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Filed: IR-1/CR-1 Visa Country: Serbia

Millimelo hvala ti...videcu kako mi se sve to vrjeme sklopi ja polazem 26 februara, ako Bog da istog tog dana cu da uradim i zakletvu. Put za Srbiju planiram 18 ili 21 Marta. Ja se samo molim da nista nebude doslo izmedju mog planiranja jer onda cu stvarno da poludim.

Bagdarella cuti ja sam odje 11 godina i dalje me neke stvari cude. Sto se tice thank you nota najbolje je da u ova doba ih saljes putem e-mail jer rjetko ko da salje to tradicionalnom postom sem ako je poslje svadbe, rodjendanske zurke, itd.

[font="Century Gothic"]Married March 27, 2010
Sent out I-130 December 29, 2010
Recieved NOA 1 January 4, 2011
Touched January 6, 2011
Recieved NOA 2 May 9, 2011
Interview September 27, 2011
Visa in hand Septmeber 30, 2011 (it would of been the same day as the interview but they requested some more info)
POE - JFK, NYC October 12, 2011 [/font]


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Filed: Citizen (apr) Country: Serbia

Iskreno, ja prvi put cujem za te thank you note.

Nikad me ni sa kim nisu upoznali i imala sam samo razgovor licem u lice ra menadzerom,ili team lead-om kompanije za koju sam radila,ali nikada se nisam upoznavala.

Osecam da ode i Badgerella u radnicku klasu,hahahhahahhahahhahah.

Nema vise zafrkancije.

Super,super samo dok su krenuli sa intervjuima,sad ce i posao!!!

Drzim palceve!!!!

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Filed: AOS (apr) Country: Croatia

Hvala svima. :)

Danijela, tu u nasim krajevima, cini se, obozavaju slati tradicionalne thank you i slicne cestitke... neki dan smo dobili jednu od obiteljskih prijatelja mojih in-lawsa, samo zato sto smo se pojavili kod njih na jednom vecernjem druzenju. Svako malo netko nesto salje u papirnatom obliku. A ja se, jelte, samo cudim. :)

Poslala sam toj teti iz firme neku kartolinu danas - svekrva je odmah izvukla barem 150 razlicitih iz svog secret stasha. Moras, valjda, biti spreman za svaku mogucu priliku, hahaha. Naravno da sam pustila muza da smisli tekst, nema sansi da ja sama izmislim takvo prekenjavanje, usprkos novinarskoj struci. Jednostavno se ne mogu prisiliti da toliko kenjam. :)

Sto se posla tice, sad jedva cekam pocetak drugog tjedna da vidim hoce li od toga sto biti...

I-129F Sent: Aug 20th 2008

Interview Date: April 8th 2009, 10:30 - APPROVED!

K-1 Visa Received: April 9th 2009

POE: Aug 8th 2009, Minneapolis

Wedding: Aug 28th 2009


Our I-129f was approved in 107 days from our NOA1 date.

Our I-129f was approved in 114 days from our filing date.

Our case spent 52 days being chewed by NVC.

Our interview took 224 days from your I-129F NOA1 date.


AOS, AP, EAD filed: Oct 15th 2009

Biometrics: Nov 24th 2009

AP received: Dec 14th 2009

EAD received: Dec 17th 2009

Green Card received: Dec 18th 2009



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Filed: IR-1/CR-1 Visa Country: Serbia

Bagdarella pa vecinom ako te upoznala sa ostalim radinicima trebalo bi da bude... Ja u ponedeljak polazim da trazim internship, pa ako Bog da nacu ga uz pomoc skole jer za to i placam veliki tuition. Sto se tice thank you notes ko sto sam ti rekla poslje party (pirova valjda se tako kaze hehehe) odje ameri to salju dosta. I meni je vise nego ponekad cudno. Jedva cekam da moj dragi stigne da vidim kako ce on da se privikne. I zaboravi da te pitam odakle si iz Hrvatske? Ja sam rodjena u Hrvatskoj isto ko i moj dragi.

[font="Century Gothic"]Married March 27, 2010
Sent out I-130 December 29, 2010
Recieved NOA 1 January 4, 2011
Touched January 6, 2011
Recieved NOA 2 May 9, 2011
Interview September 27, 2011
Visa in hand Septmeber 30, 2011 (it would of been the same day as the interview but they requested some more info)
POE - JFK, NYC October 12, 2011 [/font]


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Filed: AOS (apr) Country: Croatia

Iz Zagreba sam!

I-129F Sent: Aug 20th 2008

Interview Date: April 8th 2009, 10:30 - APPROVED!

K-1 Visa Received: April 9th 2009

POE: Aug 8th 2009, Minneapolis

Wedding: Aug 28th 2009


Our I-129f was approved in 107 days from our NOA1 date.

Our I-129f was approved in 114 days from our filing date.

Our case spent 52 days being chewed by NVC.

Our interview took 224 days from your I-129F NOA1 date.


AOS, AP, EAD filed: Oct 15th 2009

Biometrics: Nov 24th 2009

AP received: Dec 14th 2009

EAD received: Dec 17th 2009

Green Card received: Dec 18th 2009



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badgerella nadam se da ces dobiti posao!!!

Imam jedno pitanje u vezi prijave poreza za 2009. godinu. Jas sam u Zagrebu radila do kraja 2. mjeseca i dobila zadnju placu u 3. mjesecu, znaci tri place za lani. Danas sam dobila doma taj PK obrazac i popunila na netu onu tablicu i bude mi mama sljedeci tjedan to poslala.

Ali da li moram prijaviti da sam radila u sad-u i platila sve svoje poreze ili ne?

Takoder imam sve papire za prijavu poreza za sebe i dragog tu u americi i sve sam popunila online na turbotax. Da li i tu trebam sve napisati da sam dobila 3 place u 2009 u Hrvatskoj. Jer na pocetku pita da li si cijele godine bio u americi i kada si dosao i da li si radio i platio porez izvan sad-a.

Ako i trebam popuniti sve po kojem tecaju to prepracunavam? Please help!


04-15-2011 Package sent to VSC

04-16-2011 Package delivered

04-22-2011 Check cashed

04-23-2011 Received NOA1

06-08-2011 Bio appointment done

01-18-2012 Approval Letter came dated 01-12-2012

01-19-2012 Received Card Production Order text

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Filed: AOS (apr) Country: Croatia

Tihana, nazalost nemam pojma o porezima. Nadam se da ce moji u Zagrebu prokuziti sve bez mene - radila sam prvih sest mjeseci 2009., a imam i cijelu hrpu drugih stvari za koje se dobiva povrat. Ovdje - nista, iako mi nesto muz kaze da bi trebalo i mene staviti na zajednicku prijavu, iako nista nisam platila, nit zaradila.

Moje danasnje pitanje - cover letter. Ponekad se trazi uz resume, ponekad ne. Sto je to, zapravo? Ne isplati mi se koristiti ikakvo znanje o tim pisamcetima iz Hrvatske jer je sve sto se ovdje trazi neusporedivo drugacije. Sto pisem na to cudo? :/

I-129F Sent: Aug 20th 2008

Interview Date: April 8th 2009, 10:30 - APPROVED!

K-1 Visa Received: April 9th 2009

POE: Aug 8th 2009, Minneapolis

Wedding: Aug 28th 2009


Our I-129f was approved in 107 days from our NOA1 date.

Our I-129f was approved in 114 days from our filing date.

Our case spent 52 days being chewed by NVC.

Our interview took 224 days from your I-129F NOA1 date.


AOS, AP, EAD filed: Oct 15th 2009

Biometrics: Nov 24th 2009

AP received: Dec 14th 2009

EAD received: Dec 17th 2009

Green Card received: Dec 18th 2009



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Filed: IR-1/CR-1 Visa Country: Serbia

ja nevjerujem da u americkim tax formama trebas navesti rad iz Hrvatske

sto se tice cover letter to je Pismo u kojem navedes tvoje znanje firme u kojoj trazis poso, isto vremeno navodis sto si ti osoba za taj poso i sta je tvoj cilj. Sve u svemu hvalis sebe

evo ti moj cover letter za primjer

November 2, 2009

Ms. Monica Mckenzie

IDGA General Manager

International Quality & Productivity Center

535 Fifth Avenue, 8th Floor

New York, NY 10017

Dear Ms. Mckenzie

I am responding to the advertisement posted on CareerZone.com on October 21st, 2009 for the health services internship position in your production department.

I am currently enrolled in Berkeley College and expect to graduate in June 2010 with an Associates in Applied Services in Health Services Management. My studies have provided me with knowledge of computers, the health field, and different programs offered to make the health industry a successful business. Through my coursework I have learned the importance of organization, and time management.

Aside from my formal education, I have five years of part and full time work experiences that have provided me with a number of skills. While working at a dental office I have learned how to interact with patients on a day to day basis, as well as keeping track of patient files and their insurance records. Overall, I am a hands on person who can learn quickly and handle working under pressure.

Besides my work experience and education I would also like to mention that I am fluent in several Easter European languages, and semi-fluent in Spanish. I believe that my education and experience would be invaluable to your department and I am hopeful for the opportunity to prove myself.

Thank you very much for your consideration and I look forward to meeting with you so we can further discuss how I may contribute to your team.



a evo ti i thank you note


adresa broj telefona i email odje

November 2, 2009

Ms. Monica Mckenzie

IDGA General Manager

International Quality & Productivity Center

535 Fifth Avenue, 8th Floor

New York, NY 10017

Dear Ms. Mckenzie

Thank you for the opportunity to interview for the position of a health services intern with International Quality & Productivity Center.

I am very impressed with your company, and would like to be a part of its success. I was particularly interested in international aspect of the business and the work you do with medical professionals and their continuing education.

As I had mentioned to you during the interview, I am a well organized, creative, and goal oriented person. My work experience in various industries, including the health industry, as well as my language skills would greatly benefit your department.

Thank you again, Ms. Mckenzie, for the interview. I look forward to hearing from you.



Bagdarella eto tu imas moj cover letter i thank you note sto sam morala da uradim za cas i koristila sam neku kompaniju sto sam nasla preko neta

[font="Century Gothic"]Married March 27, 2010
Sent out I-130 December 29, 2010
Recieved NOA 1 January 4, 2011
Touched January 6, 2011
Recieved NOA 2 May 9, 2011
Interview September 27, 2011
Visa in hand Septmeber 30, 2011 (it would of been the same day as the interview but they requested some more info)
POE - JFK, NYC October 12, 2011 [/font]


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Filed: Citizen (apr) Country: Serbia

Mislim da ne treba nista da prijavljujes odande nego samo ovde.Ja sam se prvo zeznula pa sam na W-4obrascu klejmovala i sebe i muza,pa vidim ja nesto mi malo skidaju,kad mi miz razjasni da je to zbog toga sto onda misle da on ne radi pa da ja izdrzavam oboje,pa bi na kraju mozda i mi morali njima da platimo,sto me malo brine jer sam prosle godine radila mesec i po i placala i za njega ovde,a od nove godine sam izmenila pa placam samo za sebe.

Badgerela,mislim da i tebe muz treba da prijavi za taksu,mene je moj prosle godine prijavio iako nisam bila u usa,pa je na osnovu toga dobio i neke pare extra a ne samo povracaj takse.

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Filed: IR-1/CR-1 Visa Country: Serbia


Ja sam prijavila primanja iz Srbije za 2007 i 2008 (i to u bruto iznosu kako mi je bilo poslato iz firme). Posto sam bila u braku sa USC i zajedno smo podneli prijavu, ta primanja su fakticki bila zajednicka, te smo morali da ih prijavimo. Ja do sada nisam krocila u SAD i to mi je bilo potpuno suludo, ali morala sam da posaljem zahtev za izdavanje ITIN-a u nedostatku SSN-a... Napominjem da smo se mi vencali u junu 2007, ali je bilo bitno stanje na kraju godine, te se za potrebe poreske prijave racunalo da smo bili u braku cele godine!

Moja (bruto) primanja na godisnjem nivou uopste nisu bila losa, pa od toga nikakve koristi nismo imali :D!

U dogovoru sa suprugom, ja sam tada sama prevela potvrdu o primanjima koju sam dobila iz firme i ostavila je u dinarima. Ipak, on je imao agenta koji je posle pripremao formulare, jer je i moj suprug radio u Srbiji, te placao porez i ovde i u Americi i to je bilo malo ludo!

Mislim da se primanja iz inostranstva prijavljuju IRS-u, ali ne znam kako izgledaju formulari koje ti popunjavas i koliko je jednostavno to uraditi.

Ne znam kakav je zakon u Hrvatskoj i da li tvoja US primanja podlezu hrvatskom porezu. Ne verujem, jer onda niko ne bi radio nista u inostranstvu. Mozda tvoji roditelji mogu to da provere u poreskom kod kuce...

Znam da je cela ova prica pain in the ....!


04/20/2009 I-130 sent

04/29/2009 NOA - rejected (petitioner's signature in wrong block)

04/30/2009 I-130 resent

05/11/2009 NOA1 (California Service Center)

08/19/2009 NOA2


09/08/2009 AOS bill&DS-3032 generated

09/15/2009 received in mail

09/20/2009 AOS paid

10/02/2009 AOS package&DS-3032 sent (by mail)

10/14/2009 DS-3032 received

10/16/2009 AVR msg "information missing or incomplete". False RFE!

10/25/2009 IV fee paid

10/27/2009 IV fee shows paid

10/31/2009 IV package sent

11/18/2009 CASE COMPLETE

01/28/2010 IR1 INTERVIEW

Interview moved to 01/22/2010

Visa received on 01/22/2010

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Filed: AOS (apr) Country: Croatia

Danijela, puno hvala! :)

Mislim da strana primanja nikako ne podlijezu placanju poreza u Hrvatskoj, tim vise sto nisi uopce tamo. Da podlijezu, vjerojatno politicari i sportasi ne bi otvarali racune u Monte Carlu. Provjeri za svaki slucaj s poreznom upravom.

I-129F Sent: Aug 20th 2008

Interview Date: April 8th 2009, 10:30 - APPROVED!

K-1 Visa Received: April 9th 2009

POE: Aug 8th 2009, Minneapolis

Wedding: Aug 28th 2009


Our I-129f was approved in 107 days from our NOA1 date.

Our I-129f was approved in 114 days from our filing date.

Our case spent 52 days being chewed by NVC.

Our interview took 224 days from your I-129F NOA1 date.


AOS, AP, EAD filed: Oct 15th 2009

Biometrics: Nov 24th 2009

AP received: Dec 14th 2009

EAD received: Dec 17th 2009

Green Card received: Dec 18th 2009



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Filed: IR-1/CR-1 Visa Country: Serbia

Dali se treba prijaviti unaprjed ko Maticara u Srbiji?

[font="Century Gothic"]Married March 27, 2010
Sent out I-130 December 29, 2010
Recieved NOA 1 January 4, 2011
Touched January 6, 2011
Recieved NOA 2 May 9, 2011
Interview September 27, 2011
Visa in hand Septmeber 30, 2011 (it would of been the same day as the interview but they requested some more info)
POE - JFK, NYC October 12, 2011 [/font]


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Filed: IR-1/CR-1 Visa Country: Serbia


Zaboravila sam da ces ti biti U.S. drzavljanin kada budete sklapali brak! Ne znam da li su upoznata sa informacijama datim u linku ispod. Naci ces spisak dokumenata koje morate odneti maticaru prilikom zakazivanja vencanja + njegov izvod iz MKR i licnu kartu. Ukoliko zelite da se vencate u opstini, ne bi trebalo da bude problem da zakazete par dana unapred (osim ako nisu u pitanju subota i nedelja). Ukoliko zelite da maticar dodje u restoran i sl. moja iskustva su da treba zakazati bar mesec dana unapred. Govorim o Beogradu. E sada, ako znate nekog ko zna nekog...mozete bar rezervisati termin, pa naknadno doneti dokumenta.

Dokumenta koja je potrebno da trazis iz U.S. Ambasade - izjava da si slobodna da se vencas i njihova potvrda da ce brak biti priznat u Americi dobijaju se za oko 20ak min. Ministarstvo inostranih poslova je na 200m od Amabasade i tu se isto ne ceka puno, a tu je i posta gde moze da se uplati trazeni iznos (ne secam se koliko).

Na sajtu Ambasade mozes naci i mail (pod American Citizen Services) na koji mozes da zakazes dolazak po izjave da ne bi puno cekala.

Imas li apostilirani izvod iz maticne knjige rodjenih (ne bi trebalo da bude stariji od 6 meseci)?

Ako imas srpsko drzavljanstvo, onda sve ovo ne vazi. A ako si sa ovim vec upoznata, tim bolje...

I evo linka:


Edited by *ET*


04/20/2009 I-130 sent

04/29/2009 NOA - rejected (petitioner's signature in wrong block)

04/30/2009 I-130 resent

05/11/2009 NOA1 (California Service Center)

08/19/2009 NOA2


09/08/2009 AOS bill&DS-3032 generated

09/15/2009 received in mail

09/20/2009 AOS paid

10/02/2009 AOS package&DS-3032 sent (by mail)

10/14/2009 DS-3032 received

10/16/2009 AVR msg "information missing or incomplete". False RFE!

10/25/2009 IV fee paid

10/27/2009 IV fee shows paid

10/31/2009 IV package sent

11/18/2009 CASE COMPLETE

01/28/2010 IR1 INTERVIEW

Interview moved to 01/22/2010

Visa received on 01/22/2010

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Filed: IR-1/CR-1 Visa Country: Serbia

ET hvala ti puno, znam vec da trebam da idem u Americku amabasadu da uzmem taj dokaz da nisam bila udavata pre i znam da kosta oko 30 dolara. Sto se tice izvoda iz MKR to ce mi rodjak da posalje iz Hrvatske ovih dana (ustvari poslace mom dragom) on takodje treba svoj da izvadi iz hrvatske ali totalno drugog djela i nacice nekog da mu to ucini. Jedino sto nisam znala jeste da treba da se zakaza unaprjed sa maticarom. Pa cu to reci dragom da uradi nedje u februaru tako da maticar zna. Sigurno se planiramo vjencati 28 ili 29 marta sto je petak ili subota i bice u malom mjestu kod Ivanjice (kod maticara).

Da vam svima objasnim nasa situacija je veoma iskomplikovana sto se tice mog buduceg muza. Jer on je rodjen u Hrvatskoj a u Srbiji zivi kao Izbjeglica. Sada je u processu da dobije Srpsko drzavljanstvo sto me brine jer sta ako ga pozovu u vojsku dok mi radimo sve papire. U isto vrjeme jos nije ni napravio hrvatsku putovnicu (pasos) jer nemozes u Srbiji da ga napravis u Hrvatskoj ambasadi bez Srpske licne karte sto on za sad nema. A ja nemogu tako lako da mu objasnim sta sve treba dok neodem tamo jer tvrdoglavim musakrcima tesko objasniti te stvari preko telefona. Ponekad dobijem osjecaj da on misli da je to stani pani i sve ce doci na svoje mjesto bez ikakvog rada :(...ugh poludecu do marta.

[font="Century Gothic"]Married March 27, 2010
Sent out I-130 December 29, 2010
Recieved NOA 1 January 4, 2011
Touched January 6, 2011
Recieved NOA 2 May 9, 2011
Interview September 27, 2011
Visa in hand Septmeber 30, 2011 (it would of been the same day as the interview but they requested some more info)
POE - JFK, NYC October 12, 2011 [/font]


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Filed: Other Country: Serbia
ET hvala ti puno, znam vec da trebam da idem u Americku amabasadu da uzmem taj dokaz da nisam bila udavata pre i znam da kosta oko 30 dolara. Sto se tice izvoda iz MKR to ce mi rodjak da posalje iz Hrvatske ovih dana (ustvari poslace mom dragom) on takodje treba svoj da izvadi iz hrvatske ali totalno drugog djela i nacice nekog da mu to ucini. Jedino sto nisam znala jeste da treba da se zakaza unaprjed sa maticarom. Pa cu to reci dragom da uradi nedje u februaru tako da maticar zna. Sigurno se planiramo vjencati 28 ili 29 marta sto je petak ili subota i bice u malom mjestu kod Ivanjice (kod maticara).

Da vam svima objasnim nasa situacija je veoma iskomplikovana sto se tice mog buduceg muza. Jer on je rodjen u Hrvatskoj a u Srbiji zivi kao Izbjeglica. Sada je u processu da dobije Srpsko drzavljanstvo sto me brine jer sta ako ga pozovu u vojsku dok mi radimo sve papire. U isto vrjeme jos nije ni napravio hrvatsku putovnicu (pasos) jer nemozes u Srbiji da ga napravis u Hrvatskoj ambasadi bez Srpske licne karte sto on za sad nema. A ja nemogu tako lako da mu objasnim sta sve treba dok neodem tamo jer tvrdoglavim musakrcima tesko objasniti te stvari preko telefona. Ponekad dobijem osjecaj da on misli da je to stani pani i sve ce doci na svoje mjesto bez ikakvog rada :(...ugh poludecu do marta.

Danijela, za vojsku ne brini, vojska Srbije prelazi u profesionalnu tako da ga sigurno nece zvati, a nece ni biti evidentiran u vojnom odseku kad dobije licnu kartu, osim ako se sam ne prijavi.

Hrvatsku putnu ispravu neka napravi u Hrvatskoj, a to ce uraditi tako sto ce otici u konzulat RH u Beogradu i izvaditi putni list, i sa tim listom otputovati u RH i napraviti putnu ispravu, nije mu potrebna srpska licna karta.

Kad vam taj rodjak bude vadio rodni list, neka vam obavezno izvadi i potvrde sa JMBG, jer u rodnim listovim vise ne pisu JMBG, a nikad se ne zna kad vam JMBG moze zatrebati, posebno u RS.

Eh, drzavljanstvo RS, bice jos dugo u procesu ako nema vezu, odnosno ako ne casti:)).

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