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Filed: Citizen (apr) Country: Egypt

Hello and Salaam everyone. I didn't find a thread that was like this, so I thought I would start my own.

I just joined April 17, 2009 but didn't really become active until the begining of May. I so far LOVE VJ. It's been so helpful, even when I have stupid question (usually someone has already asked :lol: ).

Everyone here is so kind and informative. I see that many of of you know each other by name. I would love to as well. I will tell ya little more about me and hope that you are willing to do the same.

My name is Sharifah. I'm 33 years old. I have an eight year old son named Tariq. I've been married for a little over two months to the man of my dreams, (well sometimes, depends on if he annoys me that day or not :luv: ) Ahmed. I love reading, cats, and cooking. This waiting for my husband to get here is driving me nuts, but thankfully many of you have already experienced that or are currently going through it.

I look forward to hearing more about you. Thanks and Shookran!

Blessed are the heart that can bend, they can never be broken - Albert Camus

Any comments, information and photos may not be reused, reposted, or republished in any way without express written permission from 100% Al Ahly Fan.

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Filed: IR-1/CR-1 Visa Country: France

Wasalam sister! I'm Kenza and I'm graduating from High school this friday! I'm half Moroccan and I was born here in California. I've been with my husband for 5 years this July but we have been married since this past December. He is Moroccan but studying in France (he just graduated this past March). I love to travel, shop, and be amongst welcoming Muslims. I love animals and have one cat and my dog just died a year ago. I guess that's enough about me lol

Met: 2004-07-18

Islamic marriage: 2006-07-31

Marriage : 2008-12-27

Entry San Fran 2009-09-27

Hubby is HOME!!!!

Received SSN 2009-10-06

Received welcome letter 2009-10-10

GREEN CARD!!! 2009-10-13

Driver's License 2009-10-26

HUBBY FOUND A JOB!!! after about 4 months of being here :)

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Filed: Lift. Cond. (apr) Country: Egypt

There is a forum for introducing new members:


Maybe this thread can be kept in MENA.

Hello 100%AAF and welcome aboard!

Don't just open your mouth and prove yourself a fool....put it in writing.

It gets harder the more you know. Because the more you find out, the uglier everything seems.


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Filed: IR-1/CR-1 Visa Country: France
There is a forum for introducing new members:


Maybe this thread can be kept in MENA.

Hello 100%AAF and welcome aboard!

I agree...how bout this is just for the MENA ladies and gents

Met: 2004-07-18

Islamic marriage: 2006-07-31

Marriage : 2008-12-27

Entry San Fran 2009-09-27

Hubby is HOME!!!!

Received SSN 2009-10-06

Received welcome letter 2009-10-10

GREEN CARD!!! 2009-10-13

Driver's License 2009-10-26

HUBBY FOUND A JOB!!! after about 4 months of being here :)

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Filed: Lift. Cond. (apr) Country: Egypt

Good idea. I would hate to see it moved to the general population, so to speak.

BTW, Im Nagi and Im a VJaholic and a full time post #######.

Don't just open your mouth and prove yourself a fool....put it in writing.

It gets harder the more you know. Because the more you find out, the uglier everything seems.


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Filed: AOS (apr) Country: Jordan

Hey Sharifah.

Im Lisa. I like long walks on the beach, quiet times at home and oh wait.... . j/k :lol:

I found VJ in 07 after meeting my now husband and I petioned for a k3 from Jordan. My husband is Palestinian from Jordan and he is wonderful to say the least(dont we all say that lol) After 13 months he came home and he has been here almost a month now.

I have a 5yo boy who will start kindergarten in august. Im originally from southern california but have been in ky for 11 years now. Im 30 and work in healthcare.

Im slightly addicted to VJ lol and I have made some true friends here along the way.

I guess thats all I have for now.... next

"you fondle my trigger then you blame my gun"

Timeline: 13 month long journey from filing to visa in hand

If you were lucky and got an approval and reunion with your loved one rather quickly; Please refrain from telling people who waited 6+ months just to get out of a service center to "chill out" or to "stop whining" It's insensitive,and unecessary. Once you walk a mile in their shoes you will understand and be heard.


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Filed: AOS (apr) Country: Egypt

Salam Alaikum Sharifah,

I'm Tasha and have been part of this VJ family for almost two years now. I had petitioned for my husband Ayman who is from Egypt. He arrived in the US in April 2008. We have a 15 month old son together named Malek. I was also married before and have two beautiful kids from my previous marriage that are 9 and 11.

We live in Ohio and I work as a database administrator in a large healthcare facility. Been there for about 13 years and sometimes it's my sanity. I don't have a lot of time for hobbies because I am one busy mama.

Welcome to VJ!



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Filed: AOS (apr) Country: Jordan

Welcome Sharifah!

I think this thread is great!

My name is Kristen, I am 29 year old. I joined VJ back in early 2008 just before we began the K1 process. My now-husband is Palestinian from Jordan, and has been here in San Diego, California close to 6 months. We've had our ups-and-downs during the K1 journey (one part was very public here in VJ, I admit :blush: ). Things have been so much better than expected since his arrival :luv:

I am what you may call a "serial-part-timer": I work as an ASL instructor at UC San Diego, an accounting specialist for an Electrics/Logistics distributor, night Adult ASL instructor, college tutor at yet another college. *heads spin* I still hear "So, tomorrow, you work at ... (place), and then... (another place)... and then what..?" everyday from my husband, Odai. :lol: It's funny sometimes. Hopefully that'd change in the near future...

Neither of us have kids, I had a very cute small dog who passed away unexpectedly a couple months ago. No pets or kids for us in the very very near future. Just us two. :)

I drifted away from VJ for awhile and now return as we are in AOS process, I also can't seem to get away from the MENA crowd. There are AWESOME ladies (and gents) here. Hope to actually meet some of them.

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Filed: Citizen (apr) Country: Egypt

Hi Sharifah, i'm Jeanne, world traveler and nomad, currently residing in Tucson, Arizona! Hubby is from Alexandria, Egypt and he's known as Wael, sweetie or sugar! He answers to anything!

We have been married almost 3 yrs...he's been here in the states 1 1/2 yrs working for a military contractor but will go full time to the University of Arizona 2009-2010. He will be pursing his second BA in Economics.

Hubby introduced me to VJ when we were still in the pits of AP hell. Loved reading the posts and must say it certainly helped me to stay sane, not give up hope, refine my skills in patience, meet wonderful people and post the greatest LOL pics!!

Nice to meet you and welcome aboard!!!



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Filed: Timeline

Hi Sharifah,

Welcome to VJ and the MENA area!! (F) I'm Nawal or Annie...either one I answer too! :star:

I've been on VJ since 2007. My hubby is from Egypt as well. We both hate soccer (THANK GOD :dance: ). He's been here one year this past week and we have twins, Zain (boy) and Nour (girl) that are 1 year as of last Thursday as well! This is our first marriage and our last...because if it doesn't work out...well, I will just have to kill him!! :P:devil: JOKING!!

As you can tell, I like to joke around! It makes the process a bit lighter for everyone I believe. I used to be a posting ####### as well along w/ Nagi but my days have been a bit overwhelming lately...I'm sure I will be back in full force soon and annoying everyone in no time!! :dance:

I have made some amazingly wonderful friends on here. They have helped me through my pregnancy craziness, immigration hell, family sickness and deaths. I have had some of them personally in my home and have even visited them as well. It's a wonderful place to come and find support while going through this process. Even after the hubby arrives...there is SO much more than just getting that VISA and them coming "home".

I wish you the best of luck and look forward to getting to know you.


P.S.---We live in HELL. Oh, I mean Arizona.

Welcome Sharifah!

I think this thread is great!

My name is Kristen, I am 29 year old. I joined VJ back in early 2008 just before we began the K1 process. My now-husband is Palestinian from Jordan, and has been here in San Diego, California close to 6 months. We've had our ups-and-downs during the K1 journey (one part was very public here in VJ, I admit :blush: ). Things have been so much better than expected since his arrival :luv:

I am what you may call a "serial-part-timer": I work as an ASL instructor at UC San Diego, an accounting specialist for an Electrics/Logistics distributor, night Adult ASL instructor, college tutor at yet another college. *heads spin* I still hear "So, tomorrow, you work at ... (place), and then... (another place)... and then what..?" everyday from my husband, Odai. :lol: It's funny sometimes. Hopefully that'd change in the near future...

Neither of us have kids, I had a very cute small dog who passed away unexpectedly a couple months ago. No pets or kids for us in the very very near future. Just us two. :)

I drifted away from VJ for awhile and now return as we are in AOS process, I also can't seem to get away from the MENA crowd. There are AWESOME ladies (and gents) here. Hope to actually meet some of them.

Awww babes! I had no idea your puppy passed away :( I loved getting pictures from you!! I still have them on my phone I think. Awww HUGS Kristen! :luv:

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Hi Sharifah, i'm Jeanne, world traveler and nomad, currently residing in Tucson, Arizona! Hubby is from Alexandria, Egypt and he's known as Wael, sweetie or sugar! He answers to anything!

We have been married almost 3 yrs...he's been here in the states 1 1/2 yrs working for a military contractor but will go full time to the University of Arizona 2009-2010. He will be pursing his second BA in Economics.

Hubby introduced me to VJ when we were still in the pits of AP hell. Loved reading the posts and must say it certainly helped me to stay sane, not give up hope, refine my skills in patience, meet wonderful people and post the greatest LOL pics!!

Nice to meet you and welcome aboard!!!


Hi there,

Im Beth, I filed CR-1 in March awaiting word from USCIS on a RFE, UGH!!, LOL , should know this week. Im originally from Oceanside, CA. military brat, husband is originally from Algeria, but lives in Paris France. We have been together for nearly 3 years, and married twice to each other "Long story" LOL Our home is Houston, TX.

Anyways, welcome and good luck on your journey.

Truly happy!!!

New life, new adventures, and a new attitude.

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Filed: AOS (pnd) Country: Egypt

OMG Jeanne, i love the lab picture. It reminds me of my Maggie (RIP)>

I am Terrie aka turia. My now husband is from Morocco and i discovered VJ after goin there to meet him. I have found a wonderful support system here and some truly wonderful friends.

OMG Nagi (post #######) lololol Love ya girl.

07/21/11 filed AOS off tourist visa

07/28/11 USCIS cashed check

07/30/11 Recieved NOA1 and Biometrics letter

08/24/2011 Biometrics

08/25/2011 RFE sent to us for some info we've already sent in

08/30/2011 sent in the rest of info USCIS asked for

09/13/2011 went to congressman's office to sign papers for expedite of work permit, due to financial hardship

09/15/2011 Work permit expedite approved!! He can finally find a job!

09/24/2011 work permit arrives

09/26/2011 Apply for social security number!

09/30/2011 Letter is sent for interview

11/07/2011 INTERVIEW!!!

Its 2012 and still no approval! Still waiting

01/27/2012 Letter sent stating that file was sent on for more review :(


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Filed: Citizen (apr) Country: Egypt
OMG Jeanne, i love the lab picture. It reminds me of my Maggie (RIP)>

I am Terrie aka turia. My now husband is from Morocco and i discovered VJ after goin there to meet him. I have found a wonderful support system here and some truly wonderful friends.

OMG Nagi (post #######) lololol Love ya girl.

Terrie, the lab reminds me of my twins dog Paws. He's such a sweetie!


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Filed: Citizen (apr) Country: Egypt

I'm UmmSqueakster, fka rahma. Squeakster is the squishy and fat feline love of my life. I'm married to AbuSqueakster, the ** sapien love of my life, who has been in the US for more than 3 and a half years now.

*looks at join date* zomgosh, I my 4 year VJ anniversary was a few weeks ago :wacko: Where has the time gone?

[public service announcement] Honestly, looking back at the journey, it was long and hard, and it's still hard. The visa process is nothing compared to the adjustment once the MENA man gets here, at least in my experience. Make sure you love each other lots and are very patient, because that love will be tested and your patience will be stretched thin. [/public service announcement]

10/14/05 - married AbuS in the US lovehusband.gif

02/23/08 - Filed for removal of conditions.

Sometime in 2008 - Received 10 year GC. Almost done with USCIS for life inshaAllah! Huzzah!

12/07/08 - Adopted the fuzzy feline love of my life, my Squeaky baby th_catcrazy.gif

02/23/09 - Apply for citizenship

06/15/09 - Citizenship interview

07/15/09 - Citizenship ceremony. Alhamdulilah, the US now has another american muslim!


online rihla - on the path of the Beloved with a fat cat as a copilot

These comments, information and photos may not be reused, reposted, or republished anywhere without express written permission from UmmSqueakster.

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