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Filed: AOS (apr) Country: Croatia

8 dana je skoro pa rekordno vrijeme za posiljku da stigne. Ne brini. Ali i ne nadaj se previse roku manjem od 14 dana. :)

I-129F Sent: Aug 20th 2008

Interview Date: April 8th 2009, 10:30 - APPROVED!

K-1 Visa Received: April 9th 2009

POE: Aug 8th 2009, Minneapolis

Wedding: Aug 28th 2009


Our I-129f was approved in 107 days from our NOA1 date.

Our I-129f was approved in 114 days from our filing date.

Our case spent 52 days being chewed by NVC.

Our interview took 224 days from your I-129F NOA1 date.


AOS, AP, EAD filed: Oct 15th 2009

Biometrics: Nov 24th 2009

AP received: Dec 14th 2009

EAD received: Dec 17th 2009

Green Card received: Dec 18th 2009



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Filed: Citizen (apr) Country: Serbia
On zivi u Indiani, sat vremena od Chicaga... I ja sam zivela u tom malom gradu godinu dana i sigurna sam da ne mogu i ne zelim tu da zivim pa se nadam da predjemo u Chicago- mada videcemo :)

Proslo je vec 8 dana od kako sam mu avionski, preporuceno poslala moja potpisana dokumenta a ona jos nisu stigla :(

Cmok za sve !!!


8 dana je skoro pa rekordno vrijeme za posiljku da stigne. Ne brini. Ali i ne nadaj se previse roku manjem od 14 dana. :)

Ivana, ko i obicno, Badgarella je u pravu. Svemu sto smo mi jedno drugom slali je trebalo bar 15 dana da stigne :wacko:

N-400: filled online on May 8th, 2021

Biometric Reuse Notice: May 8th, 2021
Interview: May 10th, 2022 - Interview De-Scheduled

Interview rescheduled on May 11th, 2022

New Interview: Jun 27th, 2022 - Approved 🥳

Oath Ceremony: July 14th, 2022


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Nakon dugog trazenja posla i slanja stotinu zivotopisa i nikakvih odgovora u zadnjih 10 dana sam bila na 4 intervjua za posao i imala jedan telefonski. Od jednog full time posla nista (ali je i bio predaleko), drugi full time mi trebaju javiti krajem sljedeceg tjedana, jedan part time posao su mi PONUDILI u cetvrtak popodne (u srijedu popodne sam imala intervju) :dance: i zadnji full time posao koji bi stvarno htjela moram cekati odgovor ponedjeljak ili utorak.

A sada pocinju moji problemi jer kad su me zvali i ponudili mi posao ja sam bila skroz sretna i rekla da hocu posao i poslali su mi onaj formular za background check (u cetvrtak popodne) i rekli da posaljem na faks natrag. To mislim poslati danas, ali mi je bed jer su oba posla u istoj firmi i nemam pojma sto da radim. Ne zelim da izgleda kao da odugovlacim sa slanjem papira, ali ako mi u ponedjeljak ili utorak ponude full time posao, onda moram reci ovima prvima da ipak necu posao.

Sto da radim????


04-15-2011 Package sent to VSC

04-16-2011 Package delivered

04-22-2011 Check cashed

04-23-2011 Received NOA1

06-08-2011 Bio appointment done

01-18-2012 Approval Letter came dated 01-12-2012

01-19-2012 Received Card Production Order text

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Filed: Citizen (apr) Country: Serbia

evo i mene!!!

Ivana 81nis,dobrodosla!!!

Procesor-e mislim da polako treba da skupis papire,sve od pocetka pa lepo da posaljes pare kao sto kaze badgerella i aplikaciju u USCIS,kao sto smo ti svi ovde i pomenuli,jer ovo sa prijateljicom i njenim savetima nije tacno.

tihana12,mislim da treba da cekas ko ce da t pozove,pa ne zovi nikoga i ne otkazuj nista,a ako ti ponude oba posla,onaj koji ti se svidja prihvati,a onah koji ti se ne svidja,lepo im kazes da su ti za isti posao u drugoj kompaniji ponudili bolje uslove i beneficije,pa im se zahvalis sto su ti uopste i dali priliku da budes deo njihovog tima,bla bla bla

Jedino sto znam jeste da kad se zaposlis,moras da das rok od dve nedelje,bar je tako ovde kod mene,a i to razumem,taman imaju dovoljno vremena da ti nadju zamenu.

Et,kad dolazis?Jel krenula frka i pakovanje?

Cujem u BGu sneg i zima koliko hoces i da ti iskreno kazem,malo sam ljubomorna i nedostaje mi!!!!

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Filed: IR-1/CR-1 Visa Country: Serbia


shvatam, nije bas prijatno, ali ipak su u pitanju samo dva-tri dana. Valjda i oni razumeju da je full time posao nesto sto se ne odbija, a i ostajes u okviru iste firme, pa ce mozda gledati na tebe kao na greater asset nego sto bi bila na tom part time poslu.

Ja bih poslala formular, a ako vesti budu dobre u ponedeljak, samo sto pre javi ovim prvima. Ne znam kako to tacno funkcionise, mozda ce HR i znati...

Nadam se da ce biti taj full time ;) !


Odgovorih ti na FB sto se pakovanja tice, imam jos malo vremena, 21. aprila putujem. Frka jeste krenula, ocekujem glavni udar pocetkom aprila kada se bas priblizi...

Zima nikako da prodje, ima snega i taman kad se otopi, krene nova tura :). Taman sam odlozila zimske stvari, kad ono ponovo smrzavanje!!! Ne smeta mi, samo pomislim na kuvanje u Teksasu B-) .


04/20/2009 I-130 sent

04/29/2009 NOA - rejected (petitioner's signature in wrong block)

04/30/2009 I-130 resent

05/11/2009 NOA1 (California Service Center)

08/19/2009 NOA2


09/08/2009 AOS bill&DS-3032 generated

09/15/2009 received in mail

09/20/2009 AOS paid

10/02/2009 AOS package&DS-3032 sent (by mail)

10/14/2009 DS-3032 received

10/16/2009 AVR msg "information missing or incomplete". False RFE!

10/25/2009 IV fee paid

10/27/2009 IV fee shows paid

10/31/2009 IV package sent

11/18/2009 CASE COMPLETE

01/28/2010 IR1 INTERVIEW

Interview moved to 01/22/2010

Visa received on 01/22/2010

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Filed: AOS (apr) Country: Croatia

Tihana, ja bih isto poslala papir nazad, a onda cekala sto ce biti s ovim full time poslom koji zelis. Sve u svemu, odlicne vijesti! Valjda ces se sad maknuti iz ducana. :)

Meni su jucer javili da pocinjem raditi 22.03., a danas mi je na kucnu adresu stigao neki papir s osnovnim informacijama o poslu. Malo sam ljuta jer ipak u 2010. necu imati 11+3 dana godisnjeg, kao sto su spomenuli na jednom od razgovora, vec samo 5+3, ali ajd.. neka im bude. I to je, navodno, puno za ove krajeve. Isto tako, rekli su da placena bolovanja pocinju u drugoj godini rada, a zapravo ce biti u trecoj. I placa mi je 8 centi manja po satu od one koju su spomenuli preko telefona kad su mi javili radosne vijesti... ali neka im i to bude. Placa je i dalje skoro trostruka u usporedbi s onom koju sam imala u Zagrebu za nesto kompliciraniji, ali slican posao ovome.

I to samo zato sto je jako dobra firma, i jer su dobre beneficije (full medical, dental, visual, 401k i svasta nesto). I navodno sudjeluju u troskovima vezanim uz daljnje obrazovanje, sto mi pase jer namjeravam na jesen upisati magisterij, nadam se da ce biti MBA, ako me prime.

Eto.. ostalo mi je jos 7 dana plandovanja prije posla. Uhoh.

I-129F Sent: Aug 20th 2008

Interview Date: April 8th 2009, 10:30 - APPROVED!

K-1 Visa Received: April 9th 2009

POE: Aug 8th 2009, Minneapolis

Wedding: Aug 28th 2009


Our I-129f was approved in 107 days from our NOA1 date.

Our I-129f was approved in 114 days from our filing date.

Our case spent 52 days being chewed by NVC.

Our interview took 224 days from your I-129F NOA1 date.


AOS, AP, EAD filed: Oct 15th 2009

Biometrics: Nov 24th 2009

AP received: Dec 14th 2009

EAD received: Dec 17th 2009

Green Card received: Dec 18th 2009



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Jucer prijepodne sam poslala taj formular za background check tako da ne bi bilo da sam lijena... Nadam se da cu dobiti taj full time posao....Sada moram cekati poziv....


04-15-2011 Package sent to VSC

04-16-2011 Package delivered

04-22-2011 Check cashed

04-23-2011 Received NOA1

06-08-2011 Bio appointment done

01-18-2012 Approval Letter came dated 01-12-2012

01-19-2012 Received Card Production Order text

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Filed: AOS (apr) Country: Croatia

Drzim fige za posao, tihana!

Nego, koji vrag se dogodio ovom forumu? Izgleda kao zadnji izbljuvak. Grozan je za citanje, uf.

I-129F Sent: Aug 20th 2008

Interview Date: April 8th 2009, 10:30 - APPROVED!

K-1 Visa Received: April 9th 2009

POE: Aug 8th 2009, Minneapolis

Wedding: Aug 28th 2009


Our I-129f was approved in 107 days from our NOA1 date.

Our I-129f was approved in 114 days from our filing date.

Our case spent 52 days being chewed by NVC.

Our interview took 224 days from your I-129F NOA1 date.


AOS, AP, EAD filed: Oct 15th 2009

Biometrics: Nov 24th 2009

AP received: Dec 14th 2009

EAD received: Dec 17th 2009

Green Card received: Dec 18th 2009



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Filed: Citizen (apr) Country: Serbia

Jao,jao sto je gadan forum,uzas!!!!!!!!!!

Badgerella,pa nek je sa srecom.

Jel znas kakav ti je raspored,jel imas vikend,dva dana za redom spojena ili razdvojeno.

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Filed: AOS (apr) Country: Croatia

U pocetku cu raditi od 8-5, a onda cu biti u smjenama, na mjesecnoj bazi. Vikend mi je normalan, subota i nedjelja, osim otprilike svake pete subote, koja je radna od 9-1 ili nesto takvo. U svakom slucaju, raspored je skroz u redu.

Jos uvijek ne kuzim sto je floating holiday - takva imam 3 slobodna.

I-129F Sent: Aug 20th 2008

Interview Date: April 8th 2009, 10:30 - APPROVED!

K-1 Visa Received: April 9th 2009

POE: Aug 8th 2009, Minneapolis

Wedding: Aug 28th 2009


Our I-129f was approved in 107 days from our NOA1 date.

Our I-129f was approved in 114 days from our filing date.

Our case spent 52 days being chewed by NVC.

Our interview took 224 days from your I-129F NOA1 date.


AOS, AP, EAD filed: Oct 15th 2009

Biometrics: Nov 24th 2009

AP received: Dec 14th 2009

EAD received: Dec 17th 2009

Green Card received: Dec 18th 2009



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Filed: IR-1/CR-1 Visa Country: Serbia

cao cure ja sam ponovo u dilemi...putujem ne ovaj ponedeljak vec 22 marta. Znam da mi treba potvrda da sam slobodna za udaju sad iz koje Ambasade da ja to izvadim posto sam Hrvatski Drzavljanin i ovde sam Permanent Resident. Ja mislim da treba da idem u Americku ambasadu ali ipak reko da pitam mozda neka od vas zna bolje..

Tihana i Bagdarella sve najbolje sa poslovima

[font="Century Gothic"]Married March 27, 2010
Sent out I-130 December 29, 2010
Recieved NOA 1 January 4, 2011
Touched January 6, 2011
Recieved NOA 2 May 9, 2011
Interview September 27, 2011
Visa in hand Septmeber 30, 2011 (it would of been the same day as the interview but they requested some more info)
POE - JFK, NYC October 12, 2011 [/font]


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Filed: AOS (apr) Country: Croatia

cao cure ja sam ponovo u dilemi...putujem ne ovaj ponedeljak vec 22 marta. Znam da mi treba potvrda da sam slobodna za udaju sad iz koje Ambasade da ja to izvadim posto sam Hrvatski Drzavljanin i ovde sam Permanent Resident. Ja mislim da treba da idem u Americku ambasadu ali ipak reko da pitam mozda neka od vas zna bolje..

Tihana i Bagdarella sve najbolje sa poslovima

Hm. Zapravo nemam pojma. Sto ce ti, zapravo, ta potvrda? Nekako mi logika nalaze da je vadis iz obje zemlje - iz Hrvatske zato sto si hrvatski drzavljanin, a onda i iz Amerike, cisto zato sto si LPR i sto si ovdje boravila zadnjih XY godina.

I-129F Sent: Aug 20th 2008

Interview Date: April 8th 2009, 10:30 - APPROVED!

K-1 Visa Received: April 9th 2009

POE: Aug 8th 2009, Minneapolis

Wedding: Aug 28th 2009


Our I-129f was approved in 107 days from our NOA1 date.

Our I-129f was approved in 114 days from our filing date.

Our case spent 52 days being chewed by NVC.

Our interview took 224 days from your I-129F NOA1 date.


AOS, AP, EAD filed: Oct 15th 2009

Biometrics: Nov 24th 2009

AP received: Dec 14th 2009

EAD received: Dec 17th 2009

Green Card received: Dec 18th 2009



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Filed: IR-1/CR-1 Visa Country: Serbia

nekako mi je glupo da idem u Hrvatsku Ambasadu i to vadim kad nisam Hrvatsk vidila ima skoro 15 godina a u Americi sam vec 11 pa mi tu ima vise logike. Izgleda da mi nista nepreostaje sem da zovem konzulat ovdje i da ih pitam sta im treba.

[font="Century Gothic"]Married March 27, 2010
Sent out I-130 December 29, 2010
Recieved NOA 1 January 4, 2011
Touched January 6, 2011
Recieved NOA 2 May 9, 2011
Interview September 27, 2011
Visa in hand Septmeber 30, 2011 (it would of been the same day as the interview but they requested some more info)
POE - JFK, NYC October 12, 2011 [/font]


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Filed: AOS (apr) Country: Croatia

Posalji mail hrvatskom konzulatu tj. ambasadi. Meni su na neko smijesno pitanje odgovorili unutar par sati.

I-129F Sent: Aug 20th 2008

Interview Date: April 8th 2009, 10:30 - APPROVED!

K-1 Visa Received: April 9th 2009

POE: Aug 8th 2009, Minneapolis

Wedding: Aug 28th 2009


Our I-129f was approved in 107 days from our NOA1 date.

Our I-129f was approved in 114 days from our filing date.

Our case spent 52 days being chewed by NVC.

Our interview took 224 days from your I-129F NOA1 date.


AOS, AP, EAD filed: Oct 15th 2009

Biometrics: Nov 24th 2009

AP received: Dec 14th 2009

EAD received: Dec 17th 2009

Green Card received: Dec 18th 2009



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