was received

5/28/2010 Biometrics complete

6/1/2010 touches on I485 and EAD

6/10/10 EAD Card production ordered

6/19/10AP arrived


11/16/2010 Touched


Filed: IR-1/CR-1 Visa Country: Jamaica
Good afternoon everyone

Jakeswife, I read your post earlier and I hope you are feeling a little better today.

Congrats to Nat and Steve.

Bunn, you will be thru at NVC in a months time.

yes i am doing better not much bickering. we getting into the grove of things now. i guess it was just the adjustment to the new life threw us. how are things with you?

Filed: AOS (pnd) Country: Jamaica
Posted (edited)
let me try that one Jakeswife...

who has kids...

Nelly's daughter had a baby so she is a grandmother now

Jgay who is now Stonelove had her baby I believe

I know I am missing someone


I can't remember any...

Kids that are being PITA's



IrieCat - sometimes

Finesse - didn't want to ride the short bus to school

you doing great,keep going...oh yeah jgay.congrats i remember she was a few mths ahead of me.it'a girl right?




Edited by my2rmylife



Adjustment of Status

Event Date

CIS Office : Norfolk VA

Date Filed : 2010-04-16

Your item was delivered at 9:31 AM on April 19, 2010 in CHICAGO, IL 60603. The item was signed for by L BOX.

noas via email and text 04/26/2010

checked cashed 4/27/2010

Hard copy NOA 4/30/2010 Dated 4/26/2010

RFE 4/30/2010 need a co sponsor

5/26/2010 sent out evidence request.

5/28/2010 Evidence was received

5/28/2010 Biometrics complete

6/1/2010 touches on I485 and EAD

6/10/10 EAD Card production ordered

6/19/10AP arrived


11/16/2010 Touched


Filed: AOS (apr) Country: Jamaica

It took me all week to catch up on here since we had a long weekend.

Last Thursday we waited hours in the DMV so I could renew my DL & change my name & car title at the same time. Then we went to city college campus & I changed my name there too....then on to the bank & opened a joint account & a student account of his own....he feels special now since he's never technically had an account of his own. I asked him if he thought we could ever get that much accomplished in one day in JA & he said, "YA F#$%ING EEDIOT??" :lol::lol:

:rofl: Ells he ain't never lied trust mi I get an instant tick even thinking about all the drama I have gone through trying to hand my business a yaad :unsure::wacko::blink: I know Lehi is loving to be able to cut through that red tape and handle his biz nuh true :star:

:yes::yes: It's so true! I couldn't even believe how easy it was to open a bank account for him. It would've taken me a whole day in JA just to open one for myself. They want way too much documentation & letters & hoo ha! :lol:

Just popping in to ask a question. For the K-1 I need to take my honey to the SS office soon right? I thought I saw somewhere that it's better to go and get it than wait. Also, what do we need to bring in besides his passport? Do I need to do it asap or is 2 weeks ok to wait?

If I remember correctly, take him almost as soon as 2 weeks is up. Give it 2-3 weeks so that he'll be in the system & they can find him in it (something transfers from USCIS I think). It is good to get it soon though cause he'll need it for so many things coming up (ID or DL, health benefits plan, etc.) And yes, I think it was just his passport that they needed to see.

Ok Mawnin 1luv

So I havent been back on since Saturday cause I was so pissed I got my RFE letter and Im like ok wat did I miss.....dese ppl done mixed me up wit someone....they say that in Oct. 2005 I was issued a P21 classification which is the spouse of a lawful permanent resident and I have not provided evidence of previous marriages and their subsequent termination. I was so mad because I thought I made an error and it was them.......I HAVE NEVER BEEN MARRIED. In 2005 I sent for a new green card......was given one with wrong info on it so I sent it back and they mailed me the correct one.....And wat has me more mad the A# they have listed in the top left box in the letter is not mine.....it clearly has the correct A# on my certificate of Naturalization....I didn't know wat to do so I called.....the customer service rep wasnt no help cause shes tellin me to send in wat they are requesting IM LIKE HOW IF I'VE NEVER BEEN MARRIED!....I said can you transfer me to an immigration officer....So Mr. Enriques comes on the phone and I explain to him that it doesnt say what to do if this is wrong information.....He said to write a letter explaining to them that this is not me, point out that the A# is not my old A# and send in any info I have to back that up. Also let them know that I have never been married etc. He was like they do mix up ppls info sometimes so let them know this is wat happened.....Do you guys think that this is all I have to do...I do not want another delay!

Ok so I have my Jamaica Passport that has a stamp with the correct A# I also have the paper that was sent with the correct Greencard that says the A# and the date is 6/13/06(the one I recieved after they made the mistake with the last one) and the Naturalization Certificate...im gonna make a copy and highlight the A#, plus im gonna write a letter.....wat else should I have or need IDK :help:

OK will catch up when I get back from work

What a hassle Hayms! So sorry you have to go through all that when it was their error! I don't know what to tell you to do but it sounds like you're covering all your bases. Good luck on getting that sorted out ASAP!

lol dillon. u crazy.. yeah..im sure jermaine is getting alot of FIRST TIME invites heehee..

he not looking greasy no more is he?? i remember when he was defending mj a while back during the court cases, he had the most oily skin.. and this coming from a woman that gets a lil shiny herself LOL..

what chris rock say?? u just wanna wipe off ur tv screen when jermaine come on LOL


Filed: AOS (apr) Country: Jamaica

Haaaa I am rolling, girl do you know Mr Philly said the same thing "Bomba why he grease up so" I couldn't help but laugh. But yall have to admit he does look good despite the greasiness. :yes:

Maybe all that grease keeps him looking young! :lol::lol: I think it was Raquel Welch that swore her beauty secret was to put vaseline all over her face every night to keep her skin youthful! :yes:

I'm here Philly

I was about to say Beuler, Beuler, anyone anyone LOL

So what's good Dillon anything exciting going on?

I'm still going through my adjustment phase or should I say my kids are and tomorrow if Mr Philly's Bday so I am planning a sexy party for him. I had no idea what to get him for present so I have decided to take to South St and get him a new tattoo he will be so thrilled it will be his third!

Happy B-day Mr Philly! Another Virgo! :luv:

Morning Peeps :D

I started to worry about my son's school after what I read Belwin and DaDa post :unsure:

I am happy to report that my son's school has a Travel Study contract I can sign and they will send me with all the lessons. His teacher said they will consider him in school if he completes the assignments! :dance:

JAMAICA here we come!!! :star:

YAAAYYYY! What a relief!



phiily give us some FEVA!!!

CONGRATS NAT & STEVEN!! :dance::dance::dance:

Good afternoon everyone

Jakeswife, I read your post earlier and I hope you are feeling a little better today.

Congrats to Nat and Steve.

Bunn, you will be thru at NVC in a months time.

yes i am doing better not much bickering. we getting into the grove of things now. i guess it was just the adjustment to the new life threw us. how are things with you?

We are doing fine, I am typing on my BB right now. We just got back from the Bahamas, and we are in FLL waiting on our connecting flight.

Joel is having a time adjusting too, he is restless right now. Requires a lot of attention...

Filed: AOS (apr) Country: Jamaica

I swear by Vaseline in the winter time. It is the only thing that I have found to help with the very dry skin we get here.


9/25/09 -Mailed I-485/I-131/I-765

9/27/09 - Received by Chicago Lock Box

10/2/09 - Date on NAO1's

10/5/09 - Received NAO1's in the mail

10/5/09- Check cashed

10/11/09 - Received Biometrics letter in the mail

10/29/09- Biometrics appointment

10/14/09 - Walked in for Biometrics appointment

10/15/09 - Touch I-485/I-765

10/16/09 - I-485 transferred to CSC

11/6/09 - EAD approved

11/9/09 - Advance Parole approved

11/23/09- Received EAD/AP

12/2/09 - Email Card Production Ordered!!!!

12/9/09 - Card received

Filed: Country: Jamaica
Haaaa I am rolling, girl do you know Mr Philly said the same thing "Bomba why he grease up so" I couldn't help but laugh. But yall have to admit he does look good despite the greasiness. :yes:

smiley-shocked005.gif you are delusional

So I tek it yuh chose the anniversary instead? Yuh neva listen to me do you?

Filed: IR-1/CR-1 Visa Country: Jamaica
Good afternoon everyone

Jakeswife, I read your post earlier and I hope you are feeling a little better today.

Congrats to Nat and Steve.

Bunn, you will be thru at NVC in a months time.

yes i am doing better not much bickering. we getting into the grove of things now. i guess it was just the adjustment to the new life threw us. how are things with you?

We are doing fine, I am typing on my BB right now. We just got back from the Bahamas, and we are in FLL waiting on our connecting flight.

Joel is having a time adjusting too, he is restless right now. Requires a lot of attention...

so u hubby is here. That's great!!! how was the trip?

Filed: Country: Jamaica

thanks jw..

hays.. im sorry bout the mixup, specially when its not ur fault.. it think if u just send them EVERYTHING u mentioned for clairication..they can't get confused and get it wrong again..

many blessings!!!

MAANNNNN.. i can't get that trey songz song out of my head.. "u gone think i invented sex"

it is FIYAH!!! i have always liked Trey, but he is really bringing it w/ this album.. i think i will buy it..

Filed: IR-1/CR-1 Visa Country: Jamaica
Posted (edited)

thank you all for understanding where i am coming from with all my venting.It help to know that you are not alone and that someone can relate to where u are and u are not just loosing your mind- i thought at some point i would need a straight jacket but mi opt to vent instead, thank god cause mi hate buckles.

Edited by jakeswife
Filed: AOS (apr) Country: Jamaica

Awwww Bunz! Your siggy is cute/sad! :((L)

let me try that one Jakeswife...

who has kids...

Nelly's daughter had a baby so she is a grandmother now

Jgay who is now Stonelove had her baby I believe

I know I am missing someone

you doing great,keep going...oh yeah jgay.congrats i remember she was a few mths ahead of me.it'a girl right?

How did I miss that one??? Congrats Jgay!! I guess I should go look for some pictures?

We are doing fine, I am typing on my BB right now. We just got back from the Bahamas, and we are in FLL waiting on our connecting flight.

Joel is having a time adjusting too, he is restless right now. Requires a lot of attention...

Welcome home Roxcie!

Our guys go through so much of the same things......the adjustment, the boredom, wanting friends & a job, needing our attention as much as a baby....it's nice to feel needed but I can't wait till my hubby can really spread his wings & fly!

Good afternoon everyone

Jakeswife, I read your post earlier and I hope you are feeling a little better today.

Congrats to Nat and Steve.

Bunn, you will be thru at NVC in a months time.

yes i am doing better not much bickering. we getting into the grove of things now. i guess it was just the adjustment to the new life threw us. how are things with you?

We are doing fine, I am typing on my BB right now. We just got back from the Bahamas, and we are in FLL waiting on our connecting flight.

Joel is having a time adjusting too, he is restless right now. Requires a lot of attention...

so u hubby is here. That's great!!! how was the trip?

Jakeswife, oh yes hubby is here and the trip was nice. Joel kept saying this is JA....I was like WOW u got that right we are in the Bahamas. I know he is missing home. BUt on a good note it was good for us to get away.

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